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Page 4

by Ann Raina

  When his cock was released, Won Ta Ki moved backwards slowly and the singing ended. Kianto’s head slumped back on the bed. He panted as if he had run. All nerves in his lower body were on alert and so sensitive he almost jumped at the faintest touch.

  Won Ta Ki purred.

  “Your instrument of mating is very interesting,” she stated while her hands explored the object and moved back when he twitched. “There is strength in it and yet it can be so soft.”

  Kianto panted, sweating and wanted to ask her what she had done with him. His head spun and he could not cope with the strange and wonderful emotion she had evoked. Blurs of light filled his head and slowly abated. Won Ta Ki sang while she washed him with warm water. The touch was pleasant and he realized he had not been hurt too badly.

  Another voice mingled with Won Ta Ki’s and a lively discussion followed of which he only understood a word here and there, not enough to make out a meaning. He was content to be whole and satisfied—until something hard and tight closed around his manhood, followed by another object that was pushed into his backside. He made a sound of disgust in his throat that was commented by the Mawanies with more musical sounds.

  Then the gag was taken away.

  “What did you do to me?” Kianto asked at once. “Let me see!”

  “Not yet, Kianto. You are not yet ready to be released.”

  “Untie me! You have no right—”

  “I have all the right I need,” Won Ta Ki replied, her voice suddenly hard and unrelenting. “You betrayed us and I will punish you the way I see fit.”

  “Cast me out, then. I’ll leave.”


  “So you keep me as a prisoner?”

  “I employ you further in spite of your crime. That is a mercy not many are granted.”

  Kianto snorted. He wanted to appear strong, but her tone left him shaken.

  “So what will you do?”

  “I will keep you close.”

  “Close?” He would not have been more surprised if she had told him to talk and tweet like a Mawany. “Why would you want me close?”

  Won Ta Ki did not answer and went on talking with the other Mawany in the room.

  “Hey, I can still hear you. What’s on your mind?”

  They ignored him.

  Kianto was about to urge her again when a soft material was pressed on his mouth quick enough to take away any means of defense. He grunted, but could no longer part his lips for an angry remark.

  “The beladis-muzzle will keep you from talking too much while you are with me. And until you have gotten acquainted to your new task, I will hamper your movements a bit more than usual.” She put all her fingers on his chest as she got closer to whisper in his ear. “But as a reward you will have mating rituals you have not had before.”

  Kianto thought of the recent pain and then of Sariti and the bath and the joy he had found in doing Donego. He wondered what more she had in store and if it would be worth walking in chains.

  “You will be taken to my chamber,” Won Ta Ki said and then she was gone.

  Chapter Three

  There was no bed. There was no furniture he could decipher at all in the spacious room Won Ta Ki called her private chamber. When his eyes adjusted to the dim light he looked around and found everything out of the ordinary. The dark red colors of the wooden walls, the cloth hung along the windows and the strange, liquid floor that seemed to change color and appearance as if touched by an unfelt wind.

  Kianto had been pushed on the ground, hands bound tight behind his back in a fashion that made his hands numb and cramped his shoulder muscles. A part of him knew that punishment had to be expected, another part protested and wanted back to Sariti and her firm, young body.

  He looked down to the device that enclosed his manhood. If his assumption was correct there was a kind of lock within and he would not make love without Won Ta Ki allowing it. Kianto cursed without words. His thoughts turned to Sariti and whether she would be punished, too. Imagining her bound and helpless delivered to Mawany cruelties made him wish he had been more careful. Though Sariti had come to his bath, he had been the one taking her against her—very quiet and short—protest. He wondered if the young woman was still around so that he might tell her how sorry he was for his mistake.

  Slowly and in pain, Kianto got up to inspect the chamber. The floor was warm and soft under his bare feet. There seemed to be a kind of life form within and he stepped back when his toes were pricked. His steps became an artful dance since the nibbling teeth seemed to follow him everywhere. He hopped back to where he started, frowning, staring at the swirling floor that kept its secret. He stood panting, turning in every direction, fearing that this animal might surface to take more than just a tiny bit of his toes.

