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Intercepted by Love: Part Five: A Football Romance (The Quarterback's Heart Book 5)

Page 14

by Ayala, Rachelle

  Whole Latte Love

  Excerpt Copyright © 2014 Rachelle Ayala

  All Rights Reserved

  Carina Chen had no time for nonsense.

  “Show off.” She couldn’t help glaring at the shaggy-haired barista as he demonstrated the art of milk frothing to a gaggle of college girls.

  Hair flipping and eyelashes fluttering, they oohed and ahhed nonstop while he spun milk underneath the steam nozzle. When he layered the milk over a cup of espresso, they squealed as if they were in the middle of a group orgasm.

  Carina elbowed her way through the crowded coffee shop and ordered her cup from the female barista, whose line was much shorter. Serving lattes didn’t require sleek muscles and gem-blue eyes.

  “Yummy.” Her friend Sheila checked her watch. “I come just to watch the show. Wonder which one he’ll take home tonight.”

  “Only one?” Carina set her cup on the table. “Enough about him. I still haven’t found a room for the summer. Didn’t you say you had a friend needing a renter?”

  Sheila stole her gaze from the demonstration of coffee-making prowess and licked her lips. “Yeah, let’s wait for his break, and I’ll introduce you.”

  Carina looked toward the espresso machine. “Him? Never mind. I’m not sure I could stomach the guy. He’s got to be full of himself.”

  Sheila’s eyes wandered back to the front counter and lingered. “You have to admit, he’s hotter than the Sahara.”

  “That’s exactly my point.” Carina watched him hand a steaming mug to a perky cheerleader. His mischievous smile did funny things to her insides and it wasn’t even directed at her. “I need a quiet place to crash after my eighteen-hour days, not some bachelor pad with nightly orgies. I can imagine the revolving door on his bedroom. No thanks.”

  Despite her hasty denial, warm flutters bubbled in her belly when the barista stepped out from behind the counter. He was broad-shouldered, but not bulky, and he moved with the easy grace of a mountain lion as he collected the empties. Heck, the man probably boosted Abercrombie & Fitch’s stock price two full points each time he bent over to wipe a table.

  “You could at least meet the guy before you pass judgment.” Sheila folded her arms. “Look, the important thing is, he has a great apartment close to the Berkeley BART station.”

  Easy access to rapid transit was a point in his favor, but … “You sure he’s safe?”

  “I promise. Dylan’s a boy scout. Besides,” Sheila said with a sly smile, “an orgy or two might do you some good.”

  While Carina struggled to close her gaping mouth, Sheila raised a hand to wave him over.

  Dylan wiped his palms on his apron and pulled a stool from the next table.

  “Hey, what’s up?” He greeted Sheila with a nod and trained his eyes on Carina.

  Up close, he was even more swoon-worthy. Wavy brown hair hung almost to his neck, and his jaw was stubbly, as if he’d forgotten to shave a day or two. His presence filled all available breathing space between them, and his piercing gaze felt like a tractor beam drawing Carina toward him.

  “Dyl, this is Carina Chen. She needs a room to rent,” Sheila said. “She’s working at Mogul this summer.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Dylan said. “Investment banking?”

  “Intern analyst.” Carina tamped down the pride swelling in her chest as well as a more worrying heat in her lower regions. “I got the offer two days ago, last minute.”

  “Cool!” He gave her a thumbs up, and the thick silver cuff on his wrist glinted in the late afternoon sunlight coming through the window. “My roommate moved out two days ago. Must be fate.”

  It had to be the sun’s heat that was making her sweat under her suit jacket. Nope, it was definitely not Dylan’s sideways grin nor the way his veins moved over his large hands when he flexed his fingers.

  “How much?” Carina’s voice barely squeaked past her tight vocal cords.

  “Your share of the rent’s twelve-hundred a month. We split the utilities. You get your own bedroom but we’ll share a bathroom.”

  Sharing a bathroom with a guy might get tricky. Where would she hide her feminine products?

  “You’ll love it.” Sheila cut in. “It’s close to shopping, restaurants, and the campus.”

  “That’s so much more than I paid in Philadelphia,” Carina said. “I don’t know Berkeley very well. Is that what rentals go for around here?”

  “It’s much less than San Francisco, especially the Financial District.” Sheila hopped off her barstool. “I gotta hit the loo. Text me when you’re ready to leave.”

  “Wait, I’m not sure.” Carina faltered. Why was she acting like this was a blind date? It wasn’t like she hadn’t lived in a coed dorm before. Besides, a guy satisfied to work in a coffee shop was not her type, so there should be no worries whatsoever about wanting him for a boyfriend.

