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Run To Earth (Power of Four)

Page 33

by Mazhar, S

  It sounded straightforward. Which was precisely what worried Aaron. Nothing ever went to plan, not in his experience. He couldn’t even go out in the middle of the night to celebrate his birthday without all hell breaking loose.

  “Ace?” Kyran’s voice cut through his thoughts.

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Nervous?” he asked, seated in front of him.

  “A little,” Aaron admitted. “You can tell?”

  “Your fingers are about to bore holes into my shoulders,” Kyran replied. “Yeah, I can tell.”

  Aaron quickly pulled his hands away. “Sorry.”

  Kyran’s low chuckle was the only response.

  “You all know the rules,” Scott’s voice boomed over the grounds. “Remember, this hunt is more than just a Q-Zone kill. You have with you the very thing that we’re fighting to protect.” The Hunters turned to look at Sam and Rose. “You will protect them at all cost.” Scott continued. “Do what you need to keep them safe.” He took in a shaky breath, betraying his own nerves. “Once you have the vamages in the Q-Zone, you make sure Sam, Rose and Aaron are brought out first.” His eyes roamed the Hunters. “And don’t forget the ultimate rule: if anyone is left behind in the Q-Zone, you don’t go back for them. Understood?”

  A tremendous “Yes!” echoed in the air.

  Scott nodded and held out his hand to the Gate.

  Aaron tensed, feeling the weight of his weapons pulling him down. Subconsciously, he reached out and held on to Kyran.

  “Go,” Scott instructed. “May the Heavens guide you back to us.”

  With a rumbustious cheer, the Hunters revved their bikes and set off. Skyler took the lead with Ella behind him. Kyran took off after them, taking Aaron back to the human realm.


  When Vamages Come to Feed

  Aaron opened his eyes when the bike came to a stop, having passed through a glowing portal in the shape of Aric’s mark. It was dark, already nightfall, but even if the street lamps hadn’t been offering a dull, soft light, Aaron would have recognised where he was. The sight of the familiar street caught his breath. The shudder that went down his back had nothing to do with the icy chill of December. Aaron sat still, with a painful longing stabbing at his insides as he stared at the line of houses decorated in twinkling lights.

  “Ace?” Kyran called. “You okay?”

  Aaron nodded slowly. “Yeah,” he whispered.

  Kyran glanced around the darkened street before looking back at him. “You familiar with this place?”

  A choked laugh left Aaron. “Yeah,” he said. “This is where I grew up.”

  Aaron slid off the bike, staring into the distance at the dark shape of his house. It was one of the only two houses that were dark, compared to the rest that were dressed up for Christmas.

  Kyran got off his bike and walked over to the two Elementals. “Who chose the location?” he asked.

  Skyler frowned at him, annoyance in every line of his body. “What?” he snapped.

  “The location,” Kyran bit out. “Who chose it?”

  “I did.” Rose said quietly, with her brown-eyed gaze on her home. “I asked Scott if we could come here.” She looked around at Kyran. “It all started here for us,” she said. “It should end here too.”

  Sam wrapped an arm around his sister and made to walk down the street.

  “Sam,” Ella called behind him. “Stay beside us.”

  Sam and Rose halted, but their gazes stayed fixed on their abandoned house, sealed with the yellow and black police tape. Aaron walked over to them and put his arm around Rose, who immediately leant into his embrace. The trio just stood there, in the middle of the street, huddled against one another. December’s wind whipped at their faces, turning their noses and cheeks pink. They stood staring at the homes they had lost because of the vamages.

  Ella held up her hands, aiming at the houses lined along the street. The windows of each and every house frosted over, glazed with ice so thick it would be impossible to see anything past it. Aaron, distracted by her, looked over to see even the doors were iced, rendering them unable to open. He looked over at her as she dropped her hands, turning to do the same to the houses on the other side. She met his eyes.

  “Nothing gets in, nothing gets out,” she explained.

  Aaron nodded. She was frosting the windows so no one could see anything if they looked outside. It was to protect the humans from getting the Trace. His gaze found the house next to his former home. The home of Rebecca Wanton, his neighbour – the girl he still dreamt about kissing.

