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Hungry Planet

Page 5

by Michelle Marquis

  He gave her a grim look. “Barely.” He moved his hand up and poked a finger through a hole on the back of her shirt. It had been a warning shot by the sentinel. The next one wouldn't have been a mild burn. Beth shrugged at Magnus. She felt triumphant and light headed.

  He took some of the packages from her as she collapsed in the sand. “I should have warned you about this,” he said, studying them. His tone had that parental quality she hated so much.

  "What?” she said defensively.

  "Cans are best. This stuff is expired."

  "So what?” Beth snatched one of the packages from him. She tore it open and pulled a piece of dried apple out. It was black and covered in mold. “Shit,” she swore under her breath. She looked up at him and he was smiling that evil smile again. Son of a bitch.

  "You really take a lot of pride in being the king rat here, don't you, Mr. Magnus Stone?” Beth glared at him.

  He ignored her comment and nudged her with his foot to get up. “We still have plenty of daylight left,” he said. “Let's get moving."

  Beth ignored his rudeness and got up, dusting sand off her clothes. “Is there going to be food at the clinic or are we going to have to scavenge like this all the time?"

  He shifted the cans around his person so they were easier to carry. “They'll be some food there. Because they are a clinic, they get drops most of the time, but it's best not to count on anything around here. That way you're never disappointed."

  Beth gave a bitter laugh and tossed aside the expired packages of dried fruit. “Disappointed?” she said. “Who could possibly be disappointed here?"

  Chapter 10

  Night had descended on them quickly, and luckily they found a good spot for a camp. Beth was distant and troubled—a common enough reaction to this prison. The reality of it worked on her like a hatchet, and devoured her one piece at a time. Magnus knew how she felt. He had gone through all kinds of evolutions before becoming what he was now.

  The night was cooler than the day and he watched her shiver from the cold. They hadn't spoken much since this afternoon, and he found himself wondering what she was thinking. He knew he was probably the last thing on her mind. Sliding off his jacket, he handed it to her. She looked up, startled, then smiled at him and took it. Beth draped it over her shoulders. “Thanks,” she mumbled.

  Magnus adjusted the solar lantern so the light dimmed to a soft glow. This quiet moment with her made him feel normal again. He warned himself not to get too attached to her; he didn't want to be too upset when he dumped her at the clinic.

  Beth lay back on the ground and folded her arms behind her head for a pillow. “So tell me exactly how you ended up here, and why they made you a marshal,” she said. She sounded lazy and relaxed, as though she'd been drinking. An intimate moment passed between them as he imagined making love to her again. His body reacted immediately, his erection coming on fast and hard.

  He glanced at Beth, who was watching him. “I was sent here because I was a killer. I killed all kinds of men, but mostly I killed bad men just like me.” The statement hung in the air for a moment, and then he continued. “When they first started this planet, they put in place a marshal system. They were meant to be something like prison guards but they had other duties. They were also charged with carrying out executions ordered by the courts. Kind of a crazy idea, really. As if this planet wouldn't pick off most prisoners fast enough anyway. But that was the plan. It didn't take long for the marshal's to become targets for the roving cannibals."

  He scratched his stubble. “A month after I arrived here, one of the marshals came looking for me."

  She rolled onto her side and propped her head up with her hand. “What did he want with you?"

  "I came here with a death sentence; he was just trying to carry it out. A few weeks after I killed him, they offered to pay me for some “official” duties, and would allow me to wear the marshal badge. Most of the time I don't; it's just one more thing another prisoner would kill me for."

  Beth searched his face. “Did you leave anyone behind on Earth? Family, friends?"

  Magnus licked his lips. He was tired and his whole body seemed to hurt all of a sudden. “I left my dad, mother and two brothers. My decision to pursue a life of crime broke my dad. We weren't really speaking by the time I was sentenced off world."

  Beth nodded grimly.

  "Your turn,” Magnus said. He watched her eyes fly open as if he'd threatened her with a knife.

