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Sage's Story [The Town of Pearl 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Why the hell would they hold on to cell phones?” he asked.

  “To get more names, potential product. Sage’s pictures were all over the photos on that phone.”

  He was silent a moment. “Get the photos off there, only of Sage, and send them to me.”

  “You’ll love them. There’s one when she’s wearing this tiny pink bikini. The woman has a golden body.”

  He grunted angrily. “Keep your eyes off my fucking woman. She’s special. She’s the one, and when I have her and take her out of this fucking country, no one will ever be able to take her away from me.”

  “You’re still considering leaving? After all these years running this operation?” Rye asked him.

  “Ten years of this is enough for me. I swore after retiring from the military that I would take some time to relax, and wouldn’t go back to the life I led before enlisting.”

  “But the salary for a soldier is shit,” Rye said and chuckled.

  The fuckhead hadn’t a clue about serving one’s country. He was an opportunist.

  “That was years ago. But now that I found her, I don’t need to continue. I’ve got plenty of money and resources to evade being captured. Eventually these town people will forget about Sage. I’ll make it so that they think she’s dead. It’s gonna cost me, but it will be worth it in the end. Now, get me those pictures and be sure to eliminate those three assholes who nearly fucked up the operation. Call the guys in Houston. They know how not to fuck up.”

  * * * *

  Dale was lying in bed next to Sage. She had moaned and groaned throughout the night. She even jerked a few times as if she were fighting off her attacker in her dreams. Dale cuddled closer. The others were downstairs, trying to aid in the investigation and help to find Amanda and the other four women. Lena was at the bed-and-breakfast after offering rooms to the Federal agents now involved to stay at during the investigative process. They were using Pearl as their main headquarters, along with the sheriff’s department. At least it kept the other members of the community feeling safe.

  Men were being extra cautious of their women, and those women who weren’t in a relationship were taken under the protection of the deputies and men of Pearl. It was a close-knit community, so they all felt that they were doing their best to keep it safe.

  Dale caressed Sage’s cheek, and stared at her battered face. Her bruised cheek was now discolored, and her chin had two thin scabs on it. She lay on her side with her bandaged arm resting in front of her on the sheets. Only thirty minutes ago, Virgo was there, but he went downstairs to check with the others for any updates.

  Dale thought about how they all made love to her on Sunday, and how desperate he felt to possess her in the shower, and mark her his woman. It was so caveman-like, a prehistoric way of thinking, but that was how much he wanted and adored her. She had been through enough as a kid in Detroit, and she shouldn’t be dealing with something like this now, too.

  He thought about how angry he had gotten with her, and that he should have followed his gut and made her stay with them instead of allowing her to go to Dallas. He thought it was just him being a macho jerk. Hell, he feared she would think he was a macho jerk, who wanted control and power over her. That kind of behavior would not suffice for Sage. She was educated, empowered, and that was why she was with them right now. She saved her own life.

  She moaned softly and then jerked, rolling to her back. Her eyes shot open.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. You’re okay,” he told her, holding her by her shoulders. He leaned halfway over her so she wouldn’t bang up her injured arm.

  Her lips parted. She was breathing heavy as she blinked her eyes and then cringed a little.

  “Sore?” he asked, and she nodded. She closed her eyes tight, and when she opened them again, a tear rolled down her cheek.

  “Anything on Amanda?” she asked, and it tore at his heart. How would she deal with it, how would anyone in this town deal with it, if Amanda turned up dead?”

  “Nothing yet, baby. They’re still working on it.”

  She nodded her head and then tried to turn away from him. He maneuvered firmer against her, and between her legs.

  “You’re safe, Sage. That’s what I’m trying to focus on right now. Having you here in my arms, knowing what you went through, God, baby, I was so scared.” He leaned forward and kissed her softly on her good cheek.

  When her hands came up to embrace his cheeks, he felt the emotions fill his heart.

  “I couldn’t wait to see you guys. I don’t think I’ve really processed everything that’s going on. I want to help. I want to do anything I can to help find Amanda.”

