Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress Page 20

by Earl Watson

  “Ahh come on, I am not that much better at sports than you are.”

  “Who are you kidding! I bet that somewhere you have a hundred medals stashed someplace.” Marcus picked up a bow and arrow and 153

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress put it in her hand. He then stood close behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and helped her hold the bow and arrow.

  “Look it’s easy.” He placed the arrow onto the bow’s string and helped her pull it back. He counted to three and they watched the arrow fly thru the air and hit the blue part of the target. Amanda jumped up and down with glee.

  “Did I do that? I really hit it?”

  “You really did, you are a natural. Let’s have another go at it.” This time Marcus held her tight enough to where she could feel his hot breath against her ear. She pulled the bow back again and waited for his countdown. Just before he got to one he licked the back of her earlobe. At that very second she let the arrow go and watched it limp thru the air and drop ten feet away. Her entire body had instantly turned into sensual jelly. Amanda kept her eyes on the target for a few seconds before turning around to see an innocent boyish smile on his lips.

  “That’s not fair.”

  “What’s not fair?” She took his hand and slowly walked to the parking lot.

  “Come on it’s getting late and you did promise me something to eat at The Castle, didn’t you?”

  “Yes I did.”

  “Well my Prince, lead the way.”

  As they drove back along the rustic road Amanda felt comforted by the setting sun that now lingered just below the horizon.

  As if it was a sleepy child that was determined to remain awake past it’s bed time. Marcus turned off of the thruway and drove another couple of miles before turning into a parking lot.

  “What do you feel like eating?”

  “I don’t care I am starving.”

  “You will love this place they cook everything to perfection. This place is modeled after an old English Tudor castle that was supposed to be a getaway for Henry The Eighth. But the story goes that he sold the place because it didn’t have enough head room for his wives.” Amanda started to laugh and then suddenly stopped.

  “Are you kidding me or is that true?” Marcus focused on pulling into his parking spot as though he was paying her no attention. He then 154

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress gave her a dumbfounded look.

  “No I am not kidding, but I am telling a giant fib.” She started laughing again as he continued.

  “I have no idea what the history of this place is. All I know is that I like castles, and the food is good.” As they walked up the stairs into The Castle, Amanda playfully tapped him on the shoulder and giggled.

  “I can’t believe that you made a joke like that. Henry’s wives not having enough head room!”

  The Castle was not anything like The Victoria Club. But Amanda could tell by all of the expensive looking cars in the parking lot. That if you wanted to eat here you didn’t have a weak bank account. Marcus ordered a beer and she just wanted water. She didn’t want anything to dull what so far had been a perfect day. As soon as the food arrived they both dug right in. She immediately dropped her arms onto the table after taking one bite of the shrimp marinara.

  “I can’t believe how good this tastes. Where do you find all of these places to eat that have the best food?”

  “I want you to have some wine with that. This place serves the best Chablis around. It’s made at one of the wine producing farms in the area.”

  Marcus called over the waiter and he filled Amanda’s glass. She took a sip and slowly let it roll around in her mouth. She put the glass down and slightly turned her head to the side.

  “The wine too! You just happen to know where to find the best Chablis?”

  “Believe me, it’s just luck!”

  “Why don’t I believe that? I get the distinct impression that nothing that you do or happens around you is due to luck.” She had almost finished her food and noticed that he had hardly touched his. He raised his eyes from his plate and looked at her with a look that she had never seen before.

  “You haven’t even touched any of your food. You must be hungry by now.” She could see in his eyes that he wanted her. Amanda hoped that he could also see in her eyes that she wanted him just as badly.

  Marcus lowered his eyes and started taking small bites of his dinner. Under the table Amanda used her feet to remove her shoes.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress With her feet now bare she placed both of them on both sides of one of his ankles. Marcus’ face jerked upward and their eyes were now entrapped in a passionate gaze. She squeezed her feet against him with as much force as she could and saw a hint of a blush roll across his face. She began to slowly move her feet up and down with a motion that suggested that she was masturbating his calf. The rest of her body remained motionless as the passion and heat in her eyes still locked onto his. The blush on his face was becoming more pronounced, making her become more excited. The silence that engulfed them now was not the silence of design. It was the silence of the sexual expectation of pleasure.

  If someone had put a gun to Amanda’s head she could not have told them how she and Marcus wound up in a hotel room. She remembered getting into the car. But after that all she could remember was what was happening now. Marcus had her pressed against the hotel room door and they were engaged in a passionate kiss.

  She felt his strong hands grip her backside as his hot lips greedily planted kissed all over her neck while making their way down to her breasts. She removed her arm from around his shoulder and found just enough room to slip between their impatient sweltering bodies, and start to undo her blouse. As soon as her blouse opened he started to rain kisses on her breasts while still inside her bra. From somewhere inside the semi-darkened room she could hear a moan escape from between her lips. Marcus loosened her belt and her pants fell to her feet. Amanda stepped away from him a little and kicked off her shoes. Then also kicked her pants away from their feet. With her back still pressed against the door he had been unable to undo her bra. He pulled his mouth away from her breasts.

