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The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak

Page 16

by Jesse Gagnon

  “LSD on the tree over there. That’s your tag. I’m from New York, I know the tag. Listen, we need to get back to my camp. I have more traps there, it’s safer.” Mario said trying to walk away.

  “Is this guy serious? He sees some bandera on a tree and acts like he knows us.” Clip asked his friends. He pointed his gun at Mario. “You fucked up my brother dude. He’s family. Who are you? Nobody. You’re coming with us. I’m sure José will enjoy having a conversation about these bitch ass zombies with you.” Clip said and shot inches from Mario’s feet.

  “You’re wasting time and bullets Clip. They’re watching us, waiting for us to make a mistake. Going to your camp is also a mistake.” Mario said with his hands up turning away.

  “He’s calling me by my name like he knows me. You don’t’ know me dude. I’ll kill your bitch ass.” Clip said turning to his boys displaying cockiness. When he turned back Mario was gone.

  “Where did he go? Yo, Chico did you see where he went?” Clip asked trying to see into the darkness of the forest.

  “I didn’t see shit Clip. He’s a fucking ninja esé. Scoop you see anything?” Chico turned to ask Scoop. Scoop was gone. “Scoop! Where the hell is Scoop?”

  “Scoop!” Clip shouted. A scream fifty yards to the east identified Scoop’s position.

  “When did that shit happen?” Chico yelled running towards the screams.

  Scoop was being dragged by one of the Alpha’s hunter chiefs. It’s a form of hierarchy Mario was used to and it helped him to identify who was who or what was what. The hunter chief hit Scoop across the face knocking him out before it dragged him away. He awoke far enough that they could get away from the threat they encountered. Mario was in pursuit but struggled to keep up. They were fast, they were crazy fast. They ran over Ogden and Mario had to dive over the hood of a car to keep up. He went back into woods and turned west. The woods opened up to a field and Mario had a shot. He took it, but it barely struck it in its shoulder. It turned and howled but continued to run dragging the injured man.

  “Fucking save me man.” Scoop shouted when he noticed the bolt hit the Azrael’s shoulder.

  It was running towards a building and started to slow down as it turned and dragged Scoop out of view behind it.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” Mario said knowing that they were luring him into a trap. They are becoming smarter hunters, he thought. He slowed his pursuit and walked low to his right. The other two finally broke through the woods and entered the field.

  “Where is Scoop, bro?” Clip yelled out almost out of breath.

  “Scoop.” Is all Chico got out as he dropped to his knees and tried to calm his breathing.

  Mario gestured to get low and to come to him.

  “This guy? He’s got huevos Chico. Get your fat ass up.” Clip said jogging over to Mario.

  “Where’s Scoop dude?” Clip said as he got close to Mario.

  “Shhh, around the corner, they dragged him there. It’s a trap though.” Mario said as he looked around.

  “A trap, they’re fucking zombies? How long you been out here dude? They don’t make traps. They attack and eat people. That’s it.” Clip said pointing his gun at Mario again. A noise around the building drew their attention. Scoop limped around the corner and started to run towards them. His limp slowly faded away.

  “They bit him. He’s turned.” Mario said.

  “They what? Why didn’t they do it in the woods? They’re dumbass zombies dude.” Clip said trying to make sense of what was happening.

  “It’s Scoop, Clip. He shouldn’t’ be running like that. He’s turned. He’s a fucking zombie dude.” Chico said.

  Mario aimed his crossbow towards Scoop. Clip pulled it down and shook his head.

  “He’s my responsibility man. I shoot him.” Clip said with a tight face and glassy eyes.

  “Chingada.” Clip said as he placed a bullet in Scoop’s skull. He dropped and twitched a bit until he stopped moving. Clip walked over to his corpse, pulled the drugs from him and tossed them to Chico. “Hide this shit at the Community Center.”

  “What about José?” Chico asked stuffing it in his coat.

  “What about José?” Clip said shrugging. He nodded towards Mario discretely keeping his eyes on Chico.