  "Not much to tell, really. I married a man I had little in common with. He was a cop, and our marriage was already in trouble by the time my son got sick. My son was dying in front of me; I did the only thing I thought would ease his suffering. I made the mistake of telling my husband and he turned me in. He was the kind of man who believes that those things are best left to the hand of God."

  Magnus nodded. He knew the kind—they existed all over. “You ever regret it? I mean, if you knew you'd be turned in and sent here, would you do it again?"

  "Of course I would. By the time I made that decision, I didn't care what would happen to me. I knew what the risks were."

  She picked up a small pebble and rolled it in her palm. “How many people did you kill back on Earth?"

  Magnus lay back and closed his eyes. Nameless faces passed through his memory. “Too many to count, Beth."

  "Why did you kill them?"

  "Most of them were my job. I got paid a lot of money to take people out and not ask any questions. It was an arrangement that worked well for me. I didn't give a shit about any of them, so the killing came easy.” He paused for a minute, letting his thoughts roll over his deeds. “Except women; I never kill women."

  He heard Beth laugh, and it was a beautiful sound in this place of horrors. “I guess I'm safe then."

  He smiled. “I thought about killing you but I changed my mind."

  Beth stared at him. “I thought about killing you too, but I guess I changed my mind as well."

  Magnus knew what she was doing, and although he doubted it, what she said might just be true. Despite her threat, he liked her. Not many women had the guts to come back at him when he was better armed. She had been pretty gutsy with the cannibals as well. “Lucky me then."

  "What's the clinic like?” she said thoughtfully.

  Magnus thought about lying to her but what good would that do? It wasn't like she wouldn't notice what a shit hole it was when she arrived. It was better to be truthful so she could prepare herself. “It's messy and dirty and there are not nearly enough drugs to go around,” he said. “I've heard Doctor Masters is demanding, obsessive and a little crazy. I think you can handle him though."

  Beth had a look on her face that said she really didn't want to have to handle a crazy doctor at all. She studied him for a moment. “Why is Doctor Masters here?"

  Magnus shook his head. “Rumor has it the good doctor conducted some unethical experiments. I'm surprised you didn't read about it; he was all over the news. Apparently the subjects for these experiments were terminal cancer patients, so they had little to lose. Whatever it was he did to them, he lost his license over it and was eventually brought up on criminal charges. I think he came here charged with murder one."

  "Does he still conduct his experiments?"

  "Yes, and he makes no apologies for it. I suggest you learn to turn a blind eye to his more questionable character flaws."

  "There has got to be a way off this hellhole,” Beth said under her breath. Magnus didn't respond. It wasn't the kind of statement he needed to address. Once he had been as devoted as she about getting off. Maybe go to another colony or an alien world altogether. But finding transport off the planet soon came in a distant second to staying alive while a resident here. He didn't want to dash her hopes—sometimes it was all that kept a person going. He'd seen some of the toughest men in prison crumble under the strain of living and dying here.

  Some had even chosen to take their own life. He wished he felt that desperate, and then maybe
this could all end for him too. But something in him kept him going, and fighting. Now it had become a habit—a thing so bad for him but impossible to deny. He wanted to live, no matter how horrible the conditions were.

  The night was wearing on and some of the closer planets could now be seen clearly in the inky sky. They were beautiful, in metallic colors of green and blue. He pointed them out to her, great ancient rocks floating in an alien sky. They gave the impression of being almost invisible because of their vastness. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what home on Earth was like, and all it did was give him a vague feeling of sorrow. Even now after all this time it was impossible to believe he would never see Earth again. What desolation.

  He studied Beth and watched her eyes flutter open and closed. She was fighting sleep and he vaguely wondered if she was still afraid of him. He doubted she was afraid of very much anymore, least of all him. He wanted to touch her, to taste her skin on his tongue. She was so very beautiful and he needed her like the very air he breathed. He scooted closer.