  He leaned down and kissed her softly.

  “We’ll talk about it later. The guys will be coming in and out of here.”

  She tilted her head up toward him indicating that she wanted him to kiss her again, and he did. He kissed her deeply and she opened her thighs wider, wrapped her legs around his midsection, and thrust her hips against him.

  He moved his mouth from her lips to her neck.

  “I need you, Sage.”

  She ran her fingers through hair and pressed him lower against her breast.

  “I need you, too. I want to feel you inside of me.”

  His cock instantly hardened beneath his boxers as he trailed kisses along her breast spending extra time to lick and nibble on her nipple before equally exploring her other breasts. Sage thrust her hips against his cock, and he lifted up to look down at her naked body.

  He placed his hands on her hips and then moved his palms back and forth up her ribs to her breasts then back down to her inner thighs.

  “You’re gorgeous, Sage. You’re everything I could have ever fantasized about.”

  “You’re perfect, too, Dale.” She reached up with her good hand and ran her palm up and down his muscular chest. He felt it penetrate his skin. Her compassion and her femininity fed his hunger to make love to her. She lifted up to remove his boxers and then lowered to his belly. She reached for his head and widened her thighs immediately, knowing that he wanted to taste her sweet cream. She was so responsive and passionate.

  He loved her taste. He loved hearing her soft purrs as he pleasured her. He enjoyed the feel of her luscious skin as he used his fingers to spread her ass cheeks apart before he licked her from anus to cunt.

  “Oh God, Dale, that feels so good.”

  He did it a second time, so she widened her legs and shivered under his perusal.

  “Yes, more,” she told him.

  Dale reached under her to press a finger to her as he lifted up, spreading her thighs over his bent knees. She was wide and open for his exploration.

  “I want to fuck this ass. I want to be inside of you everywhere.”

  “Oh God!” She moaned and her cream dripped down over his finger that stroked her ass. He pulled out and she gasped. “Don’t stop,” she told him, as he swiped his finger against the cream using it to lubricate her anus. He pressed a thumb up into her ass and she pushed down on his digit.

  “That’s it, baby. Just like that. God, Sage, you should see how beautiful you look.”

  “I can see how beautiful she looks from here,” Quaid stated as he entered the room, shucking his clothes and joining them on the bed. “Good morning, sweetness.” Quaid leaned down and kissed Sage on the mouth.

  Dale smiled. “Look at her,” he said, and Quaid licked across her nipple and then caressed a hand down her belly to her pussy.

  “Oh God, I can’t take it. Do something,” she told them.

  “I am doing something. I’ve got my finger in this hot, tight ass of yours, baby, and I want to see Quaid play with that needy cunt. You need it, don’t you, sweetness?” Dale asked her.

  “Yes, yes, touch me, please. I feel so crazy.”

  “Holy shit, I’m so fucking hard,” Quaid said as he held her gaze and maneuvered his fingers into her cunt.

  Sage tried to pull her thighs together but in this position, with her le
gs spread wide over Dale’s thick thighs, she couldn’t move. They had complete control over her.

  “How’s this, Sage?” Quaid asked, as he slowly rubbed his fingers back and forth over her pussy lips but didn’t push fully into her.

  “More. More.” She swatted at his arm. They both chuckled.

  “I think she needs cock,” Dale whispered.

  “Oh,” she moaned and shivered.

  “I think she needs two cocks,” Quaid countered and then pressed his finger up into her pussy.

  “Yes. Do it. I want you both,” she told them.

  Quaid leaned down and suckled her breast and then covered her mouth to kiss her. She thrust upward against Quaid’s finger and then down against Dale’s.

  “We need you, too. Together,” Dale said.

  Quaid pulled his finger from her pussy and rolled to his back. Dale gently pulled his fingers from her ass and lifted her up and on top of Quaid. She immediately took him inside of her.

  “Holy shit, baby, slow down,” Quaid said.

  “I can’t. I feel so wild and needy. I need it. I need both of you. I want to try it,” she told Dale.