  Dylan placed his smartphone on the table. “I have to get back to the job. Call yourself from my cell so I’ll have your number.”

  Zing. His killer grin hit the mark, right between her thighs. The guy knew what he was doing. Oh no, she wasn’t giving her number to that kind of man. She’d ask Sheila if she knew of any women needing roommates. She still had one more day to hit the streets and go over listings, and she most definitely was not going to be another phone number on his to-call list.

  “I still have a few other places to check out.” Carina picked up her coffee cup. “Do you think I could get a takeout cup for this?”

  Dylan grasped the handle, his fingers lingering a beat too long against hers. “Even better. I’ll make you a new one. This one’s cold.”

  Carina’s cheeks warmed as a tingly shiver worked its way up her arm. Geez, she wasn’t usually this hormonal.

  “Wait, your phone …” Carina picked up Dylan’s phone and walked toward the counter where he prepared the coffee. A poster plastered on the wall showed him strutting with his guitar onstage with a band called The Licked Blues. They had a gig at a club later this evening. Typical. Another guy wasting his life away with no prospect of financial success.

  “Almost done.” Dylan layered the espresso on the bottom of the cup and dipped the milk pitcher up, then lowered it and cut across.

  Carina gasped as a creamy heart floated to the top.

  He handed her the takeout cup and rested one elbow on the counter. “Carina, if you room with me, I’ll have one of these for you every morning.”

  His voice caressed her name like the languid beckon of a lover calling her back to bed.

  Carina swallowed hard, but before she could respond, Dylan swung toward an elderly woman positioning her walker to get out of a booth. The college girls waved and vied for his attention, but he took his time helping the woman to the door before going back for their orders.

  I’m a goner now.

  Carina typed her number into Dylan’s phone.


  Please look for Whole Latte Love on Amazon

  Also by Rachelle Ayala

  Michal’s Window

  Roaring Hot!

  The Remingtons: Leap, Laugh, Love

  Chance for Love

  Broken Build

  Hidden Under Her Heart

  Knowing Vera

  Sánchez Sisters

  Taming Romeo

  Claiming Carlos

  Jewells in Love

  Whole Latte Love

  Sports Romances

  Played by Love

  Playing the Rookie

  Playing Without Rules

  Intercepted by Love

  Christmas Novellas

  A Father for Christmas

  Christmas Flirt

  Christmas Stray

  A Pet for Christmas

  Christmas Lovebirds


  Romance In A Month

  366 Ways to Know Your Character

  About the Author

  Rachelle Ayala is the author of dramatic romantic suspense and humor-laden contemporary
romance. Her heroines are feisty, her heroes hot. Needless to say, she's very happy with her job.

  Fiction: Michal’s Window, Broken Build, Hidden Under Her Heart, Chance for Love Boxed Set, Knowing Vera, Taming Romeo, Whole Latte Love, Played by Love, Playing the Rookie, A Father for Christmas, Claiming Carlos, Roaring Hot, Christmas Flirt, Playing Without Rules, Christmas Stray, Intercepted by Love, A Pet for Christmas, Christmas Lovebirds

  Nonfiction: Your Daily Bible Verse, Romance in a Month, 366 Ways to Know Your Character

  Check out her website at and visit her Amazon Author Page

  Contact Rachelle:




  Intercepted by Love was designed from the start to be a serial novel delivered in parts. I had a lot of fun preparing the cliffhanger and structuring the story this way. Of course, my beta readers and fellow writers in my Romance In A Month writer’s group helped me with early feedback and comments to hone this story for the hopefully surprising cliffhangers.

  Many thanks to: Jessica Cassidy, Amber McCallister, Sarah Miles, Debbie Rosa, Sharon Coady, Marie Smith, Keli Morgan, Tope Awofeso, Racquel Reck, Rebecca Austin, Terri Merkel, Corrisa Palfrey, Dana Anderson, Rachel Williams, Sherelle Ellis, Patricia Shepherd, Brenda Pratt, and Sifa Edwards for their awesome feedback as well as guidance while I was writing Cade and Andie’s stories. Their comments and remarks helped me know whether I was hitting the right note or not. I’d also like to thank Kimberly Dawn for proofreading.

  Thanks also my high school football team who instilled in me a great love and respect for athletes. We were the Banning Pilots, All City Champions, and I’m proud to have been one of the team managers and friends with the wonderful guys on our team.

  I will especially miss my friends, Joe Montijo (#10), Leroy Irvin (#23), and Ronnie Settles (#37), who have passed on way too early. This story is dedicated to them, although all characters and events inside are purely fictional. Thanks guys for being the heroes we looked up to, and being humble and down to earth. Go Pilots!




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