
Home > Nonfiction > SevenDeadlySinsSeries > Page 15
SevenDeadlySinsSeries Page 15

by Unknown

  My body shuddered as my first orgasm rippled through my body. I moaned into his open mouth, and he continued to kiss me, continuing his rhythmic thrust into me as I rode that orgasm directly into another one. And when I thought I couldn’t stand any more, he thrust deeper and harder, coaxing yet another orgasm out of me. Then another, and another, all with increased frequency. My mind went completely blank as he ravaged my body under the gentle sprays of the shower and my orgasms all melded together into one long, incredibly passionate evening.

  But Carlton seemed in the mood for a marathon as he pulled me off his cock. I stood there, unstable as hell on my legs, hanging onto his strong arms for dear life. I fought the urge to drop to my knees and suck him off right there from pure exhaustion. He dutifully washed my body and rinsed us off and then he guided me from the shower to my bedroom.

  He carefully sat me on the edge of the bed as he opened the curtains wide facing the beach. Moonlight filled the room as he crawled up next to me on the bed. He slowly laid me down, arranging me just the way he wanted. Sensually kissing my neck and breasts as though he was paying homage to some god, I realized that even exhaustion couldn’t quell my desire for him. I could feel his hard on pressing into my thigh, and I snaked a hand down to caress it. It was the perfect cock, I thought as I felt the heat in the palm of my hand. He kissed his way across my stomach, and then down to my nearly hairless mound. His kisses and nibbles ignited the fuse of my desire, my sex flooded with juices as he continued down my stomach. I spread my thighs with the smallest hint of a nudge from his hand. My inner slut was back at work no matter how tired she was. His tongue traced the outlines of my hip bones, then dipped into my belly button and up and down the curves of my waist. The wetness he left there chilled with the slight breeze from the open windows. He lowered himself over me and startled nibbling on my swollen nub. It trembled and quaked with each touch of his mouth. Inner slut urged me to get this show on the road; I spread my thighs even wider across my childhood bed.

  My hips rose to meet him as he drove his tongue against my clit as I willingly invited him to fill me.

  He maneuvered his body over me; his cock and balls now directly over my head. I reached out with the tip of my tongue to taste him, licking his balls with a renewed energy. His tongue and fingers danced around my clit and into my open pussy, licking and adding to the puddle that was surely forming underneath me. I snatched his cock from midair and pulled him into my mouth. I loved his taste, his smell, hell everything about him. I could feel his heartbeat as his cock throbbed and pulsated in my mouth. Too many orgasms already tonight had rendered me slow to respond; still nothing else mattered than my desire to have him inside me again. I could see his balls tighten above me, and he pulled his cock away just before he exploded.

  I didn’t even have time to pout as he moved quickly above me. He spun around and his manhood filled me as his lips once again found mine. His hard cock thrusting in and out of me was almost secondary as I smelled our combined juices on his face. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth until I began sucking it, just like it was his cock. His thrusts seemed somehow more urgent as he pulled back and sat up. He grabbed my ankles and put them on his shoulders as he leaned forward and began his attack, fucking me deeper and harder than ever before. My breasts swayed with each stroke and he watched me with the eyes of a hawk as my hands surrounded my nipples. My feet were shaking atop his shoulder as a deeply guttural moan escaped his lips. “Oh my God!” he screamed as he filled me with his release.


  I opened my eyes to the South Carolina sun. High in the sky, already it held its course baking a line across the pine floors of my family home. The sheets around me felt delicious; I ran my legs across them enjoying their silkiness against my bare skin. Where is Carlton? His spot next to me was already empty. With a groan I rolled over and sat up on the edge of my bed. A great deal of rattles and bangs were coming from the kitchen. I slid my feet into my flip flops and headed towards the noise.

  “Will you hand me that wrench, please?” Carlton spoke, but his head was invisible beneath the kitchen cabinet. My mind was trying desperately to diagnose this situation. I walked to the sink and picked up one of Dad’s wrenches that were lying on the kitchen counter.

  I put the wrench into his outstretched hand, “Umm… Carlton, what the hell are you doing?”

