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For Want of a Memory

Page 42

by Robert Lubrican

  "I like weddings!" said Ambrose, jumping up and down. Jessica reached out and snagged him, hugging him and kissing his cheeks.

  "Me too!" she said, just as excitedly.

  "Are you going to get married too?" asked Ambrose, squirming. "Can I drive?"

  "Not today," laughed Jess.

  "You could marry Mitch!" squealed Ambrose. He got still and cupped his hands around his mouth, putting them up to Jessica's ear. "He's a policeman!" he whispered, loudly enough for everyone in the back of the limo to hear.

  "He is?" Jessica sounded shocked. "What should I do?"

  "You have to be reeeeeally good," said Ambrose sagely. "Then he won't rest you."

  "Ooooo," moaned Jess. "What happens when they rest you?"

  "You have to take a nap!" groaned the little boy, rolling his eyes.

  "I'm going to have Mitch rest you!" said Lulu, reaching out to tickle him. "You need a nap."

  "No!" said Ambrose. "I'm all wide awake! I'm hungry, too!"

  "That's what's next," said Mitch. "Dinner!"

  * * *

  As hard as Ambrose tried to stay alert, the day's activities got to him during supper. He leaned against Jessica, who put her arm around him.

  "Want to have a sleepover in our room tonight?" she asked.

  "What's a sleepover?" he asked, looking up at her.

  "That's where you spend the night in our room. I'll read to you."

  "I can read," said the boy somewhat defensively.

  "I'll let you stay up late," she bribed.

  "Okay!" he said, with a resurgence of energy. He turned to his mother. "Will you be okay if I'm not there?"

  Lulu smiled. "I'll be okay," she said.

  * * *

  "I've never made love to a married woman," panted Kris, lunging hard into Lulu. "I kind of like this."

  "I've never made love with an old married geezer either," said Lulu, humping her loins up at him. "You're not doing too bad. Do you need to take a break? I wouldn't want you to have a heart attack or something."

  He stopped suddenly and started rubbing.

  "I'm not stopping until you've had ten orgasms," he growled.

  "Make me pregnant," she whispered, grinning.

  "That won't work this time," he warned. He grinned as he felt her female muscles flutter around his male one. She didn't say anything, but bit her lip and squeezed her eyes closed.

  "That's one," he said.

  * * *

  In the two-room suite next door, reserved for the best man and maid of honor, the babysitting was taken seriously. Games had been packed for this very purpose, but Ambrose fell asleep halfway through Chutes and Ladders. Mitch picked him up and put him to bed. When he came back, Jessica was standing hipshot, in her naughty nurse outfit.

  "Did somebody call nine-one-one?" she asked.

  Mitch clutched his chest.

  "I'm having pains," he said. "I need an exam."

  "Take off all your clothes and sit down there." She pointed at the bed.

  As he disrobed, she turned to her suitcase and pulled out a stethoscope. She turned around to find him lying down on the bed, his erection straining up in the air.

  "Oh my," she said. "You have some swelling issues, I see."

  "Can you help me?" he moaned.

  "We'll see," she said.

  She made him spread his legs and bend his knees. She hefted his testicles and applied the stethoscope to them.

  "That's cold!" he complained.

  She opened her mouth and breathed out on his balls, instead of the stethoscope, and then put it back.

  "Hmmmmm," she hummed.

  "Will I live?" he asked, grinning.

  "There are lots of little voices in there, all yelling, 'Let me out! Let me out!'" she murmured. "I'm afraid you have a case of lackanookie."

  "Oh no," he moaned. "Please help me."

  "I have to take your temperature first," she said, tossing the stethoscope aside. She lowered her face toward his stiff shaft. "I can take it orally ... " She opened her mouth and covered him almost completely. He moaned. She pulled off. "Or I can take it rectally."

  Mitch watched in something like horror as she stuck her index finger in her mouth to get it wet.

  "No!" he whined.

  "Be brave," she said, grinning.

  His unbelieving eyes watched as she moved her hand under his balls. He felt the tip of her fingernail tickle his tightly closed sphincter. He didn't believe she'd do it.

  She did.