  She looked like a child in her half sleep, so innocent and fresh. He could smell her warm body and the lust woke in him like a fearsome beast. He leaned over her and touched his lips to hers. It was a moment of pleasure, and then she was awake and the spell was broken. He stopped kissing her and lay back down with his hands behind his head. “I like you, Beth,” he said. “Being with you seems to take the edge off of me."

  She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Then she straddled him, her long, blonde hair hanging down and tickling his face. She leaned down and kissed his neck, running breathy kisses over his face and throat. Her hands took on a life of their own, caressing his chest and belly, awakening his deep longing for her.

  Lifting his shirt, she ran her tongue along his flesh, leaving a moist trail all along his belly. Her hands cupped the outside of his pants and gently squeezed. He moaned softly, hoping she wouldn't stop there and decide to go to sleep.

  She unbuttoned his pants and freed his aching cock. It sprang free as if it was overjoyed to see her. Her sensuous mouth enveloped it, licking and sucking at him like he was candy. She nuzzled down to his balls, and pulled each one into her mouth, teasing him into near hysteria.

  He pulled her up and positioned her on all fours. She smiled at him coyly, those red, sexy lips moved into a sly curve. Gripping her hips, he mounted her, burying himself to the hilt and reveling in the sexy heat of her moist pussy. He pumped into her like a man possessed. She reached between her legs and found her swollen clit, boldly stroking it in rhythm to his relentless pounding. Then they climaxed together, in a sweaty, tangled heap on the ground.

  Chapter 11

  Beth crouched beside Magnus as he filled his canteen at Oasis One, and she gazed longingly at the town a few yards away. It was a surreal looking place with small metallic buildings situated in a half-mile strip. She'd asked him why he didn't want to get a drink at the general store, but he had maintained a grim silence. Sometimes, she sure could do with other company besides him.

  Despite his lack of conversation about the town, she trusted his reluctance. If she had learned nothing else about the man, it was to defer to his bad moods. They usually signified something he knew to be unpleasant, and she had learned to read that mood as a warning. His assistance in helping her survive, however, did nothing for her liking him any better. She suspected her distaste was symptomatic of the planet itself. He was the embodiment of everything that was loathsome here.

  Magnus pulled the revolver from his holster, startling her. She followed his gaze to a young girl running toward them, her wild, greasy hair tossing back and forth across her back. She wore faded jeans and a grimy black t-shirt. Beth guessed her to be about fifteen.

  Magnus moved in front of Beth and fixed his weapon on the girl. She stopped a few feet from them. Her chest rose and fell with the labor of her breathing.

  She bent forward with her hands on her knees, pausing to rest. She glanced up and spotted his badge. “Marshal, please come. My mom is real sick and we need help."

  Magnus’ reply was to cock and aim his weapon at her head. Beth came around from behind him and walked in front the girl. He swore under his breath as she obscured his view. “What's wrong with her?” Beth said to the girl.

  "Don't know. She's been sick a while. Don't know if there's anything you can do but I'm real desperate. I got cans; I'll give you anything you want,” she pleaded, making heavy eye contact with Magnus.

  Beth glanced back at him but his expression was stoic. She walked closer to him so their conversation wouldn't be heard by the girl. “I'd like to go and see what I can do."

  Magnus squinted at her as if she'd spit on him. “Are you fucking crazy? No way."

  "Magnus, I'm a nurse. Maybe I can help them."

  His eyes sliced from her to the girl. “What do the people in the village say?” he said to the girl. “Have they had a look at her?"

  The girl nodded, her eyes pleading. “Yes, Marshal, everyone's been to see her but no one knows what's ailing her."

  "What makes you think we'll know?"

  The girl seemed to deflate before their eyes. “I don't know, but there's no one else to ask. Please, Marshal. It'll only take a minute."

  Beth took off her backpack and started walking toward the girl. “Beth!” Magnus shouted angrily. “Don't you fucking move."

