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Page 12

by Unknown

  “It is rather strange. Benton was here last week as part of the same case,” I filled her in.

  “Oh really? How did that go?” I could hear the interest in her perked voice. Aunt Kerry had never been a fan of the incredible Benton Frasier.

  “Not well. Aunt Kerry, but I’m not coming home alone…” I waited.

  There was a silence on the phone while she digested, “I see. And who is coming with you, Elizabeth?” Shit she sounded exactly like my mother when she talked. A shiver raced through me.

  “Umm... my boss is coming with me. His name is Carlton Michaud. Aunt Kerry, I think I’m in love with him.” I waited patiently for my world to explode.

  “What? Why is this the first time I’m hearing his name then? For Christ’s sake child, this is wonderful news! What does he look like? How old is he? Where’s he from? Wait… where’s he staying?” The excitement in her voice was unmistakable. She’d started complaining about not having nieces and nephews around the time I hit puberty, and I could already tell this was the best news she’d heard in a while.

  I laughed, “He’s from Worcester, England. Tall, dark and handsome, thirty five and…”

  “Well then we won’t bother over a hotel suite. We’ll just chain his ass to the bed. Can’t let one like this get away, now can we dear?” Aunt Kerry laughed musically into the phone.

  “No we sure can’t!” I agreed. “I need to go throw some things into a bag. We’ll be in town this afternoon.” I reached into the side pocket of my briefcase and pulled out the itinerary. “Ooh, we have a meeting that will probably last until after dinner. What do you say to meeting us downtown for something to eat around six tonight?”

  An unusual silence filled the airwaves, I pulled my phone away from my ear and looked at it to verify that we were still connected, “Aunt Kerry?”

  “Elizabeth, that won’t be possible… I have a date.”

  What? “What? Did you say you have a date?” Aunt Kerry had never bothered with dating before. She’d made it to her mid forties without ever being in a serious relationship, now all of a sudden she was dating?

  “I did. As a matter of fact Elizabeth, there’s someone special in my life too.” Her tone indicated that this was a serious issue. Still I couldn’t help but to be startled at this news.

  I debated, should I ask a hundred questions or… “Wonderful news! Meet us at 82 Queen at six thirty then, with your date.” I hung up before she had a chance to say no.

  After packing a small carryon bag I sat down at the kitchen counter to write a short note to Palmer. I scribbled a footnote onto the page, “Having dinner with Aunt Kerry tonight AND her date! Will text you with news of mystery man tonight!” Finally satisfied that he had all the instructions he would need for a week I straightened up the apartment quickly. My baby brother is gay, but under no circumstances does that mean he’s not a total and complete slob. I feel sure when I return to New York that there won’t be a clean dish in the entire apartment.


  “Meet me downstairs in ten,” then the phone went dead. Carlton could be so freakin’ bossy sometimes. That tickled me. He is my boss but more than that he’s also my Dom… of sorts. Well okay we hadn’t gotten so much of the Dom stuff yet… it was my thought that he was taking his time on purpose. Going so slowly only tortured me and made me want it more. I wanted in that room Damnit!

  I snatched my bag from the sofa and kissed Nucy squarely on the lips. “See ya’ in a week old girl.”

  Carlton was fidgeting nervously on the sidewalk in front of our building when I stepped outside. He took the bag from my hand with a flourish and tossed it into the trunk of the waiting limousine. “Where’s the dog?” his brow furrowed.

  Confused I looked inside the long black car, Jargon was sitting on the seat directly in the center. He looked as though riding in a limo was an everyday occurrence for him. “Oh bloody hell, Liz. Go get the damned dog please,” Carlton snapped.

  I stood dumbfounded for a moment trying to digest that the dogs were flying with us. Then my mind snapped into gear, of course the dogs could go, we were flying the company jet! I was back downstairs in five minutes after adding to my note to Palmer that I’d taken Nucy with me and grabbing her leash. “Sorry!” I cheered as Nucy leapt into the waiting car.

  Carlton clearly was not entertained by my girlish behavior; something was really eating him this afternoon. He’d gone into the office early this morning and I hadn’t seen him all day. He growled at me and ushered me into the car.

