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Page 10

by Unknown

  And then it happened. I knew it would, it was just a matter of time. If it were me, I wouldn’t have waited so long to ask. No, I’d have been all up in his grill at the first opportunity about it. So, I can’t say I wasn’t prepared for his questions.

  “Liz,” Carlton said, “can I ask you a personal question?”

  “Of course, Carlton. You can ask me anything.” I wanted to be an open book, I just wasn’t sure he was going to like the story he found inside. But, if this relationship could ever move past all this, I had to be honest with him.

  “What is it with you and Benton? I mean, what’s the hold he has on you?”

  I hesitated and drew in a long breath, “I wouldn’t say it was a hold on me, per se. Really, it was more a matter of him knowing which button to push and which one to massage.”

  “Well that sounds intriguing. Go on.”

  “You have to promise not to get upset, Carlton.” I scoured his face for signs of disturbance.

  “I think I can handle it,” he said with his unusual confidence.

  “We grew up together. Hell, we dated for eleven years. He was everything to me. He pushed me when I needed it; he was always there to pick up the pieces. And when my parents died, he attended to my every need.”

  His nostrils showed a flare of jealousy, “so what changed all that? He cheated on you?”

  “I wouldn’t call it cheating, really. We had sort of an understanding.”

  “Sounds complicated,” Carlton said, rubbing the back of my neck. “And this understanding?”

  “He’s from a very, very wealthy and powerful family. Being a lawyer wasn’t a desire, it was a requirement. And he’ll probably practice for one year, be made a partner in his father’s firm, and four or five years later obtain a Judgeship. Then he’ll sit on the bench for ten years or so, and then retire, just like his father and grandfather.”

  “Sounds like a pretty good arrangement,” Carlton said, “for him. But where does the hold he has on you come from?”

  “There’s more. A man like Benton Frazier will want for nothing. He’ll have the ‘Stepford’ trophy wife, which he’ll come home to every weekend. And during the week he’ll stay at his Broad Street condo with several different women.”

  “Wow,” Carlton said. “Maybe I did underestimate him.”

  “But Benton has a nasty twist…”

  I didn’t realize I had stopped talking until Carlton shook my shoulder. My mind had drifted back to the many expectations Benton had for me.

  “And?” he asked.

  “Benton was into more of the Dom/Sub thing.”


  “Bondage, whips, handcuffs, spanking, shall I go on?” He knew what I was talking about. I’d seen his room, but I needed to cover my tracks and keep that exploration on the hush-hush. That closet wasn’t filled with kiddie toys, after all. In fact, I was glad it was coming out in the open. Now maybe I could get the full tour from him.

  He shook his head mildly, “I see. I can see you being the trophy wife, but I don’t see you putting up with someone womanizing in front of you.”

  “Yep, that’s pretty much where I drew the big red line too. I have this insane fantasy that once I find the right man then we can dispense of the condoms. With Benton, that was never going to be an option. As a matter of fact I couldn’t figure out how we were going to get the two and a half kids he wanted,” I smirked at the private joke that Palmer and I had so often laughed about.

  “So he wanted you to be his slave? That’s why you left him?”

  “No. That’s not it.” I swallowed hard, as this was going to be a rough and rocky ride.

  “So why did you leave?”

  “I wasn’t fond the womanizing. But I’d been so grateful and blinded by what I thought was love I’d have done anything for him. And…”

  “And what, Liz?”

  Well, here goes nothing. Either I’ll get a VIP tour of his room, or booted out the door. The next few minutes would determine it all. “And I did.”

  “Did what?”

  “You really gonna make me say it? Okay, fine!” I was raising my voice, and not even sure why. “I did whatever he wanted. I was his complete submissive, tending to each and every whim that came into his head.”

  “And you didn’t mind?”

  “I swear Benton had me believing that it was a normal relationship. I thought they were all supposed to be like that! After I realized my naiveté, I figured, what the hell. Once you’ve opened the box, you can’t return it, right?”