  “Turn around and face the door.” After she turned around he undid her bra and continued to kiss the back of her neck and down her back. In one quick motion he used his hands to pull her panties down to her mid-thigh. In spite of her continued moans of desire she could hear the distinct sound of him pulling down his zipper.

  Marcus now turned her around and her body lost contact with the door and her bra fell to the floor. With her body now facing him her mouth sought out his full hot lips. Her tongue forced it’s way between those hot lips and began to wildly move around inside his 156

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress mouth. He pulled her closer and she could feel the warm tip of his penis rub against her pelvic area. He ran one of his hands up to her panties and pulled them fully down. Amanda reacted as if she had been programmed as she instantly used one foot to push them away.

  Marcus grabbed onto her thighs and lifted her up off the ground until she was at the right height. She hooked her arms under his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist. Now he pushed her back against the door again. She could feel the head of his penis start to probe for her opening. It moved to the left then to the right, and in this position was having trouble making the connection. Just for a second her lips left his.

  “Let me help you darling.” She held him tighter with her one arm.

  While using her hand on her other arm to find his penis. From the second that she wrapped her hand around it a erotic electric surge ran thru her. She could feel it’s warmth as it pulsated within the palm of her hand. She could also tell from it’s thickness and length that he was going to be a challenge for her. She could feel it’s power and urgency as she gripped it tighter and pressed forward and then hooked her arm back under his shoulder.

  “Just give me a minute darling. You are a bit large but it’s the perfect
size for me.” Once again she pushed forward with a little more force than before. She could now feel him as he began to slowly push the head of his penis into her. After about thirty seconds she had found the right amount of force and the right rhythm to get him halfway into her. She kept pushing and forcing him deeper and deeper into her. Until she could start to feel her inner moisture start to flow.

  Making it much easier for him to now continue on his own. She began to suck on his tongue as she felt her body began to convulse. Just for another minute she removed her mouth from his and started to suck in some of the room’s dark air. She was still having some trouble with his size. She was breathing in a machine gun like pattern as he continued his journey. She felt his passionate breath against her cheek as he asked.

  “Are you alright.” Just for the fact that he was concerned about her comfort aroused her even more.

  “Yes darling, don’t worry it’s just the right size. I am doing better than you can imagine.” Marcus readjusted his grip on her thighs and 157

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress delivered a few moderate thrusts. She knew that he was trying to be as gentle as possible. Amanda could feel every muscle in his body at it fought against it’s raw sexual urge to plunge forcefully all the way into her vagina. Once again she felt her body start to quiver as she felt a cascade of her pleasure start to overflow inside of her.

  “It’s alright now darling. I want you to give me all of you as hard and passionately as you can. I want us to remember this night forever.”

  Marcus pressed her harder against the door and gave into his utmost urges and her request. He was now lost in the pursuit of his own sexual instinct. He quickly gave himself over to the darkness of his unchecked lust for her. He pulled his throbbing penis almost out of her and quickly forced it back deep inside with mounting delight and as far as it could go. With their lips still glued together he heard her mutter.

  “Yes darling.” His penis was now like a galloping horse that had been given it’s lead and was in full stride. With each powerful thrust of his body he pushed further and further into her now warm moistness.

  Amanda could feel him deep within her zone of pleasure and loved the way that he was moving inside of her. He wasn’t using the power and force of his penis for it’s own sake. This power and force had a purpose and it was almost at it’s peak for the two of them. Amanda, tightened her legs around his waist as tight as she could. She could feel the sexual tension between the two of them that was ready to erupt. She became conscious of her hands and how weak they felt as they clung to his musclebound shoulders. Marcus quickened the tempo of his thrusting as his eyes widened and his pelvic region shuttered with anticipation. She removed her mouth from his and rested her chin on his shoulder.”

  “Thank you darling. It’s been a very long time since I have felt like this.” Marcus heard her but he didn’t have enough air in his lungs to answer, because he was struggling to breath. He was almost at the apex of this passion play and his final curtain was about to fall. He now pressed her body harder against the door and delivered a series of forceful, erotic thrusts that caused her to blurt out a “Yes” after each one. Somewhere inside her mind she suddenly wondered if people in the other rooms might hear her. So she once again forced her tongue all the way to the back of his throat and screamed. She 158

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress screamed like only a woman that had been denied this beautiful pleasure could know. Now that she had found it again she wanted the world to hear. Mid-way between her scream of rediscovered passion Marcus delivered his last forceful thrust. From deep within her she immediately felt his warm copious fluid began to fill every inch of her. As his penis rested deep inside of her she could still feel it pulsating as it delivered it’s last drop of semen. The only sound in the dark room was the heavy breathing of two sexual sprinters that had just crossed the finish line. She could feel the strength return to her hands and reapplied her grip on him.

  Amanda turned her head to the side and could see her clothes on the floor. She could feel him still holding her by her thighs sus-pended off of the floor, with her back still firmly against the door.

