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The Mistaken Escort's Pleasure: A Liaison Novel

Page 13

by Valerie Ullmer

  “Call us if you need anything,” Lucian said.

  “You do the same,” Gabriel replied.

  The two men shook hands before Gabriel placed a protective hand on Rebecca’s back and walked her to the elevator. She smiled at the sight for a minute; she turned back to see that Ben and Nina had pulled on their own coats, ready to head out. She smiled at their connected hands, happy that her friends found each other.

  “Next time you’ll have to come up with more embarrassing stories,” she told Nina as she hugged her.

  “Not a problem,” she said with a squeeze.

  She hugged Ben next, but it didn’t last long with Lucian glaring at him. Ben took her by surprise when his hand shot out, offering it to Lucian as a truce. Lucian shook it, and Ben cracked a small smile. They walked the new couple to the door and promised to get together soon. As she shut the door, she turned back to find a heated look in Lucian’s eyes.

  She smothered a laugh and sidestepped away from the door. “Tonight was fun.”

  His eyes traced her movements, but there was no smile on his face. His look was purely predatory.

  “I was thinking that they’d never leave.”

  She edge close to the couch, putting it between the two of them. “Why would you want them to leave?”

  His growl had her biting her lip to prevent the smile from ending their little game. He stepped closer, enough for her to see the hungry gleam in his eyes and the way his body reacted to their playing.

  “You know why.”

  She shifted farther away from him, and loved how his eyes narrowed at her. Her eyes perused his body, and although Lucian in a suit was near perfection, tonight he’d dressed in worn jeans and a sweater that molded to his chest and arms, sending her heart into overdrive. She loved that during dinner that he went barefoot. When he shoved his sleeves up as the apartment became warmer, even his forearms turned her on.

  “You are the sexiest man I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” She licked her lips, anticipating being able to taste him. But not now. She needed to make him crave her more than she throbbed for him.

  He darted toward her and hurdled the couch, but at that moment, she dashed for the kitchen island. She rounded the corner, breathless and laughing, before she glanced to see where he was. A squeal tore from her throat when he threw his arm around her waist, pulling her close for a kiss, but his lips stopped inches from contact. She rose on her toes to get closer, but he prevented her from meeting his lips with hers.

  “I don’t like it when you tease.”

  “You’re teasing me now,” she whispered.

  “No, I’m building anticipation.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, and his mouth descended, shocking her when his tongue swept inside, taking control and drawing a moan from deep in her chest. They kissed as though the other was the air they needed to survive, and he mastered her mouth as he lifted her to wrap around him.

  “Need…you,” he managed.

  Everything was forgotten as they came together in a rush, striving to get closer. Clothes flew around the room, and they had managed to make it to the bed before he plunged inside her, causing everything to freeze with the sensations exploding within her. He inhaled her breaths, as she did his, but the frantic need didn’t wane until her taut body pulled tighter and tighter, threatening to fracture the pressure surrounding her core and rack her body with pleasure. They released at the same time; her body clenched a split second before waves of pleasure swelled, and broke against her. Slowly, the waves lessened in their intensity, and she came back into consciousness.

  “Are you okay, love?”

  She reached for him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him until his weight was on top of her. He tried to pull back, but she wouldn’t allow even an inch between them.

  “That was…” She tried to explain, but had no words.

  Several minutes passed before she allowed him to move next to her. She buried her face in his neck, unable to process what had happened between them. Making love to him had held an element of ferocity and emotion, but tonight, something had changed. She’d made love to him knowing that she loved him, and it was everything. This one moment in time would be seared into her memory.

  She lifted her head and glanced at his worried face.

  “I…” She almost admitted her feelings, but something told her to wait. She could taste the fear on her tongue, but she still couldn’t admit her feelings. “I’m grateful every day that I met you.”

  Some emotion passed over his face, but a split second later it was gone. He pulled her onto his chest and cuddled her close to his chest, before he kissed her on the top of her head.

  “That goes the same for me.”

  She smiled and turned her face to kiss his skin over his heart. Soon—she would tell him soon, and let the pieces fall where they may.

  Chapter Twenty

  As they walked to the reception area from the ceremony room, close to a half hour after they’d watched Tim and Amanda marry, the tension that radiated from Lucian was close to a breaking point.

  Before they walked into the lavishly decorated room, splashed in colors of deep red and blue, he relaxed his shoulders and squeezed Ellie close to his side. His eyes met hers, and he smiled a genuine smile as he led the way to their assigned table. He stopped short when Ellie gasped and clutched his arm.

  “He invited my parents,” she whispered.

  By her reaction to seeing the older couple, silent as they sipped at their wine, he knew that the next few hours were going to be torture for her. He bit back a curse, realizing why the older couple had been invited.

  Amanda wanted to see her suffer.

  Ellie’s relationship with her parents was known to be strained, and this was the perfect way to get revenge. Ignoring the rage that burned in his veins, he turned to face her and he effectively blocked her from their gazes. He gripped her hands in his and noted with alarm that she was shaking.

