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Run To Earth (Power of Four)

Page 26

by Mazhar, S

  “Adams.” Skyler greeted him in his usual cold, domineering way. “Out at this time? Aren’t you afraid of the dark?”

  Aaron ignored the jibe. His fists were clenched by his sides, anger pulsing inside him, in rhythm with his heartbeat.

  “I want to speak with you and Ella,” he said.

  From the corner of his eye, Aaron saw Kyran squatting before his bike. He slowly rose to his feet, wiping his hands clean with a towel, his vivid green eyes fixed on Aaron.

  “With us?” Ella asked, looking surprised. “What about?”

  Aaron gave a stiff glance to the surrounding Hunters. “Can we speak in private?”

  Ella looked to Skyler, whose smirk only grew wider.

  “Let me see,” Skyler mocked. “I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed denying anyone their request as much as I’m going to enjoy this,” he sneered. “Say what you have to say or sod off.”

  Ella looked like she was about to say something but she looked away, playing with the dagger in her hand instead.

  Aaron reared his head up, squaring his shoulders as he held Skyler’s gaze. “I know that you run this place,” he said. “Every mage here had to get to either you or Ella before they were accepted. That’s what I want: your acceptance.”

  “Acceptance?” Skyler’s eyes were shadowed with confusion. “What exactly for?”

  “To join you,” Aaron replied. “To become a Hunter.”


  Hunter Training

  Silence met the end of Aaron’s words. The Hunters gaped at him before exchanging looks. Their surprise was easy to see. Slowly, the surprise melted and amusement took its place. Skyler started to laugh, his shoulders shaking and blue eyes lit with mirth. The others joined in, sniggering as Aaron stood stiffly with his hands still balled into fists.

  “You wanna what now?” Ella asked, not looking as amused as the rest.

  “I want to be a Hunter,” Aaron repeated.

  “Stop, stop.” Skyler held out a hand, doubled over with laughter. “You’re killing me.”

  “There’s nothing funny about it,” Aaron said.

  “Oh it’s nothing but freaking hilarious!” Skyler shot back. “You, the idiot who knows too little, want to be a Hunter?” He chuckled. “Listen here, Adams – children born yesterday have more knowledge than you.”

  “Maybe they do.” Aaron let the insult roll off him. “But I can learn too.”

  “Aaron, you don’t even know the basics,” Ella said.

  “Teach me then,” Aaron replied. “I’m willing to learn.”

  “Good for you,” Skyler drawled. “But we’re not tutors.”

  “You teach the rest of them,” Aaron argued. “I saw you training them when you had that Q-Zone hunt. If you can train them, then why not me?”

  “’Cause you’re an Adams,” Skyler said coldly.

  “Exactly, I’m an Adams,” Aaron fought back. “I’m an Elemental too.”

  Skyler’s eyebrows shot up and he spluttered a little. “An Elemental?” he repeated. “You have any idea what that even means, twerp?”

  “I know that it means that I have as much right to be a Hunter as you do,” Aaron replied.

  Skyler fell quiet, but his piercing blue eyes cut into Aaron.

  “Being a Hunter isn’t easy,” Ella said, sounding more worried than angry. “You have to train for years–”

  “A mage’s core wakes up at the age of thirteen,” Aaron interrupted, remembering his dad’s words. “I’ve only missed a year.”

  “The core awakens at thirteen, yes,” Ella said, “but prospective Hunters start training when they’re ten, eleven years old.”

  “Fine,” Aaron said. “Okay, so I’ve missed a few years. But better late than never.”

  “Aaron–” Ella started.

  “Why do want to be a Hunter?” Kyran asked from the garage.

  Aaron met his gaze and was thrown by the fury in his dark green eyes. The image of his dad, dressed as a Hunter, killing a demon dog came back to Aaron. He balled his fists.

  “Why not?” Aaron asked. “It’s in my blood after all.”

  Kyran didn’t say anything, but closed his mouth. A muscle twitched in his clenched jaw. He looked away, turning his back on Aaron.

  “Alright,” Skyler stood up. “I’ll do it.”

  Ella turned to him with wide, disbelieving eyes. “Sky?”

  “It’s actually a good idea,” Skyler assured her. Then, looking at Aaron, he smirked. “I need a new punching bag.”

