Book Read Free

By Allie X

Page 9

by Anna Samuels

  I smiled at her.

  ‘So…with that off the agenda, what do you want to do? Or are you tired?’ she asked.

  ‘I’m not tired yet,’ I murmured. ‘Maybe watch something else?’ I suggested.

  ‘That’s what I was hoping you’d say,’ she replied, smiling.

  We found a new series which was starting on television and settled in comfortably to watch it together.

  Chapter 11

  A plan

  Later on, when the programme had finished and it was very late, Allie rose from the sofa with a yawn.

  ‘I’m tired now!’ she chuckled.

  ‘Me too,’ I replied, rubbing my face wearily.

  ‘I’ll get some pyjamas and bedding for you…unless that is I can convince you to sleep in the bed?’

  ‘No. We agreed, remember?’

  ‘I remember…still, you’re a guest and I’d feel much better if you let me take the sofa.’

  ‘No, I’ll be fine,’ I told her.

  ‘Well, I guess so…unless you want to consider one more option?’

  I frowned at her. ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Well, I have a large, king size bed! Why not just share? I’ll stay on my side, you stay on yours-our friendship won’t be affected!’ she laughed.

  I met her eyes and a connection was established. I felt my stomach tense at the thought of sharing a bed with Allie but knew that I shouldn’t. ‘I, uh…I’ll just sleep on the sofa,’ I replied softly.

  ‘Okay…your choice,’ she smiled.

  Allie collected pyjamas for me to borrow, a brand-new toothbrush and a cover to keep me warm. After a quick trip to the bathroom, I got myself settled on the sofa and tried to relax. When Allie had gotten ready too, I heard her come back in and she turned off the light. I lay in the darkness, with the only light to be seen coming from the moon.

  ‘Night then, Cass,’ she murmured, surprising me in the dark night.

  ‘Night Allie,’ I replied.

  ‘If you’re uncomfortable, just come in during the night,’ she offered.

  ‘Okay, thanks,’ I replied, knowing I wouldn’t be taking her up on that.


  I stayed quiet.

  ‘You know something, Cass?’

  ‘What?’ I asked softly.

  ‘This is nice…’

  ‘What’s that?’ I replied quietly.

  ‘Having you here…having company in the night.’

  ‘You aren’t used to that?’ I wondered.

  ‘No, not at all.’

  ‘Even with Katie?’ I asked.

  ‘No…she could never stay because of obvious reasons. When I think back it wasn’t a proper relationship at all. She wasn’t there for me like I need and didn’t offer anything to me apart from a few illicit moments away from her partner.’

  ‘Yeah…I think she was being very selfish.’

  ‘She sure was…I just never saw it before.’

  ‘You wouldn’t have wanted too,’ I commented.

  ‘No…I think it took meeting you to realise what it’s like to have a nice friend around. You’re much more genuine than she ever was, and you also don’t bring any baggage!’ she chuckled.

  ‘No…I know where you’re coming from with that one,’ I said quietly in the darkness.

  ‘I’m glad I met you, Cass.’

  ‘I’m glad I met you too, Allie…’

  ‘Funny how fate works, isn’t it?’

  ‘It is…I mean, if I hadn’t received that present of the driftwood art, I would never have come to find you.’

  ‘I know! We have Katie to thank for that bit!’

  ‘Yes!’ I laughed. ‘How strange!’

  ‘It is, yes. But then like we said…it’s funny how fate works.’

  ‘Yeah…’ she said and yawned.

  ‘You sleep,’ I told her, ‘you sound tired.’

  ‘I am actually, but I like talking to you.’

  ‘Me too, but I’ll still be here in the morning,’ I reminded her.

  ‘Yeah…very true. Well, night Cass.’

  ‘Night Allie…sleep well.’

  ‘And you.’

  We went quiet and I lay there in the darkness listening to unfamiliar sounds. The location of her little house meant that you could hear the waves crashing on the shore during the night. It was a lovely, comforting sound and I found it very relaxing. Despite that, I found I couldn’t sleep. The sofa was faux leather and I found it uncomfortable against my back. It made me hot at the back and crinkled loudly whenever I moved.

