Blaze (Phoenix in Flames Book 2)

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Blaze (Phoenix in Flames Book 2) Page 5

by Catty Diva

  “Give it a chance. Treva just did it recently and she enjoyed it. She complained when she was done.”

  “You really expect me to believe that?”

  “You can ask her in the morning when we see her.”

  “What’s the rewards?” Felicity couldn’t help but ask.

  “I’ve heard they have a little store. You can add up your points and get something big or get small rewards every time you complete something. They have books, toys, clothing, and jewelry just to name a few things. They’ll explain the program and you’ll get to see the store.”

  She couldn’t deny the thought of owning something, anything, excited her. He led her to the buffet line where she was overwhelmed with her choices. They’d never been given any choices. “What do I take?”

  “Try a little of what interests you.” Blaze suggested. When he saw what she got he shook his head. “You can have a bit more than that and still be safe.” He seemed to understand she feared vomiting.

  That’s when she put a little more on her plate. She was as hungry as the others, just a little more cautious. No need to embarrass herself by overdoing it. Especially not in front of Blaze. They went to a nearby table where they sat as he watched her try some of the food on her plate. The taste exploded on her mouth. Used to only the blandest or even bad tasting food, this was wonderful. A moan broke free.

  “I take you that you’re enjoying the food.” Blaze observed with a smile.

  “This is good. It’s so much better than anything I’ve had since I can’t remember when.”

  “We’ll be on the ship for a few weeks before we make Oison. You’ll get to enjoy a variety of good foods on the way.”

  “How often do we eat?”

  “You’ll get to come here for three regular meals each day, but they’ll encourage you to snack some too.”

  “It’s worth it just for the food.” Felicity admitted.

  “Wait until you try the dessert. Most people like that the best.”

  She began to eat her meal without talking. When she was through, she felt as full as she ever had. Blaze had eaten much more, but he had gone for seconds. Would she eat like that once she was normal again? It was hard to imagine.

  Once they were both through, Blaze led her out of the cafeteria. He took her through other parts of the ship pointing out where she would go to learn and where other people stayed. All her people were in her section of the ship, but some escorts also stayed there. When he was part of the crew, he told her he stayed in the crew section of the ship.

  They’d made a full circle and were now near her quarters. It felt good to know Blaze was next door. Life was scary and uncertain, even though freedom was a beautiful thing. Blaze opened her door for her and waited until she entered. She figured he went to bed too since they had had a long day. Felicity knew she was tired and thought it would take no time to get to sleep.

  As she undressed, she carefully put her clothes on the dresser. She wasn’t sure if she should fold it or hang it up. Treva would know and she would not think the question odd. She lay down in her bed and managed to go to sleep right away.

  The knock on her door woke her. She looked at the clock, something she wasn’t used to using. “Come in,” She said.

  It was Blaze. “You’re not up.” He observed stating the obvious.

  “Sorry. I didn’t set the alarm.”

  “That’s okay. Just hurry, we won’t be the only ones running behind.”

  She jumped out of bed then realized she was naked. Blaze stared as she grabbed her sheet to cover herself. “I guess you need a night gown.”

  Her face was bright red as she nodded then turned to hurry to the bathroom. Running back quickly, she grabbed her clothes and ran back to the bathroom. Gods, she was a mess. Blaze could make her so nervous she would forget her head if it wasn’t attached. That was a saying her mother had used all the time.

  She got ready in five minutes. Hurrying to do anything was a new concept to her. Her life had been all about lying around killing time between meals. Only the testing had mattered. The testing was the part all of them had dreaded. Now that was behind her and as they headed to the cafeteria, she wondered how much she could eat today.

  Everyone seemed to exert better control over themselves. They had begun to except this would be the new normal. Eating could be done at a slower pace with no fear of their food being taken away. The food was better, tastier. This meal was relaxed with some conversation taking place.

  “This is breakfast so the food is different. We’ll have eggs, bacon, either pancakes or waffles. Sometimes we get chicken fried steak with a choice of gravy. They try to change things to keep it interesting. There will also be fresh fruit, nuts, and usually cereal or oatmeal. I usually eat what I consider the more filling foods. My people are bigger eaters than most.” Blaze explained.

  That explained his appetite. She was glad she wouldn’t require that much food. It would be hard to find a job to support her. As they filled their plates and sat down, some people were already leaving which made her nervous.

  “Don’t worry. Those are crewmembers. The others going to school are all still here. Some are even still arriving.” Felicity ate her food with a bigger appetite than yesterday and thought about seconds. Remembering how sick from overeating some of the others had gotten held her back. “You’ll get a snack in an hour or so after school starts.” Blaze offered.

  That made up her mind so she just finished her food and drank her juice. Blaze ate fast since he was also done. They dumped their items in the appropriate places then exited the cafeteria. “Why don’t you lead the way and I’ll help if you get lost?” She nodded; after all he had given her directions yesterday.

  Felicity did well until they were at their last turn. She chose the wrong one. “No, Sweetheart.” He said. “We go the other way. You did very well.”