  Chico grabbed Mario and held tight. He wrapped rope around his wrists.

  “You’re coming with us dude. José’s gonna want to blame someone for his brother’s death. It’s not gonna be me dude, your funeral bro.” Clip said leading Mario away. Mario didn’t bother fighting. He needed to get as much information about LSD as possible. Maybe they could be an ally in the future, maybe. The alpha never showed his face. Shit is changing out here for the worst.



  Samson sat up and barked. Taliah woke up rubbing her eyes.

  “What’s wrong boy?” She asked petting him behind his ears and rubbing his back. He looked intently at the flap of the tent. John and Savanna pointed their pistols at the flap waiting for anything. Samson growled ferociously as movement outside moved carefully through the camp. Samson can smell whatever is outside which means whatever is outside is not Mario. Where is Mario? Taliah thought and hugged Samson and continued to rub behind his ears. More footsteps were moving about outside the tent. The tent shook and the rope that held the tent to the tree went limp.

  “Whoever you are, we have guns. We’ll shoot you.” John said trying to intimidate whoever was outside. The steps paused and an eerie silence followed.

  “Why the hell did you say that?” Savanna whispered to John hitting him.

  “I don’t fucking know. I had to say something.” He spoke softly.

  “You didn’t’ have to say shit.” She whispered. Samson started to growl fiercely revealing a dangerous set of teeth and started to bark loudly.

  “Shit. What the hell is going on out there?” Savanna said. Suddenly the tent started to move. It was slowly dragging on the ground. “We’re moving. Why are we moving?” She asked.

  The tent started to pick up speed as it dragged on the ground catching on trees, branches and rocks. They were being dragged by Azrael, very strong Azrael. They started to sprint through the trees pulling the tent behind them as it smacked into everything. Savanna rolled into John and their heads collided hard.

  “Shit! We need to get the hell out of here.” John said but none of them could get a footing as they were being constantly thrown off balance or worse. John stood up and a limb struck him in the back of the head knocking him out cold. Taliah was crushed beneath him. The tent caught on a sharp rock and tore beneath them. They were pulled out and the tent continued to pull. Samson stuck his snout under John and pushed him off of Taliah. Their guns were still caught up in the tent as it continued to be pulled into the darkness.

  “John’s out cold. I don’t have my gun and I can’t see his.” Savanna said searching the ground for a weapon. They were at the edge of a golf course and the rotten aroma in the air was thicker than it has ever been before.

  “That smell is awful.” Taliah said shaking her head. Samson licked her cheek. “I’m okay Sammy, but it looks like John is hurt.” The dog looked at John and barked. His eyes slowly opened.

  “Shit, what the hell happened?” John said getting up rubbing the back of his head that was bleeding.

  “Those bastards dragged us through the woods and something hit you in the back of the head and knocked you out cold. The tent tore and here we are.” Savanna said still searching for a weapon.

  “My gun. Have you seen my gun?” John asked searching the area.

  “They’re gone, I don’t see them anywhere.” Savanna said without hope.

  “It’s gotta be here somewhere. Where’s the tent? Where are those things?” He asked.

  “They disappeared that way into the darkness. The dog’s not acting weird so I think we’re okay.” She said looking at Samson. He was sitting next to Taliah with his tongue out breathing normally.

“Well, we’re fucked. Where’s Mario? Where’s your superhero Savanna?” John asked displaying some resentment towards him.

  “Jealous? Think I’d fuck him John?” Savanna asked bluntly.

  “Of course I think you’d fuck him. He’s a badass.” John said revealing admiration for Mario.

  “Then you’re an idiot. There’s more to my heart and between my legs than him being a badass.” She said slapping him across his face. He looked at Taliah.

  “Leave me out of it. That’s you, right there. Keep it away from me.” Taliah said with a straight face.

  “This isn’t the time or place for this kind of conversation John.” Savanna said walking away from him.

  “This is exactly the time for it. We’re going to fucking die out here. We’ve got no guns, no weapons at all and no Mario. Savanna listen to me. Jesus, stop walking away from me.” John said walking towards her.

