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Run To Earth (Power of Four)

Page 51

by Mazhar, S

  “You’re a mage, Aaron – an Elemental,” Kyran replied. “Your place has always been here. This realm belongs to you. And you’re a Hunter now, that’s a big part of this world.”

  “Yeah, lets see how long that lasts now that Dad’s back,” Aaron scoffed.

  Kyran fell silent for a moment, staring at Aaron before he straightened up. “Forget them,” he said. “Don’t let them live your life for you. Do what you want, regardless of what they say.”

  “Easier said than done,” Aaron replied, rubbing at his head to ward off the headache that was just blooming behind his eyes. He sighed deeply. “I wish I had, though. I wish I had done what I wanted.”

  Kyran watched him carefully before asking, “What’s your biggest regret?”

  “That’s easy,” Aaron replied in a quiet voice. “Sneaking out with Sam and Rose that night, doing the reflux and causing the vamage attack.” He shook his head sadly. “If I was ever given the chance to go back and change things, I would – even if it meant I had to give up Sam and Rose’s friendship. I would rather they were with their parents, living in their own world, than stuck here with me.”

  “Other than that?” Kyran asked. “Anything else you would do if given the chance?”

  Aaron went quiet for a moment before a slow smile spread across his lips. “Other than that,” he said, “I would kiss Rebecca.”

  “Rebecca?” Kyran raised his eyebrows.

  “She was my neighbour,” Aaron explained.

  Kyran gave a low whistle. “You’ve been crushing on your neighbour?”

  “Look who’s talking?” Aaron retorted. “At least I had an entire house between me and Rebecca. You and Rose had a wall.”

  Kyran chuckled. “Did she like you?” he asked.

  “Dunno.” Aaron shrugged. “I think she did. It’s hard to tell with girls.”

  “Did you ask her out?”

  “Yeah, right,” Aaron said. “I was lucky when I was able to talk to her from my back garden.” He went quiet for a moment. “If there’s anything I regret other than what happened to Sam and Rose and their parents, it’s that I never got a chance to tell Rebecca how much I liked her. I never got to kiss her.” He looked up at the clear sky, letting out a deep breath. “I didn’t get to say goodbye.”

  Kyran stared at him for a moment longer before getting to his feet. “Come on.”

  “Where we going?” Aaron asked.

  Kyran smirked. “To get your goodbye.”


  Kyran parked his bike in front of the gates. The square building of Westbridge Secondary sat proudly beyond the black railings. It must have been lunchtime, for every student was outside. Aaron stared at them with wide eyes, his heart hammering at his insides. He couldn’t believe he was here, back in the human realm, in front of Westbridge Secondary School.

  “This isn’t a good idea,” Aaron fretted.

  “You said you wanted to kiss her,” Kyran reminded him. “Now’s your chance. Go get your kiss.”

  “I didn’t think you would actually bring me here,” Aaron said. “We were just talking hypothetically.”

  “No, we were talking practically,” Kyran replied. “Now go.”

  Feeling like his legs were made out of jelly, Aaron climbed off the back of the bike. “Okay, so what do I do again?” he asked.

  “You walk in, find your girl and kiss her,” Kyran said. “It’s not complicated, Ace.”

  Aaron let out a deep breath. “Okay.” He took a step forward before turning back. “What if she doesn’t want to kiss me?” he asked. “What if she, like, slaps me or something?”

  Kyran paused. “Then I’ll go kiss her.”

  “What?” Aaron frowned. “How does that help anything?”

  “It doesn’t,” Kyran said. “But girls like kissing me.”

  “Kyran!” Aaron snapped.

  “Either you go kiss Rebecca,” Kyran said, “or I’ll do it for you.”

  “Do it for me?” Aaron scoffed. “This isn’t a test you can sit on my behalf.”

  “Are you going, Ace?” Kyran asked.

  “I am,” Aaron said, “I just wanna make sure she wants to kiss me too, you know? I can’t just go in and...and walk up to her and–”

  Kyran started getting up.

  “Okay! Okay! I’m going,” Aaron said, hurrying to the gates, shooting Kyran dirty looks.

