By Allie X

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By Allie X Page 5

by Anna Samuels

  ‘And you…uh…sorry, I never caught your first name!’ I said with an embarrassed laugh.

  ‘Oh sorry, dear! We never even said. I’m Ava.’

  ‘Ah…well, it’s been lovely to meet you, Ava.’

  ‘Yes…see you both soon, I hope!’ she smiled.

  After gathering her bag, she was gone.

  ‘This gallery is stunning,’ I told Allie after a moment. I wondered around, taking it all in. I found I loved it all.

  ‘Thanks…I can’t take all the credit though. It’s not all my work,’ she revealed.

  ‘Oh really?’

  ‘Yeah…I stock my work but also the work of other local artists.’

  ‘Oh, I see…well, it all looks wonderful!’

  ‘You think?’

  I nodded, smiling.

  ‘Can you recognise which pieces are mine from the present you got?’ she asked.

  ‘I can, I think,’ I said, walking to one wall. ‘I’d say this is yours…and this one,’ I said pointing to a similar piece to the one hanging in my bedroom at home.

  ‘You’re spot on.’

  ‘What else is yours?’ I wondered.

  ‘Come on, I’ll show you,’ she told me.

  Allie took me around the gallery, talking about her art in detail. She showed me paintings of seascapes which I loved, sculptures, including the little row of cottages she had spoken to me about and also her driftwood art. I loved it all, but especially the driftwood art. When she had shown me the gallery itself, she led me out the back to where she worked. It was clearly an artist’s studio, with materials everywhere and canvases stacked against the wall, an easel set up in the middle and a workbench to one side.

  ‘I’m working on this right now,’ she said, leading me over to the bench.

  ‘Oh wow! That’s gorgeous!’ I exclaimed.

  ‘Thanks…I’m pretty pleased with it so far.’

  ‘You should be! Goodness me you’re talented, Allie! I would love to be as talented as you are! I couldn’t do this!’

  ‘I bet you have other strengths,’ she said, smiling over at me warmly.

  I felt my stomach twist with awareness. ‘I uh…’

  ‘I mean-what are your hidden talents?’ she asked.

  I shrugged. ‘I have no idea! I don’t think I have any!’ I laughed.

  ‘Sure you do…didn’t you say you sing, dance and write?’

  ‘Well…’ I chuckled. ‘I may do those things, but I wouldn’t say I do them well!’


  ‘Definitely not singing and dancing well…I’m a little better at writing I would say.’

  ‘Have you got anything I could read?’ she asked.

  ‘Would you want to?’ I wondered incredulously.

  ‘Yeah! Definitely! What do you write?’

  ‘I, uh…romance,’ I said, going red.

  ‘Do you?’

  ‘Well…I tried some other genres but found that I always wanted to come back to romance. I’ve written one book I could let you read…I mean, if you wanted to?’

  ‘I’d love that!’ she smiled.

  ‘Alright…well, sometime then…’


  ‘So, what do you need to do? Shall I give you some space for a while?’ I questioned.

  She looked at me thoughtfully for a minute. ‘Hmm…well, that might be an idea…what if you were to meet me back at my place in an hour or so?’ she said, looking at her watch.

  I checked the time. It was just past three. ‘That sounds good…I’d love to go down to the beach again.’

  ‘Do it then! I’ll finish off and close and meet you at my house at…four thirty?’ she suggested.

  ‘Sounds perfect,’ I replied smiling.

  ‘Okay good…see you in a bit then,’ she said, walking me to the door.

  ‘See you in a bit,’ I waved.

  I stepped out into the sunshine and headed down the path, aware of her eyes watching me leave the whole time.

  I went to the beach and found a quiet spot to sit down. I gazed out to sea feeling serene. This place was incredible, and the woman I had was wonderful. I smiled as I thought about her. Suddenly I felt like there was hope for the future, suddenly I felt like there was someone who might become special in my life. I liked her and she seemed to like me. We had spent only one day together and yet I felt like I knew her better than all of my friends. She was kind and friendly as well as being gorgeously attractive. I sighed in happiness.

