Shadows of Aggar (Amazons of Aggar)
Page 55
With a tender touch Elana’s fingers brushed through her hair, drawing a lazy smile from Diana. There was no need for words between them. Elana knew Diana was awake just as she knew that those blue eyes were watching her. Dear Goddess, there was a magic here that often wrapped their quiet moments. She prayed that she would never forget nor take this bond for granted.
Diana unfolded her legs and hugged the precious woman beside her. Lovingly she pressed a kiss to warm flesh.
Elana’s lips moved in a smile as Di’nay muttered a favored phrase in her Sisters’ tongue. She teased her lover gently, “Are you ever going to teach me those words?”
“Hmm,” was all that Diana managed to say as she nestled closer.
Elana smiled again but with a sadness, her fingers still playing in Di’nay’s hair. With all the Sororian Di’nay had taught her, none was the cherishing litany Diana murmured when they made love. Perhaps it did not matter because she knew the amarin behind the tender phrases, as Di’nay understood the touch of her Blue Sight. Still, one could wish for the words.
“Soroi n’ti Mee,” Diana repeated quietly, and startled, the hand in her hair grew still. She pushed herself up on an elbow, looking at Elana, and very slowly, very distinctly said, “It means…love of my life.”
Elana stared at her, barely able to hear the words through the silent power of Di’nay’s amarin.
Unprompted, Diana formed the syllables again, “So-roy… na… teh… me….” Elana’s lips followed in mute imitation. Her dark gaze did not waver as Diana murmured, “They are old words of my Sisters, from a poem Helen’s child left to us:
Soroi n’ti Mee,
Love of my life…
Soroe n’ti Mau,
Friend of my heart…
z’Mee kumin Tau,
Join me in life…
be nor ret n’Kahn, tizmar sae?
Please stay, beyond the cruel dawn?”
Blue eyes slid shut as a tear slipped free, and Elana felt herself tremble beneath the love of Di’nay’s gaze. It had been so long in coming. They had spent so much time in dreading.
“Kumin Tau… sae?”
And she nodded, thinking her heart would burst with Di’nay’s tenderness. “Yes, I will join you, beloved shadowmate. Yes — ”
Di’nay’s arms slid around her shoulders as her lips, warm and sweet, kissed the tears from the corners of Elana’s eyes. “I love you,” Diana whispered. Her body shivered at the infinite gentleness that touched her as Elana’s eyes opened to her. “I have forgotten why I feared to tell you. I cannot imagine a true enough reason to hold my silence. Forgive me for my slowness, but I do love you — so very much.”
“As I love you… have always loved you,” Elana returned. “I would follow you to the very stars if it were possible.”
Diana shook her head. “No. Not follow — sae, choose. With your people or with my Sisters, I will be content, if only you will share my life. But you must choose — please?”
And because of the openness they shared beneath the blue touch, Elana suddenly knew that Di’nay had learned the meaning of the lifestone’s bond.
Sadness and doubt stirred within her as Di’nay grasped that understanding too, and the gentle lips that brushed Elana’s were not tinged with guilt nor pity, only with reassurance. A sigh released her pensiveness, and Di’nay’s gaze was freed as beneath a coaxing kiss Elana’s body melted.
“I love you, Elana,” Diana repeated, drawing back finally to look at her again. “Could you dare risk such a journey in our metal ships? Would leaving Aggar be so terrible for you?”
“Leaving, no.” She shook her head. “The journey is possible just as the seeds made the Seer’s Tomb bearable. There are ways to prepare for that, but….”
Her hesitation drew Diana’s fear and she said, “But?”
“The Empire would not permit me to come with you, would they? Is Aggar not a closed planet?”
“Closed for those of Aggar…,” Diana said slowly, “…not to those of the Sisterhood. If you could, in truth, bear to leave, a way could be made for you — to pose as a Sister merely returning home. If you would dare…?”
