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Carter Page 10

by R. J. Lewis

  He lowered me to the mattress, chest pressed against chest. Unclasping my bra, he buried his face between my breasts and I arched my back into him, moaning into the cool air as he flicked my nipple with his tongue.

  Next my jeans came off and he groaned at the sight of me, so hungry for my body, he literally bit my hip and slid my thong off. His fingers roamed over my clit and between my folds, pushing gently into me as he situated his head between my legs. I grabbed at his hair and tried to pull him up, but he batted my hands away and pressed his mouth against my centre.

  “God, Carter…” I shook uncontrollably, the pleasure so painfully intense.

  He sucked and slowly pushed his fingers in and out of me, until I was grinding myself against his face and he was groaning like he loved it.

  “You’re so fucking wet already,” he grunted, teeth skimming flesh, making me quiver even harder. “I love it.”

  I’d been wet since he nearly took me right here hours ago. My body felt like it’d been wavering on the edge of a cliff for an eternity, and I was close, so damn close to falling over. Just a few more thrusts of his fingers, a few more licks from that tongue and I was going to get there. I was going to fall so damn hard into the most exquisite orgasm in the history of all orgasms.

  Which is why I let out an unattractive grunt when he backed off entirely. He sat up on his heels, and I bucked my hips up to him, asking him to finish me off. Instead, he pushed his jeans down, and his cock sprang free, hard and long, indicating of what was to come. He grabbed hold of it and pumped himself a couple times, staring fixedly between my legs with his tongue darting across his bottom lip.

  Then he pulled his wallet out of his pocket and withdrew a condom. He stared down at it for a moment, his chest rising and falling speedily as his brows came together in contemplation.

  We both sort of went still staring at it.

  “You sure?” he asked me inaudibly.

  “Yes,” I answered without hesitation.

  His hand shook before he tore it open. He stood up, kicking his jeans off entirely so that he was naked. My mouth went dry staring at him sheath himself. Then he dropped back down to me, and this time the lightness in his expression had long passed, replaced by a hunger that mirrored mine.

  He kissed me, hard and long, sliding his tongue between my lips as his fingers roamed between my folds, moving in and out of me. I grabbed his length and pumped him slowly, the head of him lightly touching my lower abdomen, leaving behind the moisture that had built there. It was possibly the most erotic moment I’d ever had with him until that point, and it was only going to get hotter.

  He removed his fingers from me and took hold of his hard cock, looking down between us as he lightly brushed it against me, teasing the outside of my sex. I ground my hips up, trying to hurry him along.

  “This’ll hurt,” he told me, breathlessly.

  “I know,” I replied, panting as though I’d run a marathon.

  “Hold me tight.”

  I did. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling so turned on I didn’t care about pain. His forehead pressed against me as he slowly pushed in. My body tensed, immediately feeling invaded in a way it had never been before. I gripped him hard, my fingernails digging into his back as he pushed a little harder, slipping in.

  While the pleasure surged through me, a slow burning pain combined, making me both moan and then wince. He took his time, kissing me softly as he slid in further. I gripped him so hard, I didn’t know how far he was inside me, until he whispered, “There, baby, the worst is over.”

  My body immediately relaxed, and to my surprise, he slid further in suddenly, and I gasped at the fullness of him.

  “There we go,” he muttered. “When you were tense, your body wasn’t letting me in all the way.”

  He stilled himself in that position, getting me used to the feeling. Jesus, it was different than I imagined. I knew I’d be filled, but I didn’t think I’d be filled enough to remove that ache I’d been longing to get rid of. Maybe it was Carter that was just big. Whatever it was, it had me shutting my eyes, basking in the feeling.

  “Move,” I told him. “I want you to move now.”

  He did. Very slowly. Moving in and out in long, deep strokes, taking his time only for the purpose of taking it easy on me. The pain was forgotten. My need for pleasure overshadowed it. I held him to me, burying my forehead in between his neck and shoulder as he sped up little by little.

  “Does it feel good for you?” he asked me, dropping his head to the side of my face.

  I nodded, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. “Yes.”

  “Good, it feels amazing for me too, Leah.”

  My arms slowly lowered, until I was gripping his ass with one hand, pulling him to me every time he withdrew. I felt like a firework about to go off. He needed to go a little harder, a little faster, and I’d be there.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged him as I began to approach the peak. “Harder.”

  He slammed into me a little harder, and I cried out, digging my nails into his flesh as the pleasure hit me, surging through my body, wracking me in tremors as I rode it out.

  “Fuck, Leah…. Shit,” he groaned and stilled, coming as he gripped me tightly to him. I felt him jerk inside me, and he quivered, muttering curses until it was over.

  Jesus. Shit. Fuck.

  That was…



  I couldn’t stop myself.


  He carried me to the bathroom after we’d come down from our high. Setting me down on my feet, he leaned into the shower stall and turned it on. The room began to mist, and he adjusted it while I looked at myself in the mirror.

  My usually dull brown eyes looked back at me and they were radiant. As though lit by light behind them, making them shine. My cheeks were flushed, my pink lips swollen, and my hair in knots. I looked freshly fucked.

