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Savage: Wolf Ranch

Page 10

by Renee Rose

  It was possible my scream had scared Starshine. The intensity of it sure scared me. I’d never had anyone touch my ass before during sex. Well, ever. I was going to have to change my thoughts about that because holy hell, that had pushed me over the edge.

  I didn’t know how much time passed before my vision cleared and I became aware of my surroundings again. The stable. My panting breath. Clint’s satisfied smirk as he slid his fingers out and licked them, one after the other as if he was getting the last bits of a tasty treat. His mouth and chin were glistening. Oh my god, I was all over him. I should have been mortified, but I was too well pleasured to give a shit. My horniness was soothed, for the moment.

  “I’m gonna be hard all fucking evening thinking about that.” He reached down and adjusted himself. I looked, saw how big he was pressed against his zipper. He was a big cowboy… all over.

  “Sorry,” I said automatically, biting my lip.

  He shook his head. “Don’t you dare apologize. You have needs, sugar, and it’s my job to take care of them.”

  “I’m not usually this… horny.”

  He grinned. “You won’t hear me complaining. Watching you come is a fucking gift.” He pulled my jeans back up and zipped and buttoned me in them, making me feel cherished as hell. Making me think what a great dad he would make. “I’ll take care of you again when we get in bed later, naked.”

  His phone rang, and he pulled it from his coat pocket. “It’s Rob, I need to take this, okay?” He held up a finger and paced away. “Yeah. Actually, I’m in the stable with Becky. Yes, Audrey’s friend. Yes. Yes. Okay.” He glanced over at me. “That should work. Hang on.” He pulled the phone from his ear and looked at me. “Audrey and Marina are at the main house with Willow, Rob’s wife, for a ladies’ happy hour if you want to join them. I need to stop in and talk to Rob for a bit. Would that work, sugar?”

  Wow. A man who asked what I wanted to do before making plans. It shouldn’t seem novel, but it was. Clint was considerate. And yes, girl time sounded fabulous. Audrey was my BFF, and I knew Marina, but hadn’t met Willow yet. If she could tame moody Rob, then I knew I was going to like her.

  “That sounds fun.” I hopped down from the hay bale.

  Clint stepped close and pulled a piece of straw from my hair. “I like seeing you all mussed and know I got you that way. I’m not sharing it with others though.” He leaned down, kissed my forehead. “You’re all mine.”



  “What’s up?” I followed Rob into his office, shutting out the laughter and chatter of the women in the great room.

  While Audrey, Marina and Willow were surprised to see Becky with me, they’d embraced her with open arms, literally, then shooed me and Rob out to catch up. Becky seemed happy, so it was easy for me to leave her. I was totally whipped since she was just down the fucking hall. But, I was here at my alpha’s request, and now I had to focus on whatever he had to say.

  “You tell me.” Rob leaned a hip against his desk and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’ve claimed her.”

  “I have.”

  “You’ve been back in town, what, four days? You move fast.”

  “As if you’re one to talk.” I tapped my finger on my chin. “If I remember correctly, you got one whiff of Willow and slammed a door in my face.”

  The corner of Rob’s mouth turned up, which for him, was a wide grin.

  “She’s pregnant,” I said.

  A dark brow went up, his only sign of surprise. “Four days. You’ve been back four fucking days. How do you know she’s—”

  “Audrey’s bachelorette party. The storage room at Cody’s. Potent swimmers who got past a condom.” I gave him the short and sweet version. We were best friends, but we didn’t share details of our sex lives. No doubt he could scent Becky’s arousal all over me from what I did to her in the stable. That was enough.

  “You knew back then she was your mate and left to track down Jarod Jameson?” His voice rumbled with quiet anger. Mates didn’t leave their females unprotected. Not for a day and especially not for months, like I had.

  “If I’d known she was my mate, you think I wouldn’t have told you? I’d have ensured you watched out for her. Had pack protection.”

  “How did you not know?”

  “I got punched in the fucking nose by an asshole messing with Becky that night at Cody’s. I couldn’t start a bar fight, no matter how much I wanted to rip the guy’s throat out. It was the middle of Audrey’s party, and I know your rules.”

