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Most Wanted (Triple Diamond Book 3)

Page 10

by Gemma Snow

  Lucas slid another finger deep inside her body and Ev bucked forward, brushing against Quinn’s erection, which poked her in the belly. A slow, lazy smile spread across his face and she leaned down to kiss his smug expression away, but the kiss turned on her when Quinn threaded his hand through her mussed hair and slid her down for a blistering kiss that had them both moaning. Lucas took the opportunity to lift her hips higher and plunge another finger deep inside her.

  Ev was a mess. Her brain was shorting out and all she could focus upon was the heat of Quinn below and the way Lucas filled her with his fingers. Her body was running needy and desperate and no one was touching her enough to put out the kindling fire burning oh so hot within.

  Behind her, Lucas bent down and kissed her ass cheek. He dug his teeth in and she yelped at little at the sensation, before he slid his fingers out.

  “I’m going to get a condom,” he murmured against her skin. She would never get tired of the feeling of him touching her skin, running his mouth and fingers against her.

  She looked up at Quinn. His green eyes were on fire, sparking dangerous explosions that made her heart ache with love and admiration. He knew what she was asking and her heart felt a little freer when he gave her the nod signifying just how much they were on the same page.

  “I have the implant,” she managed, her voice husky and rough. “And we’re… I’m… It’s all safe…” Wherever her brain was right now, it had taken a vacation from this room with its overwhelming erotic heat. Probably for the best.

  “You’re sure?” Lucas said, brushing her back as he settled down on the bed again. “I have protection in my bag. I always use it, of course, and my last department check came back clean, but you don’t have to, Ev.”

  When she turned, he had shifted his gaze back to Quinn. It should have bothered her, but it didn’t. Each step they took tonight—and after—they were taking together, and complete communication was the only way this could ever work.

  “I’m sure,” Ev said, catching his gaze. “We both are.”

  This was just about sex, so why did her chest feel so heavy at those words? Why did her brain decide now would be a mighty fine time to make a comeback?

  Poor choice of words.

  “Now, less talking.” She tried to sound bossy, but damn, she just wanted him too much for that. She slid her hand down to the connection between her body and Quinn’s and slowly began stroking his engorged cock while Lucas settled his weight behind her. She loved the feeling of Quinn’s cock in her hand, of the smooth, swollen weight of him, the way he jumped and throbbed at her touch.

  Then she couldn’t think about anything but the visceral sensation itself because Lucas was lining his throbbing head up against her hole.

  “Such a fucking tease.” The words were ripped from behind clenched teeth as he rubbed her slightly, far too slightly. “Lucas, I swear to fuck.”

  “What, baby?” he asked, leaning over her. His weight was warm and erotic against her back and pressed her further into Quinn’s hardness. All three of them groaned in unison. “What are you gonna do to me if I don’t fuck you, huh? You know I like to hear you beg, maybe that’ll do the trick.”

  Her breasts were swollen, her clit glowing hot and needy, her cunt already wet and spilling down her quivering thighs. Ev wasn’t above begging.

  “Stuff me with your cock, sir,” she gasped. “Please.”

  Sir. Oh damn.

  By the way Quinn’s cock pulsed against her belly and Lucas’ strained to slide into her hole, they had both experienced the same shooting eroticism that followed the use of the word.

  “Making it really hard for me to resist you, cariña.”

  “Then don’t fucking resist.” She barely managed to get the words out of her mouth before Lucas shoved his cock deep into her cunt.

  Ev came. The sensation of being filled, of her swollen cunt pressed against Quinn’s throbbing cock, of literally being pressed between these two men, made her lose her fucking mind and she screamed while wave after wave of insane pleasure beat through her. Her fingers clenched around the blanket, but it was only because of the two pairs of strong hands around her waist and ass that she didn’t collapse.

  “Fucking love it when you scream,” Quinn’s voice in her ear now. “Love watching your face while you lose control. You’re the goddamned most beautiful woman in the world, Evvie.”