  “Is that the kind of relationship you want from me, Liz?” His eyes glistened with… what was that? Hope?

  I nodded attentively, “I’m not going to deny it, Carlton. I like it. At first I thought it was a means of escape, you know handing over all power to someone else for a little while? Then I met you. I realized that I’d never truly wanted to give myself to anyone before now.”

  Carlton squeezed my hand tightly and looked deep into my eyes, “I think it’s fairly safe to say that you can absolutely forget every single thing that prick Benton taught you. I’ll dominate you Liz, but only out of the intense love I feel for you and nothing else. I’d never touch you in anger or force you to do anything you are uncomfortable with. One thing you can jot down in the family Bible is that condoms will have no part in our relationship. Anyone who touches you will be issued a rock pile at the bottom of the Hudson. And I assure you that no other woman than you could ever satisfy me.”

  I thought about his words, about the pain I still carried with past memories. Desperately I wished my mother were here. She’d died of a broken heart after Dad passed; he was her everything. Somewhere up in Heaven they were raising champagne glasses and toasting the fact that their only daughter had finally found the man of her dreams. I stood on my tip toes and kissed his lips, “Well, you do owe me a spanking at least, Carlton. Or shall I call you… Master?”


  I sat alone on his couch while Carlton excused himself. I was half elated with expectation, and half scared that he had no idea what kind of monster he was getting ready to release. Nevertheless, I’d made my mind up that since I jumped off the cliff, the only way I was leaving this apartment was either after two days of incredible sex, or being dragged out in a straight jacket kicking and screaming. Oh how I hoped for incredible sex!

  I turned off the lights, and removed all my clothing. I grabbed his tie he so carelessly left on the coffee table and walked towards the window, completely naked. The Manhattan skyline was brimming with activity as I peered down at the people in the street. I dropped to my knees, sat back on my heels and tied his silk tie around my head, cutting off all visual capabilities. It was a shame not to be able to see, but somehow it made submission easier. I placed my hands behind my back, and locked my fingers together just as he’d instructed me to do. Here I would sit until he returned. Hopefully, my silhouette in front of the window would show my complete submission. I so wanted this to work for us.

  I was beginning to wonder if he’d forgotten about me, but perhaps the quiet time was more therapeutic than I imagined. It was a tremendous leap of faith, exposing not only my body, but my soul. He’d said to forget everything I knew about BDSM; he needed for me to start fresh with him. His form of sexual play would be centered on his immense love for me, and he hoped that my submission would mimic my love for him. No longer would sex be used as an escape from reality. From now on, it was only to provide pleasure to one another.

  “Liz?” he called out as he entered the room. I could hear his bare feet on the hardwood floors. Thank God he removed his socks.

  “Here, Master,” I said in the most sexual voice I had.

  “My goodness, Liz. You are lovely.” As his footsteps got louder, I could almost feel his body heat against my shoulder. “You are not only my first submissive, Liz Martin, but you are my last. You are the one I choose forever.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “I have a gift for you to show
that you are mine. Will you wear my collar?”

  “Yes Master!” I bolstered. He leaned over me and fumbled with the necklace. I couldn’t see it, but my hands flew to my neck to check its size and stature. I’d assumed collars were leather, this felt very much like a solid diamond chain! I was anxious to see it!

  I felt him stand back and assess me, “It’s perfect! I knew it would be! There is no need to ever remove it do you understand? If it must be removed for any reason, only I can do it.”

  “I understand, Master,” I smiled brightly below my blindfold. “Master?” I asked quietly.

  “What is it Liz?” his voice was strong and masculine above me.

  “Can I look at it?” I wanted so badly to see it around my neck. To look at it and know that it was a symbol of our love, a symbol that I belonged only to Carlton Michaud.

