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Boys of King Academy

Page 59

by Rose, Louise

  I nodded miserably.

  “Oh, Milly. What were you thinking?”

  “I wasn’t really. It’s been so long since I’ve been with anyone and I never did get closure with Lucas. One thing led to another and here we are.”

  “How was it?”

  “The best sex of my life.” I slumped back in my chair, sighing. “Lucas and I have such chemistry. He does things to me no one else ever could. If it was crap, I could probably cope. I’d feel like I’d scratched an itch and I could move on. But it was so good, I want more. The only problem is, I don’t think Lucas feels the same way.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  I glared at her. “Am I with Lucas and my daughter having a nice family day out?”


  “You’d think I’d learn, wouldn’t you?” I said. “I mean, after last time, I promised myself that I’d play hard to get, but that went out the window the second he showed me any kind of affection. I’m pathetic.”

  I buried my face in my hands. I could feel Ivy moving to crouch next to me, lightly rubbing my back to comfort me.

  “You’re not pathetic, Mills. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You deserve a bit of happiness after everything you’ve been through. It’s Lucas who’s being pathetic. If he can’t see how amazing you are that’s his loss, not yours.” She paused. “But please tell me you used protection.”

  I raised my face to look straight at her. “Credit me with some sense.”

  “Okay, okay.” Ivy put her hands up in a gesture of direction and moved away to sit back down. “Just checking. I know how easy it is to get carried away.” She blushed and I narrowed my eyes.

  “Ivy, you’re not..?”

  “It’s too early to say for sure, but I think I might be pregnant.” She blushed shyly. “I haven’t told the boys yet. We weren’t meant to be trying for another baby until Louis was a little older, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow.”

  “That’s wonderful news!” It was my turn to hug her. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Don’t tell anyone, will you? Especially not the boys. I want to be completely sure before I break the news to them.”

  “They’re going to be so excited. They’re all amazing dads. It’s all I ever wanted for Amber, a proper dad who’d take her out, come to her dance recitals, be as excited as I am about everything she does. Instead, I’m stuck with Lucas Donatello.”

  “Lucas seems like he wants to make up for lost time with Amber, though, doesn’t he?”

  “For now.” I glowered. “But it’s Lucas. How can say how long he’ll stick around before he gets bored? Heck, he was doing a pretty good job this morning of acting like someone who’d fed up with me already. It felt like he couldn’t get me out of there fast enough.”

  “What exactly happened, Mills?”

  I took a deep breath, bracing myself to share my sorry story. “Lucas invited me to spend the afternoon with him and Amber at his house yesterday.”

  “That’s a good sign, isn’t it?” Ivy said. “He could have just taken Amber and left you out. He probably wanted to reassure you that Amber was safe with him.”

  “Maybe. Or maybe he just wanted to show off the pony he bought Amber, try and make me look bad in front of her.”

  “He bought her a pony?” The usually unflappable Ivy raised her eyebrows, her voice squeaking.


  “Talk about buying his way into her affections.” Ivy snorted. “Still, that’s likely to bite him in the bum when Amber gets bored of the responsibility.”

  “That’s exactly what I said. He reckons he’s found a stable where they’ll look after it for him.”

  “All right, so he made a big show of flashing his cash about. Then what happened?”

  “We had a pretty good afternoon,” I admitted. “It felt right for us to be together, like we were a real family. So, when Lucas invited me to stay the night, I didn’t really think about it. I was just going with the flow. And it was so good, Ivy. But then I woke up.”

  “Sounds about right where Lucas is concerned.” Ivy nodded, knowing all too well what Lucas was like.

  “He stuffed Amber full of sugary cereal then told me he wanted to take her to King Castle by himself. Okay, he did say I could come along if I wanted, but it was pretty obvious he didn’t want me there.”

  “How was it obvious?”

  The question took me aback. Now I thought about it, it actually wasn’t all that obvious. “Well, he didn’t want to spend the day with me.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I’m not with him right now!” I was so frustrated I could have cried.

  “But you said he did ask if you wanted to go along, right?”

  I nodded.

  “What exactly did he say?”

  “That I deserved to have a break from Amber and put my feet up.”

  Ivy sucked air in between her teeth. “I hate to say it, Mills, and you know that I’m not exactly Lucas’s biggest fan, but maybe he really did think that you might like to have a day off from parenting. I mean, Amber’s adorable and I love her to bits, but she can be a handful. Lucas might have expressed himself badly, but it is entirely possible he was just thinking that it would be nice to spend some time bonding with his daughter while you got to relax.”

  “You really think so? Why?”

  “Did he have to invite you along yesterday afternoon?”

  “No. We’d agreed he could have Amber by himself.”

  “Right. So he asked you so that you could have that family time together and let you know that Amber was safe while she was with him. I bet he didn’t plan for you to spend the night. He’s probably feeling as confused as you are by what happened and needs a bit of space to clear his head. But he did ask you if you wanted to go with them. Much as I completely understand why you’re feeling the way you are, I think you ought to give him the benefit of the doubt, at least this time. Yes, it was rushing it to fall into bed with him so quickly, but I don’t think anyone can blame you for needing a bit of sexual relief. You’ve been living like a nun for the past few years!”