  She surged against him, the motion sending fireworks of desire through her still-quivering clit and pushing Lucas deeper into her. They held her steady, and she finally found a rhythm stroking Quinn’s cock with her hand as Lucas slid deep and slow in and out of her throbbing pussy. They murmured filthy, erotic words to her, and she tried to keep up, but the pleasure was overwhelming and intense and almost too much.

  Then she felt Lucas at her ass. His finger was slick and she didn’t have the brainpower to wonder if he’d brought lube or if it was just her own arousal. She tensed, but he stroked in and out of her body slowly, making her relax, making her give in to the invasion of his finger against the tightness of her hole. He pushed his knuckle in, then another, until he was buried deep inside her and her senses shut down, tuned in to nothing but the fullness of his cock in her pussy and his finger in her ass and Quinn’s erection pulsing against her swollen clit.

  “You have to relax, baby,” Lucas murmured. “We want to take you like this, right here, but you’re gonna have to relax.”

  She was strung so tight she thought she might pop into a dizzying explosion of lust and pleasure and he wanted her to relax.

  Apparently, there was some communication going on above her head, because Lucas slowly pulled out of her pussy. She clenched on the space where he had been, desperate for that filling, stretching sensation, but undoubtedly more relaxed to his exploring finger. He slid another finger into her asshole to join the first and Ev almost lost her balance right then, but one of Quinn’s strong arms came around her waist and held her steady, his other hand slowly, gently massaging her clit until the dual sensations were pushing her to places she’d never been before.

  “Can you take another, baby?” Quinn asked, low and taut. She wasn’t sure how, but she nodded and Lucas slid another finger into her, this one definitely slick with lube and her chest got tight with the breath she was holding as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm her every sense.

  “I’m going to slide inside you now, okay?” Quinn continued. “You tell me if it’s too much.” It was already way, way too much, but the best kind of too much and Ev shifted enough for him to brush her sensitive hole. He pushed in only a little, just so the head of his cock rested against her opening, then Ev was surprised to find it was her moving, her pushing down on his hardness inch by inch until she was seated completely on top of him, his hard cock buried so deep in her pussy, Lucas’ wandering fingers still exploring her tight ass.

  But despite being too much, it wasn’t nearly enough and she turned her head to look Lucas in the eye. He was almost as wrecked as she was, his control long since shattered and the look of a wild, unleashed animal all too apparent in his deep brown eyes.

  God, how on earth am I going to survive him?

  He carefully, slid his fingers from her tight hole and lined his cock up with her entrance. He grabbed what had to be the small bottle of lube from before and drizzled a healthy amount over his cock and fingers, before brushing the entrance of her hole with the excess. A small bout of nerves erupted in her belly, but they were gone as soon as they had come. These were the men in her life she trusted more than anyone. They knew her darkest secrets, her most hidden fears. If she could trust anyone with her body, it was the two people she’d already trusted with her mind and, in many ways, her heart.

  “I’m ready,” she murmured. Lucas’ smile was so sweet, so adoring that all Ev wanted in that moment was to make him as happy as he made her.

  Slowly, so incredibly gently, he pushed into her ass.

  No matter which way they sliced it, this was going to be a v
ery tight fit. Ev’s ass tensed around the invasion and Lucas slowed, allowing her to grow accustomed to him before trying to move again. Quinn ever so slowly moved his hips and Ev rested more of her weight against his chest to better take them both.

  After slow, long moments, Lucas bottomed out inside her and they all three let out a collective breath. Her mind and body were overwhelmed with the insane pleasure of it all and Ev barely knew which way was up and which way was down for the erotic bliss descending upon her body, rocking through her core to the person she was deep inside.

  These men did that to her, together.

  They must have been communicating, because they both gently began to move at the same time, sliding oh so slowly from her body before pushing back in her. Even the gentle motion was so intense, so overwhelming, that each thrust pushed Ev higher and higher to the peak she’d been desperately seeking. This wasn’t going to be an orgasm—this was going to be a fucking detonation.

