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Black Wolf's Ultimatum

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by Black Wolf's Ultimatum [MF] (epub)

  The Black Wolf’s Ultimatum Copyright © 2011 by Belladonna Bordeaux Enterprises

  Cover Art Copyright © 2011: Buffi BeCraft

  First Edition: February 2011 – Be Mine Completely Valentine's Anthology by Diamond Miles

  All rights reserved

  Eirelander Publishing

  Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this story may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher/s.

  Published in the United States of America.

  Chapter One

  “Come on. Get over your funk, girl,” Wendy Williams whispered. “Valentine’s Day sucks.” This year a lot more than others.

  Her gaze roamed over her living room. Nadda, zip, zilch that even remotely related to being in a long-term relationship met her gaze. There wasn’t a picture of Elijah hung on her wall or taking up space on her mantel. She picked up the pillar candle she’d bought at a fancy boutique and breathed deeply of the heady sandalwood scent.

  The memory of buying the hand made candle came forward. She’d been out with her mom, shopping for Christmas presents when they stumbled across the boutique. Her mom was on the hunt for something very pricey for her uncle, while Wendy was trying hard not to bitch about how bad her feet hurt. She’d ignored most of the kitschy knickknacks when she’d caught a whiff of a scent that was so close to Elijah’s she couldn’t resist purchasing it.

  Her mother had clucked her tongue and said something to the extent of, “evergreen or cranberry is more festive.” Of course her mom had sent her an askance glare when Wendy didn’t immediately put the candle back and purchase one of the scents suggested.

  Groomed. That’s what her friends called her and she supposed that was what she was. Groomed to be the epitome of trophy wife. Groomed to be the perfect hostess. Groomed to not have her own mind.

  She swallowed hard against the knot of emotion forming in her throat. In a few short years she was expected to lie down and marry whichever man promoted her Congressman father’s career. Her happiness be damned.

  In the past she always laughed off her friends comments, but her reality was much more hurtful. She wasn’t just groomed—hell no—from birth she’d been put in a gilded cage and informed in cold terms she would sing beautiful songs on demand and look fantastic or there would be hell to pay.

  “I didn’t ask for this.” Yes, and I didn’t ask to meet the man of my dreams when I was in a traffic accident either. A small smile lifted the corners of her lips. Elijah had had his hands full with consoling the sixteen-year-old girl who’d reared-ended her while trying to take her statement. It was when he flashed a smile during a candid moment that she found herself really entranced by the tall, dark skinned policeman.

  He became the focus of her private fantasies for the next few months. Then, by chance, she’d bumped into him at a bar, and voila, they were seeing each other.

  Compared to most of her other relationships, theirs wasn’t half-bad as long as discretion was maintained. In the year she’d seen Elijah Dickens, she’d seen him at his best and worst. He was kind, caring, and considerate. Everything she wanted in a boyfriend. She couldn’t even bitch about their sex life except that maybe he was insatiable. But, then again, she figured most twenty-seven-year-old guys were geared for banging.

  The big problem standing between them was her parents, specifically her father.

  She was white.

  Elijah was mulatto.

  Unlike Wendy’s affluent parents, Elijah’s mama was a boisterous Latina with a quick smile and the temperament of a grizzly bear protecting her cubs should someone insult one of her six kids. His dad could trace his roots back to the slave markets of Charleston. He’d put himself through college and didn’t find anything wrong with his job as a community organizer. There was so much unconditional love in Elijah’s family that for a while Wendy was jealous of the Dickens brood.

  She set the candle down on its plate and strode for her living room windows. In a sick way, she was cheating Elijah out of what a real relationship was supposed to be. By trying to have the best of both worlds while not rocking her family’s conservative ideology, she was cheating herself.

  She knew it, and so did he.

  And, finally two weeks ago he’d given her the ultimate ultimatum. Either she was all in or they were done. Personally, she didn’t blame him for reaching the limit of his patience with her and her folks. She was pretty sick of sneaking around too.

