
Home > Nonfiction > SevenDeadlySinsSeries > Page 14
SevenDeadlySinsSeries Page 14

by Unknown

  I burst out laughing, not at all the immediate impression I’d wanted to give the first second I was in front of Bing Frazier as a licensed attorney. He lifted his head from his intense study of a thick file on the desk in front of him. “What’s so God damned funny Cassie? I swear woman, if you corrupt another child in my office…”

  Cassie reared up and straightened her back, “You’ll what? Fire me? Shit Bing, you couldn’t find your teeth if I didn’t tell you where you left them. Ain’t no need to threaten anyone here. You know Miss Liz of course, and this fine young man here is Benton’s replacement. Only this one’s got some sense. He collared her already, did you see that?”

  Bing Frazier studied me with a new grin, “Yes Cassie, I see all those diamonds, who couldn’t! Besides, I make the big bucks because I notice every single thing. For instance, how my front desk is completely empty at the moment.”

  Cassie flung her massive weight around and bustled back to the door, “Benton’s picking up some snacks for ya’ll. He’ll be back from the bakery in a few minutes. Meanwhile, there’s coffee and tea over there on the sideboard. Help yourself!”

  As the door closed behind her Bing chuckled, “She’s right you know. I couldn’t do a thing here without her. But enough of that. Liz, come here and give me a hug little girl!”

  I smiled and crossed the room to Mr. Frazier, “It’s good to see you looking so well, sir.” I bent down and lightly hugged his neck. Regardless of our current business relationship it’s customary to greet an old acquaintance properly. And Bing Frazier had been the best man at my parents wedding so…

  “Yes, yes. I tell you, having that son of mine here in the office has taken a huge weight off me you wouldn’t believe. Of course I made him start at the bottom, just like everyone else has to. One day I hope he’ll lose that golden halo his Momma tells him he wears and join the rest of us in the real world.” Bing began to shuffle the papers in front of him then he pushed back from his chair and stood, “Mr. Michaud, I believe?”

  Carlton Michaud was standing speechless in the entryway of the room. I was fairly sure this wasn’t the way he’d been trained to conduct attorney conference meetings. He was out of his element and unsure. It was flat out the most charming thing I’d ever seen… him standing there baffled. He snapped to and headed for Bing with an outstretched hand, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Frazier. Yes, I’m Carlton Michaud. Please call me Carlton.”

  Ooooh he’s good, I mused. He’d gathered his wits fast! Instead of having played the persona of a New York lawyer on a mission, he clearly indicated that he and Bing were on the same side. No one would rise above another in this case; no attorney would be in charge so to speak and Carlton had forced that issue plainly. I studied Bing’s appraisal. In a second he’d weighed him and judged him. I let out a large silent gulp of air when he smiled back at Carlton, “Call me Bing then. Alright you two tell, me what you can about Webster, and I’ll tell you what I can about the Ports.”

  Bing directed Carlton towards the chair on his right and me to the one on his left. Carlton made himself comfortable at the table and opened his briefcase, “I think we can all dispense of our formalities. Webster Shipping is a piece of crap. They should fix their damned boats and play by the rules, but they aren’t going to do that because shipping isn’t where the real money is for them. Daniel Webster only keeps that division going because it started the company. His Grandfather started it, so it’s more of a sentimental thing. Only he can’t see that his teddy bear is raggedy and falling apart with age. He doesn’t want to spend one thin dime on it.”

  Bing nodded gracefully, “You’re dead on Carlton. The people of Charleston aren’t going to have his garbage going under our four hundred million dollar bridge. Shit, we’re still making payments on the confounding thing. We’re a tourist town; his rust traps don’t look good in the harbor photos. I’ve thought of everything from climbing a ladder and painting them myself to firing up a cannon at the Battery and sending them to the bottom of the harbor a few hundred yards out. I got nothing. What ideas do you have?”

  Carlton held up his hand, “We’re still studying the matter in depth, Mr. Frazier.”

  “Damn, I’d hoped you’d breeze in here with all the answers,” Bing Frazier smiled honestly at Carlton. “Speaking of ‘Damn,’ where is that boy of mine? Fucking fortune on law school and he can’t even get back here with my afternoon sugar fest.”