  It was a reasonable question considering I had no idea why he was under the cabinet messing with the plumbing. His voice rose from below, “Well it started with making coffee. The faucet broke when I turned it on. So I went to turn it off down here, but there’s a leak down here too. It’s a wonder the whole house didn’t flood while you’ve been away.”

  I studied his body sprawled across my kitchen floor; he was wearing a pair of black gym shorts that accentuated his overly long legs. Finally he slid from underneath the cabinet and sat up on the bare floor. He looked up and scanned my face, “So you think it’s funny that I’m fixing your plumbing?”

  I laughed as I moved to pour myself a cup of coffee, “You have to admit, it’s usually the other way around. Besides, what do you know about home repair?”

  “Believe it or not I’m a handy kind of guy! I used to follow Mr. Wilkes, the maintenance guy at our house, around when I was a kid. He showed me stuff… what can I say? It’s fun to fix things, but I need a hardware store. Is there one around here?”

  I was still staring at him like he’d grown a third nipple. Is there anything this man can’t do? “Yeah sure. Let me jump in the shower and we can run up to Lowes.” I rolled my eyes and headed for the bathroom.

  After throwing on a short skirt, a Windjammer t-shirt, and flip flops I felt normal again. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and dug through my purse for my Ray Bans. I found Carlton still in the kitchen, this time with three bath towels mopping up the sprays of water he’d left on the floor. He glanced up at me, “Hey do you have a small fan I could put on this floor while we’re gone? I’m not sure what these floors are made of but I don’t think that water on them will do them much good.”

  Okay at this point I felt a little overwhelmed. The Carlton Michaud mopping my kitchen floors with my bath towels certainly wasn’t the ‘Killer Carlton’ of New York City. I was starting to suspect some kind of mental illness, perhaps a split personality. “There’s a small fan out on the porch. Let me get it for you.” I turned, still baffled, and went out onto the porch of our island home. The oppressive southern heat was in the early stages of ‘broil.’ We basically have three temperatures during a Charleston summer, bake, broil and climb in the refrigerator. In a minute I was back with a small box fan we kept on the porch overlooking the beach. I sat it on the floor and plugged it in. “The floors are local heart pine,” I said randomly.

  He glanced down at me, “Oh, okay, well that should dry them out while we’re gone then. Pine won’t stay wet for long. Where’s the washing machine?”

  I held my hand up in defiance, “I draw the line at you doing laundry! Come on, my car is downstairs, and so is the washer.”

  “I don’t understand what the problem is, Liz? Haven’t you ever seen a man work around the house?” Carlton followed me down the stairs to the garage where Nucy and Jargon had taken up residence in her private corner.

  I chuckled, “Oh I’ve seen a man work around the house before. Dad used to do all the repairs around here. I just didn’t take you for a handyman, that’s all.” I glanced over at Dad’s work counter in the open garage; various tools were spread out across it. No one had touched so much as a screw driver down here in the longest time. Even I had to admit it was rather nice having a man around… doing the shit that men do. I’ll say it again; I just never dreamed that Carlton Michaud would be interested in such things. He had mentioned the remodel of the building in New York, as well as the construction of his apartment. Suddenly I wondered how much of that he’d done himself. I laughed a little as I took the wet towels from his hand and tossed them into the washing machine.
br />   I turned around and he was standing, looking rather dumbfounded I might add, at the two cars parked beneath our island house. He looked up at me, “You’re kidding me, right? Is this your car?”

  “What?” I studied my car as if there was something crucially wrong with it all of a sudden. Carlton seemed quite humored, “Liz… it’s a baby blue station wagon…”

  I smiled vaguely and followed his stare, “Technically it’s a crossover but isn’t it awesome?” I’d bought the car last year and absolutely adored it. The back window was laden with a College of Charleston alumni decal, as well as a Charleston School of Law decal. And of course the colorful retro daisies in a variety of colors added just the right touch of flavor and contrasted the baby blue monogram in the center.

  Carlton chuckled, “It sure is, Liz. Awesome…” He took the keys from my hand and walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. “Well, get in then.”

  “Don’t you want me to drive? You have no idea where we’re going,” I mentioned.