  “We can find somewhere else to sit, or we can brave this together.” His hands slid up and down her arms as he tried to warm her. She was stunning in a dark-blue beaded chiffon dress, and he was proud to stand next to her as the man who loved her more than he’d ever imagined.

  “You look stunning, by the way. I’m honored to be here with you, and no matter what happens, I’m not leaving you. Okay?”

  Her stunned eyes met his, and he bit back a curse. She thought that he would allow her parents, and her so-called friends, to influence his opinion of her. But his course was solid, and he would never stray from it. As soon as they had time alone, he was going to lay out how he felt, and there would be no doubt by the end of the conversation what his feelings were. Unfortunately, they had to get through tonight, and then their future would start.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “That’s my girl.” He smiled.

  As they approached the table, he noticed the exact moment when the older couple spotted their daughter. Their backs stiffened, and by the confused looks on their faces, they weren’t expecting to run into her. When they noticed his arm around her waist, again, he saw that confusion marred their faces. They glanced at one another, as if what they had seen made no sense.

  “Hello, Professors,” she said, her voice strong.

  “Ellie,” they both said, clipped.

  “This is my fiancé, Lucian Cole. Lucian, these are my parents, Professors Ruth and Chuck Roth.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” he managed, although what he wanted to say was on the tip of his tongue.

  Without a word, they darted their glances between Ellie and him, as if they were trying to put together a puzzle and they couldn’t find that one piece they needed to complete it. Her mother’s lips were compressed in a thin, disapproving line, while her father scowled at them, as if they were here to play a cruel joke on him. He’d just met them, and he knew that they were the most selfish people he could ever meet.

  He was grateful for his loving parents, wh
o supported him and his siblings no matter what their venture was.

  A fury that he couldn’t explain overwhelmed him, and he took a deep breath in order to calm down. Ellie was his, and from now on, she would never want for anything, including affection and a family.

  He held out a chair for Ellie, close to him, but the farthest away from her parents.

  They were glaring at her, and he wasn’t sure whether it was the news they received about her engagement, or whether it was because she’d come to the wedding. He didn’t care, and he couldn’t understand their hostility. Ellie could never hurt anyone, and if she did, it wasn’t because she set out to do so. She put others first, and sometimes that generosity bit her on the ass, such as her friend’s betrayal, but she was stronger because of it. It felt as though she’d always been in his life, gifting him with her smile, her laugh, her kiss, everything that was Ellie—his Ellie.

  They hadn’t taken their eyes off their daughter, who squeezed his hand but held her head high.

  “Fiancé? You’re engaged?” her mother screeched.

  Ellie nodded. “For close to a month.” She turned to him and smiled. “It was love at first sight.”

  The world evaporated at her smile, and for a moment, it was the two of them in the gaudily decorated room. He squeezed her hand in his and gave her a smile to reassure her.

  “Who would want to marry you?” her father hissed.

  Ellie flinched but didn’t release her hand from his, and her smile never faltered. She didn’t answer his question. As he was about to tell the older man what he thought of him, a shrill voice interrupted.

  “What a wonderful family reunion,” Amanda said.

  The glare of hatred he turned her way made the smile slip from her face, and she stepped back to grab Tim. Her husband had the sense to look ashamed for what they had done, but this was Amanda’s turn to shine, and she was going to do her best to embarrass Ellie.

  Lucian stood, unable to control his anger, but a small, cool hand on his stopped him from telling the happy couple what he thought about them. He sat back down, wrapping an arm around Ellie’s shoulders, and pulled her in close.

  The vicious woman took his silence as capitulation, and couldn’t help spewing more vicious words.

  “Did you know that Lucian here owns his own tech company? He’s loaded. Billions, I think. I dated him at one point, but despite all the money, he has a nasty temper, and I could never marry someone like him.”

  The entire reception became silent at her words, and although he had no worries about Amanda attacking him, he knew that Ellie didn’t like to be the center of attention, and that was what they were getting with Amanda’s emphatic words that carried throughout the room.

  He turned toward Ellie.

  She surprised him again, and burst out laughing. She wiped the tears that leaked from her eyes, before she hugged her waist. He couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped as her tinkling laughter surrounded him and warmed him. With words that were pushed through fits of laughter, she excused herself and headed toward the restroom.

  Lucian, on the other hand, wasn’t so generous. The smile dropped from his face after Ellie had stepped into the hallway, and he turned toward the newlyweds.

  “You were drunk on our one and only date, flirted with every man in the room, before getting sick from the amount of alcohol you consumed. That was forgivable, but sleeping with Ellie’s boyfriend, and spreading rumors that you were the one who was cheated on, is pathetic. I wish you the best in your marriage, but stay the hell away from Ellie, or you’ll have to deal with me.” He growled the last part.

  He caught the shocked look of the new groom, and maybe this time, he would be able to control his new wife’s venom. Without a care about those around him, he jerked to his feet and headed to where he last spotted Ellie.