  He nodded once.

  “My nose was broken. I couldn’t scent her. I wanted her even when I didn’t know she was mine.”

  Even Rob couldn’t say that.

  He sighed. “I’m guessing you’re going to tell me you’re done, that an enforcer spot just opened up.”


  He frowned. “Unfortunately, it might not be that easy.” Going around the desk, he settled into his chair, dropped his head back as if he had shit to deal with, and it was exhausting.

  I waited, stifling the low growl I wanted to issue at any potential threat to my mate. Me remaining council enforcer would definitely be a threat, even if the only issue was being gone for long stretches. But that wasn’t the only problem. It was a dangerous job, while I was gone and once I got home. If the wrong shifters found out my identity, everyone I loved could be in danger.

  “Word out of the Madison Range pack—”

  “Is Sal Brown still causing you trouble?” I asked.

  He waved his hand through the air. “Not him, but it turns out Jarod Jameson was his nephew.”

  A spike of cold stabbed at the base of my head. I set my hat on the corner of his desk and ran a hand across the back of my neck, trying to rub out the feeling. “Fuck.”

  “I guess the kid didn’t grow up in the same pack. Sal’s sister mated someone in the Clear Lake pack. She settled there and raised the nephew. While I guess they didn’t really keep in touch and Sal never even met Jameson, he’s got a beef with him being taken out.”

  “Of course, he fucking does,” I grumbled. “That man’s nothing but a—”

  Rob held up his hand. “I know what he is. Word is, his son, Donald, Jarod’s cousin, is getting up in the council members’ asses trying to sniff out the identity of the enforcer who finished Jameson.”

  I dropped into a chair, sighed. “Fucking hell. Don’t they have any clue that my actions are ordered by the council? Jameson was a low-life drug addict. He tore the throats out of convenience store workers. He had to be taken out before more died and before humans caught on the murders were done by a shifter.”

  “I know, but Donald still wants revenge. They’re saying the council should have let the family handle it because the kid had a drug problem. You know, that it wasn’t his fault, it was the drugs and all that bullshit.”

  “Well, I agree he had a problem. They should’ve tracked him down and helped him before the council declared his life forfeit. Wasn’t my goddamn decision,” I snapped. “An eye for an eye is shifter law in a nutshell. I don’t make the rules.” When Rob didn’t reply because he fucking knew that, too, I continued. “I got a slice in my side from Jarod that’s taking it’s fucking time to heal.”

  He frowned. “Silver?”

  I nodded, setting my hand on my side. “It’s almost gone, but it’s been days. I’ll never take shifter healing for granted again.” It was a good thing Becky had wanted it dark the other night. She’d missed the wound, which would have been hard to explain. The next time I got her in bed, it would barely be a pink mark. Thank fuck.

  “I don’t want a repeat of that shit with his cousin.”

  “I think he’s not going to let this go.”

  I shrugged. “Fine, Donald has something to do to keep his thumb out of his ass all winter. He’ll find nothing. The identities of enforcers are locked tight. You’re the only non-council member who knows I’m one of them.”

  Rob met my gaze. His exp
ression was normally serious, but it was doubly so now. “I sure as fuck hope so. I told the council to pay a visit to the family to try to calm things down, but they’re too high and mighty to do it. I’d do it myself, but it would show my hand. I don’t need them knowing we have an interest.”

  I stilled, my heart even skipping a beat. Rob’s concern that I’d be found instilled chaos in my world. No one found an enforcer. Not unless someone on the council talked. My identity was supposed to be secret even from my own goddamn family. If the council called in an enforcer to take action, the task was sanctioned. There were no repercussions from the outcome on the enforcer. It was also pack law. Everyone knew that, even Sal and Donald.

  “Well, I didn’t drop my fucking ID on the ground when I finished the asshole. I’m not that bad at my job.”

  “No, but I hear they’re asking around. Trying to figure out which enforcer’s signature is the bullet behind the left ear.”