  Aaron glowered at him. “I’m not taking any of your crap, Skyler.”

  Skyler grinned at him. “We’ll see about that.”


  Aaron trudged his way up the path, heading back to the cottages. He knew Sam and Rose were probably annoyed with him for disappearing ever since dinner. His rubbed at his head, trying to figure out how he was going to explain what had happened and what he had decided to become. Sam was going to be mad at him, Aaron knew that much. Rose was going to fret over him, that too he knew. But what he couldn’t understand was the cold behaviour of the boy currently walking alongside him. Kyran was mad – really, really mad. Aaron could see the fury in his green eyes, read the annoyance in the clenched jaw and the way that damn muscle kept twitching in his jaw. It was starting to annoy him. But Kyran didn’t say anything, not until they reached the long line of cottages.

  “You’re so stupid.” The words were hissed out.

  Aaron turned to him. “Excuse me?”

  “What were you thinking?” Kyran asked. “Asking Skyler for help? Has his animosity towards you not registered in your thick head?”

  “Skyler’s a git,” Aaron replied. “I know that, but he’s one hell of a fighter. If he can teach me that–”

  “The only thing Skyler’s going to teach you is how to take a hit,” Kyran said, infuriated. “I just...I don’t get it. Why would you go to the one person you know hates you and would love to make your life hell, and ask him for help?”

  “I went to get Skyler’s acceptance,” Aaron said. “I know Elementals run this realm. I needed Skyler or Ella’s agreement to be a Hunter. But I was asking for help from all of the Hunters. I want to learn how to hunt. I’m willing to learn from anyone.” He glanced to Kyran. “Even you.”

  Kyran looked over at him angrily, clenching his teeth. “Forget it.”

  “You’re a better fighter than Skyler,” Aaron went on regardless. “If you teach me–”

  “I said forget it!” Kyran snapped. “I’m not teaching you.”

  Aaron came to a standstill, staring after Kyran who kept on walking. The lanterns floated above their heads, casting a warm glow over them, but Aaron still shivered as the night’s cool breeze washed over him.

  “Why?” he asked, his voice soft and filled with honest confusion.

  Kyran stopped and turned to look at him, blazing green eyes narrowed in agitation. “What do you mean, why?” he snarled. “Because it’s up to me, that’s why! It’s my choice and I’m saying no.”

  Aaron swallowed. A painful stab of disappointment swelled in his chest. “I thought you would help me.”

  Kyran glared at him. “Why would you think that?”

  Aaron paused. Why did he think that? Was it because he suspected Kyran had purposefully struck up the conversation with Ella about flesh memories to help him? Was it because he felt he’d somehow known Kyran longer than the rest because of his dreams?

  “I don’t know,” Aaron admitted. “I just...I felt like you would.”

  “It’s not my job to help anyone,” Kyran replied.

  Aaron nodded, his heart twisting with misery. “I get it,” he said. “I have to do it myself. I’m on my own.”

  Kyran stared at him, the vivid green of his eyes darkened a shade. “We’re all on our own, Aaron,” he said quietly. “It’s time you got used to it.”

  Kyran walked away, turning past the gate to walk up to his cottage. Aaron slowly started after him but came to a sudden stop, h
is eyes widening. His heart skipped several beats when he realised that the conversation he’d just had with Kyran, was the same one he had dreamt about weeks ago.


  Aaron hit the ground with a painful thump. His shoulder took the brunt of the fall, his skin slicing open at the impact on the gritty ground.

  “Come on, Adams,” Skyler smirked. “I didn’t even hit that hard this time. Get up.”

  Aaron pulled himself onto his feet. He tried to straighten up, but the burn in his side where Skyler had struck him was making it difficult. He gave himself a mental shake and took his stance again, feet parted, shoulders drawn, back curved, ready to dodge Skyler’s attack.

  Skyler grinned at him, flexing his fingers as he surveyed his prey. Blue eyes glinted in the sunlight as he tilted his head to the side. Before Aaron could take in a breath, Skyler sent a jolt of power straight at him, striking him in the chest, throwing Aaron back. A spasm of pain shot down Aaron’s spine, making him cry out.