  “On Valentine’s Day, you have to give me your answer,” he’d said to her before walking out her backdoor the last time he’d stopped in for a good fuck. “Believe me, Wendy, I love you, but I have had it with all these covert maneuvers. Think about it, and on Valentine’s Day I want an answer.”

  She still didn’t have one. There were too many tangents to consider. Too many things to weigh. She just didn’t know whether or not the risk was worth the effort.

  Sighing, she pulled the lace curtains back to stare at the full moon hanging heavy in the sky. A few wispy clouds worked their way across the inky backdrop and shrouded the glowing satellite from time to time. This is a night made for lovers.

  She also recognized Elijah was breaking with his freaky tradition of staying away from her when the full moon rose. Even if he wasn’t on patrol, he’d call her but wouldn’t set foot in her apartment. A tingle of passion curled in the pit of her belly. The man certainly knew how to get her hot over the phone. He’d pushed her into thinking outside the missionary position to fantasize about hot sex. Toys. A little bondage. Yes, she’d gone there with his avid prompting.

  It was weird, his departure from her life for one night a month, and she wanted to joke with him about it. How many times have I wanted to ask him if he is a werewolf or something like that? Too many. She’d almost actually gone through with her teasing on a few occasions, but with their relationship being clandestine by her request, she figured he was allowed his own idiosyncrasy.

  What to do? What to do?

  Two friends she trusted above reproach called her silly and stupid for even debating sticking with a good man. She’d made a decision after taking their advice to heart, to damn her family if they didn’t approve or accept Elijah. Yet, the moment her mother called to ask her if she was going to some fundraiser, the doubts filtered back in.

  Not in her wildest dreams could she picture Elijah at a GOP fundraiser.

  God, please tell me what to do.

  Please. Please. She took a deep calming breath and prepared herself to face. Elijah. Please, God, tell me what to do.

  “Hey baby, what’s got you thinking so hard you didn’t even hear the door open?”

  “Ah!” Startled, Wendy spun around and nearly toppled over when she lost her balance. “Thanks,” she muttered gratefully when he steadied her with his hands on her shoulders. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  “Is it?”

  She winced. “Sorry.” He glared at her. Do you want my answer now? Her heart clanged in her chest. This is like ripping a band-aid off. It’s better to just get it over with. “Elijah—”

  “Shh.” He placed his finger on her lips. “First, I want to give you your present.” Leaning down, he traced his fingers across her skin until he cupped her cheek.

  She reveled in his kiss. His full lips moved smoothly over hers. Their tongues met and dueled. Liquid heat pooled in her panties. A tiny voice in her head whispered she shouldn’t let him weave his sexual spell around he
r, that she should tell him the truth—that she hadn’t made a decision about them. That she wasn’t sure she ever could.

  He lifted his head and gazed at her. “There’s only one condition that goes with my gift.”

  “What’s that?” Her thigh muscles twitched as he led her to the beige-colored sofa.

  “You have to trust me—completely. I get to do anything I want to your body. Let me prove I can make you howl for me.” His silky voice did amazing things to her blood pressure. “Are you game, Wendy?”

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

  “Ye of little faith.” He forced her to sit on the overstuffed cushion. “I even brought something to help you over the hump.”

  Her gaze snapped to the dress-box sitting on the credenza below her flat screen television. She returned her stare to his handsome face when he brushed his hands down her arms until he clasped both her wrists in one of his. “What are you doing?” The better question is, why am I reacting this way? She wiggled her bottom against the cushion. A delicious throb built in her core. Her nipples turned to hard buds.

  Even as she asked her question, a fresh burst of moisture gathered on her nether lips. “Tell me,” she whispered.

  “I’m going to fulfill all your fantasies.”

  Fantasies? Dear God, have mercy. Only Elijah knew her fantasies. Hell, he was the one who’d introduced her to kink. In her private dreams, she wanted a whole gala of perversion, which began with him tying her down and ending with multiple partners.