  “The murinjin won’t harm you,” said a voice from the entrance.

  Kianto turned to see Won Ta Ki and a friend getting closer. They purred happily, opening and closing the double-lids of their eyes.

  “They live off the small flakes our skin sheds every day. Do not worry. After a bath with them your skin will feel very soft,” Won Ta Ki explained, and stroked down Kianto’s shoulder and arm.

  He lifted his chin to urge her to take off the muzzle.

  “You will not talk when I take it off,” she warned before she carefully opened the device. Kianto loosened his jaw and was about to ask what she had in store for him when she put two of her fingers on his lips. “I warn you, Kianto, this is not the place for you to talk.” When she clapped her hands, servants brought trays with small bites as dinner. “Kneel, and I will feed you.”

  He knelt, but could not keep from asking,

  “What do you want from me? Will you keep me here in this room? Is that my task now—serving you only?”

  Won Ta Ki sighed and put a piece of honeyed bread in his mouth.

  “I employ you as I see fit. For the moment, it will be here in my chamber, since the one who made me will not suffer to see you around. If you behave, you might be allowed to walk in the palace once more.”

  Kianto chewed and swallowed, pondering if he should dare another question. Won Ta Ki’s girlfriend purred low, indicating a giggle.

  “Why did you do this to me?”

  Won Ta Ki followed his gaze down to his enclosed cock.

  “It will keep the others from being bold, don’t you think? Or do you want them to break it so that you can enjoy their mating organs? Do you expect me to make arrangements? I won’t. In the wake of your betrayal I ordered all servants to be chastised.” She sighed. “You brought disorder, Kianto, that is something the one who made me does not like, and he will not suffer disobedience. Not from you or from anyone else. You are employed for entertainment. You promised to serve.”

  “I never—”

  “Be quiet.

  Kianto evaded her threatening stare. She was right, and he needed the payment so his rush of obstinacy faded quickly. He let her feed him, since it was the only way to fill his grumbling stomach.

  She shared her tankard with him and for the first time he tasted Mawany wine. It was much stronger than he had expected and it was not too long before he felt much better, lighter and very relaxed.

  “You can have me if you want to,” he heard himself say, and the two Mawanies purred as they lowered their heads toward him.

  “We will have you,” Won Ta Ki replied. “And you will love us more than before.”

  Kianto blinked and the chastity device was gone. Instead, Won Ta Ki’s girlfriend had her mouth over his limp cock. He saw sharp teeth emerging from her small mouth and moved backwards rapidly.

  “Hey, wait! No biting!”

  Won Ta Ki held his shoulders to look him in the eyes.

  “Calm. She won’t hurt you.”

  And if he had not believed her, the teeth scraped lightly over his sensitive skin without breaking it. He flinched, but held still, afraid it would hurt more if he jumped. Holding his breath, he watched the Mawany woman wake his cock. Her han
ds massaged his inner thighs with strong moves, doing more and more to put him at ease. It did not take long and Kianto rested his head on the moving floor and let Won Ta Ki and her girlfriend have the fun of his body.

  “Untie my hands,” he croaked when he tried to move. “They hurt.”

  “You are about to learn that every pain leads to pleasure.” She ran her hands across his chest and the contact made his skin crawl. He wanted to be taken and still be in control. It seemed impossible to hold back and yet, before he was ready to burst, Won Ta Ki told her girlfriend to stop.

  Irritated, Kianto lifted his head.


  “Be quiet. You ruin it.”

  Kianto frowned then ripped open his eyes as a thin creature slipped out of Won Ta Ki’s hand to wind around his rock hard cock. Like a snake around a flower stem, the small beast made an effort to reach his glans.

  “This is a grown muri,” she explained. “She likes you.”

  Kianto panted.

