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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

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by Earl Watson

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress


  Is A Harsh Mistress

  E. B. Watson


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress 2

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress Lavender

  Is A Harsh Mistress


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress 4

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress To all the women of the York and Watson tree of life who have achieved and persevered, especially to my wife.


  TXu 1-910-142


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress 6

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress Summer came early this year. It had snuck into the city in the dead of night. The city dwellers were caught completely off guard.

  But no one was caught more off guard then this year’s spring. Spring had awakened to find itself besieged by temperatures heading into the high eighties. In a weak sleepy voice it protested. “Hey! My fifteen minutes aren’t up yet.” Summer paid it’s sister season no attention as it replied. “Oh, didn’t you get the memo? Your fifteen minutes were cut to five this year.” Then summer folded up the quilts and blankets, grabbed spring by the hand and pulled her toward the door.

  She threw spring and her bedding into the hallway and slammed the door. The evicted tenant cursed up a blue streak as she lumbered down the stairs. Summer quickly jumped into the bed with a big wide grin on her face as she shouted. “New York City, sure is a tough town!”

  There was no doubt about it summer had indeed arrived.

  Along with it came a hellish fury that was about to be unleashed on the city and it’s inhabitants. Within a few days the city began to wilt under summer’s searing assault. New York City had always prided itself on being able to cope with anything. But as the temperatures began to rise into the hundreds. The city and it’s people fell to their knees and shouted to the heavens. “Mercy! Please have mercy on us!” But what the people of the city did not know was that this year’s summer....was deaf.

  The heat began to take a toll on the city’s newly paved streets and was causing the black pavement to soften. Many of the major avenues in Manhattan had to be closed during the mid-day hours when it was hottest. Because so many of the heavy delivery trucks wheels were getting stuck. The Mayor was thinking about closing the entire midtown area to only emergency and necessary traffic. The city’s newspapers began to refer to the city as “Death Valley North.”

  The airways were constantly blasting announcements warning people to stay inside and drink plenty of fluids. It was suggested by the city’s Health Dept, that people remain inside until the evening when the temperature fell into the low eighties.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress Those who suffered the most were the women and the children. Because this heat wave had happened so quickly most women did not have time to gather up or buy a summer wardrobe. They had to mix and match whatever light clothing that they could find.

  Coordinating colors went out of the window. Being cool was all that mattered, so orange, lime green, pink, and purple matched just fine. The city’s school children were trapped in a purgatory of their own. They had been sentenced by educational law. To ride on hot school buses or walk thru this withering heat to their school prisons. Once there they were further tortured by having to sit in their prison cells while gazing out of the windows and thinking about one thing. “Swimming!” Their frustrated teachers looked into their students eyes and knew that. “This day is lost.” By the time that these educational felons returned home the city’s ice cream trucks were crisscrossing thousands of city streets. In the hope that they could entice the children to come outside and buy something soft and cold to eat. But most of the children refused to bite After trudging back home thru the heat they were too pooped. It was too hot for baseball, and for bike riding, and just paling around. It was just too hot!!

  It was even too hot for ice-cream!

  The only place that the heat did not seem to affect was the steps of the Federal Courthouse in lower Manhattan. The burning concrete stairs that led into the building were covered by a small army of reporters that had come from around the country and the world. Each one of them wanting to be the first to break the story that had captivated the entire world of fashion. Today was the final day of the trial and the United States Attorney, had to either put up or shut up. The Judge would grant no further adjournments after giving them every legal break that he could. The lawyer for the government stood up and addressed the court. “We do not have the evidence that you demanded Your Honor.” The Judge raised his gavel high over his head and slammed it down on the bench. With a perturbed look on his face he barked out. “Case dismissed!” The defendant’s lawyer asked the Judge if his client could say a few words, and the Judge nodded. The defendant stood up and issued a curt bow to the court and the jury. He thanked them for their public service.

  His body language was proud and firm and confident. He even had 2

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress a few kind words for the lawyers for the U.S. Government. He then quickly turned and left the Courthouse. When he got to the top of the steps the small army of sweaty reporters had turned into a behe-moth and quickly devoured him.

  Amanda remained seated as he addressed the court and then walked out. From the instant that the Judge declared that the case was dismissed she felt a little faint. She had also looked at the jury as he spoke to them. From the very beginning of the trial she did not know how the men on the jury would vote. But, she did know how the eight women would vote. While in court she would remind herself. “They won’t vote guilty. Not even if the government had a video of him signing those papers. Those women had looked into the defendant’s soft beautiful brown eyes. Those eyes that were surrounded by perfectly arched, thick eyebrows. Topped off by his long full eyelashes. Not to mention that the defendant had smiled at them. His killer get away with anything smile that always worked on the ladies.

