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Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3)

Page 11

by Frank David

  “They are wise to keep those thoughts to themselves. I have never manned a ship before, but would kill them all if necessary to protect you.” Felicia kissed Sofia on her head.

  Sofia broke the embrace and looked toward the entrance to the lower deck. Her eyes became focused.

  “What is it?” Felicia turned her head in the direction of Sofia’s gaze.

  “Quiet,” Sofia whispered.

  She moved slowly toward the door, her head moving side to side as she continued. Felicia followed closely.

  “I can hear a man. His words are foreign to me. I am not familiar with the language. His mind speaks in one language, but he is versed in our language.” Sofia opened the door, following the strength of the voice in her mind.

  “You are well versed in all languages. How can you not determine his origin?” Felicia kept close as Sofia descended the stairs to the cabin level.

  “I cannot understand his words but the emotion he feels is quite clear. He is here to do harm to Joseph.” Sofia quickened her pace.

  “Do you think he is from Xasha?” Felicia had her hand on her blade, ready should the need arise.

  “No, the language is very different from the native tongue of Xasha.” Sofia approached a door which led to the lower level; the sailors’ quarters. “He is below.” Sofia opened the door. His voice grew louder in her head as she descended the stairs. Suddenly his words became clear. She could understand what the man was thinking. “He is doing this for someone named Drevniy.”

  “Drevniy? Who is that?” Felicia asked.

  “I do not know but I intend to find out.” Sofia stood outside a cabin door. “He is in here,” she whispered.

  Felicia moved Sofia aside. She took a deep breath, withdrew her blade, and kicked the door open.

  The man inside quickly went for his own blade, startled by the intrusion. “What do you want?” he asked, standing with his blade outstretched toward Felicia. His accent was not familiar. It was like those from Xasha but harsher. “Ah, Imperial Princess,” he said greeting Sofia, lowering his sword. “What can I do for you?”

  “What are your intentions? Who is Drevniy?” Sofia stared at the man, hoping his thoughts would betray him.

  “My intentions? My intention is to see the young Emperor safely to Xasha,” he said, smiling at the two women. “I am not familiar with Drevniy.”

  “Let me try,” Felicia raised her sword. “What are your true intentions?”

  The man’s face contorted as he fought to deny Felicia’s power. “I am Sasha of Zabytyy. My queen has sent me on this mission to stop the boy from taking the throne. She has seen what is to come if the boy is to ascend the throne.” The man stood slack-jawed before them. He had betrayed his queen and knew the price he would pay. “There are others aboard that will succeed.” He raised his sword and plunged it into his chest, collapsing in front of them.

  Sofia screamed as the man fell before them. “Joseph! We must get to Joseph.” She ran out of the room. Felicia followed.

  “Aunt Sofia!” She could hear the fear in his cry.

  “He is in danger!” Sofia rushed to the cabin. She opened the door. The man had Joseph, a knife to the boy’s throat. “Please, stop!” she pleaded.

  “The boy will bring about the destruction of us all. He cannot be allowed to live. He will unite your realms and bring war against Zabytyy.” The man brought the knife tighter to Joseph’s throat. “My queen has warned us of the danger. Your people have hated our people since time began. We cannot allow you to once again try to destroy us.”

  “We do not even know your people,” Sofia pleaded, trying to reason with the man. “Where is Zabytyy?”

  “We were forced to flee your world. We found our way to a great and lush land, beyond the waters to the east of the realm known as Savien. We are on the other side of world from your realms. We had hoped we could live in peace. We had hoped we could remain in the shadows as we have for two centuries, but this boy, he will expose us. He will bring a great war. This, we cannot allow.”

  The air in the cabin had become thin. Felicia struggled to breathe. She saw the man was also struggling. She needed to end this. “Remove the blade from the boy’s throat and we will allow you to live!” she commanded.

  The man laughed, coughing from the waning air. “We have been warned about your powers. I was selected for this mission because I am not affected by your abilities. It would seem you have failed the boy.”

  “Please, sir, release me and I will allow you to live,” Joseph said quietly.