  Zulf came up to them, staring at Sam and Rose with wide eyes. “Damn that Trace,” he whispered. “You two are practically glowing beacons.”

  “You couldn’t see it before?” Aaron asked, looking at Sam and Rose carefully, but he couldn’t see anything different about them.

  “The Trace is only visible in the human realm,” Zulf explained.

  Aaron felt it very suddenly: a strange chill that spread through him, much like it had the night he saw vamages for the first time. His heart started beating faster and his stomach clenched. His fingertips buzzed and cold sweat broke out over him. His grip tightened around Rose’s hand, snapping her out of her mournful daze. She looked at him with tear-filled eyes.

  “Aaron?” she asked.

  “They’re coming,” Ella said quietly. “Whatever you three do, don’t leave our side.”

  Skyler, Kyran, Zulf, Ryan, Zhi-Jiya and Ella came to stand around them.

  “Keep your focus.” Scott’s voice echoed in Aaron’s head. “Protect them at all costs.”

  “Where are we leading the vamages?” Sam asked, looking up at the sky, waiting for the mist to appear.

  “Don’t you worry about that,” Zulf said, gripping his sword tightly. “You just stick to our sides. Leave the rest to us.”

  The other Hunters hid behind the houses and bushes, so it would seem the only Hunters here were the six surrounding the trio. It took no more than two minutes for the first of the mist to appear in the sky.

  Seeing it again, forming a thick, pulsing cloud against the dark night’s sky, Aaron felt his breath choke in his chest. His hand tightened around Rose’s, while his other gripped the gun in his holster.

  The first cloud of vamages crashed onto the street, rolling in waves and coming to rest in front of the group of humans and mages. Aaron saw Ella reach for her pendant – three silver wavy lines dangling from the chain – and mutter something inaudible. As the mist cleared, Aaron saw twelve black-cloaked figures standing and grinning at them.

  The six Hunters around Aaron tensed, weapons in hand. The vamage at the forefront tilted his head, his dark-eyed gaze flitting from one Hunter to the other.

  “This is a surprise,” he said, his voice soft and smooth. “It’s not everyday we see such...” his gaze rested on Sam and Rose, and he grinned with blatant glee, “daring beings.”

  “They only want to visit their home,” Ella said, laying the trap. “Surely you can give them that much?”

  The vamage smiled, flashing dazzling white teeth. “Of course.” He inclined his head. “But why settle for just a visit when we can arrange a one way ticket to hell?” He smirked, his eyes filled with malice. “Where we sent their parents.”

  Aaron could see Sam tense from the corner of his vision. Sam’s shoulders had lifted, hands curled into fists as he glowered at the vamage. If looks could kill, that vamage would have dropped to the ground already.

  “Easy Sam,” Zhi-Jiya spoke from beside him. “He’s only trying to get you angry so you step out of our protection and he can get to you.”

  The vamage chuckled. “That’s cute,” he said. “The puny human thinks he can take on a vamage.” He stepped forward and held out both hands. “Come on then.”

  It happened so fast it caught Aaron by surprise. The vamages, all twelve of them, acted in the blink of an eye. A powerful blast of power came hurtling towards the mages, dragging a line of fireballs in its wak
e. Skyler and Kyran were at the front. Both held out their hands and Aaron saw what they were about to do.

  Block and throw back, he thought to himself.

  Sure enough, the boys caught the thunderous jolt of power with their curved hands and threw it back at the vamages. The fireballs dragged after the jolt, as if pulled by an unseen force. The vamages moved, avoiding the hit.

  All six Hunters raised their arms and took aim, sending a stream of bullets at the vamages. It wouldn’t kill them, due to their part-mage status, but judging by the looks of agony on their faces, being shot still hurt like hell.

  Aaron took Sam and Rose and ducked to the ground, keeping out of the way as a blazing shoot-out started in the middle of their street. Overhead, more clouds of vamages streaked across the sky and came to land all around them. More and more vamages emerged from the fading mist until the six Hunters, Aaron and the twins were surrounded by no less than sixty vamages.

