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The Wake

Page 33

by Linden MacIntyre

Hay Pook mine, 254, 264, 270

  health care, lack of

  in Newfoundland, 175

  in St. Lawrence, 126, 133, 134–35, 158, 176, 177–78, 183, 188, 243

  heart attack, in miners, 225, 288, 296, 307, 321–22, 355n9

  Heatter, Gabriel, 15–16

  Hendrigan, Connie, 313

  Hepditch, Betty, 52

  Hepditch, David, 37, 51, 52

  Hepditch, Henry, 52, 54

  Hepditch, Jessie, 36, 51, 52

  Herring Cove, 165

  Hickox, Ralph, 194

  Higgins, Charles “Vannie,” 18

  Hillier, Chesley, 37, 51

  Hillier, Douglas, 38

  Hillier, Henry, 37, 52

  Hillier, Herbert, 36, 38, 50

  Hillier, Irene, 52, 53

  Hillier, Jemimiah, 37, 52

  Hillier, Josiah, 37, 53

  Hillier, Lizzie, 37, 52–53, 57

  Hillier, Nan, 36–37, 50–52

  Hillier, Robert, 54, 346n31

  Hillier, Thomas (brother of Nan), 52

  Hillier, Thomas (killed by tsunami), 53

  Hippocrates, 229

  Hiroshima, 172, 173

  Hollett, Beatrice, 61

  Hollett, Ben, 61

  Hollett, Malcolm, 57, 60

  Hollywood, Brian, 282–83, 285, 314, 335

  Home (ship), 181

  Hope Simpson, John, 107–9, 134–39, 140, 145–46, 319–21

  Hope Simpson, Mary Jane (Quita), 109, 134, 135

  horses, 38, 42

  hospitals. See cottage hospitals; health care, lack of; US Memorial Hospital

  housing, 139, 345n18, 345n21

  Howse, Claude, 137, 140–41, 145–50, 152, 153, 172–73

  hunting, 16, 17

  hurricane of 1775, 28, 345n21

  Hussey, Sidney, 36, 38

  * * *

  Iceland, 56, 281

  illness. See disease and illness

  Imperial Economic Conference, 106

  Imperial Oil Ltd., 101

  industrial health, profile of, 244–45

  infant mortality, 244

  inquiries. See Royal Commission Respecting Radiation . . . ; trade dispute board inquiry

  insurance, 284

  Inverness County, 218

  IOUs, as currency, 132

  Irishness, 161, 320

  iron ore, 71, 171

  Iron Springs mine, 146, 182, 287, 327

  accidents at, 206–7

  conditions in, 163, 177, 225, 230, 231, 259

  deaths at, 3, 206–8

  deposits located at, 80

  facilities at, 189–90

  illness in miners, 231. See also lung cancer; silicosis

  opening and closure of, 127, 253

  in rescue of US sailors, 189, 190, 191, 196, 197

  in St. Patrick’s Day dispute, 162, 163–64


  of Burin Peninsula, 15, 35, 114, 203

  illness and, 202

  Itchy (bar proprietor), 216, 217

  * * *

  Johnstone, Prof. J.H.L., 25

  Judique, NS, 219

  * * *

  Kean, Cpt. Wes, 55–56, 57

  Keene, George, 332–33

  Kelleher, Cornelius, 139–40, 141, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152–53