  “Fuck.” I popped to my feet. “Becky.” I stared at Rob in horror. His lips tightened, evidence of his own concern. “Holy fuck. I’ve brought shit right to her. This… this is the exact reason I tried to stay away from her even after I realized she was mine.”

  Rob rasped a hand over his jaw. “With a pup on the way?”

  “Before I knew about the pup. She’s married and—”

  “Excuse me?” Rob leaned forward.

  It was my turn to frown, rub my eyes. I explained the situation with her ex and what I’d learned from the data-digger’s online search.

  “You get Selena involved, too?”

  “Yesterday. We’re staying at my parents’ place in town. The ex won’t find her there.”

  “Good. Explain to me how you’re going to stay away from her to protect her from enforcer shit when she’s got an ex fucking with her.”

  I gave him a dark stare. “Fuck you.”

  He stood, came around the desk. “Glad to see it’s my best friend’s turn to be mauled by Fate and a female.”

  “Again, fuck you,” I grumbled.

  He leaned against the side of his desk. “Selena can help with her ex.”

  He lifted his head, listened. Knew he was taking a moment to check on the ladies. With my wolf hearing, I picked up their laughter. They were fine, and that soothed my wolf. Now that I had a mate to protect, I could see how hard it was for Rob to always be listening and watching, protecting not just Willow but the entire pack. Everyone in the house fell under his rule and protection.

  It made me thankful to only be an enforcer, a job I could quit. Rob had his role for life.

  “As for Donald Brown, let’s talk about what we’re going to do. I’ll call the council and tell them you have a mate now, and there’s more at stake than just a threat to an enforcer. This guy might show up on pack land. We need a plan.”

  I nodded and we got to work coming up with one.



  “So… you and Clint?” Audrey prodded, with a waggle of her eyebrows and a grin. “Girlfriend, you’ve been keeping secrets.”

  We sat in the great room in the big comfy couches that shaped a U and faced the massive river rock fireplace. Beside it, built into the wall, was a TV with the first Twilight movie playing. Delicious hors d’oeuvres Marina had baked were on the coffee table in front of us. Marina and Willow had wine, Audrey lemon tea. When the ladies said they had happy hour together like this at least once a week, I experienced a pang of jealousy. I wanted to be part of their tribe, too. Which I guessed I could be, if Clint and I became a fixture.

  They were all comfortable in leggings, soft sweaters and thick socks. Audrey had a cozy blanket tucked around her.

  The three of them lived on the ranch—Audrey up in the hills in a cute cabin, Marina and Colton finally settling into one of their own as well, and Willow here in the family house—so it was easy for them to do so. In fact, there wasn’t much else to do out here, especially in the winter.

  I flushed at Audrey’s words, only because she knew about my divorce efforts. Namely, the fact that it wasn’t finalized, and I was getting it on with Clint. I still had that religious shame ingrained in me by my parents. Marriage was a sacrament. One that shouldn’t be broken even if it sucked.

  Even if the guy broke you. And your car tire. And emptied your bank account. And...

  “It’s nothing serious,” I replied, finally. It wasn’t a total lie. I’d told Clint I couldn’t enter into a relationship with him. He knew where I stood. Of course, the fact that we were having a child together might be considered serious to some. Some might also think the fact that we’d slept together the night before… sex and actual sleeping, plus what he’d just done to me in the stable, constituted us being together.

  Hell, I’d had lunch with his parents. That was a big deal.


  Willow tucked her hair behind her ear and said, “It smells serious to me.” Her nostrils flared like she was actually smelling something.

  “Smells?” I raised my eyebrows at the strange turn of phrase.

  She got busy reaching for the bottle of wine, kept her eyes focused on the task. “I just mean, we haven’t seen Clint with any woman, ever. So, if he’s bringing you here to look at newborn foals, it means something.”

  Warmth kindled in my chest. I shouldn’t be so happy to hear he never brought women around, but I was. He wasn’t a monk. I knew he’d been with women before me. A gorgeous cowboy like him, a virgin at thirty-four? As if.

