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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

Page 8

by Earl Watson

  “We’ll save that for another time, maybe I had better help.”

  She took hold of him and pushed backward.

  “That’s it darling, a perfect connection” As soon as he entered her his eagerness made him start thrusting with all of his might. She stopped him by putting her hand behind her and pushing him back a little.

  “Ugh! Darling not so hard. Not yet anyway, just slow gentle strokes.

  That way we can make the fun last longer. But I promise you that when we both start feeling it I will let you get as wild as you want to. Once again he used his mind to control his lust. His slow but penetrating thrusts had an immediate effect. She began using her backside to push back against his pelvic area. He was amazed and delighted to see the power that he had over her body. She was dependent on his body to arouse her and deliver the unlimited joy that she so craved. Marcus took one of her slender shoulder into his hand and pulled her closer to him. She could now feel his raw power as 56

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress he began to speed up his thrusting. He could see her press her head deeper into the pillow as she moaned out.

  “Alright honey you can go as fast as you like now. I won’t complain, even if I do, don’t stop.” His climax this time was more thunderous than before. He could feel that his liquid discharge this time was twice as much as before. He could also see that she was enjoying it more this time also. She grabbed the top of the headboard and continued to push back slowly but with more force. Once again her body went into a tidal wave of passionate spasms. She reached behind her and pulled his face along side of hers.

  “I want to ask you one question.” She didn’t wait for him to answer.

  “Are you for real? I mean do you really exist? Because no body is this good the first time.’ Marcus answered her between breaths.

  “I guess that I am just lucky, you know beginners luck.”

  “No way. No one is that lucky at making a woman feel like I do on the first time. You’re just good!” They both laid facing each other as she ran her fingers over his face.

  “I hoped that it was everything that you thought it would be.”

  Marcus ran his hand across her nipples. “It was even more than I hoped for, thank you.”

  “You’re thanking me! Oh no honey, from now on I am the one who will be doing the thanking.” She again felt for his now semi hard penis.

  “You can’t be for real and luck has nothing to do with it. You are not seeing anybody are you?”


  “Good, I didn’t think so. You don’t pay much attention to girls do you? I mean that you notice them but you are not spellbound by them. You have the slightest idea how much they all notice you. You don’t have it now but you will develop it in time.”

  “Develop what?”

  “The ability to sense that as soon as you walk into a room women are instantly trying to figure out how to get you into bed. You will be able to feel her eyes as they sexually devour every inch of your body, and feel her hands as they run across your naked skin. While her loving fingernails apply tractor marks across your back. And her mouth greedily sucks every bit of moisture out of yours. She could 57

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress be in that room and looking at a thousand things. But in her mind she will be only thinking about one thing. How she would love to have that beautiful thing between your legs inside of her right now.”

  Marcus looked around the room before asking.

  “Is that true, do women really think like that?”

  “When it comes to you it is true. As a matter of fact I can get forty to fifty girls in my dorm that will swear to it. You would be surprised at the kinds of sexual fantasies that we make up about you. Don’t worry honey, you might not have that sexual sense now. But by the time that I am finished with will.”

  They had been talking for about twenty minutes and Marcus, was once again fully erect. She lowered her eyes and smiled and coolly commented.

  “I see that you are ready for action again.” She then turned her face back with a voice that was somber and serious.

  “Listen to me Marcus. You are the most beautiful man that I have ever made love too. I have been enchanted by you from the first time that I laid eyes on you. Now that we have made love I feel even more so. But I am going to be as honest and up front with you as I can be.

  I have about a year and a half before I graduate. When I do it is over between you an me. I have already planned my life and I know who I am and where I want to go. Being tied down to one man is not part of the plan” Marcus reached his hand down between her legs and caressed her vagina. In an instant the exploration of this new territory readied him for another round.

  “Maybe I won’t tie you down. Maybe I will just tie you up.”

  “Well listen to you! I have created a sex monster and on his very first time.” She pulled him closer and rested her chin on his shoulder. She was serious again as she ran her tongue over his shoulder blade.

  “I am really serious about this Marcus! When I am finished with school it’s over. Now tell me what natty means, that’s the name of your club isn’t it?”

  “It means a man that likes to dress well by wearing, shoes, shirts, ties, slacks, suits, things like that.”

  “I like that. You would be amazed by the number of coeds that get turned on by the guys in your club, especially you. Come on let’s not talk any more. Just lay back and let me give you something special.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress She moved down to his penis and started to massage it with her tongue. Than she took him fully into her mouth and began to move up and down. Marcus started to thrust upward but she removed her mouth.

  “No honey just keep still, this one is entirely on me.” Within a couple of minutes Marcus was exploding again.

  Her name was Lauren Mathis and she was the daughter of a retired baseball player. For the first few years at Princeton, her grades were bad due to too much partying and boys. It wasn’t until her ju-nior year that she started to bring her grades up and put together a plan for her future. This was the year that she was going to give up boys until she graduated. But that was before she noticed Marcus.