  As he paced back and forth in front of the doors, his heart lurched at how hurt she must be, and he wanted to put his fist through the wall. He must’ve looked like a crazy man, because those who rounded the corner and found him skulking ran the other way. That brought a smile to his face, but there was no way he would leave Ellie to fend for herself.

  “Mr. Cole.”

  His eyes closed and he bit back the groan of disgust that threatened to escape. When he opened them, he found both of Ellie’s parents in front of him, with a look he knew too well.

  How the hell did Ellie turn out to be such a beautiful woman, inside and out, with these two as her parents?

  “Yes.” His voice was curt.

  “I was wondering if what Amanda told us was true. About owning your own company?” the older man asked.

  “Yes,” he said. At this moment, he was unsure where this conversation was headed.

  The couple peered at each other, and returned their attention to him.

  “Why would you even look twice at our daughter? She wasted her education on a worthless profession, and she’s a very disagreeable woman. Despite what you said about Amanda stealing Tim from under Ellie, I think you have it the wrong way,” the older woman said.

  An anger that he’d never felt before raged throughout his body; his mind clouded, making him mute for several seconds. He knew that they wouldn’t share his opinion about their daughter, but he knew that he had to try.

  “First of all, Ellie is the most precious person in the world to me, so watch what you say about her. Second, if you ever took the time to get to know her, you would realize what an amazing woman she is. Her talent is beyond measure, and the gallery showing she had Thursday was a smashing success. She is in demand now because she worked hard and didn’t allow her vision to become compromised.

  “On top of being talented, she’s a great friend. She worries about other people, even though it’s not her responsibility to do so. She has a smile for everyone, and in her own way, makes those around her better for having known her. She forgives without a thought to her own peace of mind, even when she shouldn’t, because she wants others to be happy. There is not one time in our relationship where I felt anything but awe and love for the woman I’ve gotten to know, and there will never be a moment in my life when I will ever…ever…betray her. You two have done nothing but treat her as an unwanted, unloved woman, and that’s your loss. But I will spend the rest of my life making sure she has everything she will ever need, including me. Is there anything else you wanted to add?” he asked through gritted teeth.

  Quiet settled around them. The clink of utensils on plates, and the occasional shout of laughter pierced through it. His chest heaved with anger, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk away until they got the message. Ellie shouldn’t have been discarded, and they should have never let her feel unwanted.

  “You are very protective of her,” Ellie’s mother whispered.

  “Yes, I’m a little ashamed that I’ve never defended my wife with such vehemence,” the older man said.

  When he calmed down enough to assess the situation, he noticed that the disgusted look had left their faces, replaced by surprise. If his words gave them any insight on their daughter, he would be grateful, but he wasn’t counting on it.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “How long have you known her?”

  “It doesn’t matter. We were meant for each other. She’s agreed to marry me, and when we pick a date, I hope that you two will make it to the wedding. But from this point on, you won’t do or say anything that will hurt her. When you two have stopped blaming your daughter for whatever slights you think she caused, then maybe you could try to repair your relationship with her. But I will never allow her to be hurt, by you or anyone else, do you understand?” he growled.

  They both nodded, and it took him by surprise when they interlaced their fingers and stepped toward each other. That was the first hint of affection between them.

  “When I got pregnant, we had no idea what to do with a baby, because we were so involved in our careers and never thought about the possibility of having a child. We cared about our careers, eve
n more than each other. By the time we retired, we realized how horrendously we treated Ellie, but the damage had been done. It seems that whenever we do talk, the old hostilities come back, and we realize it is our fault. We accepted the invitation as a way to try to make amends, but we’ve done more damage.”

  Lucian shook his head, unable to wrap his head around the hostility back at the table, and now the regret they both felt. “Why did you feel the need to insult her even before she sat down?”

  “I have no idea,” her mother said, sounding defeated.

  “We would like a chance to talk to her. Do you think you can escort her back to the table, and we’ll try to explain,” Ellie’s father said.

  “It depends on what Ellie wants, but I will talk to her,” he replied.

  The couple nodded and shot him a look of hope, before they walked back to the assigned table.

  He heard the door behind him open, and when he turned to look at her, he smiled as he watched her giggle through her hand that was clamped around her mouth. Apparently, she was more amused than hurt.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help but laughing.”

  “I know, it was ridiculous,” he said.

  That sobered her up. “No, I meant it’s funny that Amanda believed that she had a chance of marrying you. Other than the truth about your business, she has no clue who you are. I think you’re the most handsome and generous man I know.”

  He slid his arms around her waist and leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead. This woman, his woman, was unbelievable. He didn’t know how she would respond to her parents’ request, but he was about to find out.

  “I had a conversation with your parents, and they would like an opportunity to talk to you.” He kept his opinion to himself, not wanting to sway her one way or the other, because this was her decision to make. She could interpret their words however she wanted, and he would be there for support.

  “Do they want to catch up, or is it to criticize?” she asked.

  “I think they want to know how you’re doing,” he answered.


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