  I tossed and turned for an hour or so and found myself increasingly uncomfortable. Eventually I became too tired to care and fell asleep briefly, only to wake with the back of the pyjamas glued to me warmly. I got up in frustration and headed over to the bed where Allie slept. Being careful not to disturb her, I climbed in quietly and turned by back to her, staying as far to one side as I could. I closed my eyes and was asleep almost instantly. The bed was soft, comfortable and smelt of Allie.

  The next morning, I awoke feeling deliciously warm and happy and when I blinked my eyes open, I realised why. Somehow, during the night, I had rolled over and was now cuddled into Allie’s arms warmly. I gasped in surprise and quickly moved back, out of her warm arms and back onto the other side of the bed.

  ‘Oh…I was enjoying that,’ Allie murmured with her eyes still closed.

  ‘You’re awake?’ I asked, feeling my cheeks burn.

  ‘Yeah…only just but it was nice while it lasted,’ she smiled, opening her eyes and grinning at me with mischief.

  ‘I’m sorry…’

  ‘Don’t be sorry…what happened in the night?’

  ‘I grew really uncomfortable on the sofa and it made me sticky and hot so I came to sleep here.’

  ‘I knew you would.’

  ‘You did?’ I questioned.

  ‘Yeah!’ she laughed. ‘I’ve tried to sleep on that sofa loads of times and it’s always awful! It’s just the wrong material to be comfortable.’

  ‘That’s what I found.’

  She smiled.

  ‘So, you didn’t mind me coming to sleep here? I’m sorry I didn’t stay on my side.’

  ‘Stop apologising, Cass. I didn’t mind it. In fact, I was enjoying a cuddle until you freaked out!’

  ‘I didn’t freak out!’ I replied, objecting to her wording.

  ‘What would you call it then?’ she asked, with humour lacing her tone.

  ‘I’d call it respecting your personal space.’

  ‘You can invade my personal space anytime you like, honey,’ she murmured.

  My eyes flew to hers and we both went quiet for a moment as electricity coursed between us. I wanted to look away and yet I couldn’t. The moment was too intense.

  Desperate to break the tension, I spoke. ‘So, uh…what are you doing today?’ I asked her.

  ‘I have to open the gallery…when it’s sunny like today, it could mean good sales.’

  ‘Ah yes…do you ever take time off?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes, but less when it’s summer. I mean, tomorrow I’ll probably only open for the afternoon or something as everyone will be back to work. I also think about the weather as I get a lot more customers when the sun is out.’

  I nodded, considering this.

  ‘I don’t need to open for a few hours though,’ she told me. ‘Don’t shoot off…’

  ‘I, uh…I’ll go whenever you need to go and open.’

  She nodded, ‘Good. We can have breakfast…maybe go for a walk on the beach before anyone’s up.’

  ‘Now that sounds nice. I do love it here, but even more so when it’s not teeming with people,’ I chuckled.

  ‘Not a people person?’ she laughed.

  ‘Not especially, no…’ I told her. ‘I like who I like but have never enjoyed crowds or big groups of friends. I just find that stressful.’

  She smiled. ‘You’re surprisingly similar to me,’ she commented.

  ‘Really? I thought y
ou’d be good with larger groups…’

  ‘Perhaps occasionally, and when the need is there but I prefer one on one friends…I prefer quiet company to lots of people around me.’

  I nodded, lying on the bed feeling strangely fine with the intimacy of the situation.

  ‘I tell you what though…after last night, it’s even more clear to me what’s missing in my life.’

  ‘Oh really? What do you mean?’

  ‘Well, last night was a reminder for me what good companionship is like. Having someone to make a meal with, chat to in the evening…wake up beside. It makes a difference, Cass. It makes a huge difference.’

  I glanced down, knowing she was right. ‘Yeah…’

  ‘I need to make an effort to make some changes now, Cass. I’m not getting any younger and there’s so much I want personally.’