  “You will allow me to live?” the man laughed. He was becoming lightheaded from the lack of air in the room.

  Sofia tried to read their minds, but she could not focus. She looked at Felicia who seemed to also be affected.

  “I will ask you once more to release me. If you refuse, you leave me no choice.” Joseph stared at his aunt. She could sense something in the boy but could not figure what it was.

  “Do your best, young Emperor,” the man laughed again.

  “Very well. I tried to allow you to live but you refuse to be sensible.” Joseph fixed his eyes on Sofia. He opened his mouth and drew in a great breath. The air in the cabin left.

  Sofia watched in horror as the man dropped the knife and began clawing at his throat. Joseph turned to the man. He held his head and he continued to breathe in. The man’s face showed the pain he was experiencing. The veins in his face bulged as the air was sucked from his lungs. The whites of his eyes became bloodshot. The man tried to remove the boy’s hands but was not able. Sofia pulled Felicia from the cabin as the air continued to be thinned. She rushed up the stairs leading to the deck and opened the door. She fell back as the air rushed past her, toward Joseph.

  Felicia watched as the man’s body fell from Joseph’s hands.

  Joseph fell to the floor, exhausted.

  Sofia rushed to her nephew. “What did you do, Joseph?”

  “I killed him before he could kill me.” His voice was barely audible.

  “How?” Felicia asked, kneeling next to the boy.

  “We all have our gifts. I used mine to protect us all.” Joseph’s voice became louder. “He was right, a great war is coming between our realms and theirs. However, his queen is wrong. It is not I that will bring the war, it will be her daughter. There is another involved, but I cannot make out who it is. I too have seen the visions. It is why I did not wish for mother to face father.”

  “The man said there were others. We need to get to Xasha. I wish this boat could move faster.” Sofia held Joseph close as he laid there regaining his strength.

  “I can get us there, faster, if you wish,” he smiled at his aunts.

  “You need to rest before you do anything,” Sofia demanded as she helped him to the bed. “Felicia and I will be right outside if you need anything.”

  Sofia closed the door behind them. “What do we do?”

  “We get Joseph to Xasha.” Felicia gripped her sword.

  “What if there are others and they too cannot be affected by your powers?” Sofia began to pace the corridor.

  “I believe Joseph is quite capable of protecting himself,” Felicia laughed.

  “How? He is too young to have any gifts. Braynard said they appeared around the age of maturity. Joseph is barely eight.” Sofia rubbed her temples as her steps increased.

  “I am starting to think the boy is more special than any of us are aware.” Felicia released her sword, confident the boy was well protected.

  The door opened behind them, Joseph appeared. “I am ready to get us to Xasha.” He walked past them and up the stairs to the deck. The two followed him closely.

  “Are you sure you are up to this, Joseph? You seemed very weak,” Sofia asked, trying to keep up with the rushing boy.

  “Aunt, please do not worry about me. I am stronger than you believe.” He laughed as he rushed to the middle of the deck. He raised his arms. The winds shifted. Sofia grabbed the rail as the velocity increased. The boy sto
od in the center of swirling winds, unmoved by its strength. Felicia joined Sofia. She could not take her eyes off the boy. The speed of the ship increased, as did the direction.

  Felicia watched as the captain struggled to maintain the wheel of the vessel.

  ‘Tell him to release the wheel,” Joseph’s voice rang in Sofia’s head. ‘He will only get hurt if he continues to fight. I will guide the ship safely to shore.’

  “Felicia, can you get to the captain? Tell him to release the wheel. Joseph said he will be injured if he continues to fight.” Sofia yelled over the howling winds that continued to grow.

  Felicia held tight to the rail as she made her way to the bridge of the ship to give the captain the command.

  Sofia watched Joseph as he commanded the air around them. It was then she noticed the man approaching Joseph from behind. The knife was obvious. He made no attempt to hide the weapon.

  “Joseph!” Sofia screamed. The boy did not move. It was as though he was in a trance, fixated on the winds. “Joseph, behind you!” She tried to fight against the winds to reach her nephew, to protect him.

