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The Runaway Sub [Libertine Island 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Diane Leyne

  “I want to keep it covered around Caleb.”

  “Surely he’ll notice eventually. No matter how well it heals, sooner or later he will see it, and I’m pretty sure he’s seen you naked before, so he will wonder where this new scar came from and why you didn’t tell him about it.”

  She watched Rey’s face. He was struggling with some strong emotion. Finally, he spoke. “Yes, I’m hiding. I am watching Caleb, and I can see he’s beginning to heal, emotionally. I think it is good for him to top you. It makes him feel like he’s in control. He needs that sometimes. I see that. You are good for him. But I’m afraid that if, or rather when, he sees the scar, he’ll backslide to the fear he felt right after the shooting.”

  “He’s stronger than you think, Rey.”

  “He’s more fragile than you think, querida. He ran away rather than talk to me before. I don’t want him to run away again.”

  “He felt he couldn’t talk to you. You were obsessed with work.”

  “He told you this?”

  She saw Rey’s stricken face.

  “He loves you. He never stopped loving you. But he said you changed after the shooting. You seemed to stop touching him. You were never home where he needed you.”

  “I thought that if I could catch the man who did this, I could give him peace.”

  “You, only you could give him that.”

  “Don’t remind me.” Rey’s face and voice were anguished.

  “But now the killer’s dead and so is the man who hired him. And I’m here to see if I can salvage my relationship with Caleb.”

  “What if you can’t?”

  “All I want is for him to be happy. If that means I have to leave him, I will, but right now, I’m fighting for him. For us.”

  Jen got out of her lounger and slid in beside Rey on his, making sure she was on the unwounded side. The loungers were wider than normal, but he still had to pull her tight against his side. She wrapped her arms around his head and pulled it down onto her chest, holding him tightly as the tears finally overflowed and ran down his face.

  “How could I have let things go so wrong? Why did I never see just how badly Caleb was shaken up, how much he was hurting inside? The shooting was almost four months ago. I knew Caleb was upset. Hell, Caleb had been shot. Who wouldn’t be shaken? But it was over. You move on. It didn’t occur to me that Caleb was still traumatized and he wasn’t moving on. Hell, it hadn’t even occurred to me, at first, that Caleb was traumatized at all. I was scared, but once it was clear that Caleb would be okay, I devoted all of my time and energy to tracking down the scumbags responsible. I wanted to present them to him as a gift.

  “Instead, I ignored the one person I should have been devoting myself to. I didn’t even stick around to help change the bandages. I didn’t go to any doctor’s appointments once Caleb was out of the hospital. Hell, I didn’t even take him home from the hospital because I was off following a lead. I had become obsessed. I felt so damned violated. My job was messy and violent and painful and sad and frustrating, and the one person who made it all worthwhile, the man I got up for every day and who provided me with a reason to look forward to going home to could have died. And it was all my fault, and I was determined to fix things my way. But I lost sight of Caleb and what he needed.

  “After a while, I think I knew I was neglecting Caleb, I couldn’t stop. The more Caleb pulled away, the more I convinced that finding the perp would magically solve all of our problems. Instead, I drove him further away and onto Libertine Island and into your arms.”

  “Rey, he’s been here almost four months. Why didn’t you come after him?”

  “I thought he’d be safer here.” Jen looked up and saw the anguish in his face as the first tears began to fall. “Oh my god, Jen, I thought that letting him come here was a good thing. He’d be safe from the men who tried to kill him here, but I never told him that. I should have told him.”

  Jen held Rey tightly as he cried it out, all of his pain and guilt. She found herself crying, too. Damned stupid men. If only they could be more like women and talk about their feelings to each other, they’d have a lot fewer problems, although that might mean she would never have met Rey and Caleb, and that wasn’t good either.

  So it was going to be up to her to fix things. And if she lost them in the process, so be it. But she would try.

