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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

Page 29

by Earl Watson

  “That is for me to know and for you to find someplace to wear them.”

  Mrs. Wilcox suggested.

  “Why don’t you two come down to Florida for New Years and spend it with us?” Amanda looked at Marcus and waited for an answer.

  “I am afraid that I can’t do that because I will be in Rome for the New Years.” Amanda gave him a surprised look.

  “Oh I didn’t know that we had any business going on in Rome!”

  “It’s not of a business nature. It’ just something that I wanted to do, just to get away for awhile.” Her mother and sister could see that she was unaware of his plans. Amanda searched her mind and tried to come up with something appropriate to say.

  “Well you should have fun and since you once lived there....”

  Marcus reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out two plane tickets.

  “What you mean to say is that we should have fun there. Merry Christmas again Kid!”

  Amanda looked out of the plane’s window and guessed that 226

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress they should be over the mid Atlantic by now. They would be landing in Rome two days before the New Years. He had made arrangements for them to spend a week in the city. Amanda’s eyes moved quickly over to where he had his head resting against the seats cushion. He looked to be asleep but she didn’t think so, he just seemed to be in deep thought. To her he had seemed to have something on his mind since they boarded the plane. He was more quiet and a little more distant than she was used to. Amanda wanted to lean over and put her head on his shoulder but she didn’t, something just did not feel right’ She tried to recall if she had said or done something to upset him but she couldn’t think of anything. After her family left everything was perfect. They had explored more of the snow that was building up in the park, taken in a play, and dined at The Victoria Club and finished the nights off with great sex. But she was sure that something was wrong. The flight attendant walked by and Marcus’

  eyes popped open.

  “Miss, could you bring me something to drink?”

  “Yes Sir, would the young lady like something?” Amanda jerked head away and faced the window.

  “No thank you.” She tried to focus her anger of the passing clouds that drifted by.

  “I knew that he wasn’t asleep. He’s ignoring me and I don’t know why. He didn’t even ask me if I wanted anything, that’s not like him.”

  The Flight Attendant brought him something to drink and he drank it completely down and gave her back the glass. Then he closed his eyes and pretended to be sleep again. Amanda pushed her way past him and went to the ladies room. As soon as she locked the door behind her she stared into the mirror, trying to come up with an answer why he was acting so strange.

  “We have a forty minute layover in Iceland. If his mood does not change by then, I will have my things put on a flight that is returning to New York.”

  As she returned to her seat she could see that Marcus was engaged in a conversation with that same Flight Attendant. Amanda excused herself and retained her seat by the window. She could hear what they were talking about.

  “You know Mr. Peterson, I have been in Rome many times but I 227

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress have never had the time to visit the sights. But the next time that I get a layover I will. Would you like something to eat?”

  “No Miss, nothing for me. But the next time that you are there be sure to visit the Coliseum.

  “Thank you, and I will. Now I think that I had better get back to serving my other passengers.” Amanda’s eyes burned like a red hot laser as she trained them on the headrest in front of her. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

  “I don’t know what’s going here but when we land in Iceland, I am going back to New York. Not to his condo, but back to my place. If that’s how he wants it he doesn’t have to say anything to me. But at least he could tell me why! I am not going to even look at him.”

  The pilot’s voice came over the cabin’s speaker to advise everyone that they would be landing within thirty minutes. The plane had been on the ground for over twenty minutes and he had still not spoken a word to her. Amanda stood up and looked around for someone that worked in the airport. Causing Marcus to finally speak to her.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “I think that I should be going back to New York.”

  “Going back to New York! What for?”

  “Something must be wrong because you haven’t said two words to me since we boarded, I must have done something wrong.”

  “Nothing is wrong, I just didn’t feel like talking.”

  “You sure didn’t have any trouble talking to that female Flight Attendant! I just think that...” She moved away from him further and couldn’t believe what she had just said.

  “Oh no! I can’t really believe that I really just said that. I sound like a fifth grade girl that has a crush on a boy and I am mad because he is talking to another girl in the class.” From over the lobby speakers they were told to return to their boarding station. For the rest of the flight his silent treatment was still in affect, but at least he was holding her hand. She was awakened by the touch of his lips against her cheek.

  “Time to wake up Kid, we are here. I will go and get our bags, meet me in the lobby, I have arranged for a limo to pick us up. He quickly made his way toward the front of the plane and disembarked. Marcus had already collected their bags and was waiting for her as she 228

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress came down the stairs.

  “Come on our ride has just gotten here.” Marcus threw himself into the back seat and slid across to the far side of the seat. As she got in she sensed that the silent treatment had returned. She remained on her side of the seat and leaned against the door and nervously tapped her foot against the front seat. The chauffeur turned around and said in broken English.

  “I have been instructed to take you to the Agra Hotel, is that so Mr.


  “Yes it is, I hear that it is the best in Rome.”