  Just as the man was about to be within striking distance. Joseph lowered an arm in the man’s direction. Sofia watched in awe as the man was thrown back, hitting the far deck. He appeared to be pinned, unable to move.

  “Felicia was right,” Sofia said watching the events unfolding before her. Another man approached Joseph. Joseph did not even need to move. The man was raised in the air and tossed as if he was a simple rag doll. Sofia ducked as the man passed overhead. The man, thrown from the side of the ship, screamed as he descended into the rough waters below.

  The winds began to subside as the port came into view. Sofia wondered how the ship stayed together under the pressure of the water. She was relieved the trip was over. She looked over to check on Joseph. He was lying on the deck. She noticed the blood and the man standing over him.

  “Felicia!” she screamed.

  Felicia turned to see the same scene. She rushed from the bridge. She looked at the man who stood motionless over the boy. ‘Slice your throat,’ she commanded. The man lifted the knife to his throat, trying to fight the order. Felicia watched as the man’s blood began to flow from the cut. The man dropped the knife and collapsed beside Joseph.

  Joseph moved. Sofia rushed to his side. “Do not move, Joseph. We will get you help.”

  “No need.” The boy sat up. He could feel the blood on his back. He reached around and touched the wound. A strange glow came from his hand. She had never seen such a light before. It was bright yellow, and she could feel the warmth being emitted from it. “I am glad he picked a spot that I was able to reach,” Joseph laughed as he removed his hand.

  “We need to find you someone to put it into,” Sofia looked about the deck.

  “Why would I want to put it into someone?” Joseph asked confused.

  “Healers need to give the affliction away or they fall victim to the ailment or injury.” Sofia panicked. The deck was empty except for them.

  “I have no need of anyone.” Joseph stood.

  “How are you aware of these powers, Joseph?” Sofia asked, confused by all she had seen him perform.

  “The voice tells me,” Joseph said, smiling.

  “What voice?”

  “The man’s voice. He tells me what I am able to do, and how to do it.” Joseph walked toward the rail to watch the workers below secure the ship.

  Sofia looked at Felicia, “Do you think it is Braynard?”

  “Who else could it be?” Felicia was at a loss. “Why does he have so many powers? I thought we were only gifted one or two. He has used three in just this day.”

  “Four if you include the visions. I think you were right, there is something special about him.” Sofia took Felicia’s hand as they went to join Joseph at the side of the ship.

  Chapter Sixteen – Xasha

  The three arrived at the gates of Southerly Palace. Their arrival was uneventful. There was no fanfare, no Imperial greeting. The grounds were quiet and vacant. Sofia listened, trying to pick up on the thoughts of those who wandered the grounds. All she could sense was sadness. The minds she could enter were focused on the death of the child.

  Felicia led Joseph to the palace entrance. The boy was silent as he approached his future. There was no one at the entrance to open the door for them. How odd, she thought. She opened the door to find the hall empty.

  Felicia released the boy’s hand as she went for her sword. “Roderick!” she called out. She was only answered by the echo. “You and Joseph stay here,” she ordered as she moved down the hall. “Juliana!” Again, her cry was ignored. Each room she passed was empty. “Lena!” she yelled out one last time. She could hear the footsteps approaching but could see no form. “Who is there?” she called out to the phantom walking.

  “Lower your sword, and your voice,” Roderick said as he appeared from the shadows. Juliana was behind him.

  “Why is the palace empty?” she asked as he came closer, into the light.

  “The servants refuse to serve a child of Hulsteria,” Roderick said as he greeted Felicia.

  “Force them,” Felicia grunted.

  “Force the people we are trying to convince we are not the monsters they perceive us to be. Do you think that would be wise?” Roderick laughed as he walked toward his sister and nephew.

  Joseph ran into his uncle’s arms. “They tried to kill me, but I showed them.” Joseph said with a smile.

  “What? Who?” Roderick asked, looking at Sofia. “Juliana, take Joseph up to his cousins. I am sure he would like nothing more than to have a bit of fun right now.”