  I smiled. “Not quite. There was that one guy a couple of years ago…”

  “What, the one who lasted five seconds, rolled over, farted, and fell asleep?” We both laughed at the memory, frustrating as it had been at the time. “I don’t think he really counts.”

  “You really think I should give Lucas a chance?”

  “I think you should at least talk to him,” Ivy said gently. “See how he’s feeling and what he wants. He might be regretting last night – or maybe he also thinks it was the best sex he’s ever had. Maybe he’s even as stunned as you are by what happened and he needs a bit of time to get his thoughts together and he thought it would be a nice gesture to take Amber out for the day so you could have some space. It’s not like you can have any serious discussions with Amber running around. I agree he’s handled the situation badly, but then he never was much of a diplomat. I’d wait until you’ve had a chance to talk about things before coming to any conclusions about his motives.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m saying this about my ex-husband, but I genuinely believe that he was actually considering your feelings by giving you a day off from Amber. Lucas is doing his best to be the good guy. He just hasn’t had much practice, so he’s bound to make a few mistakes along the way.”

  I thought about what she said, nodding slowly. “This is why I needed to come and see you,” I said. “I knew you’d be able to give me a different perspective on things. You’re right. I should give Lucas a chance to explain himself.”

  “That’s my girl.” Ivy smiled. “You deserve this, Mills. Even if it turns out you just had a night of mind-blowing sex and you both go your separate ways, that’s got to have been worth it, wasn’t it? I mean, it was mind-blowing, wasn’t it?”

  “Oh yes.” I could feel myself getting all hot and bothered just thinking about it. “I can’t believe you neve
r slept with Lucas while you were married. You really missed out!”

  “Lucas isn’t my type. Besides, three men is more than enough for me, thank you very much. I’ve always thought the two of you would make a cute couple though. I always felt that Lucas had a crush on you but he was too afraid of my father to do anything about it.”

  “Really?” I couldn’t keep the tone of disbelief out of my voice.

  “Oh yes. I saw the way he looked at you when he thought no one was watching. I wasn’t surprised to hear he seduced you during his short visit back to King Town. The only shock was that he hadn’t done it sooner.”

  Chatting with my best friend worked wonders on my mood and by the time Ivy called for one of her drivers to take me home, I was feeling really positive about the future. When Lucas brought Amber back, I’d ask if he wanted to stay and help put Amber to bed. After she was safely tucked up, I’d offer him a drink and we could talk about what happened and what we wanted from each other.

  I daydreamed all the way home, imagining what life would be like if I was in a relationship with Lucas. I pictured us sipping champagne in my hot tub, enjoying some adult time after Amber was in bed after another day filled with family activities. Lucas would step up to his parenting duties and I wouldn’t have to be alone anymore.

  By the time I got back to my house, I’d created this entire fantasy around being with Lucas. Okay, I’d let my mind run wild and I knew it would be better to take things slow, but for the first time in a long time, I felt positive about my life.

  All that changed when I walked through my front door to find an envelope lying on the floor. There was no stamp, so someone had hand delivered it, and someone had written my name in block capitals so I couldn’t get a clue from the handwriting who might have sent it.

  A puzzled frown wrinkling my forehead, I tore open the envelope to reveal a short note with four simple words written on it:

  Lucas is hiding something.

  Chapter Eighty-Two

  Slowly, I walked over to the sofa and sat down. I read the note again, turning it over to see if there was anything else written on the back, but there was just that short sentence in capital letters.

  What could it mean? The fact that Lucas was hiding something didn’t surprise me. As the heir to House Knight, I was used to dealing with people who had secrets and at this stage in our relationship, of course there were going to be things I didn’t know about him. He’d been gone for years. A lot could happen in that time.

  What could be so serious that someone would go out of their way to send me an anonymous note though? It had to be something they thought was important, something that would make a difference to the way I felt about Lucas.

  I was so engrossed in thought, I didn’t hear the doorbell at first. It was only when someone leaned on it, making the shrill bell ring constantly that I jolted out of my reverie. Quickly, I folded the note and tucked it into my jeans’ back pocket. I answered the door and found Lucas and Amber waiting for me.

  “There you are, Mummy.” Amber skipped into the house. “What took you so long?”

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. Mummy was in the middle of something. Did you have a good day?”

  “It was the best!” Amber launched into a long, detailed description of everything she’d done, but I wasn’t really paying attention. Fortunately, four-year olds don’t always notice when your mind’s elsewhere and the occasional “uh-huh” seemed to be enough for her to think I was listening.

  Lucas wasn’t so easily fooled. “What’s wrong, Milly?”

  “Not now.” I shook my head a little, gesturing at Amber with my head to let him know we could talk once she was out of the way. That took a little longer than expected. The novelty of having her father around was far from wearing off and she insisted on having Lucas help her with everything which took twice as long as normal. Amber really knew how to milk the moment for every piece of attention possible.

  By the time she was tucked up in bed and we could talk I was exhausted and in no real state to have a serious conversation. I couldn’t put it off though. I had to know what the note was about.