  * * * *

  Dinner was over, and they were back in their room. Jen was waiting for Rey to order Caleb to remove the belt and strap her down to some piece of equipment, but this time, he didn’t. He ordered Caleb to sit in the chair in their bedroom, and he removed the belt, leaving the butt plug in Jen’s ass.

  He lifted Jen onto the bed and stripped before lying beside her. He was magnificent naked. Jen realized that this was the first time she’d ever seen him completely nude. He had always kept his shirt on unless he was positioned behind Caleb where the other man couldn’t see his wound. But now he was standing proudly in front of her, bandage off, the angry red marks seeming to be fading slightly.

  She realized that Caleb still couldn’t see them, and she wanted to say something, but then Rey did something completely unexpected. He crawled into the bed, positioning himself on top of her, leaning his weight on his elbows.

  Leaning down, he kissed her reverently before becoming more aggressive, his tongue pressing for entrance. Raising her hands up, she gripped his shoulders as he ravaged her mouth, intent, seemingly, on dominating her with his mouth while his right hand clasped her breast, teasing the nipple to erectness before he replaced his hand with his mouth.

  She could feel his hard cock pressing against her stomach, and she pushed her hips up against it as her pussy clenched with the need to be filled, but he pushed her down.

  “Patience, querida, or I’ll tie you down.”

  Jen looked at the resolve in his face and subsided. Rey had something in mind, and she wished he’d share. Typical Dom, thinking that he had to do it all on his own. And then she stopped thinking when he pushed his cock into her tight pussy.

  * * * *

  Caleb sat naked in the chair where Rey had ordered him. He watched the man and woman he loved kissing and wished he could join them. But, he concluded, this was probably going to be the night when Rey took Jen’s ass. Caleb had lovingly prepared her daily, working her with his fingers and then inserting larger and larger plugs. She was wearing a large one now, and a lubed cock would have no trouble breaching her opening and fucking her ass.

  He wished it were going to be him. He desperately wanted that ass, but he understood that this was his punishment for running away without talking to Rey. Groaning, he clasped his own cock. Rey hadn’t forbidden him from masturbating while he watched Rey nibbling on her tits, sucking hard on one nipple. He tugged harder. He desperately wanted to change places with Rey when the other man did something unexpected. He pushed his cock inside Jen.

  It took Caleb a moment to realize that Rey had never fucked her pussy before. He’d taken her mouth repeatedly and had played with her, teased her, even strapped her ass until it was pink, but he’d never fucked her.

  And before Caleb could process those thoughts, Rey did something else unexpected. He held Jen tight and executed a kind of role maneuver, and suddenly she was on top, her plugged ass right in Caleb’s line of sight.

  Caleb felt himself getting closer and tugged harder.

  “Slave. What the hell are you doing?”

  Caleb looked up and saw Rey glaring at him as he held Jen down, her head against his shoulder.

  “Did I give you permission to beat off?”

  “No, Sir, but you didn’t forbid it either,” Caleb pointed out.

  “I didn’t, did I? I hope you still have some self-control because I need to put that hard cock to use, slave. Are you still hard enough to fuck?”

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Then pull out that butt plug and fuck our girl. I think it is time she had us both, don’t you?”

  “But, you said…” />
  “Are you arguing with me, slave? Or maybe you don’t want her ass anymore. Should I fuck that sweet bottom, Caleb?”

  “No, Sir.”

  Caleb sat on the bed and gently removed the butt plug before he’d gotten out the last word. He heard Jen groan and stopped.

  “Am I hurting you, Jen?”

  “No, you aren’t hurting me, you idiot. But now my ass is so damned empty that I’ll scream if you don’t fill it now. Please!”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice. He grabbed the condom Rey pointed to on the end table and lubed up, not taking any chances. With Rey’s cock inside her pussy, she’d be tight, even though she’d had the plug in for a couple of hours. Settling himself between the two sets of legs, he kneeled and positioned the head of his cock at her rosette and pushed his way slowly in.

  Damn, she was tight, but it felt oh so good. Once he stopped when he thought he was hurting her, but both she and Rey yelled for him to continue. Soon the head was in, and the rest followed more easily, as he continued pushing until he was balls-deep inside her ass. And in heaven.