  Juliana took Joseph’s hand and led him away so Roderick could discover the details about the boy’s claim. “Aunt Juliana, I stopped them. They tried but I stopped them,” the boy giggled as they disappeared into the darkness.

  “We need to get word to Stela. She needs to know of the attempt on Joseph’s life.” Sofia took Roderick’s arm as they walked. “Roderick, you would not have believed what he did. He stopped four of them from killing him, all on his own.”

  “Why did you not protect him?” he accused Felicia.

  “I stopped one before he was able to do anything. I also killed the one who stabbed him,” Felicia confessed.

  “He was stabbed? Is he alright?” Roderick became panicked.

  “He is fine. He was able to heal himself.” Sofia squeezed her brother’s arm to curtail his anger and worry. “To be fair, Felicia, the first man took his own life. I do not think you played any part in his death.” Sofia laughed. Felicia was not amused.

  “Roderick, Joseph revealed many powers on the voyage from Hulsteria. I do not think he will need much protection as Emperor.” Sofia repeated the events to Roderick who listened with amazement.

  “Felicia, you will find all you need in there to send a message to Stela. Once you have finished, join us upstairs.” Roderick pointed to the library on the left as he led his sister up the stairs.

  “There is another realm? How was no one aware of this until now?” Roderick pondered the meaning of it all. “If they remained in the shadows, as you say, why would they attack Joseph and expose themselves?”

  “Perhaps it was the only chance they had to stop the future in the visions. Joseph said he experienced similar visions, but it was Zabytyy that attacked, not he.” Sofia smiled as she saw Roderick’s children playing with Joseph.

  “How did he learn to use his powers? How did he know he had them?” Roderick rubbed his head as he thought on the questions.

  “Joseph said a man was telling him. I believe it was Braynard.” Sofia worried this fact might upset Roderick, knowing the history he had with the Scientia.

  “Why does it not surprise me,” Roderick gave her a cross stare. “Now the man is bringing our children into his games.”

  “Games or not, I am glad he helped Joseph. He saved his life,” Sofia spoke softly, not wishing to upset her brother further.

sp; “He saved the boy he cursed. Let us all give him thanks.” Roderick laughed. “He could have saved the baby. He ignored my pleas and allowed her to die. He allowed her to die so that Joseph could rule.”

  “He did nothing to save the child?” Sofia whimpered, unable to grasp the cruelty.

  “He did nothing to help her, or Lena,” Roderick grunted. “Lena nearly died from the birth. I called to him to help her, but he would not come.” Roderick paused. “My prayers were answered but I fear the answer will only bring Lena more heartache.”

  “How were your prayers answered?” Sofia pressed.

  “Diana appeared. She healed Lena,” Roderick admitted. He could not look his sister in her face as he said the words.

  “The legends of Diana are only stories,” Sofia laughed.

  “I assure you, she is very real.” Roderick smiled. “She and Braynard do not like each other and it seemed to work in Lena’s favor. I am inclined to side with Diana when it comes to Braynard.” Roderick’s laughter grew.

  “Where is Lena?” Sofia wished to see her. She wanted to make sure the woman was okay.

  “She and her mother refuse to leave her room until they are free to return to Hulsteria.” Roderick pointed down the hall toward the Empress Consort’s room. “They sit in there with the corpse of the child. Lena insists she be buried at Frostmoor.”

  “I must go talk to her. Let her know she is free to leave. I am sure the palace only brings her more pain with each passing day.” Sofia released her arm from his and rushed off toward Lena’s room.

  “It is the last door on the left,” he shouted as his sister ran off.

  Sofia stood outside the door. She tried to hear her cousin’s thoughts but all she could sense was deep sadness.

  She knocked on the door. “Lena, it is Sofia. May I enter?”

  “Come in,” the voice uttered, barely audible.

  As she opened the door, the smell of death filled her nostrils. She quickly brought her hand to her nose. The room was dark. The drapes were pulled tight, keeping any offending light from penetrating the room. One candle sat lit upon the small table next to the bed.


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