“Dare?” Elana murmured, and her gaze drifted to a distant place. “What is a Shadow, my love, if not one given to such dares? For you, it would be home, but for me? Dearest Di’nay, it would be an adventure for a lifetime to come. Yet…,” her doubts crept back and she looked to Di’nay, “…could the way be cleared soon enough for your leaving tomorrow?”
“If you choose it, yes!” And then with all sincerity Diana pressed, “Or choose to stay, Elana. There are still many places of this world that you have not seen. Choose and we will stay, and there will never be need of leaving at all.”
“No, Di’nay.” Elana’s smile was gentle. “Aggar would not hold you well. The loving that you need is not here in these people. You have roots to be nurtured within your Sisterhood, my dearest love, and I will not cheat you of that.”
“Do not cheat me of you,” Diana pleaded hoarsely.
“Nor you me.” Elana’s arms possessively wrapped around Di’nay’s neck. “If I join you, it must not be as friend.”
“Joining as mate, sae?” Diana wanting that with all her heart. Then tenderly her fingers traced the fading shadows beneath Elana’s eyes. “Never let me do this to you again, Ona, I beg of you. Please love me enough not to…?”
“We will love each other enough,” Elana said quietly. “No more secrets, I vow.”
“No more fears left unspoken,” Diana added.
“Then take me home with you, Di’nay.”
“Ti Soroi…” Diana murmured, drawing nearer.
“In truth,” Elana declared, “my love… for always.” Then slowly blueness eclipsed the world, and in their kiss they found the Mother’s destiny was, after all, to be their own.
† † †
About the Author
Chris Anne Wolfe, Ph.D., published four novels and completed numerous short stories and novellas before her death on July 2, 1997 from cancer. She found home and friends in Germany, New York, California, Florida, Indiana and Ohio — to name just a few locales — but she also treasured her champions met through letters as more and more readers discovered her books.
She will be missed.
Dictionary of Terms from Aggar
amarin: The amarin is the essence of life, the empathic imprint of animate existence which results in a cumulative pattern of feelings, thoughts and reflexes. It is one’s aura.
blackpine: A valuable hardwood conifer with a black, barkless trunk and green-black needles which is common to Maltar’s lands.
Blue Sight: The Sight or Blue Gift is a sixth sense genetically linked to blue eyes; an awareness of and ability to manipulate life auras and amarin. The terms also refers to a person possessing the Blue Sight.
boko: A food native to the Ramains, boko is a vegetable-meat paste wrapped in boiled leaves.
bunt: A tall, stemmed grain which yields red-brown seedlings and whose husks are often used for animal fodder. The term also applies to the grayish flour produced from the seedlings.
“By the Mother’s Hand”: (idiom) “Done with the Goddess’ blessings.”
Changlings: Sentient half-human, half-feline beasts native to the Northern Continent, Changlings are a race of people known for their amoral selling and reselling of information. They are also miners of lifestones.
commons: A Ramains’ term for a tavern housed by an inn.
Council of Ten: A collection of ten Masters and Mistresses educated in the history and humanity of Aggar who are guardians of the planet’s integrity.
cucarae: A small, extremely poisonous scavenger, this crustacean is found in the wastelands of both the Northern and Southern Continents.
cucarii: A group or nest of cucarae.
Desert Peoples: Also known as The Southerners, the Desert Peoples are loosely organized nomadic tribes native to the Southern Continent and renown for their distilled liquors and merc
hant ventures.
dracoon: A governing marshal appointed by the Ramains’ King.
early moon: The first of the twin moons to rise on any given evening.
eitteh: A sentient feline native to the Northern Continent. The term eitteh usually refers to the winged females of the species as males are never seen. See also winged-cats and men-cats.
Eldest Prepared: These individuals are the best of the Shadow trainees at the Council’s Keep and are the preferred choice for assignments and lifebonding. They also instruct the younger recruits.
Fates, the: The male deities of evil mischief, the Fates are mystical rulers of the dark underworld. Their primary figures include Malice and Ambition while their secondary figures include War, Ire, Greed and others.