  Kyran settled back on his bike, smirking at the younger boy.

  Aaron paused at the gates, staring at the school he had so desperately wanted to attend. He never thought this would be the circumstance that would bring him here. Taking in a deep breath, Aaron crossed the threshold and walked in.

  It didn’t take long for Aaron to spot the girl he still dreamt about. It was almost as if his eyes were drawn to her, seeking her out from the crowd. She was standing near the double-door entrance to the school, a group of girls around her. Aaron stared at her. She looked even more beautiful than he remembered.

  Aaron started walking towards her. It was one of Rebecca’s friends that noticed him first. She pointed him out, making Rebecca turn to face him. Her eyes narrowed at him, a frown on her face. Then recognition settled in and Rebecca’s features pulled into one of surprise.

  “Aaron?” she called with disbelief.

  Aaron knew her astonishment wasn’t only because he had been missing from this world for the last four months; it was also because he didn’t look like he used to. His skin had tanned from spending time out in the scorching sun. Working in the orchard and then training with Kyran had toned his body, giving his lithe physique a bit more muscle. His hair was longer, almost falling into his eyes since he hadn’t had a haircut in months.

  “Oh my God, Aaron! It is you!” Rebecca exclaimed. “What–? Where have you been?” she stepped towards him.

  Aaron didn’t say anything, but continued walking towards her.

  “Everyone’s been looking for you,” Rebecca continued. “The police came asking questions. The Masons are missing too. The whole neighbourhood’s been asking questions.”

  Aaron didn’t say a word. He reached out to touch her cheek before leaning in and kissing her softly. Time seemed to have stopped for Aaron, allowing him to relish the feel of her lips on his. She didn’t pull away. Instead, her hand came up to rest on his shoulder. When the kiss ended and Aaron stepped back, he saw the surprised, yet dreamy, smile on her lips. He smiled too, staring into her eyes.

  “Bye, Rebecca.”

  She stirred from her daze, narrowing her eyes in confusion. “Bye?” she frowned. “Aaron? What–?”

  But Aaron had already turned to walk away.

  “Aaron?” Rebecca called after him.

  Aaron didn’t look back at her until he climbed onto the bike behind a grinning Kyran. He smiled at Rebecca one last time, as Kyran started Lexi up, before speeding away. Rebecca stared after them, looking surprised and confused, but with that stunned smile still on her lips.


  Aaron was on a high. He could barely sit still long enough for Kyran to enter Salvador.

  “If you fall off, it’ll be your own fault,” Kyran admonished, as Aaron kept pulling himself into an almost standing position, pumping his fist and letting out all kinds of hoots.

  “Oh man!” Aaron grinned. “That was...that was...something!”

  Kyran came to a stop just past the entrance, afraid Aaron was going to fall if he kept going. “All right, get off Lexi right now,” he instructed.

  Aaron jumped off, practically bouncing with delight. Kyran parked Lexi in the street and climbed off. “You need to calm down,” he said.

  “I just kissed Rebecca Wanton,” Aaron said. “Rebecca Wanton!”

  Aaron had walked two steps when he saw the large crowd gathered at the table, turning to stare at them with surprise, probably because of the grin on his face. Aaron tried to stop smiling but couldn’t quite manage the task, not while the memory of Rebecca’s kiss was still on his mind. He saw his mum and dad quickly get
to their feet, immense worry etched on their faces as they stared at him with wide eyes. Aaron’s euphoria started to die down. He had almost forgotten he had a mess to sort out with his parents.

  Skyler emerged from the crowd wearing a smile, both hands tucked behind him as he walked forward.

  “You’re back quickly,” Kyran said. “Assignment over already?”

  “Yeah,” Skyler replied, looking at Kyran with gleaming blue eyes. “And it was an enlightening experience.”

  He unfolded his arms from behind him, raised the hand clutched around his gun and fired a single shot straight into Kyran’s chest. The force of it knocked Kyran onto his back.