  “Oh come on,” Skyler said. “You’re just embarrassing yourself. Are you made of glass, Adams? Afraid you’ll break?”

  Aaron rolled onto his hands and knees, breathing in great gasps of air, trying to ease himself into straightening up again. His back protested and the top of his shoulder throbbed in agony. Clutching a hand to it, Aaron staggered to his feet.

  “At a boy,” Skyler taunted. “Stupidity knows no bounds.”

  “Neither does vindictiveness,” Aaron panted.

  Skyler paused. “Excuse me?”

  “Just saying,” Aaron grunted. “Once you’re done being a git, maybe you could actually teach me something.” He glared at him. “Like how to block attacks?” He shrugged painfully. “Just a thought.”

  Skyler’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, I’m teaching you something,” he said, stepping closer. “A lesson.”

  His fingers twitched and Aaron was sent careening backwards, hitting the ground so hard all the breath was knocked out of him.

  Just across the clearing in the garage, Kyran and Ryan tried to work on their bikes but their eyes were on Skyler, watching him beat Aaron. Ryan winced as Aaron was thrown back again.

  “Skyler’s tearing him a new one,” he muttered.

  Kyran watched, the wrench in his hand forgotten, as Aaron was knocked to the ground again and again by Skyler’s hits. The invisible jolts were thrown without warning. There was no way Aaron could avoid them. Kyran’s jaw clenched, and clear, bright green eyes darkened. Skyler’s attack caught Aaron, slamming him into the ground once more. Without a word, Kyran straightened up, dropped his tools and turned to walk away. He couldn’t watch Aaron take another hit.


  Sam cursed, ugly words fell from his lips as he paced up and down the room.

  “Sam.” Armana’s gentle voice floated to him. “Please, I can’t concentrate.”

  “Sorry.” Sam ran a hand through his hair, forcing out a breath in an effort to calm down.

  Rose looked from her brother to Aaron, who was seated in the wicker chair opposite Armana. One of Armana’s small, delicate hands was placed against Aaron’s cut up shoulder, while the other was on his bruised chest. Armana’s unseeing, pale blue eyes stared ahead, rosy pink lips pressed together as she took on Aaron’s pain. Aaron was trying very hard to sit still, but Rose could see the agony he was in. The beads of perspiration glistening on his forehead and the tightness of his jaw told Rose that Aaron was biting back his cries. She looked away, feeling her eyes burn.

  Armana relaxed, just as Aaron’s relieved breath came out in a shaky gasp. Armana pulled back her hands and leant tiredly into her seat.

  “Thank you, Armana,” Aaron said before slipping back into his shirt. “All good now.”

  “It’s not all good!” Sam erupted, turning to him with wide, angry eyes. “Skyler’s beating the crap out of you on a daily basis and you’re saying it’s all good?”

  “Don’t start, Sammy,” Aaron warned, fixing his collars. “I’m not in the mood.”

  “Oh? What are you in the mood for? Some more ass-kicking?” Sam asked. “Should I call Skyler? Or here, let me do it!”

  “Sam,” Rose started in a placating tone, but Sam turned to her in fury.

  “It’s been three days!” he shouted. “Three days of him getting kicked around like a freaking football! And every night he has to come to Armana to get fixed up!” He turned to Aaron. “What are you doing? Why do you keep going back to Skyler after the way he’s treating you?”

  “Because I want to learn,” Aaron replied. “And Skyler’s the only one offering to teach me.”

  “What’s he actually taught you?” Rose asked.

  Aaron looked away, buttoning up his shirt. “Nothing yet,” he answered. “But once he gets out all the anger he has for my dad-”

  “Skyler might never get over his anger,” Rose said. “This is your problem, Aaron. You think everyone’s decent. That given the chance, everyone will do the right thing eventually. You did the same thing with Matthews and what happened? He never changed, he never did the right thing and you almost got your neck broken!”

  “Why are you so determined to become a Hunter?” Sam asked.

  Aaron looked away, refusing to answer. Armana reached out and held on to the back of his hand.

  “I know how you’re feeling, Aaron,” she whispered in her soft voice. “But your parents didn’t betray you.”

  “Didn’t they?” Aaron asked, his voice breaking. “My dad isn’t just a mage. He didn’t live in this realm, grow things from the ground and sit around the table making small talk. He was a Hunter. He was a big part of this world. He spent half his life fighting demons and God knows what else, and then one day he just got up and left.”