  Kelly, Curt, 39, 62

  Kelly, Dorothy, 39, 61, 62

  Kelly, Eileen Tobin, 297

  Kelly, Elroy, 39, 61

  Kelly, Frances, 39, 61, 62

  Kelly, Jerome, 227

  Kelly, Marion, 38–39, 61, 62

  Kelly, Monica, 324

  Kelly, Robert (Bob), 296–97, 300–301, 324

  Kelly, Vincent, 39, 62

  Kelly’s Cove, Nfld., earthquake and tsunami in, 33, 38–39, 60–62

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 199

  Knox, Frank, 203

  Korean War, 252

  Ku Klux Klan, 199

  * * *

  Labrador, 25, 173–74

  Ladies’ Orange Benevolent Association, 36–37, 50

  Lake, Thomas, 257, 283–84

  Lamaline, Nfld., 37, 55, 134, 136, 302

  earthquake and tsunami in, 37–38, 50–51

  Lautenberg (US assistant secretary for defence procurement), 173

  Lawn, Nfld., 66, 71, 212, 219, 281, 302, 323–24

  Lawn Point, 190, 196

  Lawrence, Saint, 21

  Leyton, Elliott, 302–3, 354n1

  liability, 238, 243

  Liberal Party, corruption in, 86

  Liddell, T.K., 157, 176

  Lisbon, 46

  Lisbon tsunami of 1755, 46

  Little St. Lawrence, 302

  Lockyer, James, 51

  Loder, Leo, Jr., 205

  Loder, Leo, Sr., 190, 204–5, 242–43

  Loder, Lillian, 190, 198, 204–5, 209, 243

  Loder, Lisa, 307, 315

  Lodge, Thomas, 321

  Lord and Lady Gulch, 80

  Lord’s Cove, Nfld., 223, 302

  earthquake and tsunami in, 33, 39–40, 42–44, 57

  Lowe, Frank, 23, 24

  Lower River Inhabitants, NS, 25

  Lunenburg, 70

  lung cancer, 257–61. See also cancer

  compensation for, 296

  death count, 321, 354n7

  in miners, 322

  misdiagnosed as tuberculosis, 291

  and radiation exposure, 267, 268, 318

  and smoking, 257

  in St. Lawrence miners, 257–58, 260, 266, 267, 270, 275, 279–80, 289, 291, 296–98, 312, 354n7

  symptoms of, 302

  underdiagnosis of, 270

  in uranium miners, 257, 270

  * * *

  MacDonald, Angus (“Black Angus”), 216

  MacDonnell, Alex, 219

  MacIntyre, Alice Donohue, 3, 180, 181–83

  MacIntyre, Dan (Danny), vii, 1–6, 179–82, 214–19, 331–34

  MacIntyre, Linden, 1–6, 180–81, 213–17, 331–36

  MacIsaac, Jack, 181, 218–19

  MacKay, Peter, 2

  Maclean’s, 294

  MacLeod, Charlie Angus, 214

  MacLeod, John, 25

  MacNeil, Joe, 218–19

  MacPhail, Philip, 214

  malnutrition, 29, 95, 98, 108, 155, 244

  Manhattan Project, 171–74

  Margaree, NS, 219

  Martin, John, 327

  Marystown, Nfld., 134

  McGrath, James, 266, 267–68

  McInerney, Ed, 191–92, 198

  McKenna, Mary (Walsh), 39, 40, 43, 44, 345n14

  SS Meigle, 58–59, 59–60, 64, 66, 67, 79

  meningitis, 133, 175


  competition from, 252, 261–62, 326

  Seibert investment in, 263

  midwives, 183

  Miller, James Anthony, 347n43

  Miller, Leonard, 212

  mine dust. See dust

  miners. See also death; disease and illness; mining accidents

  autopsies on, 291

  character and culture of, 285–86, 323

  as jacks of all trades, 179, 179

  patron saint of, 21

  miners’ tuberculosis. See silicosis


  earthquakes in, 24

  open-cut vs. underground, 231

  mining, economic benefits of, 108, 138

  mining accidents, 227, 230

  deaths from, 3, 140, 149, 206–8, 214, 298–300, 315, 317

  rate of, 230, 322

  Minworth PLC, 327

  Miquelon, 15, 35

  Montreal, earthquake felt in, 25

  moon, 22, 33, 36, 42

  moon landing, 305, 306, 307

  Morgan, Gail, 208–9

  Morris, Eloise, 27, 68, 347n50

  Morris, William J., 68–69

  Mosdell, H.M. (Harris), 66

  Mussolini, Benito, 107, 235

  * * *

  Nagasaki, 172, 173

  SS Nerissa, 25, 344n4

  Newfluor. See also Alcan; Director mine

  damage management by, 260–61

  inspection at, 230

  layoffs by, 326

  Nova Scotia, recruitment from, 205

  strikes and walkouts at, 162, 164, 165, 170, 176

  and working conditions, 251, 274, 295, 304

  Newfoundland, Dominion of (to 1949)

  bonds, 93–94

  under British governance, 107, 159, 171, 180, 234, 319 (see also Newfoundland Commission of Government)

  budget, 99–101, 346n32

  debt, 56–57, 88, 90, 93–94, 96, 107, 171, 319, 346n32

  economy, 29, 56–57, 90, 108, 138–39, 174, 202, 234

  in the First World War, 28, 56, 108, 311

  geology, 7–8

  health and safety regulations, 286

  health care, lack of, 175

  loans to, 96, 97–98, 100–101, 346n32

  political paralysis of, 88, 100–101

  in the Second World War, 158–59, 170, 174–75, 218, 234

  Newfoundland, province of (from 1949)