  “Take it away!”


  Kianto turned sideways frantically to strip it off. Won Ta Ki rolled him back and pressed him down forcefully.

  “I said, wait!”

  With his hands bound behind his back, Kianto had no means to withstand her. The creature had reached the glans and spread warm and flat. Its movements aroused the young man in spite of his disapproval. He cursed viciously, struggled with his legs and bent his back, but could not get rid of the worm. Won Ta Ki’s eyes grew larger as she watched Kianto squirm under her grasp and then, inevitably, reach the climax. She cocked her head and made a sound of contentment before she carefully claimed back the creature.

  Kianto was not sure if he should hope this little monster would die of his semen or live happily ever after. A shudder went through his body when he realized he had been fucked by an alien worm.

  “You have to agree that it is a very stimulating way of mating,” Won Ta Ki stated.

  Kianto was about to scream in her alien face, but all he said was, “I could have done without.”

  The Mawany pondered his words.

  “Your service shall be educating for you and for us. We still need to learn much about humans. You help us understand your race. And you get your satisfaction, as you call it.” She made an elegant gesture with her eight fingers. “This is a good situation.” She looked at him for a long time, then, as if the decision cost her, closed her eyes and sent her friend out. The tweeted reply sounded incredulous, but still the female Mawany obeyed.

  Kianto swallowed dryly.

  “And now? Some other nice animal that I shall meet? Let me have some more wine first, then.”

  “No.” Won Ta Ki knelt beside him. He felt her hesitate and lifted his brows instead of asking her. “Back in the audience room, I united with you, and it was no pleasure for you.”

  “It got better.” And when she did not move, he added, “I can stand it. And it was great in the end.”

  “Would you want me to…”

  “Yes.” He felt like a hero exploring unknown grounds. Won Ta Ki’s relief was palpable. “If you can coax me right, I’ll follow.”

  Won Ta Ki purred.

  “You have to be cautious not to tell anyone,” she said quietly as she began stroking his chest. “And I advise you to stay away from Na Ris Nei. He might treat you less than courteous.”

  “Which means he would throw me out?”

  Won Ta Ki cocked her head and he thought he saw a mocking grin.

  “No. He would put you in more chains and stretch your mating instrument over a trunk. Just to find out if you had enough strength to pull it back.”

  “That wasn’t meant to turn me on, right?”

  “Am I doing it wrong?”

  “No, just leave out some harmful details.” He grinned as she cast down her eyes.

  * * * *

  Donego took it very personally to be excluded. It had not happened before. He knew of everything happening in the palace, and Na Ris Nei trusted him like a Mawany guard. That might not be the highest rank he would ever reach, but in his little world the trust of an alien was all he had. And now Won Ta Ki had taken away the youngster to do whatever she wished in her private chamber.

  It was a private chamber he was not allowed to enter.

  Donego gnashed his teeth, pacing the long corridor and venting his anger on the servants rushing silently from one room to the next. Many of them feared him and they almost ran when he told them to hurry. It was not good enough.

  Despite his fear of ruining his status, he found himself walking through the adjacent room to enter the small balcony. From here he could take a peep into Won Ta Ki’s chamber. He held his breath. The alien lowered her body over Kianto’s and then, all of a sudden, a kind of pocket opened in Won’s lower abdomen and she took in Kianto’s expecting cock, enclosing it firmly. The young man grimaced as if the contact was painful, but did not resist. Won Ta Ki went on stroking Kianto’s heaving chest, softly singing.

  Donego’s mouth went dry and his anger flared so much he had trouble remaining a watcher. Kianto should be his lover! When he had to suffer and watch Sariti take him, he would suffer and claim him afterwards, but if the alien woman kept him in her chamber, he had no access. Donego squirmed with discomfort as the mating went on. Won Ta Ki had closed her eyes and all the muscles on her back stood out prominently. Donego could not see how she satisfied Kianto, but the young man moaned deep in his throat and then, with a loud intake of breath, bent back his head and rocked up. Won Ta Ki took the momentum and lifted the man’s buttocks to keep contact before she slowly, carefully released him.