  Even though she had never been involved with an under class men before she found him someone that she could not resist.

  By the time that “The Natty Boys” were in their second year Roger was already getting offers from some of the top chemical companies in the country. Marcus never failed to be amazed at how Roger’s mind worked. It could break down anything into a chemical equation within a few minutes. He also had the sharp ability to remember facts and details because of his photographic memory.

  This allowed him to recall trivia, obscure number patterns, and being able to do the New York Times Sunday Puzzle in under thirty five minutes. Roger’s biggest problem was that he wasn’t a people person.

  Other than Marcus and Vinny he hardly mingled with anyone else at school. No one in his family ever called or came to visit him for the entire time that he was at Princeton. Marcus had lost count of all of the dates that Lauren, had set up for him that he never showed up for. When Vinny, would tease him about “Not getting any.” Roger would answer him by saying.

  “It’s just chemicals fellas, just chemicals.” Vinny’s retort would always be.

  “Yeah genius we know that! But it’s the way that a boy and girl mixes those chemicals that makes it fun!”

  Marcus was going into the spring of his sophomore year and he was facing a crisis. His relationship with Lauren had been cooling off since Christmas. If things stayed the way that they were going they would soon be frozen. Since that first night at the motel they 59

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress had done and gone everywhere as a couple. The sex was always getting better and he thought that things had blossomed into a special relationship. However, in the last few months she had began to put more and more distance between them. Either it was work, or being sick, or studying for a test and she
always had an excuse at the ready.

  She seemed to have time for anything else but spending any of it with him. They hadn’t been to the motel for going on two months.

  Today they had agreed to meet at a small quiet park not far from the school. Marcus met her at the entrance and they found a table to sit down at. He was keen to notice that after he sat down she sat on the other side. Marcus spoke first. “So is this how things are going to go until you graduate?”

  “I suppose you are talking about us not seeing each other for the last few months.”

  “Of course that’s what I am talking about. What else would I be talking about?” Lauren could hear that his voice was gruff.

  “Marcus, I told you when we first met that I am not hanging around here. I have other plans and I intend to follow them.”

  “What do we do about us?”

  “We don’t do anything about us. We just go on with our studies and move on.”

  “Move on! Move onto what?”

  “Marcus my plans don’t even include staying in this country. I may be going to Peru, to take a job in a international bank. Be fair Marcus haven’t I been telling you about this, didn’t you take me seriously?”

  “So where does that leave me? Or was I just a dick that came in handy?” She quickly stood up and leaned over the table.

  “Stop it Marcus, stop it!” She folded her hands and looked away into the distance.

  “I knew it! I knew it! I knew that you wouldn’t understand what I had been telling you for all of these months. That’s why I have been avoiding you, I didn’t want to make things worse. Do you think that this is easy for me?” Marcus also stood up and turned his back to her.

  “Yeah I do think that this is easy for you! If you knew that it was going to come to this you should never have gotten involved with me. You should have never even touched me!” Lauren’s body doubled over as if she was in pain. Her voice was filled with rage almost to the 60

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress point of yelling at him.

  “Marcus where do you see our relationship going? You are not in love with me! I am not the woman of your future, just the woman of your present lust.” Marcus turned back around to face her.

  “I never said that! You have always meant more to me than that.”

  Her voice lowered and got softer.

  “Marcus please sit down, please.” He sat down but kept his face looking down at the table.

  “Listen to me just for a minute and try to put your anger aside, please. Marcus why can’t you just let what we had between us go?

  In your life you are going to have scores of women. Do you know that there are coeds right now that are lining up to have you choose them as your girlfriend? You will come to understand Marcus that you can’t feel about them all the same. You can’t fall in love with every woman that you go to bed with. I will tell you something that you don’t know about yourself yet. Since the time that we have been seeing each other you could have had dozens of other girls on the side. But you are not like that Marcus you are a one woman man. The only problem is that I am not that woman but, I wish that I was.”

  With his head still looking down at the table she leaned over him and wanted to give him a parting kiss on the top of his head. But decided not to and just walked away. He remained sitting there as the sun got lower and the coldness of the shadows began to take over the park. It was a short walk back to his dorm, but for some reason it seemed to take hours.

  He spent the next few days in a depressed mood at his grandmother’s house. It was quite obvious to her that he wasn’t his usual talkative and playful self. She gave him space and didn’t pry into what was wrong, she already knew. Lauren had stopped by a few weeks ago to tell her. There was nothing that Mrs. Peterson could do and Lauren did have the right to live her life. As Lauren walked out of the door Mrs. Peterson gave her a piece of parting advice.

  “Lauren, didn’t your mother ever tell you that when it comes to sex, that you have to be very careful with some men?”

  “No Mrs. Peterson she didn’t. But after being involved with your grandson, I sure wish that she had. But I doubt if I would have listened I just wanted him so badly. Do you know how thrilling it is 61

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress just to be around him? He doesn’t have to do anything or say anything because just by being with him is enough. I know how much our breaking up is going to hurt him. He’s not like other guys that will curse you out, or spread nasty lies about you around campus.