  With a smirk Carlton nodded, “Bing, would you mind if I ask you a favor?”

  “Sure. What’s on your mind?” Mr. Frazier smiled; his overly white teeth cast an eerie contrast to his darkly tanned form. I imagined a long, long time ago he was quite the handsome guy around town. He still had that ‘fit’ look about him, even if it was all mirrors, tricks and plastic surgery.

  Carlton shook his head, “No, no, on second thought I don’t want to offend you.”

  With that Bing let out a loud burst of laughter, “Carlton, we just met, but let me tell you. I’ve got four ex-wives and one well on her way to being an ex. I got six kids. All of them either wanted to go to law school or medical school or… and I’m serious, one went to Harvard. There ain’t one single thing you could possibly say to me that would offend me.”

  Carlton laughed, “Alright then sir, as a personal favor do you think you might get one of your other associates to assist us on this case? Honestly sir, I have Liz with me here for two reasons; one she knows the area and can tell me what the hell you people are saying. Two, I love her more than my next breath. Having Benton working with us makes me, how can I say this, rather uncomfortable.”

  Bing reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out a sterling silver e-cigarette, “Do you mind if I vape?”

  Carlton and I both nodded, “Its fine sir. Vape away,” he said.

  He took a long draw from the e-cigarette and issued a large billow of steam. It looked much like cigarette smoke, but evaporated almost instantly. For a millisecond you thought you got a whiff of a sweet cigar, but it disappeared so quickly it left you foolishly sniffing the vacant air. “So cutting edge these things! Tell you the truth, I never minded smoking. It was the finished cigarette butts that bothered me. Nasty business an old ashtray… Unfortunately Mr. Michaud,” he continued, “I need Benton on this case. Not because I think he’s uncharacteristically intelligent mind you, but because everyone else is on vacation. Its summer in Charleston, ya know. For the next two weeks I swear he’s all I’ve got to spare. But I will concede that Benton will only be handling paperwork, getting coffee and such. I assume that’s why you’ve drug Liz down here as well? After all, Webster Shipping rates the big boys, right Carlton?”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. Now I remember why Bing Frazier was a creep. That right there explains how Benton became such a fucking prick. I remembered Benton telling me that as a child his father called him ‘Glutton.’ He’d told him that his first sentence was “I want…” That he was always desperately in need of some passing trinket, clothes, shoes, cars and God forbid we forget the sunglasses; Charlestonians are serious about their sunglasses. Benton only took, and never paid any price for the things he got from his father. Suddenly it looked to me that Benton was paying the ultimate price right now, fetching donuts for his father… as a job. Bing clearly thought that I was Carlton’s assistant. There’s the difference right there, why I love Carlton, he was here to partner with me, even at work. He would never consider me as assisting him!

  But Carlton weathered that comment much better than I did, “Exactly, Mr. Frazier, that and fuck my brains out. After all, we are the big boys aren’t we?”

  Bing shot him a curious glance, “Why Mr. Michaud, I do believe you’re mocking me!” he laughed. “You’re right. Liz, I’m sorry I said that. I mentioned I have four ex wives didn’t I? Forgive this old man, I’ve always thought of you as a daughter. Actually, I’ve thought of you as my relief daughter. I could watch you grow up to become a fine woman, get a great education and even suffer losses with you… th
e blessing is that I never had to pay a single dime on you nor did you ever tell me you deserved something. Not once did you tell me to get out my checkbook. You were such a relief to me; you were the only kid around that didn’t raise my blood pressure when they walked into a room. It doesn’t surprise me at all to find that Mr. Michaud chose you on this case, I would’ve too.”

  I nodded and smiled, “Thanks for that Mr. Frazier. I know you still think I’m going to get you coffee, but I can assure you that you’ll get thirsty.”

  He laughed heartily, “Alright precious one, if you’re going to play with the big boys then learn to put your fuck thoughts about my son away. This is business, nothing else. Carlton, I’m sorry that my son working alongside us bothers you. I assure you he’s just as capable of handling this case as any of us are.” It was the nicest thing I’d ever heard Bing Frazier say about any of his kids.

