Blaze (Phoenix in Flames Book 2)

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Blaze (Phoenix in Flames Book 2) Page 6

by Catty Diva

  In the morning, he woke with a start. His body felt good, really good. As soon as he realized he was wrapped around Felicity, his cock woke up wanting to get busy. It poked her causing her to shift in her sleep. Blaze knew he couldn’t push her to have sex again so soon. She would be sore, he needed to take care of her.

  Sliding out of bed, he went to the bathroom where the big jetted tub sat. Turning on the water, he set it hotter than he wanted. Dissolving some bath salts in it would help ease his female’s discomfort. Once it was full, he shut the water off. He really wanted her to wake on her own, but the water would cool quickly. Heading into the bedroom, he sat on the bed by her.

  His fingers trailed over her body making her squirm away from him. Too bad they had to bathe instead of making love. Her eyes finally opened and she stretched out groaning. “I ran a bath for you.”

  “Really?” She asked looking excited. He stood holding out his hand then helped her up. Trailing after her, he followed her to the tub. Naked he entered first then helped her in. Sliding down to the back of the tub, she slid down in front of him.

  “Let me take care of you.” He whispered.

  Using the hand held spray, he wet her hair. Getting some shampoo in his hand, he began to wash her hair gently massaging her scalp then rinsing. He worked in the conditioner next. Once he rinsed that out, he got a wash cloth off the shelf and lathered it up. Washing her as best he could, he finally rinsed her clean.

  “How do you feel?” He asked.

  “Divine. You can bathe me anytime.”

  “I’ll be doing it often then.” He admitted. “Let’s get you out of here then dried off.”

  Blaze got out first then helped her out carefully. Next he pulled the plug so the tub would drain. Grabbing a big thirsty towel, he dried her carefully. Last, he dried himself off. Felicity had already begun to dress. It was time to get ready to go no matter how much he wished their escape could last forever.

  He dressed quickly and made sure they had all their possessions with them as they left. Escorting her to her room, they dropped their stuff off before heading to the cafeteria for an early lunch. Luck was with them and some breakfast foods were still out. That gave them the best of both meals. They were both hungry and ate heartily.

  “What are we going to do now?” She asked.

  “We have two full days of downtime. The class is closed and I’m off work.” He observed. “Is there anything you’d like to do?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never picked recreational activities and I don’t know what’s available on board.”

  “We could see a movie? Maybe you’d like to go to the observation deck to view the stars? If nothing else, we could go to the aquarium or the Botanical section of the ship?”

  “I’d love to see the plants and the fish.”

  “I will be your escort lovely lady.” Blaze said as he waved his arm with a flourish. She took it and he escorted her to an elevator. He had to admit he was surprised she’d not seen either place yet. “Let’s see the fish first.”

  He led her to an outer wall where a huge water tank went up so high, it had to run the full height of the ship. It curved slightly along the ship’s outer wall and also seemed to run the length of the ship. It looked like it was about twenty feet out from the wall which prevented them from having any behemoths inside. Most of the fish inside were small, a few were larger.

  She’d studied animals from a variety of planets and he was sure she’d recognize the largest which appeared to be a small shark. The next in size was a Bohemian razzler which was a rare find. They were nearly extinct. A Gronec humper was also in there. They resembled miniature hump back whales. Flashes of color seemed to draw her attention.

  “See anything you recognize?” He asked.

  She flashed him a look of pure pleasure. “A shark, a razzler, a humper, lots of catfish, smugglers, and is that a Dorian finfish?”

  “It certainly is. Most people don’t recognize those. I only do because I assisted in stocking the tank when it was put in place. I see some new additions though.”

  “That must have been an enjoyable task.”

  He thought about it. Yes, he had liked seeing the new fish as they came in and he set them free in the water. Maybe animals and plants were something they had in common more so then he’d previously realized. She looked at the fish a little bit longer before he moved her on to the garden area.

  “This is divided up into sections. Ninety percent of the garden is edible plants. Even the ten percent that don’t produce food specifically, many of the plants are useful for other things. Some have medicinal value or can be used to make personal care products or even scents.”

  “Do they do that on board?”

  “Would it surprise you to find out that everything produced on this ship is harvested and used?” Blaze asked.

  “It shouldn’t, but it did. I have so much to learn about this new world I’ve become part of.”

  “Never feel overwhelmed. Just remember that you always have me to help you figure things out.” Blaze swore as he grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Let me tell you about my kind and what you are to me.” It was finally time to share with her that he was a Phoenix and she was his fated mate.


  Arriving on Oison had been exciting for all those from the facility. It had been exciting to Blaze too since it was right next to home. Felicity had settled in well, she’d even accompanied him to visit his family and attend his sister’s birthday party. Everyone had loved her like he did. Their relationship had preceded until they had recently moved in together.