  She blushed either from the mistake of making the wrong choice or the praise he’d given her. Maybe a little of both. When they stepped into the classroom, everyone was milling about. Seats were assigned with names written on them. Most escorts seemed to be staying. She looked up at Blaze once they found her seat.

  “I’ll stay until class starts. At that point, I’ll just be in the way. At lunch, I’ll join you.”

  It was almost as if saying it made it so. A lady walked in and called everyone to attention.

  “I’m you teacher until we get to Oison. I was where you are a year ago. Unlike some of you, I was a teenager when I was taken. You’ll find many of the other people from the labs have different background and stories. They were taken from every race, planet, background, and both sexes and every age is represented although most were taken as teenagers or younger.

  My name is Alison Brandt. Just call my Ali. I’m here to help you learn. Some of you may be worried that you’ll not be able to learn. I assure you, where the desire is, the ability to learn is as well. The first thing we’ll do is test you. This is not a pass fail test. We just need to see what you know so that your lessons don’t go over the same thing. We’ll start the testing at a basic level then move up from there. On your desks you’ll see what is called a computer notebook. Yours will be easy to operate. The first test is already pulled up. As the test is completed, it will automatically decide if you move up or not. If you do, a new test will be in place. If not, a story will show up. The stories are fun and engaging. I urge you to enjoy this. Any questions?”

  Looking around at all the raised hands, she thought the teacher should not have asked them that. “If you have questions about where we’re going or when we’ll arrive, that will be covered at lunch.” Most of the hands went down. “Okay, Zee?”

  “How will we know what we want to learn to do as a job?”

  “That’s a good question and I’m glad you ask. I think everyone wants to know that. Most of you in this group have little or no experience with the outside world. As you read these stories and learn about the life out in the universe, things will begin
to interest you. You’ll also get to do things that will expand your knowledge. Once you find things you like and we’re back on Oison, they will let you go places to try out the things you think you might like. I got the chance to teach at the school before I made up my mind that teaching was what I wanted to do.”

  No one else said anything. “Why don’t we start now? This isn’t a timed test. Take what time you need.”

  Felicity began not even noting until later that Blaze had left. She wanted to do well on this testing and well in school in general. The first test was basically see Spot run. It progressed from there getting harder as they moved along. When she was through, she ended up at ninth grade level even though she had been in second grade in the home schooling system she’d attended as a child. Even though she had been smart, she’d been above her age level in school because home had been boring so she’d worked on academics more than most.

  It seemed she’d not only retained much of her lessons, she’d added to them. How was that even possible? She’d been sure her brain had turned to mush from lack of stimulation. Maybe Blaze was onto something when he suggested giving class a chance. She’d always been eager to learn, but not had the chance. Now that the chance was there, why should she be any less eager?

  Chapter 7

  Love Conquers All

  Blaze was impressed by the way Felicity had taken to learning. She was in an advanced group that was moving through high school at an amazing rate. There was no doubt she was bright. Her dedication to learning to the exclusion of everything else was also impressive, but maybe a bit too much. The truth was they’d never had anyone move through a grade in two weeks if they needed every section in every subject.

  Their personal life had hit a point where he was ready to move on to something more unless she gave him the heave ho. Tonight would be about teaching her to enjoy life and taking things between them all the way or not at all. While he was sure what he wanted, he was sure uncertain her interest in him.

  She was done with her classes for the day so he would take her to supper first. With two weeks on board behind them, most of the rescued people could eat a normal meal now. Many of them still needed to gain weight and muscles, but they all looked much better.

  Instead of eating in the cafeteria, he was taking her to the accommodations for VIPs. He’d gotten special permission to use the suite for the night. As they entered, a catered meal had already been delivered and flowers and candles were on the table too. The scene was set with his female looking dazzled by it.

  There was even a bottle of champagne chilling on ice. Something he’d bet money she’d never had before. Pulling out a chair for her like a gentleman, once she sat he pushed it in. “What is all this for?” Felicity asked.

  “It’s for you. This is a date. It’s what males and females who are interested in each other romantically sometimes do.” He explained.

  “This is exciting.” She replied her eyes shining and a lovely blush on her cheeks.

  The food smelled delicious so he took the lid off her plate first and then his. She seemed to prefer Italian food in general and lasagna in particular so that’s what they had. When he opened the champagne, the cork hit the ceiling then fell onto the bed.

  “Oops.” He said with a smile causing her to giggle. “I better ask, are you old enough to drink this? The age is twenty-one?”

  “Silly, the doctor guessed my age at twenty-five.”

  He poured her a glass of bubbly then poured one for himself. She took a sip of hers and grinned. “I’ve never tasted anything like it.” She admitted.

  After sipping his own, he agreed. “If I can, I’ll help you discover exciting foods and exotic new places every day.” It was up to her if she wanted to keep him around or not.

  “I’d love that.” Felicity agreed with a grin.

  Blaze was nervous. He’d never felt so much for a female before. This was much sooner than he thought he would try for a relationship and possibly much more in time. Commitment was scary, but he wanted to be with her every day in every way. She deserved time, but being with him now would also be good for her and if they were intended to be together as he suspected they were, no one else would ever do.

