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Somebody's Gotta Be on Top

Page 25

by Mary B. Morrison

  “Yes!” Kevin balled his fist and jerked his arm alongside his leg which he lifted in the air. “I’m heading straight to the bank.” Darryl would have to wait.

  “Excuse me, Sir.”

  “Yes,” Kevin cheerfully said.

  “The IRS has frozen your assets. Your available balance is zero. On all of your accounts. Savings, checking, and credit cards.”

  Kevin hung up the phone. His direct deposit was just deposited yesterday. With five hundred dollars in his pocket, his mortgage and car note due, Kevin returned to Ashlee’s bedside. He might need her a lot sooner than she’d need him. Ashlee had to have money. She lived with Darius a long time. Didn’t have to pay rent. Darius insisted she charge all her meals to his expense account. Ashlee had to have a healthy bank account. Kevin had to stay close enough to Jada to prevent Jada from telling Ashlee the truth.


  It was two weeks before Christmas. Darius was relieved Ashlee was being released from the hospital. Their year started off joyfully. Darius reflected on holding Ashlee in his arms. He felt responsible for what had happened to Ashlee. Darius wasn’t sure if he was standing outside Ashlee’s hospital door because he felt guilty, or if he was still in love with Ashlee. Darius tapped on the door then opened it.

  “Hey, you ready?” Usually when he spoke those words they were off on a trip. “I made plans for us to go to Paris for New Year’s Eve.” Darius wanted to apologize to Ashlee but not at the hospital.

  “You shouldn’t have. Yeah, I’m ready. Ready to get the hell away from you.” The scar curved Ashlee’s pinkish-brown lips into a half smile. “Oh, I almost forgot.” Ashlee opened the drawer and removed her diamond ring.

  Trying not to laugh, Darius smiled then lied, “Nice ring.”

  “Yeah, Kevin gave it to me when he proposed.”

  “What, I don’t believe him. Ashlee, you cannot marry him. He—”

  “I already know. He stole your money. I was in the bed next to you, remember? Anyway, I can’t marry Kevin. Or you. Or anyone else right now. I’m resigning from your company. Your dad’s company. Whoever owns it. And—”

  “Ashlee, wait. I know a lot has happened. But don’t make a hasty decision.”

  “You’ll see Kevin before I do,” Ashlee said, shoving the ring into Darius’s hand. “Give it back to him for me.”

  A voice echoed from the doorway. “She’s not making a hasty decision. I’m taking my daughter home. And hopefully she’ll never contact you again.” Lawrence picked up Ashlee’s suitcase.

  Darius looked at Ashlee. His eyes glazed with tears he refused to shed. “Is this what you want, Ashlee?”

  “I told you—”

  Darius turned to Lawrence and yelled, “I’m not talking to you!” Tears fell from his eyes. Darius looked at Ashlee. Closed his eyes. Opened them and said, “Ashlee, I need you. I love you. Please don’t go.”

  Ashlee shrugged past Darius and said, “I think it’s best that I do go. You ready, Daddy?”

  Lawrence stepped aside and held the door. He looked at Darius and said, “Don’t call her anymore. Please.”

  Darius watched Ashlee, the woman he loved, walk away, wondering if he’d ever see his best friend again. He sat and wept.

  The nurse entered the room. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Darius said, drying his eyes.

  “I wanted to give this to Ashlee before she left,” the nurse said, handing Darius a brown paper bag. “Can you make sure she gets this? It’s important.”

  “Sure,” Darius said, happy he had a legitimate reason to run after Ashlee.

  Darius crumbled the bag in his hands. A bottle was inside. He shook the bag. Tablets. Ashlee had forgotten her medication. Darius raced to the elevator. When the doors closed, he opened the bag and peeped inside. Darius read the label. Prenatal vitamins?

  Darius raced toward Lawrence’s rental car. “Wait! Ashlee! Wait!”

