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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

Page 31

by Earl Watson

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress him down. She shuttered with anticipation knowing that within a few hot seconds he would be behind her and putting his hard penis inside of her. She could feel the temperature within her body start to rise. She bent over just a little more and waited. She didn’t understand why he wasn’t already all over her.

  “Darling I can’t stand like this forever.” When she got no response she turned around to see that he had left the shower stall. She stood up and let the water hit her in the face as she stared at the wall. She dried off and put on one of the bra and panty sets that he had made for her. There was a weird silence in the room as she walked across the floor and got into bed. It was very apparent that his strange mood had returned again. His back was turned toward her as she laid down on her back trying to figure out what was happening. Without any warning Marcus rolled over on top of her and roughly pressed his mouth against hers. With an intensity that frightened her a little.

  He then put his hands behind her back and unfastened her bra and flung it onto the floor. His hands now were placed on her breasts with a firmness that he had never used before. Marcus removed his mouth from hers and clamped it onto one of her nipples and began to suck on it hard. He ran one of his hands down to her waist and began pulling her panties down. When they got caught between their bodies he used his other hand to pull them further down to her knees. Marcus then brought his foot up and used it to push her panties all the way over her ankles and onto the bed. He again covered her mouth with his while forcing his knees between her knees and causing her legs to open wider. Her arms reacted as if by rote as they lay listless across his back. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to have sex with him like this. She knew that if she asked him to stop he would have, but she didn’t. She could feel the large head of his penis start to push into her. But it had none of the gradual penetration that she was used to. Tonight he pushed as fast and as hard and as far as he could. The brute force of this sudden intrusion caused a slight pain to ripple thru her vagina but then quickly disappear. Her arms had now been prodded into action as they held on to him tight. He moved his hands underneath her buttocks and squeezed them hard while pulling her pelvic area harder against his. Amanda could feel the coolness of his scrotum as it banged against the lower part of her 243

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress backside. He seemed to be engrossed within a sexual, erotic delirium that was controlling him. He pounded against her with all of his power and fury. It took only a few more of his deep, violent thrusts before she felt a torrent of his angry passion explode inside of her.

  Just as suddenly as it began it stopped and he collapsed on top of her in exhaustion. She loosened her arms around his back and lay them at her side motionless. As her mind tried to understand where all of this sexual aggression had come from. Amanda didn’t know how she should respond to this new kind of love making. She didn’t have time to think long before he started again. This time he took both of her ankles and crossed them behind his back. This position allowed him to hold her in a steady firm position. He placed his legs between hers and spread his further apart. Thus causing her legs to also widen more and once again delivered all of him as far and as forceful into her as he could. But this time in spite of her mental confusion she gave herself over to his uncontrollable lust. She contorted her body into a half sitting position and held onto his iron forged biceps. She to could feel her body start to respond as it began to fill her vagina with the slow steady warmth of her secretions. Her sexual subcon-scious quickly cleared away any of it previous doubts as it readied her for the mountain of pleasure that was pushing her erotic engine forward. At the very second that she inched forward he met her with his final thrust. It caused their bodies to collide against each other like two wrecking balls meeting. She sought out his mouth and attacked it with the same amount of rough aggression that he had just attacked hers with. She was now lost in a total frenzy of her own lust and passion. She sucked on his tongue with the intent of devouring it whole. They had both reached their climax at the same time. The intense release that they both experienced caused them to become silent and still. With only the sound of their breathing spinning aimlessly around the room. Slowly she released his tongue from the suction from deep within her mouth. As they tumbled back down to earth. He opened his eyes and thought for a second he saw a hot sexual glow in hers. He released her legs from around his back and followed her as she fell backward onto the pillow. The beautiful feeling of pleasure that had just overtaken her was suddenly gone.

  She turned onto her side away from him and admitted to herself.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Tonight sex with him was totally physical. There was none of the tenderness and emotion that I have come to expect. Even though tonight was rougher and definitely more instinctive than our love making had ever been. I did really enjoy it because it was with him.

  But at the same time I am still disturbed by his sudden emotional detachment.”

  For Amanda the next four days that rounded out the week were sheer torture. Each day started with them picking up the Countess and going to the Coliseum. As hard as she tried she couldn’t understand how Marcus and the Countess could walk over the same ground every day. They would recite the same nuanced facts back to each other about every inch of the building hour after hour. Eventually it morphed into a game of them trying to stump each other on some silly piece of trivia. But as horrible as the days were the nights were even worse. For the last few nights after their rough passionate evening. Marcus hadn’t reached for her at all. Amanda got the feeling that he was going out of his way not too, claiming that he was too tired.