  “What is it John? What is so Goddamned important?” Savanna turned and asked.

  “I fucking love you woman. You’re the only reason why I get up every morning and repeat this shithole of a life over and over again.” John said and Savanna smiled at him. “You’re like a piece of shit and I’m a fly. I just can’t keep away from you.”

  “And you lost it.” Savanna said. “Guess that’s just you being you. I love you too you dumb fuck.” Savanna said and they kissed.

  “Well, hope you enjoyed your speech. We’ve got company.” Taliah said as a group of Hispanic men surrounded them pointing guns at them.

  “Damn it dog. No warning?” John said to the dog and he just looked up at him and raised his eyebrow.

  “Shut up you dumbass hick. Why are you out here?” A man in a mask pointed his pistol at Savanna’s head.

  “Hold up fella. Just point that at me, leave the lady out of it.” John said pulling the barrel towards him and away from Savanna.

  “He touched my gun. This mother fucker touched my gun. Nobody touches my gun. Can I shoot him?” The masked man asked.

  “Wait, I need information before you do.” An older Hispanic male walked through the group and instructed them to lower their weapons. “These are our guests for now.” The men listened and he introduced himself.

  “My name is José Valdez. This is my Kingdom, you are trespassing, but for now you will be our guests. Paco give this man some respect. He’s sticking up for his woman. That’s honor holmes, we respect honor.” José said. The group was led to a large group of buildings to the north. It looked like it used to be a campus of a school of some sort. Each building had a large red and black LSD painted on them.

  “LSD? What does that stand for?” John asked Paco who took his mask off since now they knew his name.

  “Latin Street Disciples dude, touch my gun again and I’ll cut your bitch. Disrespect José and his Kingdom and I cut your bitch.” Paco said and turned around and ignored John for the remainder of the walk.

  “Well, maybe we’ll get beat into the gang or something. Isn’t that what they do these days.” John said.

  “Shut up John. I don’t want to get cut.” Savanna smiled at John and grabbed his ass. The other men that escorted them stayed a good distance away from Taliah and the dog. Samson made it clear not to mess with Taliah early on as one of the men nearly lost his life when he reached in to grab the girl’s hand to help her off of the ground. Taliah calmed him before he bit the man. Protecting Taliah is his job now that Mario is gone.

  When they arrived José asked them important questions about who they were, why they were there and when they were leaving. They answered describing their adventure since they left the Paul Simon Job Corps facility without giving information about the safe house. José was curious about Mario and his whereabouts.

  “This Mario Cortez, where is he now?” José asked.

  “He was on first watch. We heard a loud scream and he said there was movement north and south of our location.” John said.

  “Where was your location?” José asked.

  “We set up in the woods once we entered Douglas Park, uh, I mean your Kingdom.” John said as he saw Paco gesturing slitting a throat.

  “So, why were you a hundred yards north of your location? Where is your tent? Why were you trespassing?” José asked trying to keep his cool.

  “Mario went off to investigate the noise to the south of us and never came back. We had the tent zipped up and we heard Azrael outside roaming about our camp. Next thing we knew we were being dragged away by those fucking things.” John said.

  “Language pig fucker. We don’t use such language in front of José.” A man interjected the conversation.

  “This somehow feels one sided.” John said to Savanna.

  “Keep cool John.” Savanna said.

  “Well, they were pulling us fast, real fast. I stood up and hit my head. Next thing I remember I was on the ground where you found us outside the tent. Savanna said the tent ripped or something and we all tumbled out and they just kept runnin’.” John said and Savanna nodded her head with approval.

  “So, you’re telling me the Azrael slowly untied your tent from where it was attached and started to drag you away? Where were they taking you?” José asked amused by this elaborate story.

  “I don’t know? We didn’t make it to wherever they were taking us. I thought they were taking us to whatever that awful smell was.” John said smelling the aroma in the air that was to the southeast this time.