  A low moan escaped her lips when Quinn’s pelvis brushed her clit at the same moment Lucas pushed back into her ass. The gentleness was sweet and loving and adoring and Ev appreciated them for it, but the low burn at Lucas’ entry was gone and now she needed more than sweet and loving and adoring. She needed everything.

  So she began a rough rock between the two men, taking and giving, wrapping herself around both cocks with a speed and desperation it only took them a moment to match. Then, oh God, oh fucking God, they were riding her in earnest now, giving her the full, adulterated drive that pushed every single thought from her head except how fucking hot and deliciously erotic it felt to have two huge cocks stuffed inside her.

  She was so close, so fucking close to the pivotal point and her whole body screamed in desperate need of release.

  Quinn reached for her breast in the same second Lucas slapped her ass and Ev lost herself right then and there. She screamed and jumped off the edge of pure, unmitigated lust.

  Her orgasm must have set them off, because Quinn groaned hard then gave himself over to it, spurting hot release deep inside her cunt when he lost control to the pleasure. Lucas followed two thrusts later, pulling free to empty himself across her back, as Ev writhed under the onslaught of her bliss-filled waves.

  Her eyes began to droop closed and Quinn shifted out from under her. Two sets of warm, strong hands caressed her skin clean with a soft towel, massaged her body to bonelessness then positioned her under the blankets on the soft-as-heaven bed. Distantly, she heard Quinn murmur to Lucas, Stay. She’ll want you here. Then two warm, very naked men slipped into bed, one on each side, and Ev fell into sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Quinn was out of bed and halfway across the room before he woke up. His five years in counterterrorism meant his phone could ring at any hour and he’d jam the buttons before opening his eyes.

  “Langston.” Shit, it was fucking freezing in this room. Even the padded carpet was cold against his feet. The fire in the living room had died in its hold hours ago, and now that he was no longer in Ev’s warm arms, he felt a chill down his whole body.

  “Oh good, I caught you.” Lydia Brandenwell made Ev’s ice queen impression look like a Disney movie. His boss was brash, rough and a woman who had been crossed far too many times in her life to let anyone else ever do it again. She was nearly seventy, if Quinn had to guess, and had spent more than half her life in the United States military before retiring to the much more subdued position of director of the FBI’s counterterrorism fly teams.

  “What’s going on?” Quinn spied his briefs from under a pile of clothes and shoved the phone under his ear to yank them on. Speaking on the phone with his boss, one of the most powerful women in the country, while buck-ass naked wasn’t a new phenomenon. After all, he’d been called into work from a dead sleep more times than he could count. But doing it while he was buck-ass naked after a raucous erotic night with his two best friends felt like a horse of a very, very different color.

  “Cool your jets,” Brandenwell said. “No national emergency to speak of at the moment. I just wanted to be in touch about those Cordell files. I know I gave you until you got back, but I’d like them today, if you could.”

  Quinn glanced over at the clock above the bed. It was early. Though it was difficult to gauge the time of morning with all the snow outside, he was still surprised to find it was only just past six. Good, I have the time I need.

  “The Internet is a little spotty out here,” he told his boss, yanking on a pair of jeans that might have been Lucas’. It was dark in the room, lit only by the light of new-fallen snow, and he was too tired to give much of a damn. “I’m going to head down to the main house and work on it there. It shouldn’t take more than two hours.”

  Curth Cordell had been on their radar for months now, and a small cache of new information had come in that might or might not prove interesting.

  “That’s fine,” Brandenwell replied. “I know how much Sam and Aimee mean to you and I don’t want to pull you away from their wedding. But it’s important this gets done today.”

  “It will.”

  She gave him a curt acknowledgment then they hung up without ceremony, plunging the room back into complete stillness. Quinn interrupted it only long enough to yank a sweater over his head and dig around for the wool socks he was damn happy he’d packed. They got winter lite in DC, but the snowstorm from the night before appeared to have coated everything in a thick layer of frost.