  “Yes Sir, you and the young lady have selected the best hotel in the city, you will be very happy. They tell me that even the toothpicks are made out of gold.” Marcus took a bottle of water out of the cup holder and drank it all down.

  “How far is the Coliseum from the hotel?”

  “Not far Mr. Peterson, maybe about a mile or so. I will be your driver for your stay in the city. All you have to do is call and I will be there at the drop of a hat.”

  They had been in the hotel for almost one half hour before Marcus struck up a conversation with her.

  “How do you like the Penthouse Suite?”

  “It’s beautiful, it is almost as nice as your place in the city.” Marcus was quick to pick up on her use of the word “Your.”

  He walked into the kitchen where she was sitting with her hands folded on the table and took a seat.

  “Look I know that I have been acting like a real jerk and a asshole since we left New York. I am really sorry about that.”

  This was the first time that she had heard him describe himself in such negative and graphic terms. She knew that his apology was meant to calm her but the wording of it only made her more concerned.

  “Is there something wrong Marcus? I can see that something is bothering you” Marcus avoided her question.

  “Lets go and get something to eat you must be hungry.”

  As soon as they stepped into the dining room Marcus stopped and took a good look around.

  “It’s not The Victoria Club, but it’s pretty nice.” Amanda’s eye had 229

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress also been struck by the room’s beauty and elegance.

  “Marcus you could almost fit the entire first floor of The Victoria Club in here. When they were seated Marcus began to converse with the waiter in Italian. The waiter turned to her and took her order in English.

  “Marcus I never knew that you spoke Italian.”

f course I speak Italian, I used to live here remember? What would you like to drink I will order it for you.”

  After their drinks had arrived she and Marcus went back to giving each other the silent treatment. Amanda took a look across the floor and noticed a woman staring at their table. She wasn’t so much staring at her as she was transfixed on Marcus. As far as Amanda was concerned she could have been air. The woman looked to be in her sixties and she was sitting in the middle of two well build young men that were in their twenties. Amanda kept her eyes focused on the woman as she stood up and made her way in the direction of where Amanda and Marcus were seated.

  “Marcus, I think that woman is heading for our table. Do you know her because she has been staring at you since we got here?” Marcus turned his head to look.

  “Yes I do know her.” By now the older woman was within a few steps of them.

  “Marcus Vipsainus Peterson, is that really you?” Marcus quickly got to his feet and gave her a quick bow of his head.

  “Countess, is that really you?! My luck could have not gotten any better.” He pulled out a chair for her to take a seat.

  “I knew that it had to be you Marcus. You are still as beautiful as when you were a young boy. Now look at you, all grown up and even more beautiful. Move back a few steps so I can get a good look at you” Marcus moved back a little so that she could see him better.

  “That’s it right under the chandelier. Now be a darling and turn around.” Marcus felt like a trained seal but her followed her direction.

  “Oh yes indeed, you have grown into an Adonis.” Marcus sat back down.

  “Countess I would like to introduce my girlfriend Amanda Wilcox.

  The two women shook hands and exchanged polite nods to each 230

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress other.

  “I am sorry to disturb you Miss. Wilcox, but I just had to come over and say hello to my old charge.” The Countess started to make her way back across the floor but stopped to ask Marcus.

  “Will you be going to the Coliseum?”

  “Yes we will.”

  “Would it be rude if I asked to come along?”

  “Of course not Countess we would be glad to have you.”

  The Countess walked back over to the table and kissed him on the cheek.

  “That’s my beautiful boy, still as courteous as ever. I am in room three twenty one. She turned and headed back to her table and the two young men.

  “Marcus is she really a Countess?”

  “Yes she is, her full name is Countess Elsa M. Davies. She and my grandmother were friends from way way back. When my grandmother had to leave town on school business the Countess would look after me. Sometimes her husband would also be there.”

  “Was he a Count?”

  “No, he was an English Earl.”

  “But Marcus she has an Italian accent not an English one.”

  “Pay attention Kid, there is nothing that money can’t buy. He had a title with no money, and she had a lot of money but no title. So they came to an agreement that was mutual to both of them. They got married and quickly found out that they hated each others guts, but stayed married for appearances sake. They manage to stomach each other for two months out of the year. After that he goes back to his mansion in England, and she stays here.” Amanda shifted her eyes to the Countess and then back to Marcus.

  “She sure doesn’t miss him that much does she, and she travels in very young company doesn’t she?” Marcus glanced at the Countess and her two young men.

  “If I remember correctly she always did. Like I told you her husband spends most of his time in England.”

  “He doesn’t mind it?”

  “I think that he prefers it.” After they had finished their meals. Marcus went to the front desk to inquire about what festivities the hotel 231

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress offered. As soon as he left Amanda could feel the Countess’ eyes start to focus on her. She lowered her head and tried to focus on the table’s center piece that was made out of white orchids. She hadn’t noticed that the Countess had made her way across the floor again and took a seat next to her. Amanda was startled and jumped at the sound of the woman’s voice.