  “He must have had his reasons,” Armana said.

  “Yeah, he probably did,” Aaron replied. “And right now I don’t even care what they were. What I do care about is the fact that he actively went out of his way to keep me from this world. He and mum have hidden things from me – and are still hiding things from me. Dad’s specifically warned Drake to keep me from learning too much about this realm. Why?” He looked up at Sam with angry eyes. “Why would he do that when he himself was an integral part of this community? Why keep me away if he was so involved himself?”

  “So this is what?” Rose asked. “Your way to get back at your dad? He was a Hunter. He obviously doesn’t want you to become one, so that’s why you’re fighting so hard to become just that?”

  “Partly, yeah,” Aaron confessed. “But it’s more than that.” He fell quiet for a moment, head dropped. “Mage, Hunter, Elemental...I have no clue what I am,” he said. “All I know is that I couldn’t be a part of the world I grew up in because of my parents.” He turned his head to meet Rose’s eyes. “But I’ll be damned if I’m going to let them stop me from becoming a part of this world.”


  As soon as Aaron walked out of Armana’s hut, he came face to face with a livid-looking Drake. His deep-set brown eyes were swimming with anger. His gaze scanned Aaron from head to foot.

  “What happened?” he asked. Even his tone was laced with fury.

  “Nothing,” Aaron replied and walked past him.

  Drake turned to follow. “So why are you here to see the Empaths?” he asked. “You were here last night too, and the night before that.”

  “No reason,” Aaron replied.

  Drake’s hand gripped Aaron’s arm and he pulled him around to face him. “I think there’s a bloody damn good reason!” he hissed.

  Aaron looked from the serious brown eyes down to the hand holding his arm. “Let go of me, Drake,” he said calmly.

  “Not until you explain to me what the hell you think you’re doing!”

  “Why?” Aaron asked, still with forced calmness. “Who are you to me? Why should I explain myself to you?”

  Drake’s grip slackened until his hand dropped away and he stood back, blinking in surprise. Aaron felt a stirring of guilt but he pushed it d
own. He wasn’t being rude. He was asking a legitimate question. Drake wasn’t someone he should answer to, so why should he do it?

  Drake took in a breath and held Aaron’s gaze. “You can’t become a Hunter,” he said. “I won’t let you.”

  “Yeah?” Aaron asked. “How you gonna stop me?”

  “I’ll tell Skyler to stop training you.”

  “I’ll find someone else,” Aaron replied, knowing full well how difficult it would be to get another Hunter to help him.

  “Why are you doing this?” Drake asked, his eyes narrowed in confusion. “Don’t you understand how dangerous hunting is? You can very easily get killed! You know nothing about this realm, about the demons. How do you expect to survive a hunt?”

  Next to him, Aaron felt Sam and Rose shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other, shooting him worried looks. He tried to ignore them.

  “It’s my life,” Aaron pointed out. “If I save it, lose it, what’s it got to do with you?”

  “You’re the son of my best friend!” Drake said. “He left you in my care.”

  “Then he made a mistake,” Aaron said. “He should be the one caring for me, not you.” He tried really hard not to let Drake’s wounded expression bother him, but it did. “I can take care of myself and I can make my own decisions,” Aaron stubbornly went on, ignoring his guilt. “I’m becoming a Hunter and if Dad doesn’t like it, then he’s going to have to come here and stop me himself.”


  As Aaron trudged up the stairs, he could barely keep his eyes open. He had forced a few bites of mashed potatoes and roast chicken at dinner tonight, fighting sleep all the time. He wasn’t sore, Armana had healed him back to perfect health, but the day’s activities had drained him. Who knew getting the stuffing knocked out of you could be so tiring? Aaron snorted at his own thoughts. He really needed his bed.

  He walked into his room and, without closing the door, he fell face forward onto his bed. He was asleep almost instantly. It felt like he had just closed his eyes when someone was shaking him by the shoulder.

  “Wha–?” A hand muffled his mouth and Aaron shot awake, all sleep draining from him as fear bubbled in its place. He blinked in the darkness, staring wide-eyed at the figure looming over him.


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