  Dale smiled and then walked over to the side dresser and pulled out a brand-new tube of lube he’d purchased Monday morning after she’d left on the bus for Dallas. His chest tightened as he thought about losing her. They could have lost her forever.

  He moved back toward her and caressed her back. He kissed her shoulder. “Nice and slow, baby.”

  He squeezed some lube onto his finger and then to Sage’s ass. She bucked on top of Quaid and he pulled her down so he could kiss her. The move opened Sage up for Dale’s invasion. Her plump, round ass and rose-pink hole calling for his cock made him feel super hard. He placed one hand on her hip and then held his cock in his hand and slowly pressed the tip against her anus.

  “I’m coming in, baby. Relax those muscles and trust us to take care of your needs.” She moaned even though Quaid was still kissing her, his arm wrapped around her arm and over her back, exciting Dale even more.

  He pressed through the tight rings slowly, until Sage pushed back. “Easy, baby, I don’t want to hurt you. You’re so tight and small. Fuck, baby, this is torture.” He pressed deeper, pulled slightly out and then stroked into her again. Three more times and finally he was fully inside of her and he released a long breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus, woman. You’re a temptation beyond a fantasy,” Quaid told her. “Move, Dale. I won’t last long.”

  “Oh God, it feels so tight. I feel something. Oh God, what is that?”

  “Don’t you come yet, baby. Let us love you,” Dale told her and then eased back and to thrust into her. Quaid began to move, too, and both men took turns thrusting into her pussy and ass. Sage moaned and gasped for air.

  “Oh God, it’s closer, it’s right there. I feel it. Please, more. Move faster,” she begged. Dale and Quaid couldn’t hold back.

  Her words and her pleas for more egged them on. In and out they moved in sync. Thrusting, stroking, and pounding into her body as deep as they could get. Quaid grunted and thrust upward, holding her hips in place as he climaxed. “Oh, Sage. I love you, Sage. I fucking love you.”

  She fell to his chest and held on to him, spreading her thighs wider as Dale gripped her ass and stroked his cock in and out of her anus. That sight and the sounds of her moans made him lose control. She screamed her release and he roared his own, shaking, feeling himself lose focus a moment as he filled her with his seed.

  “Fuck, baby. Damn,” he said and then calmed his breathing as he lowered to kiss her neck. “I love you, sweetness. I love you so fucking much.”

  “I love you both, too,” she whispered, with her cheek against Quaid’s chest, and her eyes closed.

  “What’s going on in here?” Virgo asked, entering the room.

  Dale slowly pulled from her ass and Virgo’s eyes widened. Dale could see the excitement and the surprise on Virgo’s face.

  “Just loving our woman. Want to join in?” he asked.

  Virgo walked over to the bed as Dale pulled on his boxers and Quaid slowly rolled Sage to her side, pulling his cock from her pussy, making them both moan softly.

  “She should be resting,” Virgo said, taking a seat on the bed. He caressed his hand along her hip, over her belly to her breast. He cupped and squeezed one and then the other. Sage reached up and cupped his cheek. “I missed you,” she told him.

  Virgo looked so serious all of a sudden, and Sage recognized the look immediately.

  “Virgo, what is it?”

  She sat up, and climbed onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her body.

  “I just can’t get over the fact that I almost lost you.”

  She immediately wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him on the mouth. Dale smiled at Quaid as they exited the room, giving Virgo and Sage some time alone. They all loved her, and were scared. He just wondered what Matt would do when he finally came down from his military command mode and got to hold Sage in his arms and know that she was safe and sound.

  * * * *

  “This is great news. To track these fuckers’ cell phones is a plus. Can we narrow down an area where they’re holding these women?” Matt asked the one Federal agent he knew, Mark Santos.

  “That’s what we’re hoping for. I got multiple units and SWAT at a location now. Our sources say there are about ten women in this warehouse in Houston,” he told Matt.