  “What the–!” Aaron turned to face Skyler with a snarl. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like?” Skyler replied calmly. “I’m neutralising the threat.” A slow smirk spread across his face as he looked at Kyran. “Isn’t that right, Scorcher?”


  Shattered Trust

  Aaron gaped at Skyler, whose cold, blue-eyed gaze was fixed on Kyran. The crowd at the table had suddenly moved, coming to stand behind Skyler. Every Hunter had a gun in hand – aimed at Kyran.

  Aaron turned to see Kyran slowly pick himself up from the ground, one hand clutched around the bloody wound in his chest. He straightened up, breathing heavily, pain in his expression, but his eyes were blazing.

  “Have you lost your mind?” he snarled at Skyler.

  “Not at all,” Skyler replied calmly. “But you must have lost yours to come to Salvador, Scorcher.”

  “You’ve gone insane,” Aaron said, shaking his head at Skyler.

  “Aaron!” Kate called, hurrying out from the crowd. “Get away from him!”

  Aaron stood where he was.

  “Aaron!” Chris called sharply. “Come here!”

  Aaron in response took two steps closer to Kyran.

  “Move, Adams,” Skyler drawled, still holding Kyran at gunpoint. “I have no qualms about shooting you as well.”

  Chris and Kate both hurried forward to physically drag Aaron away from Kyran’s side but Aaron halted them with a shout.

  “No!” He turned back to the crowd, seeking out Ella, Zhi-Jiya and the rest of the Hunters. “What are you doing?” he asked. “You’re listening to him?” He pointed at Skyler. “He’s always hated Kyran. How can you believe him?”

  “They didn’t have to,” Skyler smirked. “They saw proof.”

  “Proof?” Aaron scowled. “And what’s that?”

  “Why don’t you ask the Scorcher himself?” Skyler said, gesturing to Kyran with his gun. “He’s the one who came up with the brilliant plan.” He chuckled as he took a step closer. “It’s life’s little ironies that make you laugh sometimes, no?” he asked. “I bet when you made that off-hand comment about forcing memories from demons, you didn’t think it could actually be done, did you?”

  The lines on Kyran’s brow eased a little, as if he finally understood. Aaron remembered that day – they’d been at the table having breakfast when Kyran had dropped heavy hints about how to access flesh memories, by suggesting they take memories from demons.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Aaron spat.

  “It has everything to do with it.” Skyler grinned, turning back to Kyran. “That assignment you were supposed to be a part of today? That was to pick up the first successful memory snatch done on a demon.” He chuckled as he shook his head. “You missed the one assignment that could have kept your cover.”

  Kyran didn’t say anything. He stood where he was, listening to Skyler. Aaron, however, was fast losing it.

  “What are you talking about?” he yelled.

  “Proof,” Skyler said. “I’m talking about proof, Adams, from a vamage named Don Kamara.” He turned to look at Kyran. “Know him, Scorcher? He’s the one Machado keeps by his side. Well, used to, anyway.”

  “So a vamage told you crap and you bought it?” Aaron asked. “He’s obviously trying to turn the mages against each other. Didn’t it occur to you that he might be lying?”

  “And has it occurred to you, Adams,” Skyler started, “that the entire time you’ve stood here fighting Kyran’s corner, he’s not said a word in his defence?”

  Aaron stilled.

  That’s when the low chuckle started behind him. Slowly, Aaron turned to see Kyran laughing. His green eyes were bright with amusement. His demeanour had changed, going from angry to relaxed. He shook his head before looking up, locking his gaze with Skyler. Kyran cocked his head to the side and grinned.

  “I’ve got to say, you sure took your sweet time putting it together,” he said. “I’ve been here for how long? A year now? And you still needed a demon to help you figure it out.”

  It was as if the ground had been snatched from under Aaron’s feet. “Kyran?” he choked.

  Kyran looked over at him and smiled. “Sorry, Aaron,” he said. “I hate admitting Skyler’s right, but,” he shrugged, “what can you do? When it’s the truth, it’s the truth.”