  On cue the double doors to the conference room opened and Benton waltzed in, “I’ve got a tray of everything. Ya’ll get up and get coffee and eat something, then let me tell you about something that just came to mind. I think I read something last night that may be our way out.”

  I looked at Carlton. Carlton looked at Bing. Bing rolled his eyes. But he stood and immediately headed for the pink boxes his son had just delivered.


  The ride to the restaurant was nearly silent. Thankfully it was only a short few blocks. As the car pulled up in front of the restaurant Carlton looked at me thoughtfully, “Bing Frazier is a fuckhead. You know that, don’t you? I swear he makes me feel sorry for his prick of a son! It’s absurd!”

  I chuckled, “I know. But put him out of your head, you’re getting ready to meet Aunt Kerry, and I don’t want her to think you are a fuckhead!”

  He straightened himself, “You’re right of course! Come on let’s go!”

  With that his demeanor completely changed. Did law schools in England teach that or something? I mean that’s a talent! I let him pull me from the car onto the sidewalk. As he turned to head into the restaurant, I watched with total humor as he tripped over an uneven brick on the sidewalk. “Oh Carlton!” I grabbed his arm with a laugh, “I forgot to tell you about the Charleston Shuffle!”

  He’d quickly caught his composure but he had come really close to taking a nose dive onto the paved sidewalk. He looked at me with a puzzled face as he regained his composure, “Charleston Shuffle?”

  I continued to laugh, “That’s how we know you’ve never been here before. There isn’t a level sidewalk anywhere in Charleston. Over time we’ve all perfected our Charleston Shuffle, even those of us who’ve lived here our entire lives still bust our butts walking downtown!”

  He gazed at me with interest, “anything else you need to tell me from a safety standpoint before we go any further?”

  I was still laughing, “Not unless it starts raining.”

  He held the door open for me to the restaurant not humored. From across the crowded bar I saw Aunt Kerry stand up and wave. I grabbed his hand and said, “There she is!”

  Aunt Kerry grabbed me by the shoulders appraisingly, “Liz, you look wonderful! And look at this necklace! Holy cow that’s gorgeous!” Her thin painted fingernails examined my diamond necklace, “Oh dear, it’s just lovely. Your Mother would be so happy that you’ve found such a generous man!”

  “Alright Aunt Kerry, this is Carlton Michaud,” I said with a reprimand in my tone, she could gush over me for hours if I let her.

  Her eyes flashed over to Carlton I could tell that her peripheral vision was absorbing his height, weight, stature and dark looks. “Such a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Michaud! Liz has told me next to nothing about you, the little witch!”

  Carlton chuckled and took her hand, as he pulled it to his lips I thought Aunt Kerry was going to faint. “It’s an honor to meet you, Miss Martin. I can now see why Liz wanted to keep us apart!” He kissed her hand and released it with a flat out devastating grin.

  “I hate to break up this romance, but Aunt Kerry, don’t you have a date to introduce us to as well?” I was anxious to meet the balding man on the bar stool at the far table who was following my Aunt’s every move with his eyes.

  “Oh yes, come on!” Aunt Kerry led us to the back of the dark elegant bar. The man stood up as we approached, “Liz, Carlton, this is Hampton Bennett.”

  “Just call me Bennett, everyone does.” His broad smile was gracious despite his mind boggling size. The man was a mountain! Gray hairs poked out of the V-neck of his golf shirt, his head was carefully shaved, and a perfectly trimmed white mustache complete with goatee made us all join his smile. Aunt Kerry seemed to sparkle next to him. His baby blue eyes always had her in sight. This looked serious. I held out my hand, “So nice to meet you, Bennett.”

  Carlton greeted him likewise, and after drinks were delivered I turned my attention back to him, “So Bennett, tell us about yourself. Aunt Kerry seems to so enjoy your company!”

  The massive man nodded, “Well let’s see, not much to tell. Was a longshoreman for thirty years, retired, then went to work for the Ports Authority. Now I’m the Director. Keeps me busy, which is why you’re Aunt and I don’t get much time together. I think she’s pushing me towards retirement. Gotta tell you, the thought of being with her all day long, every day is pretty tempting…”

  Carlton and I almost fell out of our chairs. The waitress came at just that moment to take us to our table. I grabbed Carlton’s arm as we followed the skirting waitress, “Did you hear that? Oh my God, Carlton! What luck! If the Executive Director retires, then the coast is clear until Webster wears on the nerves of the new director! It’s not a permanent solution, but it buys us time!”