  I’m not a virgin anymore.

  I expected to feel… different. Maybe more like an adult? I don’t know, just different. Instead, I felt the same, with the difference being my vagina ached and I had had a taste of something brilliant.

  “Come on, beautiful,” Carter said from behind me.

  I followed him into the stall and leaned against him. I was shattered and my legs felt wobbly. He supported me, resting my back into his chest, holding me around the waist. He moved me under the spray and we rocked back and forth under it, getting soaked by its warmth. He later rinsed my hair out with shampoo, digging his fingers into my scalp, massaging me.

  “Good?” he asked.

  “Mm,” I moaned.

  He chuckled and kissed my shoulder. “That was incredible, by the way. I was so excited, I didn’t last very long. We gotta correct that.”

  “Wanna correct it now?” I only asked because I could feel him harden behind me already.

  “No, Angel, you need to rest this.” He said the last word with his hand between my legs. “It must be sore.”

  I shook my head. “It’s not so bad, honestly.”

  I turned around in his arms, looking up into his eyes. His eyelashes were sprinkled with tiny little drops, and I wanted to lick his face, he was that delectable. “You look incredible wet, by the way.”

  He smiled warmly, running his eyes down my body. “And you look like heaven. Pure fucking ecstasy.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and he leaned down, searing his mouth against mine. He kissed me slowly and deeply. It felt intimate and far from friendly. Nothing about tonight felt friendly, now that I thought about it.

  I palmed his cock again and he broke free of the kiss, his forehead bumping against mine, groaning as I pumped him slowly. It was the look of pleasure on his face that made me burn for him again. My legs shuddered and I was shocked to feel yet another ache begin to form. Christ, I felt like a nymphomaniac.

  But I wasn’t sure I was ready for another round. I didn’t want to break my lady bits and have to wait a couple days before
I could go again. I ran my other hand down his torso, and slowly brought my lips to his chest. I gave him light kisses, and I moved lower, kneeling down in front of him. He looked down at me, blinking rapidly with surprise on his face. His lips parted when I gazed up at him and took him into my mouth. His body tightened, and his hands flew to my head, gathering my hair in the palm of one hand.

  I sucked and pumped him, taking him in as far into my mouth I could. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very far. He was too gifted, and he thickened the more turned on he got. He panted above me, bucking his hips into me, squeezing tight my hair until my scalp ached. I moved faster, and he groaned louder. His forearms bulged, curses flew out of his mouth as he tried to move deeper inside of me.

  “Fuck, fuck, Leah… Yeah, like that…” The words continued, spilling out of his mouth.

  It was strangely empowering seeing him crumble, and I felt satisfied just watching it. It made me think this is what he must have felt when he pleasured me all those weeks, satiating my hunger until I was calling out his name, and I loved the sound of my name coming out of his mouth. It made me quiver with delight. I sucked him faster and he was nearing.

  “Leah…” He stilled suddenly and held his breath. “Fuuuck…”

  His legs shuddered as he came in my mouth and I continued sucking him, spitting out his load in between. His body relaxed instantly, and when I looked back up at him, his eyes met mine and his lips flinched upwards.

  I wiped my mouth and stood back up. He wrapped me in his arms and gave me a tender kiss on the nose.

  “Thanks for that,” he whispered. “You suck like a vacuum, by the way.”

  I laughed against him. “Anytime.”

  His eyes darkened, and his tongue darted out, swiping at my lip. “Careful, Leah. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”


  We passed out together in my bed, which was a first. He was usually in his.

  Waking up to him in the morning with his body pressed against me was nothing short of bliss. I smiled at the empty room. Nothing felt more perfect than this.

  I could cry from happiness.

  We were still naked – another smile – and I copped a look at his hard body before I stared at his serene face. He was out to the world, his lips shut, breathing silently through his nose. I traced his eyebrows with my fingertip and followed it down his straight nose. His features were so symmetrical, it wasn’t fair.

  After a little while, he began to stir, and his hand automatically slipped down my body, gripping my hip. It looked natural to him, like this was what he was made to do in the mornings.

  Careful. I thought just then. He believed you when you said you wouldn’t get attached.

  My smile faltered. How could I not be attached to him after last night? There was such a potent connection between us. Surely he felt it too.

  Suddenly, this started to get complicated. Didn’t I convince myself that sex wouldn’t change anything? How fucking foolish was I? I deserved a punch in the brain for this level of stupidity because something had shifted entirely. I didn’t think I could get more attached to him than I already was, but no, his dick had to ruin all of that.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he whispered, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  He had one eye open, and a small closed mouth smile. I pushed away the thoughts immediately and smiled back at him.

  “Morning,” I returned.

  “You been up for a while?”

  Yeah. “No.”

  He let go of my hip and stretched his body out. Then he ran both hands through his hair. “Jesus, I was out like a light.”

  “Me too. It was a big night.”

  He was in a good mood. Turning on his side, he looked down at my body and smirked at me. “It was too. How are you feeling?”


  His hand skirted between my legs. “And this?”

  My cheeks heated. “It feels good.”

  “Not sore?”

  Kind of. “No.”

  His finger lightly roamed my sex and I trembled at the sparks that flew up my body.