  “Did you just growl at me?” I laughed as the car jolted into motion.

  His face turned to mine, there were lines across his forehead, and I’d never seen him worried before. Carlton reeked of confidence on a normal day, and I began to worry that he was unsure of my capability to handle this case. Of course that’s why he is going with me, he’s training me really. In more way than one… “I suppose so,” he mumbled. “Why are you so cheerful this afternoon?” One eyebrow was raised with irritation.

  “Why shouldn’t I be cheerful? I have the man I adore with me for an entire week! I get to show you where I live! You get to meet my family, sleep in the bed I’ve slept in since I was a little girl! What could be more fun?” I bolstered bravely against his stern expression.

  “Did you even read that file?” Carlton smirked coldly. “Somehow I’ve got to convince the Port Authority in Charleston to give full access to Webster. They’ve been banned six times now, once more and it’ll be a final ban. I can’t let that happen. The problem is I’ve read the complaints against Webster, I’ve done my homework and the boats they’re running are fucking dangerous. I can’t blame the Ports for not wanting that crap attached to their billion dollar docks.”

  I get it now; we are in work mode. Despite the two Dalmatians sitting across from us looking oddly like humans at the moment. “Carlton, who is the Executive Director of the Ports Authority now?”

  He shook his head, “I’m waiting on that information right now. My secretary is going to text it to me.”

  “And there’s no way to convince Webster to clean up their act?” I muddled.

  He shook his head, “Trust me, we’ve all tried. Bell had him out to the house for a barbeque for Christ’s sake. Sheffield flew his ass to Scotland to play golf! Daniel Webster won’t hear of putting money in the ships. They leak oil; they have noxious gasses pouring out of the smokestacks, its insanity.”

  I narrowed, “So the bottom line is that either we get them a free pass from the Charleston Ports, or we’re fired?”

  Carlton nodded, “And they’re our largest account. They don’t only own shipping companies, but countless others. Most of it is land management in Colorado, Wyoming and Nevada. Tourist stuff and Casino’s… losing this account would sting, bad.”

  No wonder he was worried. We were in a precarious position here. We had to defend a client we knew was plain wrong. Hell everyone knew they were wrong. Still we had to find a way for them to continue business in Charleston. I Googled the Port of Charleston on my phone;

  In 2012, the Port of Charleston ranked as the 8th port in the United States by cargo value, with $63 billion in imports and exports traded across the docks. In 2008, readers of Cargo Business News named the Port of Charleston the most productive port in their supply chain. The Port of Charleston hosts shipping service by more than 30 of the world's top carriers, both on regular and inducement calls.

  So while Webster could use other ports, Charleston probably is crucial for their shipping division. I chewed my bottom lip trying to do a preliminary scan of possibilities. Nothing came to mind. “I swear I don’t see anything, Carlton. What’s your plan?”

  He shook his head with frustration, “I don’t know, Darling… I don’t know. There’s no plan other than getting down there and praying that your old boyfriend of yours has something. Putting my last hope in that twit doesn’t make this my brightest day.”

  I laughed; we are in a trouble if we’re counting on Bent
on to save our behinds. Who knows; I’d seen him come up with legislation a hundred years old and pin some judge to the wall with it. Maybe there is a sliver of a prayer…


  Carlton wrapped his right arm around my shoulder as our driver sped through traffic. Nucy and Jargon curled up on the bench seat nearest the driver, and just as quickly they were sound asleep. I bolstered with a new confidence, Benton Frazier no longer had any control whatsoever over me. My fingers trailed the diamond ring around my throat. There was no denying that Benton had an unusual hold on me, but that was all about to change. And with Carlton by my side, I could finally strike down the demon that was Benton Frazier.

  Carlton seemed preoccupied and stressed. His left hand rested on my knee and fiddled with the hem of my skirt, but there was no doubt that I wasn’t his primary focus. I placed my palm atop his thigh and snuggled deeper into his arm. In my short career as an attorney I already understood that sometimes it’s just better to distract yourself from the puzzle. With fresh eyes solutions previously hidden can miraculously appear. His muscles tightened under my fingertips, and in an effort to remind him of my presence I slid my hand into his crotch.