  “It’s Miss Wilcox, isn’t it?”

  “Yes Countess.”

  The Countess pulled a cigarette out of her purse and placed it between her lips and started fumbling for a match. From across the floor one of her young men came rushing and holding a lighter in his hand. After lighting her cigarette he took the liberty of sitting down. The Countess took a long drag on her cigarette and exhaled the smoke into his face.

  “You weren’t invited to sit down, where are you manners? Go back over to my table and sit down until you are called for!”

  After giving her a sheepish grin he quickly made his way back across the floor and to her table. The Countess turned to Amanda.

  “They are good boys but they are not men yet, sometimes they forget their place. Tell me Miss. Wilcox, have you known him long, I mean Marcus?”

  “If you mean how long we have been seeing each other it has been almost seven months.” The Countess waved the roving bartender over and ordered a Shirley Temple. She kept her cigarette in her mouth as she took a sip and quickly put it down.

  “These things taste awful! I only order them because they remind me of my younger days. I seem to be addicted to young things as you can see. What can I say, I can’t help it!” Amanda had no idea how to answer the Countess as an uneasy quiet hovered over them.

  “He is unlike any other man that you have known, isn’t he?”

  “Yes Countess he is.”

  “I hear that he is quite rich and that he has done very well for himself like I always knew that he would. There was something in him that I could see that other children did not have. Even though he was only twelve years old I saw that he was going to be successful in whatever he did. Do you think that he might marry you? “ The question hit Amanda as if she had been struck by lighting. She tried 232

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress to compose herself by taking a sip of her drink.

  “I haven’t thought that far ahead.” The Countess quickly backtracked.

  “Don’t mind me, I don’t mean to be so intrusive.” Amanda was hoping that Marcus would return soon. A few minutes of silence tee-tered between them again before the Countess continued on.

  “Are you also a Coliseum fanatic? You know ever since he was a young boy Marcus has been intoxicated by and under the sway of anything that had to do with the place.”

  “No Countess, I really don’t know much about the Coliseum. His grandmother did happen to mention something about his drawings of the place.” The Countess’ brow wrinkled and she leaned closer to Amanda.

  “She only told you about the drawings? Well no matter I am sure that you will find out in time. There were times when he seemed to have a unnatural connection with the place. Like me he loves everything about the place. It does something to people, something that is hard to explain. You may not believe this but, I have known people who came to Rome just to visit the place. But after seeing it and standing in the presence of it’s historical power, gave up everything and moved to Rome just to be near it.

  That is the kind of power that it has. It sounds impossible and hard to believe, but I tell you no lies Miss. Wilcox.” Marcus sat back down just in time to relieve some of Amanda’s uneasiness.

  “Countess I see that you have joined us again.” She looked over at her two young men.

  “Would you mind it very much if I had my dinner sent over so that I could eat with you? Sometimes familiarity becomes such a bore. You don’t mind do you?”

  “No problem Countess, we will be glad to share our table with you.

  Marcus waved his waiter over and told him to have the Countess’

  food sent over to his table. The Countess leaned back in her chair and marveled over him again.

  “It’s good to see that you still have perfect command of the la

  But I would have never expected anything else from you. Now Marcus, this beautiful thing tells me that she has never been to the Coliseum. You haven’t even told her about it’s mystical powers or shown her your pictures or anything.”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress Marcus looked into Amanda’s face and tried to read her inner most thoughts.

  “I plan to Countess, I will explain it all.” Their waiter served them their food and quickly darted away.

  “Make sure that you do Marcus, it’s only fair. Now tell me what your grandmother is up to.” Marcus gave her an accounting of his grandmother doings and after that there was just small talk. The Countess extracted a promise from Marcus that he and Amanda would come and spend a day with her before they left.

  “Now don’t disappoint me Marcus, my villa is only ten miles outside of Rome. I am going to have some very important people come and meet you. I have been bragging about you for years and now I want them to meet you in the flesh.” Just as she was about to get up from the table. The other of her young men came up from behind her.

  “Countess, you told me to remind you when it was nine o’clock.” The Countess looked at him with contempt and sneered while looking at Marcus.

  “Lucky me! He can also tell time! Marcus, unlike you he isn’t good for anything else.” She turned to her young man and asked condescendingly.

  “Is there anything else that you are good for my sweet? We have a few seconds to listen.” The young man straightened up and glared at her while trying to hide his wounded male pride. The Countess let her stinging words linger for a few seconds before she softened her tone.

  “Don’t be so touchy my sweet, this beautiful child here used to be a ward of mine. You and what’s his name over there need not worry about him. He is not your competition, and it’s a lucky thing for you two that he isn’t! Now don’t forget Marcus to collect me when you are ready to visit the Coliseum.”

  Marcus stood up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “I won’t forget Countess, we will see you then.” She locked arms with the young man and tried to soothe his feelings.


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