  “You have the rest of your life to look at it. But I’ll tell you, it’s a diamond eternity chain. When I locked it on you, the clasp became invisible. You couldn’t find it if you tried. The diamonds encompass your neck so gracefully, darling. But never under estimate its daintiness and beauty because it was its strength that convinced me to buy it. It will never fail you.”

  I nodded, “Thank you, Master.” I was touched beyond my wildest imagination. Clearly he’d gone to great lengths to find the right token for our bond.

  “Very well. Any questions before we start?”

  “I need a ‘safe’ word, Master.”

  “Right! Umm…”

  “May I suggest, Jargon, Master?”

  “Jargon! Right. Jargon it is.”

  “Are you sure about this? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Master, I give myself to you, one hundred percent. You cannot hurt me. Do as you wish, Master.”

  His firm hand around my upper arm showed his ability to dominate me, I just wasn’t sure he knew it. He pulled me over to the couch, pushing me over the arm so that my ass was in the air. My arms spread out in front of me, bracing for whatever he had in mind. He paced back and forth, and for the longest time I thought he’d lost the nerve. I could see I would have to ease him into this. “Spank me, Master?” I asked. “Spank your little slut?”

  His hand came down across my left cheek. It wasn’t hard, in fact barely a tap. He massaged my buttock before drawing his hand back and swatting me again, this time a little harder. “This what you like, Liz?”

  “It’s customary that you call me something like slut, or whore. And yes, Master, I love it! Harder.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said.

  I could just imagine his chocolately brown eyes as wide as possible as he watched me turn into a little slut right before his very eyes. “You won’t hurt me, Master. Harder, please!”

  Smack! His hand came down sharply, much harder than before. I let a gentle moan escape my lips as he slapped my other cheek. “Yes, Master. Yes!”

  “You like that, slut?”

  “Ohhhh yes, Master. More.”

  His hand came down even harder, and with each and every smack my ass almost rose into the air to meet his touch. As my cheeks were surely turning red, the sting gave way to a muted buzz, making me feel completely alive. I was certain that my pussy was dripping wet juices down the arm of his sofa.

  Smack, his hand came down once again, this time even harder. I could only picture him naked, his huge cock swinging between those gorgeous thighs as he whipped me into submission. I felt his hands spread my cheeks as he bent down and kissed my warm red skin. Oh my God, I thought. It was all I could to hold my orgasm. His nose was buried near my ass as he drove his tongue into my wet pussy. I loved every fucking second of it.

  “Oh God,” I screamed. “May I come, Master?” The words were there, although I’m not sure they were in the right order. He didn’t say a thing; he just kept driving his incredible tongue in and out of me, licking my lips and driving me straight to insanity. His fingers pushed inside my pussy as he licked my ass. “Please, Master. May I come?” This time I was nearly begging for mercy, the struggle to hold my orgasm within me was nearly painful.

  Finally he stood up and slapped his cock against my ass. “Mmmm,” I moaned. His hot thick cock twitched across my ass as he ran the head up and down my slit. I was certain that every inch of his cock was coated with my pussy juice, and I hoped he’d slam it into me and quick. Although I knew I wouldn’t last a minute if he did.

  I dug my finger nails into the cushion of his couch and pressed my bright red ass in the air. “Please, Master. Fuck me!”

  He didn’t need my encouragement as he slid his entire length inside without hesitation. He kneaded my rosy cheeks as he slowly dipped in and out, driving me to the brink of my orgasm. “Please, Master. May I come?”

  “You wanna come, slut?”

  “Yes, Master!”

  “Then come!” he said, burying his cock to my hilt.

  My body responded, flooding the arm of his sofa as I shuttered through the most glorious orgasm I’d ever experienced. My eyes fluttered beneath the blindfold, and my fingers were white with my grip. But the rest of me was entranced with his body. The blindfold had made me keenly aware of his balls slapping against my behind, his cool thighs against the backs of mine registered in the list of senses that were overflowing inside me. I rocked back and forth against him, letting my orgasm roll lavishly through me. He’d given me no further instructions, so I took my time, enjoying his masculinity inside me.