  Saturday arrived and brought with it a promise of a heavy downpour. By the time that Marcus and Amanda stepped into the Countess’ Rolls Royce, the skies had indeed opened up. True to her word she had planned a dinner party for him. The party would be attended by some of Rome’s most prominent and richest people. When they got to her front gate the security guard called the Countess, then opened the gate to let them pass. Marcus pointed out to Amanda the cobblestone path that the Countess had installed. It had cost her well over six million dollars and had been copied by all of the other villas in the area. The Rolls Royce ran along the cobblestone drive for about one hundred and fifty yards before it pulled up under a awning next to the house. A valet was waiting for them and opened the door. Marcus could see many of the other well dressed guests, running thru the pouring rain and getting soaked after their Limos dropped them off. He and Amanda were shown thru a side door and entered the house where the Countess was waiting.

  “I am so glad that you could come. I hope that you didn’t get wet.

  I left instructions that you were to park under the house awning so that you didn’t.”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Thank you Countess, we didn’t even get a drop on us. But I can’t say the same for your other guests.” The Countess waved her hand casually thru the air.

  “Who cares about them? You are the only one that matters. If they got soaked they can dry themselves off with their money. Or better still they can have their servants do it. Now come along I want to show the two of you off.” She took them by the hand and lead them into a well lit ballroom. They followed her quick heavy steps as she took them into the center of the floor. The Countess put her hands over her head and gave a few quick claps.

  “Silence! Silence! All of you imposters, frauds, and hell raisers. I demand your complete attention. I am going to introduce you to a young man who was once a charge of mine. He has since moved to America and made his fortune. He may not be as rich as some of you but he is definitely more beautiful and talented. Standing by his side is his girlfriend Miss. Amanda Wilcox. If any of you have any idea about fashion, you must know that she is the leading designer in New York City, and has shops in Paris, Milan and I am sure that she will have one here soon. By the end of the evening I expect each and every one o
f you to take her card and place a very generous order for a few outfits. The ladies can buy some for themselves. The men can buy something for their wives, girlfriends or they can buy something to wear themselves. It wouldn’t surprise me by looking at this group!

  I already know that I can depend on you to do this. Because I also know that there might come a time in the future that you may need to depend on me! Amanda if you don’t have a card write your information down on a napkin and have them pass it around. Anyone who doesn’t pony up by the end of the night I want to know about it.”

  She then led them under two giant sized blazing white chandeliers, whose light touched down against a soft white marble floor. Marcus looked around and took notice of how the room was decorated. The Countess had decked it out in a Roman theme. In the back of the room were twenty white columns that were replicas of the ones that surrounded the Coliseum. Between the spaces of the columns were wide strips of purple silk that went from the floor to the ceiling.

  In front of all of this was a table that was in the shape of a horse-246

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress shoe that was covered with a thick purple table cloth. Dotted around this table was thirty to forty smaller tables covered with white table cloths. All of the tables had settings with sterling silver and crystal. They were about to take their seats at the horseshoe table when Marcus turned to the Countess.

  “Countess what is all of this? You know how I hate such fanfare like this.”

  She pinched his Cheek.

  “Don’t begrudge an old woman a little fun, I get so little of it these days. I am only making up for all of the time that I haven’t seen you and been able to spoil you. Now stop fussing and being so ungrateful before I put you over my knee and give you a spanking.” The Countess seated them in the middle of the horseshoe table and took a seat next to him. The rest of the twenty plus chairs at the table were empty. The Countess picked up a silver fork and a crystal water glass and whispered to Amanda and Marcus.

  “Watch them come running like lap dogs.” She banged the fork against the crystal and it’s clang echoed around the room.

  “Alright all of you free loaders, you may take your seats.”

  In the blink of an eye the horse shoe table as well as the others were instantly filled. She gave a knowing wink at her two special guests.

  From out of the kitchen marched an group of twenty waiters and waitresses that covered all the tables with water, hor’s d’oeuvres, and took orders for drinks.

  “Marcus I hope that you don’t mind but I am going to deprive you of this beautiful creature for awhile. I promise that we won’t be long and you are more than able to handle this low class bunch.” Marcus rolled his eyes at her.

  “You can’t fool me Countess. You want to be alone with her so that you can talk about me.” She took a fork and hit him on his knuckles.

  “Stop being so fresh! What I am going to talk to her about is none of your business, and stop thinking that the whole planet wakes up in the morning with your name on their lips! Don’t you dare come looking for us either! We are two grown women and we will return when we return!” The Countess took Amanda’s hand and walked across the white marble floor and began mounting a wrought iron staircase that took them up to the second floor.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Come this way Amanda I want to show you something.”

  She walked Amanda down a long hallway with white marble floors and whose walls were covered in red velvet. They stopped in front of a set of white shiny wooden double doors.

  The Countess turned the handle and the doors opened outward.

  Behind the doors was a veranda that extended five feet away from the house. From this vantage point Amanda could see the entire countryside that surrounded the place. Even thru the pouring rain she could see the lush green grass and the fruit trees planted on the rolling hills that covered the entire estate. Amanda stepped out on the veranda and stretched out her hand to let the pouring rain splash over it.

  “Isn’t it lovely my dear?”