  Felicity was nearly done with high school and already exploring her option, but it seemed farming was in her blood. Not the small farm her parents had, not that she wouldn’t have the opportunity to have her own private mini farm to work on. No, she seemed targeted to run the nearby agricultural planet Razar had purchased along with several others. His friend from the last lab, David apparently was from a farming planet and Razar was giving him a chance to prove his worth. He might end up working for Felicity eventually.

  If she accepted the position, she would begin running the planet while she finished her schooling. She and Razar had discussed the option for him getting these planets back on track and he’d used some of her ideas with great results. Once she accepted the position, which Blaze thought she would, they would have a house on Naros Four. That would be their home base while he took assignments of a less dangerous variety intermittently.

  By keeping his status active, he wouldn’t miss the excitement of service, he would keep up to date on training, and he would still help the cause of defending his part of the galaxy and freeing those still under the control of the labs.

  He’d been home a good while, but the next mission was coming up. His friend Tar would be going in under cover to take down the place they grew the embryos. Thank the gods they had found the place, finally. Felicity wasn’t happy he was going, but she did understand.

  Felicity was doing well, at least she thought she was. She’d liked Razar, his mate, and the other Mazlans she’d met. Running an Agricultural Planet seemed a little daunting, but everyone she’d met seemed to have faith in her. So far, her choices had paid off, both career wise and personally.

  Blaze was incredible. He’d put off their mating to give her a chance to check out her options even though they lived together. She’d seen a lot of males, but none came close to him as far as her heart or even her desire was concerned.

  This week she’d be finishing up her high school courses. It felt sad in a way to leave her new friends behind. Some she would keep up with but she knew others would drift away. They had all gone through so many changes. It was hard to wrap her head around it. Even more change was coming. Some expected, but some would be a surprise.

  She had supper on the table as Blaze made it home. This was a temporary place for them since in a couple weeks, they’d move to Naros Four. Blaze sat down at the table, tired from the day long br
iefing he’d had for the next mission he’d be going on. The flowers and candles had failed to catch his attention, but the gift, when she handed it to him, would manage where they had failed.

  The wrapping was festive with a pink and a blue ribbon adorning the package. She loved the way presents looked and took every chance to give one to someone. They were always thoughtful and something she was certain the recipient would love, except now. This time, she was uncertain of how this gift would be received. It was more important that he would love this than it ever had been before.

  Once they were finished eating, she placed the package on the table. “Is that for me?” Blaze asked with a grin. He was a big overgrown kid at heart.

  “It is. I hope you love it.”

  “I always love everything you give me, Baby.”

  Her heart and her breath caught in her throat as she waited to see his reaction. He opened the package then he looked at her with stunned eyes. Those same eyes rolled back in his head just before his body fell to the floor. She quickly moved to his side trying to wake him.

  “Is it true?” He whispered.

  “Yes.” She whispered back unsure of how he’d taken her news. The jumper lay next to him on the floor with the words My Daddy Is The Best written in red letters.

  “Gods, you have made me the happiest male in the universe.” He pulled her to him and she relaxed as he kissed her soundly.

  Tar was tired and cranky after the endless briefing that still did little to prepare him for his upcoming mission. The Phoenix sometimes had feelings and those were now rolling all over him. His never told him anything specific, it only told him to be cautious and watchful. Something was coming and it would be life changing.

  It might be good, but usually these things tended to be bad. He’d been so excited to go in undercover. Perhaps he’d been naïve, but he was beginning to understand what it involved and exactly what he’d have to do. He’d have to watch cruelty and ignore it. He might even have to hurt an innocent or at the least allow them to be hurt. Most of all, he’d have to suppress everything that made him who he was and deny everything he believed in.

  How the hell did any of those who’d gone before him manage to do that? They’d always been so happy to see Tar and the others to arrive he’d never thought to ask about what they’d gone through. This time, it would be him going through it. If he didn’t harden his heart, the whole mission could fail. Countless people would die all because of him.

  Trying to eat supper, his appetite seemed to desert him. He dumped his go bag that lay ready for his next mission because it wouldn’t work for where he was going. Security at this station was hired through an employment company. Since he’d been selected because of the shady past his superiors had planted in his file, it wouldn’t be more than a few days before he left.

  Tar suspected once this mission was finished, he’d never be the same fun loving phoenix again. It was a shame because he’d hoped never to grow up completely. Some of his friends like Roar and Blaze would deny him growing up into a mature adult was even possible. Hopefully they were right and he was wrong.

  Tossing basic clothing and a few books into his bag, he thought about the mini-sized com equipment hidden in the heel of his boot. Hopefully that would pass inspection. Since there wasn’t much to pack, he was done. Now he had to kill a little time before he went to bed. In the morning he’d catch a flight, changing ships a handful of times before he met up with his new employers.