  As I watched the waves lapping the shore, I wondered what the evening would bring. She had invited me to stay which felt like a positive step. I didn’t know what to anticipate but my body felt ready…I could feel the nerves skipping through my stomach as I thought of her.

  When four thirty came, I stood and wandered up the beach. I made my way through the village and then over towards the little hill which led to Allie’s home. When I got to her door, I knocked, feeling excitement rush through me.

  Allie opened the door seconds later with a wide smile on her face. ‘Hello!’ she said happily.


  ‘Come on in!’


  ‘Did you have a nice time on the beach?’ she asked, showing me in.

  ‘I did thanks…absolutely lovely.’

  ‘What did you do?’

  ‘Nothing!’ I laughed. ‘I sat and gazed at the sea.’

  ‘Sounds perfect! Nothing better than sitting on the sand and enjoying the view.’

  ‘That’s what I found.’

  ‘Come on in then…take a seat!’

  ‘Thanks,’ I said gratefully and sat on one side of her two-seater sofa.

  ‘I have something for you,’ Allie said, sitting on the other end of the sofa.

  ‘You do?’ I asked puzzled.


  ‘What is it?’ I enquired, baffled at what she could have possibly be giving me.

  ‘This,’ she said, reaching behind her.

  From the back of the sofa, she produced a box of chocolates and a bunch of flowers which she presented me with a smile.

  ‘Oh my goodness!’ I exclaimed, my hands flying to my mouth.

  ‘Do you like them?’ she asked.

  ‘I love them!’ I told her gratefully, ‘but why?’ I asked, stunned.

  ‘Because it was your thirtieth yesterday. We should mark it well.’

  ‘I…thank you, Allie! This is unbelievable!’

  She smiled. ‘I’m not done either.’

  ‘You’re not?’

  ‘Yeah…you described your perfect birthday and I plan to make it happen.’

  I thought back to the conversation we had shared earlier in the day when I had talked through the scenario that my perfect birthday would entail. Allie clearly planned to make that dream happen, and I couldn’t believe my luck.

  ‘Oh Allie!’

  ‘Shush,’ she scolded, ‘now just enjoy it…I’m going to put something in the oven while you start up the film.’

  ‘The film?’

  ‘Yes…I grabbed a romantic comedy…you get it loaded up and I’ll be back in a minute.’

  I smiled at her, accepting the film. ‘Okay…thanks.’

  ‘Back in a minute.’

  When she had left to go into the kitchen, I unboxed the DVD and loaded it up into the machine. All the while, I couldn’t help the grin that seemed fixed on my face. Allie was making my birthday weekend so special and I couldn’t quite believe it. She was such a wonderful woman and I felt like something unique was happening between us.

  While I let the adverts play, I could hear Allie moving around in the kitchen and preparing us dinner. How lovely, I mused…she had heard what I had said and gone out of her way to make me the birthday I craved. I smiled to myself. Maybe she did in fact like me, I thought. Why else would she do something so nice for me? Excitement rushed through my veins.

  ‘Okay! All cooking!’ she said coming in.

  ‘Great! I’ve started the film…I was just wa
tching the adverts.’

  ‘Oh good,’ she said, sitting down beside me. ‘I love a good film…especially romantic comedies. They’re great!’

  ‘Me too. Anything that makes me smile,’ I told her.

  ‘You like to smile?’

  ‘I sure do.’

  ‘You’re always smiling,’ she commented.

  ‘I’m feeling especially happy today,’ I told her, looking over and meeting her eyes.

  ‘Me too,’ she agreed. ‘This has been such a fun day.’

  ‘It sure has. I can’t thank you enough.’

  ‘You already have…so stop doing it. Just enjoy it! You deserve to be treated! No-one else has seemed to bother particularly so I will,’ she said.

  I met her gaze. ‘I shouldn’t be ungrateful-I mean my friends did get together for dinner and they did get me that lovely driftwood art from your gallery.’

  She looked at me strangely, ‘Yes, well…I suppose they tried…’

  ‘They did.’

  ‘But we can enjoy this evening even more.’

  ‘I am already,’ I told her.

  She smiled at me. ‘Shall we start the film then?’