  and Alcan, 266, 274, 326

  and Canada Fluorspar, 328

  Confederation, 180–81, 210, 234, 235, 286

  dust studies, 255

  health and safety regulations, 286

  hospital system, 211–12

  malnutrition in, 244

  mine inspections, 230

  royal commission response, 296

  and St. Lawrence Corp., 236–37, 271, 274

  workers’ compensation regulations, 238

  Workmen’s Compensation Act ( Nfld.), 283, 286, 288

  Newfoundland Commission of Government, 107

  colonial dominance of, 319, 320–21

  mine inspections by, 230

  and Seibert, 151, 253

  and St. Lawrence mines, 168, 169

  Newfoundland Fluorspar Company. See Newfluor

  Newfoundland Hotel, 109

  Newfoundland hurricane of 1775, 28, 345n21

  Newfoundland Outport Nursing and Industrial Association ( NONIA), 347n47

  Newfoundland Savings Bank, 94

  newspapers, restrictions on, 59

  New York City, 25, 70, 130

  North Carolina, 28

  Norway, 56

  Notre Dame Bay, 213

  Nova Scotia. See also Cape Breton

  earthquake in, 20–26

  immigration to, 70, 317

  miners from, 205, 218

  nurses, 65–67, 126, 177, 311–16

  * * *

  Oak Ridge, TN, 174

  oil, 101

  oil industry, 329

  omens, 33, 38

  oxygen levels, in mines, 225, 300

  * * *

  Parkerson, Clifford, 193

  Pearl Harbor, 174

  Pepper, John, 353n21

  autopsy of Isaac Slaney, 232–33, 239, 301

  and industrial health profile, 245, 256

  silicosis diagnosis by, 228–29, 230–31, 238–39, 255

  Petterson, Edward, 191, 194

  Phillips, Lanier, 198–99

  Pictou County, 24

  Piercey, William, 49

  Pike, Agnes, 41, 75–76

  Pike, Augustus, 225, 257

  Pike, Cornelius, 153

  Pike, Kevin, 190, 254

  Pike, Margaret, 294

  Pike, Robert, 257

  Pike, Tom, 40–42, 75–76, 152–53, 190, 254

  Pike, Violet, 198

  Pinnacle Point, 190, 193, 194

  plutonium, 173

  Point au Gaul, Nfld., 36–37

  earthquake and tsunami in, 33, 38, 51–54, 57

  USS Pollux

  memorial to, 190, 196, 200–201, 329

  recovery of bodies from, 199–200

  rescue of, 195–97, 202–4

  Port au Bras, Nfld., earthquake and tsunami in, 34, 60, 62–64, 347n43

  Port aux Basques, Nfld., 136

  Portia (ship), 55, 57, 68

  post-mortems. See autopsies


  on government assistance, 86

  and illness, 202, 244, 250

  in Newfoundland, 90, 242, 250

  in St. John’s, 109

  in St. Lawrence, 130, 149, 155, 204

  Poynter, Adele, 348n1

  Poynter, Barbara, 132

  Poynter, Donald A.

  arrival in and return to Newfoundland of, 109–10, 113–15, 117, 141, 162

  character of, 146, 176, 182–83, 272

  correspondence from, 348n1

  and Doc Smith, 122

  and Father Thorne, 141

  and Florence Etchegary, 167, 205

  and health and safety, 177, 264

  illness of, 317

  Kelleher and, 153

  and labour relations, 154–55, 155–56, 163–64, 165, 168

  MacIntyres and, 182–83

  and mines shutdown, 254–55, 261

  partnership promised to, 273

  responsibilities of, 122, 155

  salary payments to, 131, 132

  and sale of St. Lawrence Corp., 275

  sales by, 264, 268, 270–71

  and Seibert, 116, 118, 121–22, 273

  and silicosis, 238, 251

  and St. Lawrence, 156–57, 275

  in the United States, 139, 151–52, 159

  Poynter, Thomas, 273, 275, 348n1

  Poynter, Urla Crammond, 317

  death of, 205, 251

  and Dinah Giovannini, 141

  and Father Thorne, 141

  illness of, 117, 133, 139, 141, 151, 156, 159, 187–88, 251, 349n14

  in St. Lawrence, 113, 114, 116–17

  in the United States, 132–33, 139

  prayer, 20, 33, 34

  pre-employment screening, 286–87

  productivity, improvements in, 177

  Prohibition, 21, 23, 58, 219

  prosperity loan, 100

  protests. See also strikes and walkouts

  over corruption, 102–5

  over government assistance, 86–87, 91

  women’s blockade, 323–24, 324–25

  pulp-and-paper industry, 16

  * * *

  Quebec, MacIntyres in, 1–2, 4

  Quekemeyer, Henry, 201

  Quinton, H.W., 208

  Quirke, Michael, 128, 257, 316, 322–23

  Quirke, Peter, 128, 322–23

  * * *

  radiation, 260, 265. See also Royal Commission Respecting Radiation . . .