  When the crowd of vamages moved in for the kill, the rest of the Hunters revealed themselves. Their element of surprise was short-lived. The vamages attacked with vigour, using their elemental powers ruthlessly. The Hunters used a mix of their weapons and powers to retaliate. Jolts of power bounced and ricocheted between the vamages and Hunters. Balls of fire flew through the air, exploding upon impact. Tiny slivers of ice, like shards of glass, rained down on the Hunters, slicing their flesh open. Every so often, Skyler used his power to blast the vamages away, or to divert the rain of fireballs and ice.

  Aaron felt it – the sign that mages and vamages were using their powers. It was a strange jolt in his stomach, making his fingers tingle and his palms sweaty. This was the link all mages shared when in the human realm – one that told them another was using their powers.

  Aaron watched as gunshots rang in the air, so loud Aaron was sure people four streets away could hear them, let alone the street they were standing in. Yet no one came to their windows to investigate. The frosted glass might protect the humans from seeing anything but he wondered what was stopping the sound of the battle from awakening and frightening them.

  Aaron’s circle of protection broke when Ryan was sent flying across the street by a vamage’s attack.

  “Ryan!” Aaron cried as the older boy hit the pavement with a thud.

  Skyler and Ella covered Ryan’s spot, shooting bullet after bullet, keeping the swarm of hybrid demons away. Aaron stood in front of Sam and Rose, his gaze darting every which way, watching out for any attacks. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a fireball coming from his left. He ducked, taking Sam and Rose with him. The ball of fire singed the tips of Sam’s hair. Aaron stood up and turned, facing the vamage. The man chuckled, brushing his long hair out of his eyes before darting towards them.

  A sweep of Ella’s hand and the vamage was encased in a block of ice. It was only for a moment, though, as the vamage broke out of its hold and darted towards the twins again. Aaron pulled out his gun and took aim. Several shots rang out, but it was Ryan and Julian who had emptied their guns into the vamage, successfully throwing him to the ground.

  “Is this it?” Kyran asked, raising his arms to gesture to the vamages. “This all you got?”

  A vamage with dull yellow eyes smirked at him. “It’s more than enough for you.”

  Kyran grinned back. “Let’s lock the doors, then.” He touched the spiral pendant hanging from his neck. “Curtain’s up, Scott.”

  Four shimmering white walls that looked little more than mist towered around them, enveloping the entire street. A glittery white veil seemed to hang over the four walls, obscuring sight beyond it, so the street and houses behind were no longer visible.

  The vamages stared at the walls, their eyes widening with horror. They fell still, momentarily forgetting about the battle and stared at the trap they had willingly walked into. With a loud, ominous clanging sound, three of the walls were blocked by grey bars, falling from top to bottom, criss-crossing across the whole length of the shimmering white mass. Only one wall was left unlocked, in front of which stood every single Hunter, guarding it.

  Aaron gaped at the sight of the walls encasing them. They had been inside the Q-Zone the whole time. That’s why the Hunters were firing their guns and fighting with no concern of being overheard by the humans in their houses. That’s why no one came to their windows to check what all the commotion was – because they couldn’t hear it. The Q-Zone blocked out all sight and sound, so the humans continued to sleep peacefully in their beds, unaware that a furious battle was happening outside their doors.

  “What’s going on?” Sam asked, staring blankly ahead. “What’s happening? What are they looking at?”

  “You don’t see the walls?” Aaron asked incredulously.

  “What wall?” Rose asked, sounding rather afraid. “What’s going on?”

  That’s when Aaron remembered what Scott had told him. The Q-Zone was only visible to mages. Not even the demons could see it, therefore falling for the trap. But vamages – being part-mage – could see the Q-Zone, and now that Scott had locked it, the walls became visible.

  “We’re inside the Q-Zone,” Aaron told them. “It’s all around us.”

  “Welcome.” Kyran smirked at the vamages, a sword held in one hand and a gun in the other as he stood at the forefront of the Hunters. “To your own personal hell.”

  With ferocious cries, the vamages lunged forward, trying to get past the Hunters that had positioned themselves along the one and only open wall. The Hunters forced the vamages back, using bullets, blades, powers – whatever it took.

  “Twenty-one minutes left,” Scott’s voice echoed in Aaron’s head. “Get them out!”

  “Come on!” Ella grabbed Sam’s arm.