  Of course, it was also possible he was stalling. He’d looked out of the window, at the floor—for his clothes, of course—at the clock on the wall, but he still hadn’t brought himself to look down at the bed.

  Because you know exactly what you’re going to find there. You’ve known what you were going to find for months.

  Quinn wouldn’t call himself a coward. He’d spent nearly a decade in the Middle East and now worked for counterterrorism. He didn’t scare easily. At least, not about most things.

  But when he considered the idea of a life without Ev Monteiro by his side, his heart got tight and a thin sweat broke out across his neck. She’d been his everything from the day he had met her in training all those years ago, and when they’d first acknowledged their feelings for each other—by falling into bed together after a night at the Greek embassy—Quinn had only been able to conclude that he was the goddamned luckiest man on earth.

  It turned out life was a lot more complicated than that. Or perhaps it was a lot simpler.

  Finally, slowly, he turned to look at them. Ev was still facing the empty pillow where he’d been lying only a few minutes earlier, her body tucked tight—against the cold or his absence, he couldn’t be sure. He loved to watch her sleep, the way her face relaxed when she was truly resting, the way she let her guard down, even if that did let her demons in every once in a while. They all had their own nightmares and that was part of the reason they’d all come together so seamlessly. Trials and tribulations could make for great bedfellows.

  Quinn almost choked.

  Bedfellows. Literally.

  Lucas was wrapped around Ev’s back. His head was resting on her shoulder and one arm had a possessive wrap around her. The blankets kept them covered—after all, it was freaking cold in the room—but Quinn knew they were both bare below, pressing heated flesh and skin to heated flesh and skin.

  He watched them, their breathing in tandem, their bodies pressed so naturally together, watched them and waited.

  And it didn’t come. He’d been expecting…something. He’d been expecting jealousy, possessiveness, anger, hurt. But he didn’t feel anything.

  He didn’t even feel surprised.

  And that was the biggest kicker of all. Because as much as Quinn wanted to be shocked and awed by the oh so natural sight of his girlfriend and their best friend tangled up in the bed together, he couldn’t be. Not really. In fact, it felt a lot like the rain clearing after a storm. He knew what was out on the road, but now it was bright and stark and impossible to ignore.

bsp; Hmm, that would give him something to think about for about as long as he could pretend he didn’t know exactly why he wasn’t surprised or any of those other raw emotions.

  But instead of indulging in the thoughts, he walked over to Ev’s side, padding slowly on the carpet. He sat down on the bed and reached out to stroke the strands of dark hair off her face until she stirred under his touch. An unhappy sound escaped her lips and she looked about three seconds away from jumping out of bed, but Quinn leaned down and whispered in her ear.

  “Just me, baby,” he murmured, still stroking her face, as if trying to assure himself she was really here. “I have to go work for a little bit, but I’ll be back.”

  She didn’t open her eyes, but she was gaining consciousness. “Where are you going?” Her voice was rough from a night spent voicing her pleasures and Quinn took no small amount of pride in that.

  “Mess hall,” he whispered. “But Lucas is here, you’ll let him take care of you this morning.”

  She gave that sleepy grin that made her normally reserved face look so adorable Quinn’s heart actually felt fit to burst. “Shirking your duties?” she asked. “That’s not like you.”

  He rolled his eyes, though he knew she couldn’t see, and kissed the top of her head, slow, lingering.

  “I’ll be back in a little bit to give you the good morning you deserve,” he promised, his voice coming out more growly than he would have expected. Hmm, it turned out there was a little bit of jealousy hidden deep down there somewhere. A very little bit. “I’m just putting the option on the table.”

  He went to move away, but Ev caught his wrist, her eyes open only a little, sleep clinging to her. “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too,” Quinn replied, brushing his mouth across her knuckles. He was pretty damn sure he was on his path to proving exactly how much.

  Lucas was having one hell of a dream. He was more comfortable than he’d ever been in his damned life and pressing bare flesh into one sweet, soft ass, his body both hard as a tire-iron and relaxed, at ease, as if he was finally where he belonged in this big crazy world.


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