  Then after that go and jump into bed with the first girl that he sees.”

  Mrs. Peterson could see that the girl was upset at herself and worried about having hurt Marcus. She walked over and put her hand around the girl’s shoulder.

  “No he is not like that.” Lauren buried her face into the older woman’s chest and began to sob.

  “I wish that I was truly in love with him, I really do. Do you think that he will understand? I never wanted any of this to cause him any pain.” Mrs. Peterson tried to comfort the girl the best that she could.

  “No Lauren, he won’t understand, and it’s going to be painful. But a lot of that pain has nothing to do with you.”

  The members of “The Natty Boys Club” stood on the platform and gazed into the hot sun. Marcus shaded his eyes and stood on his tiptoes to spot his grandmother sitting in the fifth row. He blew her a kiss. She wiped a tear away from her eye and gave him a nod. She couldn’t believe that it was his graduation day from Princeton. All morning long she had been looking back at all of the years that he had been with her. Soon he would be off and into the world.

  “I sure do wish that he was still that confident child that was with me on the plane. I hope that he doesn’t move far away. I will help him pack then just as quickly hope that he unpacks.”

  As soon as the graduating class was dismissed Marcus could feel how much he was going to miss Vinny, and Roger. Vinny was going to graduate school in Maine, and Roger had just been hired to work for Vision Industries, that very morning. Marcus and Vinny draped their arms around Roger’s shoulders and intoned.

  “Don’t forget to send for us when you make president of that company. We are sure that within a few years you will be running the place.”

  Marcus stepped off of the train and into the early morning hustle and bustle of early morning Wall Street chaos. In the past he had visited the city many times at night, when this part of the city was dead. But today as he watched this bee hive of humanity flitting 62

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress into their office buildings. He had a feeling of excitement and wonder of starting his first day of work. He had decided to take a job at a hedge fund called Strollmen Capital. The company had holdings of two billion dollars. Marcus’ job was to coordinate all meetings between upper management and nation wide state pension funds. He was given an office on the seventh floor where all of the mid-level managers worked. As far as he was concerned it really wasn’t work at all. He spent all of his time flying around the country to nail down the exact meeting times and details. He worked at Strollmen Capital for almost three years. The money was good but the bonuses were even better. He saved some of his money, invested some and by the time that he left he had over six figures in the bank. He had just enrolled back into Princeton, to get his masters. During the time that he worked on Wall Street, he had a few relationships but nothing serious.

  Marcus was under the dash board of his car when he heard a familiar voice.

  “Hey you Princeton Natty Boy, you look more like a grease monkey now.” Marcus looked up to see Vincent Spinelli, and a wide smile appeared on his face.

  “Vinny, long time no see, how are you doing?”

  “I have been on the move Marcus my boy. On the move and shaking the money tree and doing pretty well too.”

  “How well?” Vinny started putting Marcus on as he looked around to see if anyone was listening.

  “I’ve got over seven million dollars in the bank.” Marcus’ eyes widened
and he stepped toward Vinny to give him a hug. Vinny extended his arms and held Marcus at a distance.

  “No you don’t grease monkey! This is a two thousand dollar suit that I am wearing. I don’t want you getting it all messed up, just go on with your well paying job.” Marcus pushed his arms away and the two friends embraced warmly. Vinny stepped back and looked him over.

  “Marcus Vipsainus Peterson, still as handsome as ever.”

  “Vinny what do you do to earn that kind of money?”

  “I am an owner of a dot/com company in California, that’s why I am here. I want you to come in with me.”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Come in with you! I don’t have that kind of money.”

  “Look Marcus, it’s simple. My company is in line to get over a billion dollars in government contracts. But we won’t get those contracts if we don’t have a minority on the board. The decision of who that person will be is totally up to me. Now what do you say, interested?

  I have to have your answer in two weeks.”

  “Did I just hear you right? You want me to sit on a board of a soon to be billion dollar company that you are the president of?”

  “You have that right brother! Now lets go inside and have a beer and I will brief you on the details. I also need to talk to you about something else.” Marcus was still in a state of disbelief as he gave Vinny a cold beer at the dinning room table.

  “Look Marcus, it’s a sweet deal and there is no better person for this spot than you. Besides I don’t know any other Black Guys. Come to think of it, I don’t even know any African Americans.”

  “But Vinny, how did you ever get hooked onto such a sweet deal?”

  “I assume that you are talking about all my money. Well it was easy, I married into it. I went to graduate school in Maine, and I married the daughter of a New England aristocrat. He was a well respected Judge and he fronted me the money to get started. As they say the rest is history and on top of that he loves me like a son. There are a ton of guys looking to strike it big in Silicone Valley, I just got there first and at the right time. You don’t have to do anything Marcus except show up with that beautiful black face of yours and smile for the ladies and dress like a Wall Street wizard and...”


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