  His yelp as her finger invaded him turned to a groan as her mouth sucked him in again. The combination of sensations was like nothing he'd ever felt before. Part of him wanted to wiggle his way loose and berate her for her perversion. Another part of him decided to make him climax instead. He was suddenly doing that, and it was like no orgasm he'd ever had in his life.

  * * *

  "That's six," said Kris, rubbing in big circles. Lulu was gasping for breath under him, pushing weakly at his chest with her hands.

  "Beast!" she panted.

  "Careful," he cautioned. "I might have to add an orgasm."

  "I love you!" she gasped. "Do with me what you will."

  "Ahhhhh," he sighed. "I love it when they finally submit."

  "You are so full of shit," she groaned. "Let me be on top."

  "Do you promise to have four more?" he asked.

  "I promise."

  They changed positions and she sank down on him. She didn't move. Not externally, anyway. Inside was completely different.

  "Good luck," he said, smiling. "I'm onto you now."

  She didn't look at him. Instead she cupped her breasts and started squeezing her nipples, pulling at them.

  "I love feeling you inside me," she moaned. "I've never felt so complete before. I'm so glad you talked me into marrying you. Maybe we will have a baby together."

  "Really?" He wasn't smiling any more. He was frowning.

  "Maybe," she sighed and started using her internal muscles to milk him.

  Less than two minutes later, she giggled as he lost control and released.

  "You owe me four orgasms, tough guy," she crowed.

  "Oh man!" he groaned. "Not again!"

  * * *

  The next morning they went to the Guinness Book of World Records Museum, where Ambrose was in seventh Heaven. Then it was on to the Neon Museum, called "The Boneyard," where they had made an appointment to be taken on a tour of hundreds of old signs from Las Vegas' past. These sometimes huge signs had been saved from demolition by a group of volunteers who were obviously in love with them. Some of the signs had been refurbished and glowed brightly, while others looked forlorn and lost, sitting in pieces.

  A trip after that to the Hollywood Movie Museum met with disappointment, when they found that it had been closed down, but they did get into the Magic Movie Hall of Fame, where they were treated to a show on the history of magic and saw a live comedy magic show in the Comedy Magic Theatre.

  Mitch heard about an attraction that he just had to see, and they rented a car to drive the forty miles to the place, which had on display the actual car that Bonnie and Clyde had been ambushed and killed in. He stared at the car, which had over a hundred bullet holes in it from shotguns, and several kinds of pistols, including armor piercing rounds from a Browning Automatic Rifle.

  Lulu stepped up on the running board, standing in the open driver's side door. "Take my picture," she giggled. "From now on you can call me Lawless Lulu!"

  That evening, Mitch and Jessica took Ambrose swimming at a water park, to give the honeymooners one more night alone, before they all had to return to Connecticut the next day.

  Lulu and Kris decided to spend a few hours at the Erotic Heritage Museum, as a prelude to creating some erotic conditions themselves. Almost immediately upon entering the huge building, they realized it would take days to see all the exhibits, which included graphic arts, sculpture, and even an impressive collection of comic books.

  The philosophy of the mus
eum was that the legacy of the American Sexual Revolution had resulted in the belief that sexual pleasure and fun are natural aspects of the human experience, that such pleasure should be available to all, and that our individual sexuality belongs to each of us. One curator said, with a small smile on her face, "There is no such thing as kinky, between consulting adults. It really isn't anybody else's business ... except for the museum, of course." She grinned and went on with the tour.

  * * *

  Back in their hotel room, Kris and Lulu spent the next two hours just exploring each other's bodies. There was no hurry or frantic drive to seek an orgasm. Their exploration slowly turned into languid lovemaking that also didn't seek an orgasm as its end result, though both had them eventually. They just spent time loving each other without words.

  * * *

  Next door, Ambrose was spending another sleepover night with his "Aunt Jess and Uncle Mitch." While the newlyweds were communicating physically and without words, their friends were communicating with words, but for once, less physically. Typically, when Jessica and Mitch got together, it was all sex and no talk.

  Mitch carried the sleeping boy to his bed and came back to find Jessica lounging on the couch, with a glass of wine.

  "Having a kid around isn't quite what I thought it would be," he said, as she extended him his own glass. "It's kinda nice."