  Lawrence turned, looked Darius in his eyes, and drove off.


  Three women. Three pregnancies. Hopefully the only child that was his was Ashlee’s. But with Lawrence refusing to allow Darius to have contact with Ashlee, how would he know? Darius resented, in many ways, that he’d become just like Darryl. Well, almost. Darryl had four kids by two women. If Ciara, Ashlee, and Desire were pregnant by him, by the end of next year, Darius would have three kids by three different women. Maybe bad luck did come in threes. Not the children. The women. Darius could hire . . . no, actually he could no longer afford certain luxuries. But he was certain his mother would give him money for college expenses and enough cash to raise his kids.

  Could a man drive a woman to the brink of insanity? After Darius discovered that Ciara was responsible for his office burning down, he realized the worst thing he could do was to report Ciara to the authorities. Monica had promised that if he reported Ciara, Monica and their father would avenge her.

  On New Year’s Eve, Darius lounged at his Oakland home, refusing to attend his parents’ annual holiday party in Los Angeles. The invited guests knew Darius had to find a job until he went to college. Although Wellington said he wouldn’t help Darius seek employment, Wellington had personally spoken to all his friends. Darius had already received several offers over the phone. One, as an office assistant. Another to house sit and landscape. No way. Darius was depending on his mother to support him and convince Wellington to give him back his company. Darius had grown to love working in the film industry.

  Darius decided to complete his last three years of college at the University of California at Los Angeles and get his degree in Business Administration. UCLA was a feeder college for the NBA and Darryl had promised Darius would get into UCLA on a full scholarship and make the NBA draft before graduation. Wellington had to give Darius credit for returning to school because college was like a full-time job with benefits but no pay. Darius looked at his tuxedo. The phone interrupted his thoughts.

  “Hello,” Darius answered, lounging across his floating mattress.

  “Hey, Darius. This is Theo.”


  “Yeah, my man. Look, your mother asked me to facilitate a conversation between you and Ciara. Ciara is on three-way and only agreed to speak with you if I don’t tell you where she’s staying. So what you wanna do?”

  Ciara said, “Hi, Darius.”


  “The baby and I are doing well. I’ve had a lot of time to think. I’ll grant you your divorce if you give me thirty percent stock in your company. I won’t ask for child support or alimony.”

  “We haven’t been married long enough for you to get alimony.”

  “Oh, but we will be if you don’t agree.”

  “Ciara, why are you doing this to me?”

  “To you? Oh no, darlin’. You did this to yourself. I didn’t ask for your hand in marriage. I didn’t take over your companies. And I didn’t call you a slut.”

  “Okay, okay,” Darius said. “I’ll give you back all the interest in your companies. But not in mine.”

  “I’ve already regained interest in my companies. Haven’t you read your mail lately?”

  Darius remained silent. The stack of mail that was forwarded to him while he was in the hospital, Kevin had read. Fuck! “We’ll see,” Darius replied. “But Ciara, I apologize. Where are you staying? You don’t have to hide from me. I do want to do what’s right.”

  “Well, I have to go now. Think about my offer and let Theo know. He knows how to get in touch with me. Take care of yourself, Darius. Bye.” Ciara hung up the phone.

  “Well, my man. If I were you, I’d give her what she wants. She has the upper hand. You can always dissolve the company and start another. Rich folk do that kind of stuff every day. Now, your mother also wanted you to speak with Desire. Desire is living in London.”

  Darius heard Theo pressing the buttons.

  “What’s your desire?” Desire answered, barely above a whisper.

e? What the hell are you trying to do to me?”

  Desire’s tone became harsh. “Who is this?”

  “Darius Jones.”

  “Oh.” Desire laughed. “My baby’s daddy. Well, it’s good hearing from you.”

  Darius bit his bottom lip. “What do you want from me?”

  “Desire, desires nothing from you sweetie.”

  “Then why did you trap me into getting you pregnant?”