  She wanted him to break down all the walls of confusion she’d trapped herself in lately, eradicate the memories of her mother conditioning her to be a brainless twit, and her father telling her she would do or she would be out of the family. She wanted him to make her scream his name. Make her beg him for an orgasm. Have a climax he had absolute control over and delivered with sheer skill. “Holy cow,” she whispered on a gasp when he released his already hard cock from his jeans. She’d always appreciated the size of his cock. It was thick and long. A tear of pre-cum oozed from the tip.

  “Are you game, Wendy? Do you want me to fulfill all your fantasies?” he asked.

  Staring at the monster cock right in front of her, she licked her suddenly dry lips.

  “Tell me what you want,” Elijah ordered.

  She wanted the whole smorgasbord of sex he’d opened her eyes to and then some. Gulping against the knot of lust choking her breath, she blew out a shaky breath. “I want you to dominate me.” She managed to nod as she watched him stroke his cock from base to tip. The notion of telling him she didn’t know whether or not she could give up her family for him went flying to the four winds. God, I need you to fuck me. “I want it all.”

  “John, DeShawn, join us,” Elijah called.

  Wendy watched the duo enter the living room via the kitchen’s swinging doors. Her heartbeat tripled when she took them in.

  All three were drop-dead handsome. And the trio garnered attention whenever they appeared together.

  From the moment she’d met him, Elijah had dominated her thoughts. His bald head and gorgeous green eyes were something she’d dreamed about, his broad shoulders were too masculine for words. He had a way about him. Something which silently commanded women to pay attention. Whether it was because he was a policeman or it was his to-die-for ass, she wasn’t sure.

  John Kingston was even taller than Elijah. He was a bad boy who didn’t give a damn about how people viewed him. He also didn’t give a shit that his best friend was black or that he often came off as too good-looking for women’s sanity. John was comfortable in his own skin and with the company he kept.

  If she had to name John’s best attribute, she’d say it was his piercing cobalt-blue eyes. His body was nothing to shrug over though. The man was built like a linebacker.

  DeShawn Barnes was positively a stud with a killer smile. Perfectly proportioned, he was the leanest of the trio, but he had a voice that could melt any woman’s bones. And, if the rumors were correct, it had. DeShawn was a damnable wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  “Wendy, you have to be sure,” Elijah said.

  She took in the trio again before nodding. “I am.”

  It was obviously all the incentive they needed. John rounded the couch and grasped her wrists as Elijah led his cock to her lips. Her hips bucked when out of her peripheral vision she saw DeShawn walk to her bathroom door with the box. He opened the lid and removed what appeared to be approximately twelve-inch strips of nylon strapping. At the end of the strong, ebony cloth were twinkling clasps. Her eyes widened when DeShawn slid two of the black straps over the top and placed two more at the bottom of the door.

  Wendy couldn’t for the life of her fathom what the straps were for but couldn’t wait to discover their purpose. A flame of passion curled deep in her womb when Elijah’s fingers tweaked her nipples through the sheer cloth of her blouse and bra.

  John took her bound hands and wrapped her grip around his enormous shaft. All the while, Elijah held his cock steady in her mouth. He didn’t start thrusting until she gave her first tentative draw on his erection. She licked the soft skin of the head before he tangled her hair in his hands and pushed mouth down the length of him. Her tongue worked along the sensitive underside as he pulled back. The throb in her crotch turned to an insistent pulse.

  Realizing she was at their mercy turned her on even more. She was hot, and hopefully, they would deliver her a mind-blowing orgasm. Her eyelids slid closed as she took Elijah’s cock further down her throat.

  “Get the shackles and the first toy,” Elijah ordered.

  Moaning against the erection filling her mouth, she snapped her eyes open in time to see DeShawn lay the box back on the credenza. She tried to gasp when he produced black nylon shackles, a tube of lube, and a slim butt plug. She would have chuckled, but Elijah had begun to really fuck her mouth. Slow, deep strokes against her tongue, then a few short fast ones.