  “We had lunch with his parents. And brother. And Nash,” I added. All three of them stared as if I’d said I’d eaten with the Queen. “What?”

  “And it’s not serious?” Willow asked. “Are you sure because while I haven’t known Clint all that long, no guy takes a woman to meet his parents unless it’s serious. Especially around here. You sure you don’t want some wine?” She held up the bottle of chardonnay.

  “No, no. I’ll stick with water.” I pointed to the glass Marina had gotten me when I’d first arrived, a thin slice of lemon floating on the top.

  All three eyed me with curiosity. I may or may not have been the one who usually led the party when it came to imbibing a few. What could I say? I’d always had a lot of steam to let off after getting out from Todd’s clutches. Audrey’s bachelorette party had been the perfect example. I’d organized it with Marina, and while a limo had been on the schedule, me having sex with Clint in the storage room had not.

  “Okay, I’m pregnant, too!” I blurted because Audrey was also having a baby—just a few weeks ahead of me.

  “Oh my God!” Audrey sang, throwing her arms wide and giving me a hug as she leaned across the couch. “Wait… is it Clint’s?”

  I nodded, blushing. “Your bachelorette party. We kind of hooked up.”

  “That was months ago!” Audrey said. I recognized her doctor's gaze as she looked me over. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. I am an Ob/Gyn,” she muttered the last as if she was put out.

  “I’m seeing Dr. Seymour. I didn’t come to you because there’s no way I could have my bestie staring at my lady parts with my feet up in stirrups.”

  She rolled her eyes then nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.”

  “I didn’t tell anyone because, you know—my life is a mess right now,” I added. I looked to Marina and Willow and realized they knew nothing about my fiasco with Todd. I gave them the short version of how Todd had behaved in the marriage and my reason for leaving.

  “Asshole,” Marina muttered, grabbing a stuffed mushroom and popping it in her mouth.

  “That’s what I’ve been dealing with. Besides, twenty percent of first pregnancies end in miscarriage. I didn’t see the point in, well, facing it, until I was sure it would stick.”

  “Clint didn’t know?” Marina asked, whispering. Her excitement was palpable—she practically bubbled over with enthusiasm, which made me feel much better about my deceit.

  I shook my head. “Not at first. The first time I saw him since your party was th
e other day. I puked on his shoes at the grocery store.” I tossed out a rueful smile as they gasped. “I didn’t tell him then. The next night, actually. Well, I didn’t tell him. He figured it out.” I flushed, remembering our lovemaking that night. How he’d recognized the changes in my body. How he’d made me feel beautiful despite them.

  They whooped and laughed, knowing what I meant.

  “So you’re not taking the relationship seriously, but I’m guessing Clint is?” Audrey asked, eyeing me carefully.

  Willow and Marina watched me, too, hanging for my answer. I got the feeling they knew something I didn’t. Something I should know—about Clint.

  “I did meet his parents, but that’s not the reason for your question. What makes you ask?”

  Marina jumped up and arranged some more cheese popovers onto a plate. Willow refilled Marina’s glass then went to a little mini-fridge in the corner for another bottle.

  “Why do I feel like you guys know something I don’t?”

  “Oh, we know these ranch boys, that’s all,” Audrey said quickly. “I’m pretty sure Clint’s just like the Wolf brothers—fiercely protective and completely loyal. You’ve seen them. I mean, you remember how Colton and Boyd crashed the bachelorette party. I guess Clint did too now that I think about it. Don’t worry, the guy’s not going to shirk his responsibility when it comes to a baby.”


  I didn’t like that word. It was one of the reasons I hadn’t told Clint in the first place. I didn’t want to get tangled in a relationship just because we were having a kid together. I wasn’t one of those people who believed having a kid out of wedlock was a sin, even though my parents did. I believed marrying the wrong person was a sin.

  One I’d been paying for… for years.

  They were all watching me again, so I offered them a fake smile then owned up. “I’m sure the baby will appreciate that, but I’m not jumping into a relationship just because a condom didn’t work. You know what I mean?”


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