  Beth turned around to face him and locked her gaze with his. “Magnus, I'm going. You can stay here if you want, but I'm going.” With that, she turned around and approached the girl, secretly wondering if she'd just made a fatal blunder. Of course it was entirely possible this was a cannibal trap, but she was willing to take the risk. If she was going to be afraid of dying at every encounter, she'd certainly go insane. She could hear Magnus approaching from behind her. She figured he'd come. He certainly wouldn't pass up an opportunity to go on an unbridled killing spree.

  The girl kept a few feet in front of them, turning to ensure they were still following every few minutes or so. Beth couldn't help the creeping feeling of dread that crawled up her spine as they went. She was glad Magnus had decided to come along. She could use a spare set of eyes.

  The metal house the girl brought them to was weathered and stale. Two dirty siblings played in the sand near the door, watching them both like feral dogs. Beth felt a pang of pity for them. She guessed their father was long gone or dead. Now they'd be losing their mother as well.

  The inside smelled like a long-time disease. The woman lay on a cot near an open window. Her bedding was soiled with waste and sweat and she was thin to the point of skeletal.

  Beth looked back at the girl, who was staring at Magnus like he was the second coming. She guessed anyone with food and weapons would look like a godsend to a frightened, starving girl. “How long has she been like this?” Beth said.

  "About a month. She started going nuts a while back, but she could still function until last month."

  Beth performed some preliminary tests with the equipment issued to her for the clinic. Her medical scanner came up with neurosyphilis. Beth shook her head and looked back at the girl. “I'm sorry. You're mother is dying and there isn't much I can do for her. The only thing I can offer you is some medication for her pain."

  The girl nodded sadly, as if her worst fears had been realized.

  "Do you have someone here who can take care of you?” Beth said, measuring out some doses of morphine.

  The girl shrugged. “There's a guy who feeds us. He's kind of like our dad."

  Magnus moved forward, a small muscle ticking in his jaw. “It's time to go,” he said. “We've still got a long way to travel."

  Beth nodded then turned to the girl. “I'm sorry about your mother."

  The girl suddenly seemed older, aged by the terrible fortunes of this planet. She watched the floor as if a secret message might be inscribed there. “Thanks, but I guess I expected it."

  A heavy wind groaned against the walls. Magnus moved into Beth's space, urging h
er to come by his presence. They walked out together into the brightness of sunlight and the alien white sun only made her yearn for Earth all the more. She felt mourning in her heart, as if she'd lost an old friend.

  "Is it always going to be like this?” she said to Magnus, knowing he couldn't possibly know the answer to such a rhetorical question.

  "No, Beth,” he said. “You'll find plenty of people you'll be able to help."

  "But won't they be too sick? Won't I be powerless to help them?"

  Magnus scanned the horizon. The day was slowly slipping into night. “We'll have to wait and see. We'll just have to wait and see."

  Chapter 12

  The next day, they finally reached it. Nothing, however, could have prepared Beth for the sight of the Eastern Medical Clinic.

  It seemed as though every resident of Akron-Nine had taken up residence in tents surrounding the fenced facility. The smell of death and disease was everywhere and, as they approached, the thickness of it threatened to choke her. It was all she could do not to bolt and run. Unfortunately there was no place to run to.

  Magnus was as unreadable as ever, grabbing her arm and ushering her to the front gate, dodging the clawed hands of the desperate and dying. He brushed them off with callous disregard, keeping them from touching Beth. A part of her wanted to help them, but she knew it was impossible to treat all of them. For all she knew, it might be impossible to treat any of them. The scene gave her a somber feeling about what she would find inside.

  They approached the guard, who took one look at Magnus’ body arsenal and pointed his machine gun at them. “That's far enough,” he warned.

  Beth pushed in front of Magnus, swaying with the jostling of the frantic crowd. “I'm Nurse Shaw. Doctor Masters is expecting me."

  The guard looked dubious. “Who's your friend, the beauty queen?” he said, tossing his head at Magnus.

  "He's my bodyguard."

  "Trust me, lady, he's nobody's bodyguard,” the guard said. He studied Magnus, unwilling to lower his weapon.


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