  The women on the jury saw how he filled out all of his custom made suits, and every day a different one. In each suit every line and every curve was tailored to perfection. They couldn’t help but notice his array of hand made silk ties and shirts with French Cuffs. Cuffs that were fastened with silver or gold cuff links. Every set studded with diamonds, jade, pearls, or some other gem. The same women had feasted their eyes on his muscular chest and saw how his shirts clung to his torso as if he had been born into them. They didn’t realize it but they had all been self seduced by him and they all loved it. That is why none of them were going to vote guilty. Because if they did, how could he be waiting for them in their beds when they got home tonight?”

  Amanda allowed herself to linger for a minute longer before slipping out of a side door. For her there was no time to waste. She had to beat the traffic over the bridges into Westchester County, and get back to the city before he got back to his condo. Manny was waiting for her and rushed her into the car. Manny was her personal driver and had been with her for almost seven years. He had been there since the company had started to take off. He remembered the time when her company was located over a small bodega off of Second Avenue and One Hundred and Twenty First Street. It was a 3

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress three story walk up that led into a small two bed room dwelling. The place was either too cold in the winter or burning hot in the summer, there was no third way about it.

  By the time that Amanda got into the back seat of her Limo the temperature was holding steady at fifty degrees. Manny had also mapped out the area in Westchester, where they were going and within a few seconds they were off. He didn’t ask her how things had gone. He could see by the gleam in her eyes and the relief on her face that it had gone wel
l. He never took the liberty on commenting on her personal life but this time he felt compelled too. “I’m happy for you boss.” Amanda answered him with a silent smile. Manny noticed that the collar to her blouse was tucked under her suit jacket and he alerted her to it. Amanda looked into the rear view mirror and adjusted it. Suddenly the strain of the last few months began to crash down on her. She leaned her head back against the soft leather and fell fast asleep.

  When she awoke the Limo was winding it’s way along a wide cul-de-sac in the most expensive part of Westchester County.

  She aroused herself into consciousness and readied herself for the battle that was about to come. Manny slowed the car down. “It’s the next right boss.” Within seconds they were rolling down a long driveway flanked on both sides by giant maple trees. The car followed the bend in the road and quickly came upon a huge stunning mansion that had the look of a Middle Age Castle. It was three stories high and made of gray stone. Even for Westchester standards it was something to behold. Amanda thought that it might have been built by an early age Robber Barron, that obviously had more than enough, than more than enough. She arranged her clothing and hoped that all would go as planned. Amanda looked out of the Limo’s window and marveled at the scene. The estate stood on seven acres of land. Out of the corner of her eye she could see many cherry blossom groves, a giant in-ground pool, tennis courts, a basketball court, serene and picturesque sitting areas and a few roaming horses. Surrounding everything was a well manicured ocean of emerald green grass. Manny stopped the car and came around to open her door. She got out and walked up the pathway to the giant black wooden door. Just as she was about to knock the door was opened 4

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress by a small elderly woman dressed in a wrinkled maid’s uniform. The woman gave her a quick bow and said. “Mrs. Benton will be with you shortly, please come with me.” As Amanda followed the woman down a dimly lit corridor. She was shocked to see the inside of the mansion was in a state of complete neglect. As she passed each room she could see dirt and garbage every where. As well as peeling paint, stained and ripped carpet, broken chairs and tables and all manner of household articles strewn to the left and right of her. While looking at these things she almost tripped over a pile of dirty clothing directly in front of her. The house even had a pungent odor about it that made Amanda cover her nose and mouth. When they came to the end of the corridor the maid ushered her into a large room.

  “Have a seat Miss. Wilcox, Mrs. Benton will be with you shortly.”

  The woman then disappeared back down the corridor. As she looked around Amanda could see that this room had also been neglected.

  In one corner she could see a clump of dusty shoes that lay next to a pile of dresses, some with their tags still attached. In another corner was a glass table that had a giant crack in it. On top of the table was a large plate of unfinished food that appeared to have been there for some time. In the corner that was closest to her was a king size bed.

  It was covered with a black tarpaulin that appeared to be covering something up. The entire scene unnerved Amanda, she couldn’t get her mind around any of it. “On the outside this place looks like it could be a centerfold for House Beautiful. But, on the inside it looks like a hovel. I have read and heard things about this Harriet Benton, but nothing like this!” Just as these thoughts were putting themselves to bed in Amanda’s mind their subject darted into the room.

  She was anxious and desperately trying to catch her breath.

  “He’s free! That’s all that matters! It’s all over the television and radio.

  I don’t know how or why but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that he is free and I thank the Gods, and whoever else arranged it.”

  Amanda began to rise out of her seat and extend her hand to introduce herself. Mrs. Benton stepped back into the dimly lit corridor.

  Amanda could no longer see her but could hear the woman’s voice.

  The voice sounded a little strained and a bit rasp. “I know who you are. You are Michelle Amanda Wilcox, you are the new me! You are my....replacement.” Amanda sat back down a little stunned.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Yes I am Amanda Wilcox, I hope that I haven’t caught you at a bad time. But as we discussed over the phone I would like to purchase....”