  He shook his head, “No, absolutely not. I assume this toy car of yours has a GPS?” He said as he closed the door behind me.

  After climbing behind the steering wheel he began to study the mechanisms of my car. “Alright, I concede. How do you turn it on?”

  I reached over and pushed the start button and my Ford Flex purred to life. Carlton gawked at me as I spoke, “GPS. Lowes. Mount Pleasant. Go. Air conditioning, down five degrees. Auxilliary, play Hootie.”

  Carlton looked at me like he’d seen a ghost as the GPS flickered on the center screen with a map directing us to Lowes, the air conditioning burst forth with chilled air, and Darius Rucker began wailing through the car speakers. “This is fucking cool!” Carlton laughed then spoke to the car, “Open garage door.” I chuckled as he looked fervently into the rear view mirror to see if the garage door was opening. Of course it wasn’t. I reached up to the visor over my head and pushed the garage door opener and suddenly the door behind us sprang to life.

  “Oh, this is awesome!” He had that kid in a candy store expression on his face. This was an entirely new side of him that I wouldn’t have, in a million years, expected. I was tickled pink with the playful Carlton. I looked up teasingly, “Drive us to Lowes.” Carlton glanced at me with a confident look… then he waited… and waited…

  “So it’s really not going to drive us to Lowes, is it?”

  By this point I was rolling laughing, tears of humor ran down my cheeks. “No, its not. I’m afraid you’re going to have to drive us.”

  He shot me a look of irritation, then reached over and tickled me, “I’m going to have to spank you for that, little lady. You do realize that, don’t you?”

  I nodded, fresh excitement coursing through my veins. My eyes roamed across his long legs thickly covered with hair, his feet wearing a pair of well worn flip flops and the t-shirt he’d borrowed from Palmer’s room that would be enough to convince every woman at Lowes this morning to head to ‘Dunleavy’s Pub.’ With a devious smile, “I suppose that’s fair punishment.” My body was already tingling with anticipation, warmth spread across my ass cheeks with the memory of his spankings.


  It would be nice to have a place to put all the tools, instead of that pile under the house. But it’s too expensive. It’s too much.”

  “Don’t be absurd, Liz. It’s what, seventy two hundred dollars? I think I can swing it.”

  “I can’t let you do that, Carlton.”

  “You can, and you will.”

  “I dunno. Maybe…”

  “What’s the appropriate answer?” he said, grabbing my arm and pulling him into me.

  “Yes, Master.”

  He leaned into me, and whispered in my ear, “That’s a good little slut. Now get in there and let’s check this out.”

  He pushed me towards the open entrance of the storage building in the far corner of Lowes parking lot and slapped my ass. I was certain that someone would see him treat me so roughly, but the nearly fifty people walking through the parking lot didn’t seem to notice anything at all. Carlton sat the faucet on the floor next to the door, and he crossed the room to look at the window. “Yes, Liz, this should do fine. I’ll have them deliver one right away.”

  “I really think it’s too much, Carlton. Seriously.”

  He shook his head and pulled me next to the open window. “I’m getting this. Case, closed! And I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t argue with me. Now come look out this window.”

  “What am I looking at?” I asked as I stepped blindly over to the small window.

  He reached under my skirt and grabbed my ass. “No panties, slut?”

  “Of course not, Master. As instructed.”

  He leaned into me, kissing my neck as he raised my skirt. “Wait! Someone will see.”

  “Then let’em watch!” he growled.

  He pressed his hand into my upper back, forcing my chest onto the open window sill. I thought certain that someone would see my head sticking out. He unzipped his pants and rubbed his cock up and down the crack of my ass. “Carlton, wait!”

  “Who?” he asked, pressing the head of his cock against my pussy.

  “Master, please,” I begged.

  “Shut up, slut. Stick out your ass.”

  I don’t know why I couldn’t put my foot down with him, but he once again had me so fuckin’ horny I couldn’t resist. I pressed my palms into the open window sill and arched my back, offering my pussy to him. He thrust inside quickly and with great force, once again filling my pussy completely. I nervously clenched down hard, trying to speed up his activity. With long hard strokes he pounded into me. I bit down hard on my lip trying not to moan and bring even more attention to my random head bobbing back and forth through the small window opening in the Lowes parking lot. I was sure we were mere seconds away from being discovered. That’s a walk of shame I didn’t think I could bear.