  From the folds of the crowd, Rose staggered out, staring wide-eyed at Kyran. But Kyran didn’t look at her. His fierce green-eyed gaze was sweeping through the crowd of armed Hunters. “You can lower your weapons. I’m not going to attack you,” he said. “I mean, if I wanted to kill any of you, I could have at any point this last year. It would only have been too easy.” He smirked. “But you’ve been so entertaining, I couldn’t bring myself to end any of you. Watching you bumbling idiots put together a profile of the Scorcher, only to get it completely wrong, was particularly amusing.” His gaze darted to Scott and he grinned at him. “The best detail to botch up? The Scorcher can’t be older than fifteen.” He laughed loudly. “Really, Scott? You thought I was only fifteen?”

  Scott didn’t say anything. The look of betrayal on his face was heartbreaking.

  “How did you get in here?” Ella asked the question, her words barely making it past her clenched teeth. “The Gate blocks all vamages.”

  Kyran held out both arms. “Who says I’m a vamage?” he asked. “Or maybe the Gate didn’t refuse me entry because I’m a...What did you say it was, Scott? A true-born vamage?” He shrugged. “Or maybe I’m just a mage. Who knows?”

  Scott didn’t speak but gestured to the Hunters, who moved to surround Kyran.

  Kyran didn’t fight them. He simply held up his hands while Zhi-Jiya, Omar and Julian stripped him of his familiars. Kyran seemed not to mind. He continued to smirk and hold Skyler’s gaze the entire time. Ella handed Julian a pair of manacles – thick silver bracelets with dark engravings etched along them. Julian took them and pulled Kyran’s hands behind him, locking them in place. Kyran still wasn’t fazed.

  “To think,” Kyran spoke only to Skyler, “you owe this victory to a demon.”

  “You’re right,” Skyler said, pulling back his gun. “I do owe this to Kamara. Without his memories we’d probably never know who you were.” He started a slow walk towards Kyran. “There was one memory I saw, a partial one, but it was by far the most interesting.” He walked closer. “It looked like a recent attack. It was in the dead of the night. Kamara and filth like him were in a house with two bodies on the floor.” Kyran’s grin started to fall as a slow smile started on Skyler. “Their victims were human, a man and a woman,” Skyler continued. “Outside, the sound of an attack was getting louder while you stood with the dying humans at your feet.” He came to stand right before Kyran, smirking at his growing discomfort. Skyler turned his head to look directly at Rose before turning back to Kyran. “She has her mother’s eyes, doesn’t she, Scorcher?”

  It was as if someone had poured ice-cold water over Aaron. His entire body seized up in shocked horror.

  “Kyran?” Rose’s voice echoed in the street. She took a step forward, staring at Kyran with disbelief. “Why...why aren’t you saying anything?”

  Kyran remained silent. His arrogance from moments before had vanished. His mouth thinned, eyes clouded before he dropped his gaze.
  “Kyran?” Rose called, a little louder now. She hurried over to him, passing the Hunters, who let her through at Skyler’s command. “Say something. Tell him he’s lying!”

  “He can’t,” Skyler said, “He can’t deny it. When it’s the truth, it’s the truth.” he repeated Kyran’s words.

  Kyran looked up at him with a glare, but still didn’t speak.

  Rose’s breath was beginning to quicken. “No.” She shook her head. “No, Kyran, no.” Her voice cracked as she reached out to touch his chest, her hands trembling. “ weren’t there.”

  “Oh, but he was,” Skyler said. “Not only was he there when your parents were murdered, he didn’t do a thing to stop the vamages – who obey his every command.”

  “Shut up!” Kyran snarled, and for the first time he struggled in the Hunters’ hold, trying to get free.

  “Kyran?” Rose called to him, halting him instantly. “When...when they were...attacking my parents,” her voice had dropped to a pained whisper, her eyes brimming with tears, “were you there?”

  “Rose.” Kyran heaved out her name, like it was the most difficult thing, as he looked over at her.

  Rose stared into his eyes and the first tear rolled down her cheek. “Kyran,” she whispered. “Tell me. Were you there?”

  There was a strained pause before Kyran finally answered, “Yes.”

  Rose pulled back, staring at him in abject horror.


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