  The immense heat from his cock emanated through his trousers; it was a mere sleeping giant. It was far from hard, but definitely not hard to find. I traced the outline as I purred quietly. He responded slowly to my touch, but adjusted himself to accept it. I kicked off my heels and ran my stocking covered foot up the bottom of his pants. With a small laugh I took note of his thin black socks as the arch of my foot made its way to bare skin. His resting cock began to swell, returning my confidence. I squeezed it, stroking it lightly as he hardened under my fingers.

  “You okay, sweetie?” I asked.

  “Uh, yes,” he replied in an unusual tone. His faint English accent began to flair as he spoke. “Just tossing an idea around.”

  “I had an idea as well, Carlton.”

  “I can see that,” he said, pulling me closer to him. “I like your idea better.”

  I reached over into his lap and unzipped his trousers, pulling his growing cock into view. I looked up at him. “Do you mind?”

  “Right then. Give it a go.”

  It was a very English thing to say, and I giggled a little as I playfully swiped his tip with my tongue. I’d lost all sense of decorum with this man, each time I touched the necklace around my neck my panties flooded. It was absolutely a futile exercise in self control to try to go slowly. So I made myself comfortable with my face in his lap and let my desires take control. My God he smells good, I thought. The mixture of his cologne and the smell and taste of his skin was the ultimate aphrodisiac.

  I inhaled him, in all ways. The head pressed against the inside of my cheek as I lathered his cock with my saliva. I love having it in my mouth, and I made every effort to take it all. I pulled it out and slapped it against my cheek, then kissed my way down to his balls. I licked them, tantalizing them before taking each one into my mouth and gently sucking. I felt like a puppy with a new bone, I wanted to lick it, taste it, and show it just how much I adore it. Slowly, I worked my way back up his thick shaft, grabbing the base firmly with my fist as I relished in his manhood. I squeezed him hard, and a hint of pre-cum dribbled out of the slit as my tongue captured every ounce of him.

  The car lurched forward, forcing his cock even further into my mouth, his cock slammed into the back of my throat. I gagged loudly, small tears formed in the corners of my eyes. But I quickly regained composure and returned my efforts to pleasuring Carlton. His hand on my shoulder helped guide my head as I swallowed his length, then released it, only to draw my anxious mouth back down on him over and over.

  I slipped off the seat and sat on the floor of the limousine between his legs hoping the carpeted floor of the car would give me more stability. Carlton’s hands on my shoulders directed me back onto his cock; my hunger for it was nearly humiliating. I lunged onto it liked a starved animal as the car battled New York traffic. Finally, he gathered my hair back into his version of a ponytail, and pulled my head back. I was staring into his eyes, watching the passion grow furiously inside them. His brow relaxed and he whispered, “If you don’t stop, I’m gonna come.”

  “Exactly!” I said, and turned my attention back to his cock. “Give it to me, Carlton. Come in my mouth!”

  I opened my mouth and slid my hand up and down his shaft. It was coated with my saliva, and I squeezed it tightly as I increased the pace of my strokes. His balls began to tighten, and I could almost see my prize coursing through his shaft. I opened my mouth wide and stared right into his deep chocolate eyes as his orgasm flooded my open mouth.

  His salty, sweet taste filled my mouth faster than I could swallow, and I felt some of his come spill from my lips and run down my neck to my necklace. Absently my fingers toyed with the stickiness. I was lost in his taste, his smell… lost in all of him.

  “Come back up here on the seat Liz, let me clean you up,” his voice was soft and raspy as I gazed up at him from between his thighs. He held a white handkerchief in his hand and pointedly showed it to me in effort to draw me from my haze. Finally getting his drift I slid onto the seat next to him and let him delicately wipe the remains of his orgasm from my face and neck.