Fates’ Cellar: The legendary home of the Fates, Fates’ Cellar is the mythical place where evil souls go after death to suffer in a punishing afterlife. Also known as hell.
Fates’ Jest: (idiom) A malicious turn of events attributed to the Fates.
Firecaps: These intersecting, volcanic mountain ranges comprise the northeastern third of the Northern Continent. They are uninhabited and controlled by Seers in order to stabilize continental land masses.
grubber: A generic term for ground rodents in the Northern Continent. Grubber generally refers to smallish, nasty-tempered mammals.
Jezebet: Usually given to a woman, this title is bestowed upon someone who is a resident of the Council’s Keep and is trained in the arts of lifebonding Shadowmates.
lexion: A domesticated fowl common to farms of the Northern Continent which is raised for its meat.
lifestone: An opal-like energy stone often found in limestone deposits in the Northern Continent and used by the Council in the practice of lifebonding Shadowmates.
mala’: A female slave or bond-servant of the Ramains whose duties are restricted to the household and the bedroom.
Maltar: The ruling family of the northern half of the Northern Continent. The term may refer either to the ruling family member or the country itself.
men-cats: The male of the eitteh species, these cat-like savages inhabit the mountain ranges on the Northern Continent.
mesta: A thick-skinned, amber fruit with a tart, meaty pulp in the seed pods that is cultivated by farmers in the Northern Continent.
midnight moon: The second of the twin moons to rise on any given night.
Min: A generic title given to free-born women in the Ramains. It is comparable to the Terran term ma’am.
monarc: A standard calendar division, roughly equivalent to a Terran month, which is comprised of four, ten-day periods.
Mother, the: A nurturing female deity who is seen as the birthmother of the universe. Aggar’s twin moons are associated with her watchful light.
pripper: A small, tree-dwelling mammal known for its comical antics and bushy coat.
Ramains: The southwestern third of the Northern Continent which is united beneath a liberal monarchy and shares a border with the Council’s lands.
schaefea: A hoofed scavenger of middle size native to the northern mountains. The schaefea has protruding tusks and venomous saliva glands.
Seers: Those individuals gifted with the Blue Sight who are bound to Aggar’s lifecycles and no longer capable of individual thoughts or actions. They are directed by the Council of Ten and are the crafters of Aggar’s landscapes. Sometimes referred to as mystics.
silverwood: A hardwood conifer with a smooth, silver-green bark and gray-green needles which is common to the Ramains foothills and mountain regions. Also called silverpine.
single moon: The night at the end of each monarc in which only one of the twin moons is visible. Term is synonymous with monarc.
Tad: Generic title given to free-born men in the Ramains which is similar to the Terran term sir.
ten-day: A division of days within a monarc, roughly equivalent to a Terran week.
tenmoon season: A period of time roughly the same as two Terran years. The name comes from the fact that ten single moon nights will occur during the time it takes for Aggar to complete one orbit around its sun.
torin: An edible, broad-leafed fern commonly found in the wooded rangers of the Northern Continent.
twin moons: Two planetoids orbiting around Aggar’s globe. The term is also associated with the Mother’s watchful care.
Unseen Wall: An unidentified energy field which was ordered by the Council of Ten and is controlled by the Seers; the Unseen Wall comprises the border around the Terran Base Quadrant.
White Isles of Fire, the: The group of volcanic islands off the eastern Firecaps of the Northern Continent. Sometimes called the Archipelago, it is the native homeland of the Council and the Seers.
Wine of Decisions: A spiced wine containing a natural drug which prompts the visions of the Blue Sight.
winged-cats: Generally used as another term for female eitteh.
Dictionary of Sororian Terms
ann: (idiom) A word used to emphasize thoughts or ideas and function as a verbal exclamation point. Ann might also be translated as “Take note!” Other meanings include to be far away or distant.
beasties: Large, hoofed mammals, these horned animals have copper-colored, wooly coats and are descended from the Highland Cattle of old Terra.
bin: A preposition meaning between. Sometimes means to or from.