  and lung cancer, 267, 268

  in St. Lawrence mines, 264, 266–67, 268–69, 289, 291, 300

  standards and regulations on, 266–67, 274

  time from exposure to death, 318

  ventilation and, 266, 268, 291, 300

  of water-transported radon, 266

  radiation fibrosis, 296

  radiation therapy, 324

  radio, 15–16, 55

  radon, 260, 265, 266


  on dust levels, 243, 256

  lack of, 84, 95–96, 159

  on radiation, 266–67, 274

  on ventilation, 251

  on workers’ compensation, 238

  on working conditions, 251, 286, 322

  Rennie, Albert, 40, 43, 44, 228, 318, 345n14

  Rennie, Bernard, 40, 44

  Rennie, Lucy (Clarke), 83

  Rennie, Margaret, 40, 43–44, 345n14

  Rennie, Martin, 40, 43, 44, 318, 345n14

  Rennie, Patrick, Jr., 40, 44

  Rennie, Patrick, Sr. (Paddy)

  illness and death of, 225, 228, 257, 318–19

  as miner, 123, 318

  in tsunami, 42, 43, 44–45, 317–18, 345n14

  Rennie, Richard, 226–27, 228

  Rennie, Rita, 40, 44

  Rennie, Sarah, 40, 44, 57

  responsible government, suspension of, 107, 159, 171, 180, 234, 319

  Richards, Morley, 353n18

  rickets, 109

  roads, 15, 35, 37, 55, 203,

  rockbursts, 298–300, 313

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 170–71, 203

  Rowsell, Carmelita, 313, 314, 316

  Royal Bank of Canada, 236

  Royal Commission Respecting Radiation, Compensation and Safety at the Fluorspar Mines of St. Lawrence, 293–96, 297–98, 299, 300, 301, 306, 353n15, 353n21

  final report of, 303–5

  rum and rum-running, 21, 69

  * * *

  safety equipment, 125, 153

  Saint, Lionel, 195, 196

  Saint, L.J., 150

  Saint, Theresa, 190

  Salt Cove Brook mine, 325, 327

  sanitation. See also water

  and illness, 163, 244

  negotiations on, 155

  Poynter on, 156

  in St. Lawrence mines, 126, 163, 176

  scarlet fever, 175

  scrips. See store credit

  seal hunt, 16

  Seamans, James, 192, 194, 198, 204–5, 209, 243

  Seamans, Richard, 209, 211

  Second World War, 158–59

  fluorspar in, 156, 159, 170

  Newfoundland in, 170, 218, 234

  Seibert, Johanna, 273

  Seibert, Walter. See also St. Lawrence Corporation of Newfoundland

  anonymous report on competence of, 271–72

  and Aubrey Farrell, 119–20, 128–29

  character, 80–81, 119

  control of St. Lawrence Corp., 149, 154–55

  death of, 273

  equipment purchase by, 120

  and Hope Simpson, 137–38

  labour relations, 168, 236, 263

  loans to, 81

  Mexican investment, 263

  mining launch, 70–72, 80–82, 95

  Newfoundland government relations, 151

  payment arrangements by, 81, 82, 117–18, 120, 122

  and Poynter, 116, 117, 118

  and Smallwood, 235, 236–37, 252–53, 261–62

  and St. Lawrence, 80–81, 146, 164, 168, 236

  and St. Lawrence mines shutdown, 254–55, 261

  tariff request, 252–53, 261–62, 263–64

  US government relations, 159, 172, 173, 237, 263, 274

  Seibert family, response of to royal commission, 296

  seismographs, 24–25

  sheep, 38

  Shingle Point, 41, 181

  ship sinkings. See USS Pollux; USS Truxtun


  cause of, 244

  deaths from, 223–27

  diagnosis of, 228–29, 230–31, 233, 238–39, 242, 255

  dust and, 229, 231

  and heart attack, 322

  as “miners’ TB,” 226

  as mystery illness, 223–27

  prevention of, 245

  in St. Lawrence miners, 287, 289

  symptoms of, 229, 238, 302

  time from exposure to death, 318

  and tuberculosis, 229–30, 231, 243–44

  ventilation and, 230


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