  “God, I hope they’re still alive. I pray that Amanda and the Porter girl are safe. Is there anything else you need from me now?” Matt asked, wanting to get back to Sage. But he felt like he needed time to cool off after everything that happened. He shouldn’t have let her leave that day. He should have followed his gut. But this relationship was too new. He’d never felt like this before, since there were no previous examples to fall back on.

  “I think we’re good. Your connections sure did help us a lot. I’ll call you as soon as I get word on the warehouse raid.”

  “I appreciate that.” Matt shook his hand.

  “Now get home to take care of that woman of yours. She’s a tough one. I saw the video surveillance tape. Definitely a keeper.”

  Matt held a serious expression. “Yeah, I’m still trying to come to grips with that tape.”

  “Hey, her training saved her life. Be thankful, hold her in your arms, and tell her how much you love her. You almost lost that chance.”

  Mark was right. He did almost lose that chance, and the tightness in his chest told him it was time to get over his control trip and to just be with Sage, and let all the anger, the fear, and lack of control with what happened to her, go. She was here, in Pearl, alive and well and with his cousins and brother.

  He headed home, with a heavy heart, and a need so great, his chest actually hurt.

  * * * *

  Virgo carried Sage into the bathroom and set her down on a towel on the counter.

  “Let me wrap this up for you, so we don’t wet the bandage.”

  She stared at him. He could feel her eyes on him as he made quick work of wrapping the bandages up with plastic wrap and taped it.

  She had lifted up his shirt and he helped her pull it off of him.

  She stared at his chest, and then ran the palms of her hands down his chest to his belt buckle.

  “You have so many muscles, Virgo. You’re very big and sexy.”

  He helped her undo his pants and he stepped out of them and his boxers.

  He held his cock in his hand and stroked it. She blushed.

  “I can’t wait to make love to you, Sage. You have no idea how crazy I feel right now.”

  She reached for him and pressed her body against his as she hugged him.

  “I do. I do know how you feel. I’m shaking I need you so badly. This can’t be normal. To love you guys so much, so soon. But I do. I love you, Virgo.”

  He squeezed her tight and carried her into the shower. He couldn’t spe
ak. He couldn’t say a word right now because the emotions were so strong, so deep, he thought he could actually cry. What a fucking sissy thing to show the woman he loved.

  They stepped under the spray and he pressed her against the shower wall. Her legs tightened against his sides, as she straddled his hips.

  “Virgo? Are you okay?” she asked him. She cupped his cheeks when he wouldn’t look at her, and she forced him to lock gazes with her. When she did, he knew she could see the emotion, the love in his eyes. Hell, he was grateful they were in the shower in case he did break down and cry. He loved her that fucking much.

  “Oh, Virgo. I know. It’s okay. I know. Just make love to me. I need you inside of me. It’s what we both need.”

  He was grateful she was so perfect. He adored her compassion, her understanding, and her honesty. She didn’t force the issue or make him bare his soul and he loved her more for that.

  He eased back, aligned his cock with her pussy as he held her gaze, and stroked slowly into her. “I love you, Sage. Always.” He covered her mouth and kissed her deeply, as he made love to her in the shower. Sage gripped his shoulders as their lips parted, and she countered his thrusts. Slowly, deeply they made love, holding one another’s gazes, as the water cascaded over their bodies. Her breasts pressed against his chest and he used his hands to hold her in place by her ass cheeks as he lowered deeper, sinking further into her depths. Sage moaned and grunted, then closed her eyes and gasped, as she tightened on his cock and then exploded with orgasm. He sunk somehow further, deeper into her, rubbing against her inner muscles as he followed with his own climax.

  He hugged her tight and then kissed her again. There was no need for words. He showed and poured all his emotions into her just as she did with him.

  * * * *

  Matt walked into the bedroom after speaking with Dale and Quaid about their time with Sage and update on her injuries and state of mind. He knew she was worried about Amanda, and he didn’t want to give her false hope that this raid the feds were doing could save some women’s lives. He needed to focus on Sage and the fact that he had the opportunity to love her and hold her in his arms forever. Other men, other people lost that chance because of these ruthless, slimeball men and their exploitation of innocent women.


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