  “I had a great time with you,” he carried on, like he wasn’t just starting to pleasure me again. “I’ve never seen you let go like that.”

  “I blame the alcohol,” I replied, timidly. “Everything was because of the alcohol.”

  He smiled. “Right. The dancing and all that?”

  My hips went up, encouraging his fingers to keep going. “Oh, yeah, especially that,” I muttered.

  “What about when you rubbed against my cock –”

  “Alcohol, Carter.”

  “Now you make me sound like I took advantage of you then. Because I was the only sober one there.”

  Pause. “Well, it wasn’t all alcohol.”

  He laughed and watched my face as he continued his movements. Then he kissed me softly and slowly moved down the mattress. I gasped when he buried his face between my legs, flicking his tongue against my clit.

  “Shit,” I moaned out.

  He licked me once more, and the stroke was long and deep. I dug my heels into the mattress and shut my eyes. Christ, was his tongue made of magic? What was this sorcery?

  “It doesn’t take much to get you going, does it?” he muttered lightly. “You’ve got a big appetite.”

  I opened my eyes and looked at him, suppressing a smile. “Is that wrong?”

  He shook his head slowly and seriously. “Hell. No. You want more?”


  “Get on all fours. I’ve been wanting to fuck you like this for a long time.”

  I turned around and he helped situate me on my hands and knees. He stroked between my legs a little, and by then I was glassy-eyed and needy. I heard another tear of a condom and then he was inside me again.

  The angle… This glorious angle made me feel everything. I buried my face into the mattress. He gripped my hips and took me hard.

  “Does that feel okay?” he asked. “Not too rough?”

  I could do nothing but shake my head. I liked rough. After my warring emotions, I needed rough to distract me. He took me in deep and fast, rubbing against a spot inside of me that was making me crumble from pleasure. I cried into the mattress, my muscles contracted and I exploded from within, gripping the pillow above my head tight.

  And he just pounded on through. Never stopping. Going harder and harder until he cursed aloud and unloaded inside of me.

  “Holy fucking shit,” he rasped.

  I knew exactly what he meant.

  And just when I thought we were done, the god of a man started all over again.


  Okay, now I was really sore. I had another quick hot shower to ease the throbbing, and by then Carter had left to grab breakfast. He was supposed to meet Rome in a half hour to discuss the band plans and check out some guys who were supposedly good at playing guitar. Meanwhile I had more trials to do at the bar.

  I finished and slowly stepped out of the stall. God, had I been punched in the vagina or something? Because seriously!

  I wrapped my body in a towel and combed through my hair. When a knock sounded out, I threw the comb down and hurried to the door, thinking it was Carter. My smile faded when I saw Rome instead.

  He looked like shit. Totally in a hangover from hell, wearing a baggy shirt and pants. His eyes widened at the sight of me. “Hey.”

  I tightened the towel against me. “Hey. I thought you were meant to meet Carter later.”

  “Yeah, I just came to see how you were after last night. It was pretty crazy.”

  I smiled warmly. “I’m good.”

  He must have noticed the dazed look in my eyes because his eyebrow went up and he repeated, “You’re good?”

  “Very good.”

  “So is it official then?”


  He pointed at me and then at the empty space behind me. “You and Carter. Together.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but then shut it again. How was I going t
o explain this to Rome? He would get pissy if he knew about our situation.

  “I knew something was going on when you showed up at the house and asked for a place to stay. I mean, the hickey was a giveaway, but last night, I saw you both together and it was obvious as shit something was going on. I was just wondering, since I’m your friend and all, and you’ve been silent on the topic.”

  I didn’t reply. I looked awkwardly down at my body. “Do I have to explain this with just a towel on?”

  “It needs to be explained?”

  “Things between Carter and I are… complicated.”

  “How so?”

  I gave him a look. “Rome –”

  “I don’t want to see you hurt,” he cut in, sternly. “I know all about Carter’s reputation. He’s a fuck ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy, and I don’t want the same thing to happen to you. I’ve grown up with you just as long as you grew up with him, and I don’t want him to hurt you.”

  “You told me that already last night.”

  “Did I?”

  “You told me to be careful.”

  “I was probably drunk by then because I don’t remember.”

  “You did, and I told you not to worry. So there, don’t worry, alright?”

  He exhaled slowly, his green eyes hardening as he looked over my shoulder.

  “He’s not here,” I then said. “He’s out to get breakfast.”

  “What’re you eating?”

  “Probably a few hash browns.”

  His jaw ticked. “Hash browns for breakfast?”

  I shrugged. “Well, we’re not necessarily made of money, Rome. I’ve been training at the bar not long now and…”

  My words trailed off as he dug into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He dug into it and removed a few bills. He extended it out to me, gesturing when I didn’t take it.

  “No,” I told him. “I don’t want your money, Rome. You’ve done enough for us as it is.”

  “Take it,” he demanded.


  “Stop being stubborn, Leah, and take it.”

  “Rome, I don’t want it. Relax, alright? Forcing me to take your cash is only going to make me feel guilty, and then I’m going to be walking around, kissing your ass for a very long time, and I don’t want to do that!”


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