  Mrs. Benton now stepped fully into the room again. “I know why you are here. You want the lavender, of course you do!”

  “Mrs. Benton since you already know why I am here can we get down to business? I will write you a check for whatever amount that you think is fair. If you suggest a price I will....” The woman now took a few giant steps across the floor and in an instant was nose to nose with Amanda. It didn’t seem possible to Amanda for someone to move that fast.

  “My price! My price!” The woman sneered. “We’ll get to that in good time. I am just as curious as any other woman would be about her replacement, the new flame. I want to ask you something! How was it that you became so spellbound by the lavender? Did he slowly and carefully dress you up in it as he rubbed and kissed you all over?

  Did you remain perfectly still while he adjusted it to fit you the way that he wanted? Did he sing to you and recite poetry in your ear as he slipped those sheer black panties, along with the bra, and the bed coat over your trembling body? Did you notice that the butterfly on the panties came to fit exactly over the most erotic part of your body?

  While all the time your body was screaming out in abject pleasure.”

  The woman now removed her face away from Amanda’s. “You need not answer, I see in your eyes that just hearing me talk about it excites you. Why did you call me for the lavender, why didn’t you ask Frantz? Amanda started to answer but Mrs. Benton cut her off.

  “He wouldn’t make it for you would he? Of course he wouldn’t! Like most men he’s loyal to his male friends. That’s one thing that women can learn from men, how to be loyal to their sex. Yeah, as soon as pigs fly we will get around to that!” Mrs. Benton kept her eyes glued onto Amanda as she walked toward one of the windows in the room. Her frame was highlighted by one of the few beams of faint light that fought it’s way thru the tattered curtains. She looked haggard and frail. Amanda’s eyes grew wide in shock. Amanda was thirty four years old, Mrs. Benton was fifty one. But as Amanda studied her she seemed to be a woman well into her sixties. Suddenly Amanda became aware of the time. She had to beat the traffic back into the city.

  “Mrs. Benton, if you will please....” The woman turned her back to 6

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress Amanda and looked directly into the stream of light. Her voice was now softer and a little compassionate. “Don’t worry you shall have your precious lavender. Do you know why I live like this?” Amanda lowered her head and stared into the stained and tattered carpet.

  Mrs. Benton continued on.

  “I’ll tell you why. It’s because my brother in law has decreed it. After my husband died he used all of his money and power to contest the will. He was able to find the right Judge, and since my husband made all of his fortune before we got married I was out. It was as simple as that. But he was kind enough to give me this house, not the grounds, just the house. He controls the grounds, can’t you tell? He chooses to keep up the grounds to remind me of what I shall never have. This house, it’s my prison free of charge.” Mrs. Benton moved away from the window and out of the stream of light. Amanda raised her head to look at the woman as a sense of sadness came over her. “I don’t want you getting the wrong impression about me Miss. Wilcox. I am not being noble about the lavender or anything like that. I am selling you these lavender sets because I need the money, it’s as simple as that. If I didn’t need the money I would have kept them myself just to have something to remember him by. At least with the money that I am getting from you I can lord it over him for awhile.” “Lord it over who Mrs. Benton?” The woman banged her hands on the window sill in anger.

  “That bastard of a brother in law
of mine, that’s who! He has spies you know. He calls them maids and groundskeepers but they are all spies. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them were calling him at this very minute and giving him your license plate number. So that he can have it checked when he returns from his honeymoon. He’s already on his third wife. The other two he gave millions. Me! I got a one way ticket to food stamp city.” In a voice that sounded a little demanding Amanda asked.

  “Why does he treat you so cruel?” Mrs. Benton’s voice dropped but lost none of it’s anger as she moved back into the thin stream of light. “There are two reasons. The first one is that my husband’s family blamed me for his death. Why not! They blamed me for everything else. But I ask you, what does a man buy when he has amassed everything that he’s ever desired? I will tell you what he buys! He 7

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress buys his own death. My husband took his own life and he didn’t even have to put it on his credit card. In the end he was a bored and aimless man. But my in laws didn’t see it that way.” Mrs. Benton went silent for a few seconds as Amanda glanced at her watch again.

  “What’s the second reason that his family hated you?” The woman remained silent for a few more seconds. With the sun now getting brighter and brighter Amanda could clearly see the crows feet around the woman’s face and her weak listless eyes. Her hair showed all the signs of having been quickly arranged after a restless nights sleep. Amanda’s eyes focused on the flimsy worn out gown that Mrs.

  Benton was wearing. Anyone could see that in an earlier time it was elegant. But now like it’s owner it was used up. One of the sleeves were half off and most of the buttons were missing. It’s color was red, a color that it was still desperately trying to hold onto.

  “You want to know the second reason? I will do better than just tell you, I’ll show you!” She quickly unbuttoned one of the gowns buttons and the garment fell onto the floor. The woman was now totally nude. “My brother in law is on his honeymoon in Norway.


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