  ‘Yes please.’

  Allie pressed play and the beginning started to play. I sat back against the sofa and tried to relax into the film. I was so aware of her presence beside me though that I found it difficult to completely calm my nerves. I noticed every movement and little things she did. I even found it hard to stop looking and glancing at her.

  After about half an hour, Allie stood, excusing herself to check on the dinner. She was gone a good ten minutes and I was beginning to wonder what she was doing. When she finally came back in, I looked up in surprise. In her hands, she carried something so incredible that I gasped.

  ‘This isn’t your dinner…that’s just about ready in the kitchen-but I did want to show you it first.’

  I gaped as she lowered the cake to the coffee table. ‘Allie!’

  ‘I figured you had to have one…I mean, I can’t believe no-one made you one before.’

  ‘This is,’ I felt tears threaten, ‘this is…so wonderful! Thank you so much Allie,’ I said, gazing at the cake which read ‘Cass is 30!’ on the top. It was chocolate with butter cream icing and looked delicious. The sentiment on it was what moved me though. I couldn’t believe how wonderful she was.

  ‘I hope you like it,’ she murmured.

  I looked up at her. ‘I love it,’ I told her, standing up. ‘Thank you, Allie,’ I said, stepping towards her. I reached to hug her and she opened her arms in welcome.

  As I stepped into her embrace, I felt electricity rush through me. She felt wonderfully soft and warm and smelt gorgeous. I held her against me for a moment and then released her, looking up into her eyes. ‘You shouldn’t have done all this, but I’m very, very, very happy that you did,’ I told her.

  ‘You’re more than welcome,’ she said, moving back ever so slightly. ‘Now! I shall get your dinner! Cake can be pudding!’ she grinned, heading off to the kitchen.

  I sat down as she left and looked at my cake. I couldn’t help pulling my phone out of my pocket and snapping a few pictures of it with my camera. I wanted to remember this moment and how special she had made my birthday.

  ‘It’s that good, huh?’ she asked, coming back in a smiling.

  I smiled up at her. ‘It sure is.’

  ‘Here,’ she said, handing me a plate. ‘Veggie lasagne, chips and salad. I hope you like it!’

  ‘It sounds gorgeous!’ I said happily. ‘Thanks Allie.’

  ‘You’re the politest person I know, Cass! You never stop saying thank you!’

  ‘I’m just grateful,’ I told her.

  ‘Well, enjoy! Let’s get the film back on while we eat!’

  ‘Good idea,’ I said, pressing the pause button so the film began to play again.

  We ate and watched the film, laughing at the funny story and sitting back together relaxing on the sofa. I felt comfortable with Allie and so, very happy. By the time the credits rolled at the end, the evening was drawing in and darkness coming.

  ‘That was good!’ she commented.

  ‘I really enjoyed that,’ I nodded.

  ‘So, I failed on one count…’ she began.

  ‘Oh yes?’

  ‘In your list of birthday wishes, there was one I couldn’t get in time…the balloons with thirty on them.’

  ‘Oh goodness, Allie! You’ve done so much! I don’t need balloons!’

  ‘Well, I couldn’t do balloons so I made something else instead…not quite as you described but I hope you like it nonetheless.’

  ‘I…’ I trailed off as she reached behind the sofa once more and drew out a gift wrapped in tissue paper. ‘What’s this?’

  ‘A present…from me to you.’


  ‘Just open it…and don’t thank my profusely…I didn’t spend anything on it…I just made it for you.’

  I looked up at her. ‘That makes it even more special!’

  She shrugged. ‘Open it,’ she instructed.

  I did as she asked and removed the tissue paper slowly. When I uncovered my gift, I gasped in delight and lifted my hands to my mouth. There, on another piece of driftwood art was a scene of beauty. It was Hope; the beach painted beautifully…in the sky lettering read ‘Hope Bay’ and on the sand were two small figures and one was holding a balloon with more lettering. In it read ’30.’

  ‘This is…perfect,’ I told her.

  ‘Do you like it?’ she asked.

  ‘I love it! I absolutely adore it!’ I said, moving next to her to hug her thankfully. ‘You’re just the best person I have ever met,’ I told her, holding her close.