  Ah the lives of the rich and famous! I could really get used to this! I thought as the car pulled up right next to his airplane in the hangar. We had less than thirty feet to walk, and there was no security or baggage check to deal with. I didn’t even have to touch my bags or maneuver the dogs as his staff immediately bolted into action around us. Straightening my skirt, I reached up to feel my necklace as I boarded the plane. It was a bit sticky but no harm done.

  The cool cabin of the plane impressed me the second I boarded. Cream colored glove leather abounded on the seats, walls and ceiling. Dark meticulously glossed wood paneling encased the tables and cabinetry, and the floors were covered in plush cream colored Berber carpet. This was plain and simply a masterpiece of airline magnificence. I walked back towards the rear and passed the bathroom on my quest to examine every inch of this new luxury. Even the bathroom was on a grand scale, not like the tiny little compartments they have for two hundred passengers on a commercial flight. Through a narrow kitchenette was a complete bedroom. Okay, the bed was a little smaller than one you might have at home, like everything else. Still, it was beautiful, and cozy, and most of all, private.

  Feeling like a movie star, I plopped on the bed and kicked off my heels, spreading my toes and rubbing my feet while Carlton dropped his briefcase in the chair opposite the bed. “I apologize for the close quarters, Liz.”

  “Are you freakin’ kidding me?” I asked. “You’ve obviously never travelled commercial,” I said with a chuckle.

  “That’s not true, Liz. I had to take a regular flight when I flew to New York to start the company.”

  “Oh the horror, Carlton Michaud,” I said playfully but I didn’t miss the indication that financial security hadn’t always been a given for him. Although Palmers information, via google I’m sure, said that Carlton was heir to a massive fortune… across the pond.

  Carlton furrowed his brow and shook his head. “It was not appealing. I honestly don’t know why anyone would fly commercial.”

  “Where are the dogs?”

  “Nucy and Jargon are in crates, my dear, mostly for their protection. They’re just outside the pilot’s cabin, and will be tended to like any other passenger aboard Air Michaud,” he said teasingly.

  A beautiful woman knocked on the open doorway to get our attention. “Mr. Michaud, we have a slot to take off in seven minutes, if that’s suitable. Shall I inform the captain?”

  “Yes, Ms. Williams. That will be fine.”

  “And your guest,” she said, pointing at me with her complete hand, palm facing the ceiling. “Is there anything I can get for you, Ms…?”

  “Martin. No thank you.”

  I realized she actually didn’t say
or do anything derogatory, but I didn’t like her. I didn’t like the look she gave me, as if I were a mere accessory in the life of Carlton Michaud. Perhaps I was not the first woman who’s had the pleasure of flying… Air Michaud?

  I pounced playfully from the bed, stepped back into my heels and followed Ms. Williams and Carlton as we made our way to the biggest, most luxurious leather airplane seats my tush had ever graced, complete with reclining capability! Carlton took the seat nearest the window, and I watched with intense interest as Ms. Williams leaned over him and latched his safety belt. C’mon, I thought. He can’t even put on a seat belt? She dropped her incredible cleavage right in his face. Hell, even I was looking at it. I watched her latch his belt, and then straighten out his pant leg before asking if he needed anything else.

  I was a fire with jealousy, and I’m sure it showed as she looked me square in the eye and with a smug smile, perfect lips and bright white teeth and said, “Allow me, Ms. Martin. It can be tricky.”

  She leaned over me, reaching between our seats to recover the stray belt I’d been absently fumbling for. I could smell her hairspray, her cologne, hell even her makeup. Her large breasts brushed my thigh before she straightened up. She ran her hands up the length of the nylon seat belt as though it were a fine leather strap she was checking for weakness. A chill coursed through my veins... and damn it, it excited me. Her cleavage was now right in my face, and I couldn’t explain the tingle, nor did I want to acknowledge it. I had to admit they were incredible; firm and quite rosy as they bounced with welcome. Tiny goose bumps trailed across them and with humility I realized I might actually be drooling. Her warm hands fastened the seat belt and she straightened the hem of my skirt before standing upright again. A warm heat had risen to my cheeks as I watched her every move. “Can I take your shoes Miss Martin?” she said with an exotic accent.


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