  I sighed, feeling that tight feeling inside my stomach which came whenever I thought about the same topic. I wanted a family and a partner but the idea of it happening seemed to be slipping away recently. That was, until I met Allie. I didn’t say it to her, but since I had met her, a tiny feeling of hope had started again. Maybe I could find someone to love and settle down with. It was possible, wasn’t it? Surely there was a chance for me?

  ‘Sorry, Cass! I’ve gone and got all heavy on you, haven’t I?’

  ‘Don’t worry, Allie. I think the same thoughts most days,’ I chuckled. ‘You’re not alone in it.’

  ‘No…it’s not easy, is it?’ she questioned.

  ‘No, it’s not…but you have to have hope.’

  Allie smiled at me. ‘Hope. You know, you’re right, Cass. I’ve been looking at it with completely the wrong attitude, haven’t I?’

  ‘Perhaps that’s to be expected after what you’ve been through lately.’

  ‘Yes, maybe…but I can change it, can’t I?’

  ‘You sure can. A bit of positive thinking helps everyone!’ I smiled.

  ‘It sure does.’

  ‘So…shall we go for that walk?’

  She smiled at me. ‘Yeah…let’s get up! There’s a day of fun to be had-and all before work!’ she grinned.

  I rolled over and climbed out of bed feeling happier than I had in a long time.

  Allie and I walked on the beach before returning to her house and making a traditional English breakfast together. We ate at the table, while chatting and I found it to be such a warm and wonderful experience that when I drove home I found myself thinking about Allie constantly.

  It had been a lovely day to spend with her and I didn’t want to go home. When I reached my own little place, I realised I had come home to nothing. No smiling face waited for me, no arms to hold me and cuddle me close. There was no-one to talk to in my house, no family to share things with. Being with Allie reminded me of all I was missing in my life. I didn’t quite know how to go about approaching the subject with Allie, especially when it had been who had put her off and told her no, but I knew I had to. It was past time that I was alone and lonely. It was time to move on and build my future with someone. I hoped deep down that it was going to be Allie who I began that journey with.

  I let myself in to my quiet house and sighed. There was nothing but still, empty space so I went to my desk and sat down at my laptop. After logging in to my email, I found an email waiting for me from Pete, the estate agent I had met the day before. He had sent me over the whole application form, the information about the job and the person specification. As I read it through I realised I met the whole criteria that he had asked for so I decided to dedicate some time to applying for the new job. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. It was an opportunity that had been placed in my path for a reason and I was going to take advantage of it. With nothing else to do on this quiet Sunday, I spent the next two and a half hours completing a thorough and detailed application. Once it was done, I sent the email and then sat back in my chair, wondering what to do. With nothing else to entertain myself, I decided on house work.

  Sunday evening came and I went to bed early. I felt lonely in my large bed that night and the quiet in the house seemed ever so more apparent after spending the day before with Allie for company. I went to bed and lay there for what felt like hours, remembering the time spent with Allie and enjoying the memories. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamt of Allie.

  The next day I went into work early to try and speak with my boss.

  ‘Morning, Cass! You’re early!’ Yvonne exclaimed as I walked in.

  ‘Yes, I am,’ I smiled. ‘I have a favour to ask, actually.’

  ‘Oh yes, I know! I was surprised actually, but good for you!’ she smiled.

  I frowned, confused. ‘What?’

  ‘The reference request! I mean, I didn’t know you were looking elsewhere but let’s face it, it’s about time you moved on to another company and we don’t have as much work on as we used to so actually if I lose you, it’s not the end of the world,’ she said, seriously.

  My eyebrows rose. ‘Oh! Yvonne! I only sent the application yesterday! The opportunity came out of the blue in fact…I didn’t realise he would be in touch so soon! I’m sorry, Yvonne, I was going to talk to you about it today.’

  ‘No worries,’ she said with an evasive wave of her hand. ‘It’s all fine…you go for it! You should move on. You’ve been here forever and there’s plenty more for you to go and experience in other roles.’

  ‘Well, thank you, Yvonne…’

  ‘No problem.’

  ‘So, how come you’re so early then?’ she asked smiling.