  He felt Rey’s hand on his shoulder, and he looked down. He saw Rey’s glittering black eyes and felt his hand move to tangle in Caleb’s hair. Leaning down as Rey pushed up, their lips met briefly before Rey stated, “Fuck our girl.”

  And so Caleb did. He pulled back out slowly until only the head of his cock was inside her, and then he started pushing back in. He realized that Rey had started the opposite motion, pulling back as Caleb pushed in. Soon they had a rhythm going and Jen was twisting and writhing and screaming between as her climax rolled through her, but they didn’t stop. Twice more she came before she collapsed moaning on top of Rey. They both took that as a signal that they could concentrate on their own pleasure, and soon Caleb shot his load into her ass. He heard Rey moan, and then his body went stiff as he, too, climaxed.

  Caleb knew he should move, but it felt too good, the three of them connected like this. He levered himself onto his elbows to take some of his weight off Jen and that was when he heard Rey’s cry of pain.

  Pulling out quickly, he helped Jen off Rey. And then he saw the vicious red marks. Knife marks. He reached down to touch them lightly.

  “How many stitches?”


  “And were you ever going to tell me?”

  “Eventually. I was waiting for them to heal.”

  “I still would have noticed the scar, Rey. I am a doctor. And I was kind of wondering about the shirt. You’ve never been terribly modest.”

  Rey sat up in the bed, unselfconsciously naked now that his secret was out. “I have nothing to be modest about.” He stroked his cock. Even flaccid, it was an impressive size. Caleb reached down to stroke it, and Rey grinned, reaching out and clasping Caleb’s hand around his now-hardening dick and did the same with Caleb’s cock.

  “I love you, Caleb. Don’t ever run away from me again.”

  “Never, Master.”

  * * * *

  “That’s it?” Jen’s tone was outraged as she stared at the two men. “You are just going to feel each other up and that’s that. You aren’t even going to talk about what really happened? You can’t just pretend…”

  Caleb and Rey both flushed bright red, but they didn’t say anything.

  “Fine. Rey, you already figured out Caleb was traumatized, and you not being around when he needed you just made it worse. When he ran away, it wasn’t because he wanted to break up. He wanted you to come after him. That’s why he left you those clues.

  “And, Caleb, the reason Rey didn’t come after you right away was because he thought you were safer here while he hunted down the man who arranged the hit. But being a man, he didn’t think to tell you. That’s also how he got stabbed. Making sure the man couldn’t ever hurt you again.”

  Sitting back on her knees, she watched comprehension dawning in their eyes as her words cleared the air. Rey moved to a kneeling position and reached out to take Caleb’s face between his hands. Pulling him forward, he placed his lips against Caleb’s, and his kiss was reverent and a promise. It signified love, not lust. On the other hand, his erect cock signified lust.

  “I love you, slave. Please never leave me again.”

  “Never, Master. I love you too.”

  Jen felt happy and sad at the same time. Their two weeks together were only half over, but she knew that they didn’t need her anymore. In fact, she felt like she was intruding on something beautiful and private. She moved to swing her legs around and slide off the bed. She’d find a room in the main building tonight and head home in the morning.

  “Where to you think you are going, pet?” Caleb reached out a big hand and grabbed her ankle before she could get very far. Rey grabbed her other ankle, and the two of them pulled her along the bed until she was lying between them.

  “Who said you could go anywhere, querida?”

  “I figured you two wanted to be alone.”

  “What about our final week?”

  “I’d just be a third wheel now.”

  “Never. You are our pet and we have decided that we want to cancel that contract and write a new one for the three of us.”

  “But you two are reconnecting. I’d just be in the way.”

  “In the way, no. You belong to us now. Your place is with us.” Rey’s voice was firm. “In the middle as you just were, yes. Although sometimes, you will be on the bottom and it will be my slave here who is in the middle. Would you like that, Caleb?”