  She returned the hug but I felt her stiffen in my arms slightly. Maybe she was as nervous about all this as I was, I considered.

  When I moved back, I met her eyes with mine. Hers were shining with the clear, green of the sea. I couldn’t look away, nor did I want to. Without considering the consequences, I moved forwards and pressed my lips to hers.

  Chapter 7

  Trouble in paradise

  Her mouth was soft and silky smooth against mine. I sighed in contentment and leaned closer to kiss her more passionately. Her mouth opened against mine and suddenly control was lost. Our tongues met in fiery passion and I lost all sense of time and place. Here, in Allie’s arm was all I needed and all I wanted.

  Suddenly and without warning, Allie pushed me away.

  ‘No,’ she said, emphatically.

  My heart was racing and my eyes flew to hers in confusion. ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked, bewildered.

  ‘I can’t do this,’ she told me, avoiding my eyes and moving backwards, away from me. She was putting distance between us and I didn’t know why.

  ‘Why, Allie? I thought you might like me!’

  ‘I do like you, Cass…but I can’t do this!’

  ‘Why not?’ I demanded, frowning.

  ‘I’m sorry if I’ve led you on today…I probably have…’ she murmured quietly.

  ‘Led me on?’ I questioned.

  ‘I’m not free to be kissing you, Cass…I…I…’

  ‘You’re not free? Are you seeing someone, Allie?’

  Her lack of eye contact and expression told me I was right.

  ‘Are you?’ I asked again when she didn’t answer me.

  ‘I, uh…I’ve been seeing someone for a long while…’ she admitted.

  ‘What? Well why didn’t you tell me that? You let me assume you were single? You’ve acted like you were single all day!’ I exclaimed.

  ‘I know…I’m sorry…I was enjoying your company and the lack of hassle and problems that I usually deal with…’

  ‘I’m confused,’ I told her shaking my head, ‘can you please just tell me clearly? What’s going on?’

  ‘I’m seeing Katie,’ she revealed simply.

  I gaped at her. ‘Katie?’

  She nodded, miserably.

tie who already has a partner? Katie who is planning a family at the moment with Lauren?’

  She nodded. ‘Yeah…the tone of disapproval in your voice is the reason I said nothing, Cass. I knew it would spoil everything.’

  ‘Damn right! What the hell are you going with her?’

  ‘I…it’s been going on a while. It’s not just me…we’re both as guilty as one another.’

  ‘But why? Why go for someone with a partner?’

  ‘I didn’t know she had a partner when it first happened. I didn’t plan on any of this! Do you think I wanted a relationship where I’m a third wheel? Where I come last in everything?’

  ‘Then why do it?’ I wondered.

  ‘Because I don’t have anyone else!’ she blurted.

  I stopped and met her eyes stormily. ‘Do you love her?’ I questioned.

  ‘Love? I don’t know…’

  ‘You must do if you’re so determined to continue with her…’

  ‘It’s complicated,’ she muttered, turning away from me.

  ‘I understand,’ I said standing up. ‘Look, Allie, thank you for today…and for the present and flowers and chocolates. I just…I have to go now,’ I told her.

  ‘I’ll walk you to your car,’ she offered.

  ‘No, don’t. Thank you, but no…I’ll be fine.’

  ‘Cass, please!’ she implored.

  ‘No!’ I said, whirling around. ‘Why have you done this?’


  ‘Spent all day with me? Acted like you were interested?’ I demanded.

  ‘I…I said friends,’ she replied softly.

  ‘Your words did but your eyes said otherwise…your actions said otherwise.’

  ‘I guess…well, I was enjoying spending time with you.’

  ‘Were you? Or was I just a convenient distraction?’

  ‘Why are you so angry?’ she asked frowning.

  ‘Because I am!’ I said crossly. ‘It’s not right.’


  ‘Yeah!’ I said, my arms gesticulating wildly. ‘Cheating split up my parents. It’s not okay! You seemed like such a lovely person today and then I find out this! I don’t understand it! It doesn’t fit with what I know about you.’


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