  Donego stretched to look at Kianto’s cock. It was still whole. Not even the skin was broken, but around the base a red bruise showed where she had held him inside.

  The young man smiled blissfully.

  “Wow, that was a trip.”

  “It will be better every time.” And Won Ta Ki purred with happiness as the small pocket on her body closed.

  Donego swallowed bile and went back before his anger overruled his caution.

  * * * *

  Kianto lived four more nights and days captured in Won Ta Ki’s private chambers. She impressed him with more mating experiments to enlarge his simple perception of love making, and he learned to cherish her presence, hardly believing his own growing feelings. If she went away, he longed for her to return. The moment she came he wanted to embrace her, but she never allowed it. Instead, she coddled him, fed him and, if she saw it fit, bound and blindfolded him to enjoy his body.

  When she saw him fit and—as he put it—subdued enough, she let him walk the palace again without hands bound behind his back. Still, he peered around every corner if Na Ris Nei was close by. He would not want his manhood drawn to the floor just for sport or to enhance the alien knowledge of his body.

  The palace was larger than he had expected and he used the time while Won Ta Ki did not expect his service to wander around, careful not to meet with Mawanies. He felt like a spy on an alien planet and grinned. Deran had spoken about Hanjek and his heroic role in the second riot. The way Kianto remembered, Hanjek had had nothing to lose. His rage had been fed by Rahenians who wanted back the old order without invaders and without coins to buy shiny things. However, there were Rahenians among them who had turned to the invaders smiling, welcoming the change and praising them for their knowledge. And they had delivered information about secret camps and attack plans. It had been a wild time before the Mawanies had reinforced their reign. And yet, the Rahenians did not see that the Mawanies, strong and powerful, could have misused the situation to kill all rioters and had not done it. Many followers had simply returned to their villages.

  Kianto turned another corner. The light was dim, so he squinted to see what waited for him at the end of the long corridor. There were no stairs. He looked back, checking for guards with angry eyes and blown-up nostrils to pull him back. There was the sound of footsteps and he waited in a corner until they we
re gone before turning to inspect the dim lower level. His heart beat faster as he slipped down slowly from one floor to the next. Down there, he squatted to get acquainted with the meager light and the sounds around. When he heard human voices, he followed, taking every step carefully. The moving floor in Won Ta Ki’s chamber had convinced him that nothing was as it seemed. He even expected some alien hands to grab for him and felt stupid walking on tiptoes all the same.

  He reached a door frame. No firm door prohibited the entrance, just a thick dark red curtain. Still, his heart beat hard against his ribcage as he drew it aside to peer into the adjacent room. A strong smell of mixed spices wavered in his direction, biting his nostrils.

  Several men stood at working benches loaded with casks and cups of different sizes. Some were young, but most had seen more than thirty seasons. They wore skirts and sashes of different colors and some had soft shoes. All of them appeared clean and healthy and when they turned in his direction, there was surprise more than relief on their faces.

  “Hi, young friend, what brings you here? Do the flat-nosed send their human servants down here today? What an honor!”

  The men roared with laughter as if it was the most wonderful joke.

  “No, he’s here to test the latest drink we pour!” another man japed. “Give him a tankard, Loban, and be quick about it! See if he stands a round and still knows his name!”

  “I came down here in search of—” Kianto stood frozen when one man emerged from the darker corner of the room.

  “You search for me, right?” The man smiled. It was a happy, very content smile. “Search no longer. I’m Hanjek.”

  Chapter Four

  “You are—”

  “Not dead. Obviously. Want to sit? You look like you will fall. Come.” Hanjek waved him to follow to the other side of the room. A kind of mattress lay on the ground. Kianto had no working brain cells left for the moment so he simply followed the former rioter through the rows of men. They sat.


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