  "Yeah, well, you missed all the years when all it seemed like that goober did was pee and poop constantly," said Jessica.

  "So you don't want to have kids?"

  "I didn't say that at all," she said. "It's just not as sunshiny as people without kids seem to think it is, that's all."

  "Hmmm," he said. "So you do want to have kids?"

  She lowered her lashes and licked her lips.

  "With the right man ... maybe."

  "And who is the right man?"

  She put her glass down and crawled to lie across him, with her arms around his neck. She kissed him on the lips and their tongues teased each other. She leaned back.

  "Let's just say that you're not completely unacceptable as a potential father," she said.

  "Wow," he said, his eyes wide. "You wouldn't believe how hard that makes me."

  "It's supposed to make you hard." She smiled.

  "But I've never even thought about being a father," he said. "I mean really. I just always assumed I'd never do that."

  "I'm not asking you to impregnate me," she said, still smiling.

  "But I want to!" he sighed. "That's crazy!"

  "It makes me feel good that you want to," said the woman in his arms.

  "Is that why you didn't go on the pill?"

  "I have no idea."

  "What do you mean?" he asked. "How can you have no idea why you didn't go on the pill?"

  "I thought about it," she said. "I'm still thinking about it. Lulu yells at me every day about it. Any one of the doctors at the hospital would write me the scrip if I asked him to. I just haven't asked and I have no idea why."

  "I don't know what to do," he sighed.

  "You need to decide whether or not you can handle being a daddy," she said.

  "That's not fair," he moaned. "I don't even know how to be a good boyfriend."

  "You're doing fine so far," she quipped.

  "Is that what we are?" he asked, his face serious. "Are we just boyfriend and girlfriend?"

  "It's more than that for me," she said. "I won't lie about that. You make me think of things I never thought of with any other man."

  "Like what?"

  "Like not asking any of a dozen doctors to write me a prescription," she said.

  "You gave me your virginity," he said softly.

  "I practically raped you," she corrected.

  "There were no men before me," he said.

  "Yes there were," she said firmly. "I just never met one who made me want to do that with him." She sat back up. "If I had, I would have thought about getting that prescription then. But I didn't."

  "I wish I knew what that meant," he sighed.

  "It means I love you."

  "I know that," he said. "And I love you in a way that's different than it ever has been before. But this is serious, Jess. I mean this is really serious."

  "I know that," she said. "I'm very glad to hear that you know it too."

  "What now?" he asked.

  "Ambrose is asleep. Kris and Lulu are probably going at it like minks. I'm very horny."

  "That's what's so different," he said. "You're so up front about everything. You don't play games."

  "I can think of a game or two I'd like to play right now," she said.

  Ten minutes later Jessica thrust her loins up against Mitch's and gasped her way through an orgasm.

  "You can do that to me any time you want," she panted, going limp.

  "Can I really try and get you pregnant?" he moaned.

  "It's about time you finally asked," she breathed.

  "Can I?" he groaned.

  She wrapped her long dark legs around him. "Yes."

  * * *

  Life returned to a new kind of normal when they got back to what Mitch called the "real world."

  It got very real for Mitch. He and Jessica got married and had five children, though not necessarily in that order. Three girls and two boys, over the years, graced progressively larger homes. That Mitch took the Chief of Police job, when Dabney retired, was more from financial necessity than because he wanted to be in charge.

  Meanwhile, Ambrose started kindergarten. Lulu kept her job, though with Kris' income she really didn't have to. She kept her web development business, too, but it became more of a hobby than a job.

  Kris wrote books. He finished "The Case of the Broken Kangaroo Pounder," which hit the bestseller list within a week of its release. He worked on "Hit and Run," which was a highly stylized version of what had happened to him and Lulu, but was never happy with it and it was never published. Of course, it was discussed many times, with many people, including the governor of New York and his wife, during a dinner party at the governor's mansion.

  But it was a good story, and lots of people recognized that. And, since he had never established copyright to that story, there wasn't much he could do when an unauthorized version was written and published.

  That book was titled "For Want of a Memory."

  What's that? You're asking about whether they had children or not?

  Come now. Didn't I tell you earlier that Kristoff Farmingham ... and now his wife ... treasure their privacy?

  The End




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