  She panted when he pulled out. “Holy cow.”

  “That’s just an appetizer, sweetheart,” Elijah informed her. “You got her?”

  “I have her, Elijah,” John responded.

  “What are you planning to do to me?” A tiny shiver of fear shivered up her spine. She also wanted to up the men’s anticipation. Come on. You have to remember this part of our discussions. “I demand to know what you’re going to do to me.” Elijah had to remember this part of her fantasy. She wanted the sexy talk, which made her hotter than hell when they did it in bed. But, she recalled, that was after he’d broached the subject during one of his phone calls.

  The look Elijah sent her spoke volumes. He took the butt plug from DeShawn. “I’m going to stick this in your ass. Get you ready for John to fuck your sweet butt nice and hard.” His gaze sparkled with desire. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you slave?”

  Slave? Oohhh, sexy. By no shade of the word an anal virgin, Wendy bit her lip when she pondered taking Elijah’s cock in her pussy while John pounded her dark hole. Her channel tightened at the thought of it. “Do you think I can take both of you?”

  “Master Elijah,” he corrected.

  Right. Yeah. Makes sense. “Master Elijah, do you think I can take both of you?”

  “I’m sure you can, slave,” Elijah commented. “But first I’m going to strap you up and make sure you are wet for us. We’ll take turns pounding your pussy while you can’t move. Of course you’ll have the butt plug in your ass.” He knelt and placed the cushioned straps around her ankles. DeShawn did the same thing to her wrists while John held her arms steady. Her fingers were still curled around John’s cock.

  Elijah continued to speak in an authoritative tone as he grabbed the lube and butt plug from where DeShawn had put them on the cushion. “This is the only warning you’ll receive, slave; push the butt plug out and you’ll be punished. Say a word unless directed to respond and you’ll be punished. Do anything we don’t tell you to and you will be punished.”

  She nodded. Wow!

lijah lubed the butt plug while John began moving her hands up and down his cock. Her eyes widened when DeShawn went to the box and pulled out a sleek silver vibrator. The fake cock wasn’t large, but when it came to deep penetration in multiple holes, she was a novice. The whirr of the vibrator chorused her harsh pants for air.

  DeShawn came forward and lifted her pencil skirt to show her bright red panties. An unwanted voice told her this was wrong. This was very wrong. She pushed her nuisance of a conscience away. A long, low moan escaped her throat.

  “Not yet,” Elijah commanded. “She’s my woman and I command her climax. Isn’t that right, slave? You belong to me.”

  “Yes,” she groaned.

  “Say ‘yes, Master’,” he commanded. Laying a hard swat to her thigh, he took the vibrator from DeShawn. He placed the tip of the vibrator on her clit. Shivering shockwaves of pleasure raced up her body. “Say it, slave.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Tell me, ‘I come only when my Master allows it’.”

  It was almost too late for that. Her vagina clenched and her thigh muscles trembled as her orgasm built. “Oh, my God.”

  “Not yet.”

  Her frustration ratcheted up when he pulled the humming tip from her sensitive nub. “You won’t come until I say you can. Is that understood?”

  She bucked, trying without much success to find the tool that would lead her to ecstasy. “I...understand.”

  Flinching when he dropped another slap to her thigh, she pondered for a split second what she’d done wrong. Get it together, she ordered herself silently. Her body was going positively haywire. “I...understand...Master.” She was rewarded by having the tip of the butt plug eased into her anus. The small pang twanged her nerves but didn’t stop the fire now singeing her skin.

  “Say it, slave—‘I come only when my Master allows it’.”

  Nearly faint from panting so hard, Wendy struggled to keep her orgasm at bay. “I come...only allows it.”

  “If at any time you want us to stop, you should say full moon. Do you understand, slave? Stop means nothing to us. If you need us to stop you say full moon.”


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