  She led them past the line of Hunters guarding the one and only exit. Ryan followed behind them, shooting back the vamages that were trying to follow them out. Ella took hold of both Sam and Rose, while Ryan grabbed Aaron and they jumped through the wall, at last coming out of the Q-Zone.

  “Stay here,” Ella panted.

  “Where are you going?” Aaron asked.

  “Back in,” she said. “Gotta get the rest of the Hunters out before the zone collapses.” She stepped back through the shimmering wall and disappeared.

  Aaron stared at the wall, seeing only a thick cloudy mist. Nothing of the battle was visible from the outside of the Q-Zone.

  “Scott,” Ryan called, holding his pendant. “Sam, Rose and Aaron are out.”

  “Good.” Scott’s relieved voice echoed in Aaron’s head. “Start moving out in teams.”

  “There’s too many–” Ryan fell still, staring at something behind Aaron with horrified eyes.

  Aaron turned, as did Sam and Rose, only to have their breath hitch in their chest. Approaching, were a crowd of vamages that had arrived late and subsequently avoided stepping into the Q-Zone. Rage that had turned to madness glinted in their eyes.

  “You laid a trap?” asked the one at the front, with cold blue eyes and a twisted snarl. “For us? You worthless mages think you can get the better of us?” With a growl, the vamages darted towards them.

  Ryan raised both hands and a line of fire erupted in front of them. Ryan clutched at his pendant as he ushered Sam, Rose and Aaron behind him.

  “I’m outnumbered!” he said. “Ten vamages outside the wall. I need help!”

  The vamages raised their own hands and Ryan’s fire fizzled away. With a sickening smile, the vamages took aim, ready to use their powers. Hunters, a whole crowd of them, jumped out of the shimmering wall and to Ryan’s side. Each and every Hunter used only their powers now, since they no longer had the walls of the Q-Zone to silence their gunshots. Aaron pulled Sam and Rose to the side, out of the way, watching as the Hunters used their powers and blades to fight the vamages, edging them closer and closer to the wall, trying to push them into the Q-Zone.

  In the chaos, Rose pulled Sam’s arm, moving back a few steps.

  “Come on,” she said. “We have to go home.” />
  “What?” Sam asked in surprise.

  “Mum and dad, they’re in there – their echoes,” Rose tried explaining. “They’re in there, Sam. Come on, we have to go.”

  “Rose?” Sam pulled back, staring at her in shock. “What’re you talking about? There’s no one there. You know that.”

  “No.” Rose shook her head. “Armana told me. They’re there. They leave behind echoes. Come on.”

  Sam shook his head, looking at her as if she were mad.

  “Rose, no,” Aaron held onto her. “We have to stick together, stay next to–”

  “No!” Rose yanked herself out of his grasp. “I have to see them!” She took off, running in the direction of her former house.

  “Rose!” Sam darted after her.

  “Sam! Rose!” As Aaron started running after them he saw a vamage break away from his fight with the Hunters and turn to look at Sam.

  A heartbeat later, the vamage had torn his way across the road and leapt at Sam, knocking him to the ground. A rumbling started, shaking the ground. The vamage’s sharp, claw-like nails hadn’t yet dug into Sam’s back when he was thrown across the road. Sam looked up, dazed and confused as to what had just happened. He saw the broken ground, a strange line of semicircles leading all the way back to Aaron, whose hands were still held out in front of him, green eyes wide with fear and panic. Sam held his gaze, swallowing heavily.

  The vamage that had been thrown across the street by the ripple skidded across the ground before falling still. He got up on all fours, breathing like a wounded animal. His glowing yellow eyes rested on Aaron and he suddenly smiled, baring his fangs.

  “Adams,” he breathed.

  Aaron held his ground, dilated eyes fixed on the vamage. His power had given away his identity. The vamages could obviously pick up the scent of Elemental power in Aaron’s strike. The other nine vamages stopped and turned, hungry eyes on Aaron too. As one, they darted towards him, pushing past the Hunters.

  Aaron’s gun was in his trembling hand. He tried to take aim at the approaching vamages, but before Aaron even slid back the rack, Kyran stepped directly in front of him. With a pistol in each hand, Kyran fired bullet after bullet into the vamages.


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