  His thrusts came faster and faster, until I could feel him swelling inside me. He quickly pulled me from the window and shoved me to my knees. “Open that fuckin’ mouth, slut. Open wide!”

  I sank below the window line, thankful at least that I was no longer in anyone’s line of sight. I opened my mouth and swallowed his cock as he grabbed my hair and fucked my face. His cock slammed into the back of my throat, and he continued his assault as I deep throated him the best I could. Finally he pulled my head back and coated my face with the most wonderful prize a submissive slut could ask for: her Master’s come. A few moments later we darted from the storage building display and ran for my baby blue Flex. I was still wiping his orgasm off my face with my left forearm as he pushed the start button.

  “I’m so buying that shit,” he said with a laugh.


  We pulled into the garage an hour later, Aunt Kerry’s silver Mercedes was parked outside on the grass beside the driveway. Carlton unloaded our supplies from Lowes as I headed upstairs.

  “Liz what’s this mess in the kitchen?” My Aunt complained as I entered the kitchen. Sometimes it shocked me how much she and my mother looked alike. Yet there she was standing in the middle of the kitchen with her hands on her hips staring at the fan blowing on the pine floors. “I certainly hope these floors didn’t stay wet for too long. I doubt your trust fund can handle replacing these!”

  “Oh calm down Kerry, the floors are fine. For God’s sake woman, at some point you’re going to have to realize these kids are grown up now.” Hampton Bennett’s voice came from the living room.

  I called out, “Thank you Bennett!” With a smirk of satisfaction I turned back to my Aunt. “See there Aunt Kerry, even Bennett agrees! Anyway we just ran to Lowes to buy a new faucet.”

  She shot me a look of concern, “And who is going to replace the faucet? Did you call someone?”

  I shook my head with a broad smile, “Carlton is fixing it.”

  Her eyebrows rose a mile high, “Seriously Liz, who did you call?”

  I la
ughed, “Seriously! He knows how to fix it! It’s my car that seems to confuse him.”

  Aunt Kerry shrugged, “If you say so. Anyway, Bennett and I came by to give you some news. Ya’ll come on into the living room and let’s talk.” Her expression was a mixture of excitement and contentment. Carlton closed the door to the garage steps behind him and grinned, “Let me set this stuff down and I’ll be right there.”

  I followed my Aunt into the living room and plopped down on the thickly cushioned sofa. I reached over and patted Bennett’s hand which rested on his knee, “What’s going on, Bennett?”

  When he looked at me I knew there was big news coming, kindergarten teachers don’t have as much glitter as he did sparkling within his blue eyes. I could definitely see what my Aunt found in Bennett; for an old guy, he was a total hunk. With a grin I looked over at my Aunt who was fiddling with her iPad while we waited for Carlton.

  A second later I saw what she was doing, she had Palmer on Facetime. “Hey Liz! How’s it going?” His face peered at me from the screen Aunt Kerry held in front of her. She stood up and placed the iPad in the chair next to her, giving the effect that Palmer was sitting there with us. I chuckled, “Dying of anticipation here. Is our apartment still in one piece?”

  Palmer nodded, “Yep. Oh look, there’s ‘Killer Carlton.’ So come on Aunt Kerry, spill the beans. What’s up?”

  Carlton wandered into the room and took a seat in the blue paisley chair that’d been our Dad’s favorite. He looked around at all of us with interest; I suddenly wondered what in the world he must be thinking about my crazy family. He had melded into our home as though this is where he belonged his entire life.

  Aunt Kerry raised her hand, “Okay children, you know now that Bennett and I have been seeing one another for quite a while. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, but you kids had been through so much I didn’t want to make any commitments to anyone other than you two.” She smiled sweetly; I could tell she was thinking back to our parents; she missed them terribly. “But now that you’re living your lives on your own, I feel like I can continue mine. Bennett asked me last night to marry him, I said yes!”


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