  “Ahh, the zombie pool.” José laughed. “That is our design. Every Azrael that we’ve killed we bring them back here and toss them in the lake to our southeast as you said. They don’t float anymore. The lake is full of those abominations. The aroma keeps them away. However, your story tells otherwise. Why should I believe what you are telling me?” José asks.

  “Because it’s the truth.” John said.

  “Lies, Lies, LIES. Don’t you fucking lie to me John. I’ve been real nice to you. I’ve shown you respect even when you trespass in my Kingdom.” José screamed and punched John as hard as he could in his gut.

  “I… wasn’t lying.” John said on the ground holding his stomach.

  “Why are you with them little girl? What’s your role in all of this? What fabricated story do you tell about your presence within my kingdom?” José asked stretching his hands out gesturing to everything around them.

  “They weren’t lyin’ to you sir. However I didn’t see it with my own eyes, but I doubt any man could do what they did to our tent.” Taliah said.

  “So did any of you actually see these Azrael in my woods?” José asked.

  “No, we didn’t, but we heard them.” Savanna said.

  “Enough take this piece of shit out of my sight. Set him free, kill him, do whatever. I’m bored of this conversation.” José said waving John away.

  “Wait, wait!” Savanna yelled.

  “No, you are staying, along with your little black friend. My men need the attention of a woman, and they don’t all like beautiful Mexican or Puerto Rican women. You knew this was going to happen. Did you not?” José asked.

  “He’s gonna kill you. You sit there looking like you’re some king on a throne, but you are nothin’. He’s gonna find us and cut your head off.” Taliah said gesturing a knife across her neck.

  “Well, that’s a new one. He’s gonna just break into my home and cut my head off, huh?” José clapped twice and two men came out of the other room. “Kill the dog, feed it to the men. They haven’t had dog in a while. Morale boost.” José added.

  “No, no, don’t kill Samson. Samson, run! Find Mario. Run!” Taliah screamed and Samson sprinted out of the building.

  “Shoot the dog.” José said. “Bring the girl to my room.”

  Gunshots were heard outside and a yelp. The men cheered and Taliah started to flip out. A man grabbed her and dragged her away to José’s room kicking and screaming.


  Mario was led through his campsite by the men as he described where all the traps were and where hi
s tent was. There was no tent and his friends were gone. Where did they go? Mario thought.

  “Found the traps, your friends must of left you dude.” Clip said laughing.

  “Looks like they took all of your stuff too, they used you. What a shame. Maybe you can join us. We could use a badass like you in LSD.” Chico said patting him on the back.

  “I’ve declined the offer before. Unfortunately I have to decline the offer now as well.” Mario tried to keep his cool as he studied the campsite. He saw where the ground looked like something was dragged and followed it with his eyes.

  “Are we not good enough for you? Are we not the right color brown to be associated with?” Clip asked and noticed the dragging marks. “Wait, what’s this?” He followed the streaks in the dirt and it led towards the school. Mario noticed everything, each branch that was broken, and each piece of tent torn off. The drag marks continued but the size of the drag marks were significantly smaller.

  “It tore here, on this rock. They fell out right here.” Mario said pointing at the spot with his foot. Chico kept a hold on his arms behind him. Mario continued the illusion that he was a prisoner. He noticed several more footsteps that led to the north. More men came and took the, the grouping weren’t that of Azrael foot traffic. They moved primarily on the balls of their feet, leaning forward.

  “Looks like a dead end to me.” Chico said kicking the dirt.

  “No, I think they got em. They’re with LSD Chico. Looks like your friends were saved from those zombies after all. Maybe they didn’t abandon you. You may see them again, but you might not leave with them. José don’t let the ladies leave.” Clip laughs and gives Chico a fist bump.

  “What do you mean he don’t let them leave?” Mario asked.

  “We don’t abuse them, but they become a part of LSD. They become family, however with such a perk becoming my family there are certain obligations to join us. If they refuse, well, not so good for them.” Clip said shaking his head.

  “There is a little girl with them, she’s only sixteen.” Mario said.

  “Sixteen is how old my mother was when she had me. Trust me, at that age, everything works just fine.” Chico said smiling.


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