  “Very much, Master.” Caleb grinned as he lay down beside her and pinched a nipple. Rey lay on her other side.

  “You are very skilled in bed, slave, but you don’t have these”—he used Jen’s nipple to shake her breast—“and you don’t have a pussy.”

  “Actually I do, Master. We both have one.” He grinned wickedly and slid his hand down and pulled her leg to one side so he could slip a finger inside her. “And a very nice pussy it is. I believe you just had your first test drive. What did you think?”

  Rey mirrored Caleb’s movements and also slipped a finger inside Jen, who found herself moaning. The only thing hotter than being finger fucked was being finger fucked by two hot guys at the same time. She thought she might spontaneously combust on the spot.

  “Yes, it was a most excellent ride. I look forward to many more enjoyable times inside it. And I also look forward to my turn in her ass while you fuck our pussy. What do you think, slave? Next time we switch?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Their fingers were busy as they spoke, and Jen lay back and groaned. “You two are killing me here.”

  Laughing, they leaned down and placed their mouths over an already-pebbled nipple and suckled strongly. Jen felt her body bowing up off the bed, as their greedy mouths seemed to set off a bolt of lightning directly to her clit.


  “I think our pet is begging, Master.”

  “Let her beg some more. I want to kiss my slave.”

  Pulling their hands out of Jen, they leaned over her body and kissed, their tongues tangling as she lay beneath them watching. She wanted desperately to reach between her legs and bring herself off. She knew it wouldn’t take much, but she also knew she’d be punished severely for that, so she contented herself with curling her fingers around both of their erect cocks and squeezing lightly, and she tugged upward.

  Both men groaned and pulled back. “Time to take care of her hands, I think, slave.”

  Moving quickly, Caleb brought her wrists over her head and fastened her cuffs she always wore to the headboard. Jen wanted to cry with frustration as they went back to kissing each other before finally lying back down beside her, teasing her body again with light touches to her breasts and between her legs.

  “You know, slave, this is a pretty nice place, although I may not be able to afford this cabin while you are under contact. Maybe they can find a job for me. I bussed tables as a boy in my abuela’s restaurant.”

t about your job, Master?”

  “I quit.”


  Jen knew that Caleb’s shocked expression mirrored her own.

  “You needed me, and my job kept us apart. So once I made sure you were safe, I quit. So now you have an unemployed Master. We can decide where to live when your contract is up, and I can look for a job when the date gets closer.”

  “Why did you quit? You love that job.”

  “I love you more.”

  Jen felt a tear trickle down her cheek. She saw Caleb dash away a tear, too.

  He cleared his throat. “Pet is unemployed, too.”

  Rey threw his head back and laughed. “My poor slave. You have to support your unemployed Master and submissive. Thank goodness you have a contract. We all will be able to eat.”

  “Uh, actually, it’s only for six months. The permanent doctor’s going to be here in five weeks and I’ll just be needed for a few more weeks to help them get settled…”

  Rey roared with laughter before turning to Jen.

  “So, my pet. Where are you from when you aren’t hanging about on tropical islands?”


  “Do you like it?”

  “Love it.”

  “So what do you think, slave? Want to move to Chicago with our pet and make a new home there together, the three of us? Since we will all be unemployed, we may have to live on love instead of food.”


  Six months later, winter in Chicago.

  Rey was complaining bitterly about the cold, again. Jen just laughed. They’d been in the Windy City since the New Year, and Rey had grumbled constantly about the weather all while smiling broadly and happily. They were all working. Rey had taken a job for the security department of Whelan Corp, which owned Libertine Island and the original Club Libertine in Seattle. They were in the process of opening up in Chicago, and Rey took a contract to help them set up their security and ended up as Vice President of Security for the Midwest for the parent company.

  Caleb was working at a hospital again, three days a week, and volunteering in a free clinic two days a week. Once he knew that it wasn’t random violence, but a targeted attack, he seemed to slowly be able to put his PTSD behind him with the help of a good therapist.


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