  It was time to shake off worries and doubts, the mission was a go and go he would.

  Phoenix in Flames

  Book 3


  He’d found the facility that was supplying all the labs. This would be the chance to shut it all down. His biggest problem getting the children out. That and the labs special project, Patty. He wasn’t even sure exactly what she was, but he was undeniably drawn to her.

  She was a science project that wasn’t even thought of as a person, much less a woman. Now for the first time ever, a male had made her feel like a female. Could she help him safely bring the lab down so they could leave here together? If they did, would they even be able to have a future?

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  (Catty Diva, Corre Deepe and Crystal Dawn)

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  If you want to read books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

  Blue Moon Pack Series

  Planet Amazon Series

  Cousins of the Moon Series (a completed trilogy)

  Legends of the White Werewolf Series (A free series)

  Keepers of the Land Series (A completed 6 book series.)

  Frozen Origin Series

  Frozen Origin Quickies

  The Southwest Illinois Pack Series (A ménage series)

  Loved by a God series

  The Wilde Pack series

  The Strong Pack

  The Red Wolf Series

  Lucifer Frozen Origin Demons

  Winged Beast Series

  Witches of Ulyss Series

  White Wolf Matriarchs (A complete Trilogy)

  Wolf investigations and Securities Inc.

  Serena’s Salvation (Part of The Fated & Forbidden Collection)

  Catty Diva

  The Mating Games Series

  Books 1-10

  Moon Hunter’s Inc.

  Phoenix in Flames series

  Phoenix Under Fire

  The Zodiac Shifters series

  There is a battle brewing and the witches are looking for allies. Annie's father plans to force her to mate a male of his choice. She wants her fated one and casts a spell to find him. Problem solved, right?

  Ramiros wakes up with sand up his nose. What happened to his nice comfortable bed? When he finds the person who dumped him on the beach thousands of miles from home, there will be hell to pay.

  The Warriors of the Vinii by Corre Deepe


  Can a bad day turn your life around?

  Crash landing on Earth seemed the worst thing that could happen to Xan, his crew, and their battered ship. It was only the beginning. After nearly freezing to death, Xan’s savior, in the form of a little Earth female, is driving him crazy. He doesn’t want to want her, but he can’t seem to help it. Edie wonders if she’s gone crazy when she wakes up looking into the glowing red eyes of a naked, not quite human male. He seems determined to keep her with him, but she’s just as determined to go.

  Frozen Origin

  Book 1


  He is the leader of the gods. No, not the Greek gods of ancient times that they are named for, but the god line of genetically manipulated beings said to be so much more than men. They’ve been imprisoned by Origin, the company that created them, all their lives, but now they have a chance to be free.

  She leads the team that has come to free them. She and her team always come in first and leave first on every mission, which is a good thing because she is drawn to the gorgeous god. She needs to leave to get on with her life and the career she loves.

  She doesn’t want to settle down; he is unwilling to settle for anything less. When they are thrown together fighting Origin and secrets are revealed, will it bring them closer together or place insurmountable obstacles in their path?

  Note: graphic sex and is for adult readers only.

  The Mating Games

  By Catty Diva

  Book 1

/>   Razar needs a mate, but on his planet, there are nine males to one female. Humans look like they are compatible, but if they find out the secrets of his kind, they will refuse to send them mates.

  Lista needs money for her mother's operation or she will die. Her sister has volunteered her to be a bride for an alien. If she wins the mating game she will be free to keep the money and return home.

  Can she outwit him or will he claim her heart before it's game over?

  Note: For mature readers only.

  Red Wolf

  Book 1


  Reese is the biggest bad ass in town and he's feared and respected by one and all. Females fall all over him and he takes what they offer and walks away with no feelings involved. It's all good for him until his eyes fall on the lovely Megan. One sniff and he knows he must have her. What she does, stuns him. She runs from him as fast as she can.

  Megan is sweet and the adopted daughter of the Alpha. All her life she has been warned to avoid the overseer who, equal to the Alpha, helps run the pack town they live in. Her whole life changes the day she runs into Reese. She has to escape him because everyone knows what a bad boy he is.

  Keepers of the Land

  Book 1

  The McDougal Pack Alpha

  This series is complete so once you start, you can read it all.

  He's a McDougal and they don't fail at anything, but this white wolf thrust into his lap has him worried.

  Will he fail when it matters more than ever?

  She's about had enough of the Werewolf Council, pushed from one Alpha to the next, but at least this one is easy on the eyes. He has a gentle touch that makes her want to stay.

  Can they overcome everything life and rogues throw at them to make a life together, or does fate have a twist for them they can't get over?


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