  “Yes Countess, it’s beautiful and thank you for showing it to me, thank you so very much.”

  “I just wish that you could have seen it under an orange sun as it dipped below the tree tops. Now let me show you the other rooms.”

  She showed Amanda three very large Victorian styled bedrooms with each one being more ornate than the other.”

  “My bedroom is at the end of the hall, we can talk in there. But first I have to deal with a few unpleasant preliminaries.” She opened up the doors to a storage room and her two young men jumped to their feet.

  Each had the look of alarm and fright on their faces. The Countess called them out harshly.

  “What have you two been up to now? Don’t bother to answer, it most likely be a lie anyway.” She looked at Amanda with a look of disgust on her face.

  “They have been very very naughty boys so I had to banish them from human company. They are forbidden to leave this storage room for a month. There will be no television, phone calls, even my servants are under orders not to speak to them!”

  “Countess, what did they do?”

  “Murder, that is what they have done! They have killed a sweet innocent little dog.” Amanda covered her mouth and moved back in horror.

  “What! Why?” The Countess now became condescending with her words dripping with venom off of her tongue.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “But here is the best part Miss. Wilcox. It took both of these tough, manly, homicidal cretins to get up the nerve to do it! I can only assume that one of them couldn’t do it by himself. My friend Madam Cerillo came to visit me yesterday and as always she brought along her pet poodle. That was only five months old and she took him everywhere. While she was outside in the garden with me. These two decided that they would have some fun at her expense. They decided to hide her dog in the oven in my kitchen, and she would have to find it when she came inside. But we stayed in the garden for a few hours. Being the geniuses that they are they forget about the dog after they ate and took a nap. When they finally remembered a few hours later the poor thing had died of fright. Dear Madam Creillo was heartbroken with grief. I was mortified and totally embarrassed that such a thing could happen in my house. It’s the most monstrous thing that they have ever done. At the end of their month of impris-onment I will have to make a decision to have them leave for good or not.” During the entire time that the Countess was telling the story her two men were standing erect with their heads bowed.

  “Look at them Amanda! Trying to make you believe that they have an ounce of remorse in them!! Yes their hair is blond and their eyes are blue but their hearts are pitch black.” She pulled Amanda out of the way.

  “Alright you angels from Hell, out you go. You may use the first bedroom to wash and relieve yourselves. If I am of the mind I might send you up something to eat. Remain in the first bedroom until I say otherwise.” The two young men hurried past Amanda and the Countess with their heads still bowed toward the first bedroom. The Countess and Amanda made their way into the Countess’ bedroom.

  The Countess showed Amanda to a blue soft leather chair and she sat down. The Countess opened the curtains and then lit up a cigarette.

  “I wish that it wasn’t such a dark and gloomy day. I hope that our conversation won’t be. The first thing that I want to do is apologize for taking up so much of Marcus’ time.”

  “It’s alright Countess, I don’t mind.”

  “Rubbish, of course you do....I would. I can see that you are madly and hopelessly in love with him and you don’t want to share him 249

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress with anyone or anything, even if it’s the Coliseum. I always wondered what kind of woman that he would choose to marry.

  “But Countess he hasn’t asked me to marry him.”

  “Not yet, but he will.”

  “He hasn’t even told me that he loves me.” Th
e Countess’ voice and her face became grave and direct.

  “That may take awhile, whether he asks you to marry him or not.

  This is a very lovely room isn’t it?”

  “Yes it is.” Amanda got out of the chair and made her way over to where the Countess was standing at the window.

  “Countess, this is a very lovely place but I don’t think that you bought me up here to admire your estate and your room” The Countess nodded her head slowly and looked thru the cigarette smoke and hard into Amanda’s eyes.

  “I can see that you are quite perceptive, he likes perceptive women.”

  The Countess sat down in a chair and bade Amanda to resume her seat in the soft blue leather one.

  “I have been married for some time but I don’t have any children.

  Marcus is the closest thing that I could ever think of as being my very own child. I was born into wealth and privilege and could have easily afforded a whole army of children if I wanted them. But I was selfish. I never wanted to share anything with anyone, least of all myself.” The Countess put out her cigarette and quickly lit up another and took a long slow drag.

  “The very first time that his grandmother asked me to watch him it was to be for only a few hours. Well....a few hours turned into a lifetime. Sometimes a woman just has a feeling for a child and it doesn’t matter if it is her’s or not. It’s something that you can’t explain but when it happens you just know it. To me he was God’s perfect child.

  I am not talking about his beauty because he was also smart, honest, loyal, and dutiful. He taught me how to be, unselfish. The only thing that God didn’t give him was a mother. When it came to that he got a whoring, evil, drug using, hard drinking bitch! Over time he trusted me enough to tell me some of the things that she did to him, and let other people do to him. Things that not even his grandmother knew about. She knew some things but not everything that he told me. He wanted to spare her that pain.” With the cigarette now just 250


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