  “Trap you? You’ve got it backward. You were the one who pursued me. Remember?”

  “So what? You know I wasn’t trying to get you pregnant.”

  “Maybe that’s true. And I wasn’t trying to get pregnant. But I am. And you can afford to and will take care of your son.”

  “I knew it. All you bitches are just alike. Chasing a dollar.”

  “No, Darius. You’ve got it twisted. All you rich-ass, arrogant-ass, ignorant-ass, wealthy men think you can have any woman you want. Any way you want us. Whenever you want. Do whatever you like to us. With us. Then you want to dismiss us. I’m tired of your kind. I’m keeping the baby. So you think about how you’re going to take care of him. And good luck at UCLA. I hope your daddy gets you into the NBA. I’ll call you after our son is born. Bye.” Desire hung up the phone.

  Darius yelled, “Fuck, man! What am I supposed to do?”

  “Think, so you won’t end up in this situation again, man?” Theo said. “Well, Ashlee isn’t telling who’s the father of her child. And her father isn’t letting you speak with her so we’ll have to wait and see.”

  “Fine. I think I’ve heard enough for one day anyway. Thanks, man.” Darius hung up the phone. Drawing back his arm, he hurled the cordless into his glass mirror. The mirror shattered to the floor. “Fuck this shit!”

  Darius showered, put on his tuxedo, and then called his limousine driver. At least his mother had transferred enough money into his personal bank account for Darius to enjoy the New Year. Eleven o’clock at night. Darius wasn’t feeling festive. The driver closed Darius’s door, sat behind the wheel and asked, “Where to, Sir?”

  “I’ve changed my mind. I’m not going to the party. Take me to church.”

  Darius stared out the dark tinted windows. His life felt the same. Dim. How did he get himself in this predicament? If Ma Dear were alive, none of this would’ve happened. Maybe Ma Dear would hear his prayers from the pew.

  Before getting out of the limo, Darius told the driver, “Wait out here for me. I’ll call you when I’m ready. And when I’m ready, I’m ready.”

  When Darius stepped inside, most of the pews were full. By request, the usher seated him near the back. That was best in case Darius wanted to leave early.

  Pastor Tellings looked older but his Don King afro was the same. Lost in thought, Darius didn’t hear the choir, or the preacher. He noticed a few familiar faces. None he wanted to see after service until he turned and noticed Fancy Taylor standing in the door of the church soaked in a sexy designer gown. Her weave hung dripping water to the floor. Darius motioned for Fancy to sit in the folding chair next to his pew.

  Fancy tiptoed then squatted on the edge of the seat. When Pastor Tellings said, “Let us pray,” Darius bowed his head.

  “Lord, thank you for blessing this queen and bringing her home. If she has any burdens, Lord, I ask that you remove them from her heart . . .” Darius continued praying for Ma Dear. He missed her a lot. Then he prayed for Ashlee, Maxine, and his brothers. And fathers Wellington and Darryl. Darius said a special prayer for his mother. Silently Darius prayed for Ciara and Desire so Fancy wouldn’t hear.

  Church finally ended, so Darius stood and said, “Excuse me.” If he weren’t taking a break from women, he’d ask Fancy for her number.

  Fancy stood but didn’t move. She extended her hand and said, “Hi, I’m Fancy Taylor. Remember me?”

  Of course. Who could forget? “Pleased to meet you. I’m Darius. Darius Jones.”

  “Why are the initials DL engraved on your handkerchief?”

  Okay, she’s persistent. “The DL is for Darius’s Law. That’s how I’m living. I make the rules. I don’t follow them.”

  Fancy smiled, and then frowned as five people invaded her space. This was Darius’s opportunity to leave but there was something about Fancy that made him wait.

  Damn, was that little SaVoy all grown up? Darius hadn’t seen her in a while but he’d heard she was still a virgin.