  ‘Oh, well I wanted to ask you if I could leave an hour early today? I know it’s short notice so don’t worry if not but I thought I would ask.’

  ‘It’s fine, Cass. Hot date?’ she enquired, grinning.

  ‘No actually…it’s a house! My friend and I are viewing this house in Hope.’

  ‘Oh wow! To buy?’ she asked.


  ‘How exciting! I didn’t know you had a new girlfriend!’

  ‘I uh…it’s complicated,’ I murmured, not keen to have to explain myself.

  ‘Uh huh! How exciting!’ she repeated. ‘Yes, you go early and view your house! You should have more lovely things in your life, Cass. You’re a wonderful girl.’

  I smiled at the older woman, who had always been so kind to me. ‘Thanks Yvonne.’

  ‘No problem.’

  ‘Well, I’m going to get started early to make up some of my time,’ I told her.

  ‘Good idea,’ she nodded.

  I headed for my desk feeling happy.

  I sent Allie a text message which read, ‘Hey! I can make it tonight for the house viewing so see you at yours about 5.15pm x’

  Allie replied quickly with, ‘Great! Thanks so much, Cass! I’m so excited to see the inside! It’s going to be amazing! X’

  I smiled at her message and put my phone away in my bag. Her excitement was infectious and as I sat there at my desk I felt so positive about all the changes currently happening in my life. Things seemed to be moving in the right direction in all areas and that made me feel good.

  As I turned on my computer and opened up my emails, things went from good to wonderful. Pete had replied to my email and offered me a job interview. It was for the following Friday and he wanted me to come in to the office and talk things through. Excitement filled me…a new job as well as my wonderful new friend? Could it be possible? I smiled as I started to work. Things were well and truly wonderful right now, I mused.

  Chapter 12


  Later that day, I packed up my bag and tidied my desk before saying goodbye to everyone and leaving early. I got into my car and drove to Hope, excited about the prospect of seeing the house Allie loved so much. Seeing Allie herself was even more exciting.

  When I arrived in the bay, I parked in the car park and locked up my car. I walked over to Allie’s house and was there by 5.10pm.

  I knocked on the door with a smile on my face.

; ‘Hey Cass!’

  ‘Hi,’ I smiled warmly, the sight of Allie a welcome view.

  ‘Come on in!’


  ‘I’m so glad you were allowed to leave work early to come with me. Thanks for making the effort,’ she said happily.

  ‘No problem. My boss was great about it actually.’


  ‘Yes! And she said she was fine with the prospect of me leaving!’ I exclaimed, stunned.

  ‘What? You’re leaving?’ she wondered.

  ‘Well, no, but I applied for that new estate agent job in Sunday and he contacted her for a reference request immediately so she knew! She was fine with it too and said I should take the opportunity to move on. She was really supportive in fact.’

  ‘Wow, that’s amazing news!’

  ‘Yeah, I know! And I’ve been invited to an interview on Friday!’

  ‘Blimey, Cass! It’s all happening for you, isn’t it?’

  ‘I know! I was thinking the same thing myself!’ I smiled.

  She grinned. ‘And now we get to see the house! I can’t tell you how psyched I’ve been all day!’

  ‘I can imagine,’ I smiled. ‘You want to get going?’

  ‘Yes, let’s go,’ she replied warmly.

  We left the house and headed through the village and up the coastal path towards the house.

  ‘So, how’s your day been?’ Allie asked.

  ‘Uneventful,’ I told her, ‘apart from first thing when all that drama happened.’

  She smiled. ‘I still can’t believe that!’

  ‘I know! It’s exciting. How was your day?’ I enquired.

  ‘Good actually. I opened from eleven to four and actually had some good sales so it was worth it.’

  ‘Oh good!’

  ‘There’s the estate agent!’ Allie said suddenly, eagerness filling her voice.

  ‘Oh yes! That’s Pete!’ I told her, smiling his way.

  I saw confusion mar his forehead briefly at the sight of me being there but then he smiled warmly.

  ‘Hello!’ I said happily.

  ‘Cass Delaware! I wasn’t expecting to see you this evening!’ he grinned.


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