  Carlton whispered into my ear as we neared the table, “Do you think it’s viable? I don’t know how serious he is about retiring?”

  “Sssh…we’ll talk about it when we get home! For now just be real, real nice to the bald man!” I chuckled.

  Dinner was downright sinful as always. I love 82 Queen. There isn’t another restaurant in all of Charleston that rarely changes. You feel as though you’ve been whisked back into the 1800’s and are eating the same delicious foods in the same rooms as they had. Carlton had been impressed by the simple yet decadently flavored foods. I imagined he wasn’t easily impressed by dining out. We finally said our goodbyes to Aunt Kerry and Bennett and headed towards the island I call home.

  The narrow causeway bristled in the late night air. Oleanders the size of houses guided us along the route. It was nearing high tide, and I grinned silently as Carlton’s nose twinged under the assault of the salt marsh. It’d been an exhausting day, I was ready to get him home and into my shower.


  Our island home was over a hundred years old, it’d weathered generations of my mother’s family as well as countless hurricanes. I felt sure the hurricanes were the easier chore. But Dad had taken it upon himself to fully remodel it. The showers were one of his proudest projects. My bathroom shower was fully tiled in pink fuchsia, but that’s where the girlishness ended. A rain nozzle dropped from the ceiling and doused me with filtered water. Nozzles surrounded me with sprays that could donate an orgasm on demand. I stood in the center and appreciated being home as the warm water relaxed me.

  Carlton had nosed around the house and suddenly I looked up and realized he was naked standing outside the shower door. He stuck just his right foot through the frosted glass door, teasing me with his version of the ‘hokey pokey.’ Even his damn foot was sexy as hell, his lily white skin contrasted perfectly with the dark hairs running down his legs and over the top of his foot. I swear I thought I could just straddle it and grind my way to a delicious orgasm all by myself. I was beginning to wonder if my oversexed mind was nothing more than a reflection of my recent gluttonous sexual activity. I just simply could not get enough of him. Every time I thought of him I just wanted to ride some part of him to orgasm!

  Carlton finally stepped into the shower with me, allowing m
e to take his completely naked body in to full view. My nipples perked, and he grabbed me by the arms and pulled me against his chest. My nipples, teased by the hairs on his chest seemed to be filled with electricity as goose bumps covered my body. His left hand grabbed my neck, forcing my face to his as his lips crashed into mine. The fire that shot through me was incredible, and his kiss was so empowering it felt like someone just thrown gasoline on an open fire. My left leg wrapped around his as I pushed my sex into his thigh.

  “Liz,” he said. “I’m completely in love.”

  “I love you too, Carlton.”

  “You have no idea how wonderful these past few weeks have been. I feel I’ve found my soul mate.”

  I blushed, and kissed him once again as I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders. His words sounded nearly awkward coming from his lips, as though he’d never uttered such romantic essences before. “I’m yours, Carlton. All yours. Do with me what you will.”

  “It’s not a game, Liz. I really love you,” he said, staring down into the depths of my soul with those luscious eyes. “I can’t bear to be without you.”

  “I understand the feeling, Master,” I said.

  “Stop Liz, I’m serious. I need more than just a rough sex thing. I want more.”

  “Honey, I’ll give you anything you want,” I said in all seriousness.

  He kissed me deeply again, this time soft and sensual. His firm hands were now gentler on my body, as if he worshipped everything about me. He lifted my body up in the air as I wrapped my legs around his waist. Pushing me up against the pink ceramic tile wall he slowly entered me, and then lowered me completely onto his cock. It filled me, and the warmth and hardness was even more exciting that I could have ever imagined. He slowly moved in and out of me, continuing to kiss and suck my lips with the passions of his heart. This coupling wasn’t coming from need or lust; it was coming straight from his soul. I melted into him. I wanted to give him everything. His heat swarmed over me and my chest swelled with emotions as he slowly made love to me.


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