  SaVoy smiled wide and bright, then said, “We’re going to my house for appetizers and socializing, you guys care to join us?”

  Darius nodded at SaVoy. When he opened his mouth, Fancy looked at him. “I can’t. My car just broke down outside.”

  Some dude asked for Fancy’s keys, offering to pick up her car tomorrow. Darius was not going to compete.

  Darius looked at Fancy and said, “Looks like you need a ride, young lady. I can handle that for you if you can trust me.” Darius flipped out his cell phone. “I’m ready.” He hung up and said, “If you’re rolling with me, let’s go.”

  “Not so fast, mister,” SaVoy said, grabbing Darius’s arm. “Tell your mother I said hello.”

  So SaVoy was interested. Darius ignored SaVoy, looked at Fancy, and asked, “Ready?”

  Darius waited for the chauffeur to open the door then said, “Don’t slide over.”

  Fancy smiled. “I know.”

  Fancy was wet and gorgeous. Darius sat beside Fancy and waited for the driver to close his door then asked, “My place or yours?”

  Fancy stared out the window. She turned to him. Her eyelids lowered, and lips curved down with her spirit. “Take me home. Please.”

  Darius held Fancy’s hand until the driver parked in a circular driveway on Lake Merritt.

  “Before you go, I’d like to see you again.” Darius scratched through the business number and wrote his cellular number. “Here’s my card. Call me if you’d like to have brunch later.”

  Darius didn’t say go to brunch. If Fancy called, Darius would have the caterers serve their meals by the fireplace. Darius watched the doorman hold the car door for Fancy. Nice building. He hadn’t noticed it before.

  Darius stretched across the limo’s side seats. Darius Jones was broke. But broke to a millionaire wasn’t exactly the same as for someone who barely maintained the minimum balance in their checking account. Darius had enough clothes to dress like a millionaire. He still had his cars and houses and could commute to college from his Los Angeles home and he was still close to his mother’s house. But would Fancy be interested in him when he told her he was no longer on top?

  Darius’s cellular rang, displaying Kevin’s number. The audacity of Kevin to have called Darius at two o’clock New Year’s morning. “Kevin, man I told you never to call me ag—”

  “Darius! Wait! Darryl is dead!”

  A Woman Without a Plan

  A woman without a plan

  Will definitely find herself without a man

  And if she’s fortunate enough to get a man

  She usually can’t figure out how to keep him

  One second longer than he wanted to be kept

  Unless he was in the midst of cumming

  He definitely had someplace to go

  Even if she cleaned like his mama

  Cooked like his grandmamma

  Stroked his ego

  Rubbed his feet

  Reared his kids

  And sucked his dick

  She still couldn’t figure out how to keep him

  One second longer than he wanted to be kept

  A woman without a plan

  Will definitely find herself without a man

  I Make the Rules

  I won’t dignify that with a reply

  You see—the life I live

  Is not through your eyes

  I make my own rules

  I play my own games

  So do I care

  If you like my name


  I do not have to dignify that with a reply

  Because I am neither memorized nor measured

  By what you think is clever

  While you dehumanize and strategize

  To solidify and signify

  That you are humanized and civilized

  While you articulate and enunciate

  To perpetuate and stimulate

  And eradicate and eliminate


  Let me demonstrate and cultivate

  While I evaluate and communicate

  And educate and then dictate

  Again and Again

  I say unto You

  I won’t dignify that with a reply

  You see—the life I live

  Is not through your eyes

  I make my own rules

  I play my own games

  So do I care

  If you like my name



  I Make the Rules

  My Kind of Woman

  My kind of woman

  is sexy and sassy

  she’s smart

  she’s classy

  freaky and bold

  behind closed doors

  My kind of woman

  knows how to please her man

  and knows when her man is pleased

  my kind of woman

  is a natural born tease

  Free as the wind

  not afraid to sin

  but refuse to shame

  her man

  she gives a damn


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