  She was suddenly amazed at how effortlessly he could hold her in that position and still make love to her. By now they were almost back to breathing in a normal fashion. Marcus released his grip on her thighs and she settled onto the floor. He tilted her face upright and kissed her softly but she still felt the same amount of his hot passion from his lips.

  “I guess that I should take my clothes off also.”

  “Darling if you were that good with your clothes on. I can’t wait until you take them off.” She walked over to the bed and could see him perfectly in the dim light as he undressed. In an instant he had stripped down to his tee shirt and his shorts. As he got closer to the bed he pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it into the chair.

  Amanda was instantly struck by the perfection of his upper torso.

  Even the dull lighting couldn’t obscure his powerful well balanced shoulders that were connected to a well muscled chest.

  Directly below that was a flat stomach that reveled a rock hard set of six pack abs. As she dwelt on his perfect body she said to herself.

  “How did I ever get this lucky?” Marcus was now standing in front of her and he reached down and pulled her up from sitting on the bed and started kissing her again. As he leaned down she could feel his still erect penis pressing against her breasts. The longer that they kissed the larger that she felt it grow. She pulled on his shorts and they moved down just below his backside. She pulled on them more and they fell down to his feet. Amanda ran her hands up his well 159

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress developed legs and then onto his rear end. With his now fully erect penis still pressing between her breasts she could feel some of their joint libations rub off onto them. The hidden well of erotic pleasure had been refilled and she wanted it to overflow again. Suddenly she wanted to do everything to him all at once. She removed her mouth from his and used her tongue to dance down the center of his chest.

  It then did a slow erotic ballet around his naval and quickly found it’s way down to his large super hard penis. She ordered her eyes to open and could see it in it’s fullness. What she had surmised a few minutes earlier was no mistake. He indeed was the largest man that she had ever been involved with. Her mind flashed back to what Carney had told her about performing oral sex on a man with a large penis. Amanda wanted to do this well and wanted him to remember it forever. She concentrated on what Carney had said.” Amanda most women don’t perform oral sex well on a man with a big penis because they pay attention to the wrong things. They obsess on how wide their mouths are or how deep their throats are, or how big the guy is. The most important thing about giving a man great oral sex is a woman’s hands. There is no way that a woman can fit a man’s large penis into her mouth. The normal woman’s mouth just won’t allow it. But if she puts her hands around half of it. Then all she has to do is put the other half into her mouth. She then moves half of it in and out of her mouth. While her two hands are lightly massaging the other half at the same time. If she wants to she uses her tongue to lick around it’s head to give him extra stimulation. I promise you that after four or five minutes of doing it that way. By the time that he comes you won’t know if you had a penis in your mouth or a fire hydrant.”

  With this now freshly in her mind Amanda lowered her head a little more and took him into her mouth. She could feel him began to get a little bigger as it began to throb as it emitted a soft warmth. When she thought that he had finished growing she remembered Carney’s advice and took half of him into her mouth and wrapped her hands around it. At first her rhythm was slow because she was waiting for the right time to speed up. Just the sensation of having him in her mouth was driving her mad inside. When he put both hands on the back of her head she knew that it was time 160

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress for her to speed up. She applied a little pressure with her mouth
and squeezed the shaft a little harder with her hands while massaging it up and down. She used her hot tongue to gently roll around it’s head. Then quickly run it up and down the half that was in her mouth. The only thing that Carney was wrong about was the time that it would take. It took Marcus a little over two minutes before he erupted like a volcano. She was determined to keep him in her mouth until he was finished. She could feel his legs begin to buckle due to the sensational gift that she had just given him. When his hands released their grip from the back of her head she knew that he was finished. Amanda pulled her mouth away from his penis and used her tongue again to retrace it’s journey upward from his stomach back to his lips. Marcus nudged her backward and she willingly reclined back on the beds pillows. He was now fully on top of her with their mouths once again entwined. She automatically opened her legs so that he could enter her still quivering vagina. This time when he pushed his fully erect penis into her it was a little easier. His strokes were slower but firm and direct as she felt her vagina widen to take all of him. She felt her vaginal region begin to rise and fall as it was in perfect timing with his thrusting member. As if by reflex action her hands grabbed onto his firm well developed buttocks.

  Without any more urging Marcus was spurred on to move faster and push harder. Now it was her turn to fight against the temptation to reach her climax too soon. It had been such a long time since she had responded sexually to a man like this. That she wanted it to go on for as long as she could. But her fight of mind over passion was already lost. She was now matching every strident thrust with one of her own. As much as she wanted this erotic surge to go on and on. Her rising sexual tide was now at flood level. This sexual dam had held back years of lust and desire had now broken. Marcus could feel it also as her wave of sexual quivers held his penis firm. It had been so intense for her that she didn’t feel that he had arrived also. They both remained motionless for awhile as her dam began to slow to a trickle and the sensual heat of their bodies started to ebb away. She relaxed for a quick second and then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed it tenderly.


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