  “I don’t know how you do it,” Lucas said, as I put the coffeemaker on. “Amber’s amazing but she’s exhausting! She’s non-stop energy. One day and I’m struggling. I don’t know how you’ve managed on your own all these years.”

  “I’m not on my own,” I said. “Claire is a huge help, and my parents will take Amber whenever I need. Yes, it was exhausting in the early years, but after a while you get used to being permanently tired and it’s just your new normal. I can’t imagine what life would be like without her. Heck, I can’t even remember what I used to do at the weekend before Amber came along. Probably slept all day and partied all night. I look back at my younger self and I wish she’d known what I know now. I’d have done so much more with that time.”

  “I don’t know. I think you did all right,” Lucas told me. “Most people with your background would have lived off the family money, but you went and qualified as a teacher and you’ve spent years helping your community.”

  “I’d rather be in a classroom than an office,” I said. “Besides, Dad thought it would be a good idea for me to get experience outside the family business. Plus he said that if I can make positive connections with other Houses by being a good teacher, it’ll help me further down the line when I take over.”

  “He’s got a good point,” Lucas said. “I always thought your father was the most effective of all the House leaders. Firm but fair, he’s the reason the Knights always do well in their business dealings.”

  “It’s a lot to live up to.” I sighed. “I’ll be honest. There’s been plenty of times I wished Archer hadn’t stepped down as heir. He’d be so much better than me.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Lucas stepped forward and cupped my face in his hands so I had to look at him. “Your father knew what he was doing. He had plenty of children to pick from and he chose you because he knew that your compassion would help you make the right decisions while your intelligence would help you keep a clear head. You might not see it yourself, but I think you’ll be a better head of House than Archer could ever be.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled thinly and turned away, breaking our contact. It was lovely having someone to make me feel better when I doubted myself, but that note had made all my past fears resurface. Lucas always had a hidden agenda. How could I believe he truly meant what he said? “I’m going to make my coffee Irish. Do you want one?”


  The coffeemaker had worked its magic and I poured out two cups. I added a sugar and a generous splash of whiskey to them both and topped them up with cream. I passed one to Lucas then led the way to the front room, where I sat in my favourite comfy armchair. If Lucas was disappointed that I hadn’t sat on the couch so we could be next to each other he didn’t show it as he sat on it by myself.

  I cupped my coffee in my hands, staring at the creamy topping gently swirling around. Steam curled up, creating a mesmerising effect that gave me an excuse not to look at Lucas. All this talk of taking over the business from my father only reminded me how much I still had to learn before I could be confident taking over the helm. I hated confrontation, always had, which is why I was waiting to mention the note to Lucas but putting it off was only going to make things worse.

  “Milly, I-“

  “There’s something I-”

  We laughed awkwardly as we both spoke at the same time.

  “You go.” I gestured to Lucas.

  “No, ladies first. What were you going to say?”

  I inhaled deeply, slowly exhaling through my mouth. “I need to ask you about something and I need you to be honest with me.”

  “Sounds ominous.” Lucas smiled.

  “It is,” I said.

  Lucas’s smile faded. “Whatever it is, Milly, I promise you I’ll be truthful with you.”

  “What does this mean?” I took the note out from my jeans poc
ket and gave it to him.

  Lucas read it and frowned. “I have no idea.”

  “Really? So there’s nothing you’re not telling me?”

  “There’s lots I’m not telling you Mills, just as I’m sure there’s plenty you’re not telling me,” Lucas said. “I mean, you have no idea about the various businesses I’m launching over the next year or two, just as I don’t know what’s going on within House Knight.”

  “Lucas, If you’re going to treat this as a game, you might as well leave now and don’t bother coming back.”

  I made to get up, but Lucas gestured at me to stay where I was. “I’m sorry, Milly. I’m so used to being on the defensive all the time, it’s an automatic reflex when I’m in a difficult situation.”

  “So you do know what the note means?”

  Lucas read it again, grimacing. “Without more details, it’s hard to say. I mean, it could be about my ex-girlfriend. We broke up not long before I came back to King Town and she didn’t take it well. Maybe someone thinks I’m still with her, but I promise you Milly that my relationship with Tilda is well and truly over.”

  “Is that the only thing you can think of?”

  Lucas ran a hand through his hair, sighing. “No,” he final said. “There is something else. It was something I was hoping to keep to myself, at least until I had more information to go on.”

  “More information about what?”

  “I have a sister, Milly.”

  “A sister?” Of all the things he could have told me, this was the last thing I expected.

  “I only found out about her recently,” Lucas said. “As you know I was adopted. Even if I hadn’t been old enough to remember the adoption process, Penelope never let me forget how ‘lucky’ I was she’d swooped in and saved from the terrible life I’d been born into. I’d always thought my mother had died when I was little, which is how I ended up in care, but after Penelope died, I found documents which showed that my mother was very much alive. She’d put me in care because she couldn’t look after me and had always intended to come and get me when she’d turned her life around. Instead, Penelope Donatello gave her money in exchange for giving up any hold on me. Since I thought my mother was dead, I didn’t bother asking Penelope if we could go look for her.”


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