Cee: A word that refers to the customs or ways of any given people.
corean: A verb meaning to find precious, to treasure.
dey: This word can be used as either an article as in “the” or a pronoun as in “we” or “our” and is meant to connote respect.
Feast of Helen: This anniversary celebration of unity and independence marks the birth of the Sisterhood’s firstborn child.
felan: A verb form meaning using, doing or creating.
Helen: This name refers to the Red star of dey Sorormin’s solar system, the firstborn of dey Sorormin’s original settlement and the leader of n’Sappho during early negotiations to retain Sorormin independence. The word means “light.”
kahn: A noun meaning sunrise or dawn.
kamak: A verb which indicates something is brought to completion or finished. It may also be used in place of is made.
kau: A pronoun referring to the second person singular (you).
ki: A word indicating possession (yours).
kumin: A verb meaning to join together.
m’: A preposition denoting as or of (from).
mae: A word indicating that something is dear or precious.
“Mae n’Pour”: (idiom) An expression which means “Give me strength.” This term is often used as a curse to express frustration or anger but can also be used as a genuine prayer to the Goddess.
mau: A noun meaning heart.
mauen: The plural form of mau (hearts).
mee: A noun which denotes life.
minmee: A word meaning birth, minmee also carries the connotation of the sacred connection of life-giving or creating.
n’: This expression denotes possession. It is usually used to indicate an individual’s House.
n’Athena: One of the Seven Houses of dey Sorormin, members of this house are traditionally the guardians of the Sisterhood. The term also recalls a Terran goddess from ancient Greek lore.
n’Awehai: One of the Seven Houses of dey Sorormin, members of this house are traditionally the builders and craftswomen of the Sisterhood. The term also recalls a Terran goddess of Iroquois (Native Northern American) lore.
n’Hina: One of the Seven Houses of dey Sorormin, members of this house are traditionally the agricultural providers of the Sisterhood. The term also recalls a Terran goddess of Polynesian lore.
n’Huitaca: One of the Seven Houses of dey Sorormin, members of this house are traditionally the treasurers of music and arts of the Sisterhood. The term also recalls a Terran goddess of Colombian Chibcha (Native Southern American) lore.
n’Minona: One of the Seven Houses of dey Sorormin, members
of this house are traditionally the historians and teachers of the Sisterhood. The term also recalls a Terran goddess of African Dahomey lore.
n’Sappho: First House of the Seven Houses of dey Sorormin, members of this house traditionally make up the legislature and leadership of the Sisterhood. The term also recalls a Terran stateswoman of ancient Greek citizenship.
n’Shea: One of the Seven Houses of dey Sorormin, members of this house are traditionally the healers and earthwitches of the Sisterhood. The term also recalls a Terran woman-deity and/or the white witches of ancient Irish lore.
nehna: (idiom) A prompt for more information meaning and then, then it happened that or so then.
nor: An word that indicates an event happened in the past.
puor: An word meaning strength, stability or virtuousness.
quinn: A word denoting peace, tranquility or the absence of violence.
ret: A word meaning cruelty or harm.
sae: Another term for please, this word denotes a request.
sak: This word means intelligence or cleverness.
shea: This noun refers to a healing witch from the House of n’Shea. A member of this house will frequently be one who is closely bound to nature. She may also be a mistress of love potions and possess the evil eye. See the term n’Shea.
sheaz: A noun meaning the earth or world, this term may also refer to the components of a nurturing Earthmother Creator.
Shekhina: The moon of Helen’s second planet. This moon is home to Helen’s high-tech base where diplomatic contacts between the dey Sorormin and the Galactic Terran Empire occur. It is also the home of the Immigration offices and the orientation/screening facilities for new Sisters. Historically, the term refers to an ancient Terran goddess of Judaic lore and sometimes connotes the divine image of a woman.