  That was the way he felt, it was Felicity or no one. Since he’d met her, she’d filled his thoughts and his dreams. Settling down had become more real to him instead of just a distant fantasy. Now they were through with their meal and he was serving her dessert. Tiramisu was one of his favorites. He fed her a taste making her moan with delight.

  Her moan made his body tighten as a ripple of desire ran through him. “This is amazing.” She observed. Yes, amazing.

  “It’s my favorite dessert so I wanted to share it with you. Felicity, do you know what’s it like to be with a man?”

  “You mean sex? I’ve been reading about it. Before, I’d only heard whispers from the other residents.” She admitted.

  “Have you ever considered doing it?”

  “Every time I look at you.” She admitted as her face flushed a deep rose.

  Blaze grinned. “Me too. I think about us having a deeper relationship than we do now. I know you need time before you commit to forever, but maybe just a step or two at a time?”

  He’d kissed her goodnight a few times. It was a habit he’d gotten into and he’d pushed the kiss a little further each time. A chaste kiss the first time had become friendly the next. By the time they’d reach last night’s kiss, it had been hot as hell. Her response had given him hope that tonight would work out as he wanted it to.

  Once he got out of his chair, he held out his hands to help her out of hers. Pulling her against his body, this kiss was a scorcher. Blaze put his feelings into it. His tongue searched out all the secrets of her mouth until it finally came back to duel with her tongue. Passion was rising as his body enveloped hers. His sharper senses not only felt her temperature rise slightly, they scented the sweet fragrance of her female need.

  Gods help him, he was losing himself to this female completely. Pulling off his shirt, he moved back to her to help her undress. Her hands stroked his bare chest making him shiver which distracted him from his purpose.

  “You feel so hot and silky.” She said her voice awed.

  Her shirt now out of the way with not bra underneath, his hands were busy too. “You feel just perfect.”

  Her skin broke out in goosebumps as he felt her shiver. Looking at her pebbled nipples made his hands reach out to roll them between his thumb and forefinger. Her moan made him heat up a few more degrees. Blaze needed to be careful so he wouldn’t erupt in flame. His mouth dropped to hers as his hands fondled her breasts, his mouth devoured her.

  When he pulled back his pants were so tight he feared he’d erupt from them leaving them in tatters so he released the button and unzipped them. As his cock popped out, he noticed Felicity staring enrapt. “Will that truly fit inside me?” She wondered.

  “I promise you that not only will it fit, it will give you undeniable pleasure.”

  “I‘ve heard the first time can hurt.”

  “I will do whatever I can to help with that.” To stop her from dwelling on the pain, he kissed her again as he toed his boots off so he could shed his pants completely.

  Now fully naked, he began to work on her pants. He was grateful none of the refugees had underwear since it simplified things. As soon as he had her naked too, he picked her up carrying her to the huge bed in the next room. Lovingly, he laid her down then examined his treasure. Gorgeous! Her curves had appeared making him drool as he looked at them.

  Her skin was flawless and pale compared to his tanned complexion. Even in his dreams, he’d never imagined such beauty. “You’re perfect.” He whispered as his eyes worshipped her body. The pink flush began to deepen and spread. “Never be embarrassed when you’re with me. You’ll be naked when we’re alone more often than not, Baby.”

  She was embarrassed anyway, her giggle gave her away. So cute, she was innocent, but he was about to ch
ange all that. Now he began to kiss her, to stroke her so her mind wouldn’t focus on what was to come. Worry could spoil the joy he was going to introduce her to and any pain would be small and fleeting.

  It was obvious he had her breathing heavy so he began to work his way down. She was writhing as his mouth and tongue worked in a downward path. Anticipation made her wet, he could smell her dew since she was soaked. He breathed out hot air onto her pussy. His tongue licked her just to get a taste. Yum!

  He was ready to dig in so his tongue started to lick her like a lollipop. She was crazy with need as her legs spread giving him greater access to help her gain the illusive pleasure she searched for. His hand moved up to add his fingers fucking her channel to the mix.

  “Yes!” She cried.

  Blaze was certain she was near overload with everything he was doing. When she finally blew, his tongue lapped up her honey like he was starving. Sliding up her body, he slid in slowly but surely feeling her membrane break and her jerk as it did. He lay still, frozen with worry. Had he hurt her badly?

  “Move, damn it!” Felicity urged.

  Blaze sighed in relief. He began to move faster, deeper. Her response was beautiful as she arched to meet his lunges. It was like a wonderful dance where each move dispensed nerve tingling sensations with the greatest pleasure at the end of the dance. Friction built tension and tension would lead to the explosion he sensed wasn’t far off.

  It was clear she mindlessly pursued the pleasure and he was more than happy to give her all she wanted. Deeper with each thrust, he know searched for his release too hoping they would both cum together. Sweat slid down his back as he concentrated on moving to give her what she wanted and what he needed.

  Hard and fast, now he hammered into her striving for the perfect orgasm. When it hit, he almost lost his ability to think. Her channel squeezed him until he emptied himself deep inside her. “Gods Baby. That was unbelievable.” He finally said once he was able to breathe and talk. He rolled them over then curled his body around her. She was his and he would never let her go.


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