  When my breaths finally slowed, he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to my feet, spinning me around and pulling me into his chest. My hard nipple pushed into his hot flesh as he pushed my shoulders down, forcing me to my knees in front of him. I wished he would just rip the tie off my eyes so I could see him. He grabbed my jaw and said, “Open your mouth!”

  He didn’t have to twist my arm. Hell, my mouth was already partially open. I opened it as wide as possible as he forced his cock past my lips and into the back of my throat. “Suck it,” he said. “Clean up the mess you left on my dick!”

  I sucked it as hard as I could, slamming my nose deep into the curly hairs at the base as he fucked my throat. I could barely breathe, but I didn’t give a damn. I’d have sucked his entire body if I thought I could get him in my mouth. He fucked me with several deep thrusts, forcing his entire length inside my mouth until he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back.

  He bent over me, bringing his face so close to mine I could smell his aftershave. “This what you like, Liz? To be treated like a little cock hungry whore?”

  “Yes, Master. If it pleases you, Sir.”

  “Ohh, it pleases me,” he said, standing up and shoving his dick back in my mouth. He used me until my lips begged his come from him. As the first spurt hit the back of my throat he pulled out of my mouth and covered my face and neck with it.

  He stood silently over me, studying my expression. “I love you, Liz. Now take that blindfold off and go see your new necklace. I’m afraid I’ve added a little to it.”

  The bright sun shining through the windows brought me back to life as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. Somewhat disappointed to find myself alone in his bed, I surveyed my surroundings. The massive mahogany bed had four strong corner posts, each one hand carved with meticulous care. I could already picture myself being tied to them, spread eagled, eager and anxious to serve each and every whim he had. The huge headboard had a crest on it, with the name Michaud carved delicately above it. It was truly reflective of Carlton. I was beginning to doubt he owned anything without a monogram.

  I called his name, but he didn’t answer. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table: almost 6:45 a.m. I never wanted to leave his bed, but I couldn’t fight the nagging feeling that my day had already begun, and I needed to get moving. I stood and stretched my arms over my head, catching just a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the other side of the room. I reached up to my neck to feel it. It was there! I could feel the choker around my neck and rushed into the bathroom to get a closer look. />
  I could not believe my eyes the moment I flipped the lights on over the mirror. It was a thin row of diamonds, each one breathtaking in its own right, all set in a titanium setting. I couldn’t find the clasp to remove it if I wanted to. So this was his idea of collaring me? By all means; collar me, Master! I spent a few more minutes staring at it, turning it around and around with my fingers and examining it from different angles in the mirror. It was as light as a feather but as strong as steel, the perfect match between beauty and strength... much like the man who put it on me.

  I looked around the room for my clothes in a daze, finally remembering where I’d tossed them aside last night. It was a glass apartment, I couldn’t just wander around naked, so I scanned the bathroom for something to put on and picked up his shirt from yesterday. Slipping it over my shoulders, I could smell his cologne on the collar. His masculine scent urged my sensual nature into motion. I held it close to my nose to take as much of him in as I could, then slid it over my shoulders and made my way down the hallway.

  The door was cracked, just enough for me to peek in and see him sitting on his rowing machine. With each pull of the handle his powerful legs pushed hard against the metal plate. His rippling muscles danced just barely beneath his skin. Beads of sweat gathered atop his shoulders and ran down his back; each one seemed to be calling me into a trance; hypnosis that I was so willing to be a part of. I pushed the door open a little further and tried to quietly step inside his home gym.

  I imagined I was being stealthy, but in reality I was probably more like a tap dancer trying to walk across a floor covered in bubble wrap. I just couldn’t resist him! Barely in the door, and I’d already caught his attention. He turned slightly and his dark eyes followed me as I admired him. My God his body was incredible; the large, well defined latissimus muscle twitched and held my eyes. “Good morning Liz. I trust you slept well?”


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