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LA Misbehaved - Complete (Married A Stripper Book 2)

Page 80

by M. S. Parker

  It look amazing. Perfect. Luxurious.


  I tossed it onto the floor of the limo and leaned forward, running my hand over my face. In the front, Maxwell was driving, but the window was up, offering Aleena and me some privacy. As she picked up the report, I struggled to find the words to express what I wanted to say. Normally, that wasn’t a problem when it came to work.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked, frowning. She flipped through the report, pausing to look over a few key pages before looking up at me. “I’m still waiting on some data from Amber, but—”

  “It’s not the report,” I said, cutting her off. “I can bail the chain out, take over. Hell, in a year or so, I’ll be bored with it too and looking to do something else. Then what?”

  “Then you find something else.” She undid her seat belt and moved to sit next to me instead of across from me. After she’d clicked the restraint on, she took my hand.

  “Something else.” I felt empty even saying it. “And when does it get to be enough, Aleena?”

  She pressed her hand to my cheek, her soft green eyes holding mine. “What’s this about?”

  I took the report she still held and looked at it. “This…it’s not enough anymore. This…hell, the agency. The hotels. What difference do they make?”

  “They provide jobs, for one.” She leaned forward, a puzzled expression on her face.

  I curled my arm around her shoulders, breathing in the warm female scent of her. I wanted to pull her onto my lap and lose myself in her. That might ease the chaos. Might help me stop feeling like I was losing myself in one pointless project after another instead.

  She did it for you.

  It clicked then.

  So simple.

  So damn simple.

  “What if I don’t look for something else?” I said slowly as Aleena nestled her head against my shoulder.

  “Hmm? You want to hang with Trouver L’Amour for a while longer?”

  “No.” Snorting, I looked out the window. With my hand tangled in her curls, I began to toy with the idea forming inside my head. “No business this time, Aleena. I want to do what Cecily is doing.”

  When she lifted her head, I turned to meet her gaze.

  She didn’t say anything right away and when she did, her question was slow, thoughtful. Almost curious. “You want to do something for teenaged mothers?”

  “No…well, not exactly. Cecily seems to have that pretty well under control.” I grimaced and added, “Not that there’s ever going to be enough attention focused on teenaged girls who get shoved to the background so they don’t embarrass their families.” An idea was forming. “But that’s not what I had in mind. I want to focus on helping missing children get reunited with their parents. On human trafficking, kidnap victims and their families. That sort of thing.”

  Aleena’s eyes widened fractionally.

  I braced myself without realizing I had tightened every muscle in my body. I didn’t even notice that I was holding my breath, not until it burst out of me in a rush when she leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

  “Dominic, I think that’s an amazing idea.”

  “Thanks.” I tugged her back up against me and closed my eyes. I’d spent most of my life telling myself that getting somebody else’s approval didn’t matter. Then I’d gone out of my way to prove that to everybody around me.

  But Aleena…what she thought mattered.

  “Can you start looking into what I need to do? Businesses, well, I know business inside and out, but the only experience I’ve got with charities is how to write a check.” Eyes still closed, I started to toy with the curls falling loose to her shoulders. “I'll talk to Amber about still dealing with business stuff, but I want to do this with you.”

  I felt her smile against my shoulder.

  “I guess this will be a learning experience for both of us.”

  Aleena’s voice drifted to me from down the hall.

  “Yes, it’s fine…no, just the four of us.”

  I heard her talking to the staff as she checked on the preparation for the meal. She’d brought me a glass of scotch earlier, but it was still sitting on the table behind me, untouched.

  I stared out the window, not really seeing the beautifully manicured lawn that was the view from the window. I’d thought that deciding on the charity idea would settle my chaotic thoughts some, but my head was still a wreck. My mind was never a very calm place to begin with, but even for my ADHD brain, this was something else. And it wasn't only in my head. My muscles were tight and tense. Everything in me was on edge.

  Part of me wanted to call Cecily and Jefferson, tell them not to come tonight. When my mood got like this, it wasn’t always a good idea to be around people, especially people I liked, because my asshole side started to come through strong and clear.

  But I wanted to be a better guy than that.

  I wanted to be the kind of son who earned the love that Cecily seemed to so obviously feel for me.

  I wanted to be the kind of man who Aleena deserved.

  I even wanted to be the kind of friend that Jefferson seemed to think I was.

  In other words, I had to control my asshole side.

  When I heard the click of Aleena’s heels on the hardwood floors, I didn’t turn around. I closed my eyes so I couldn't even see her reflection in the window.

  “Everything’s moving along on schedule,” she said from the doorway. “We’ll have time for cocktails before dinner is ready.”

  I nodded, expecting her to walk away. As always, she surprised me. When I heard her moving toward me, I turned to face her, feeling the familiar tightening in my stomach that came every time I saw her.

  She was wearing a knee-length dress with thin straps that bared her shoulders, clung to her full breasts and skimmed down over her torso before flaring out at the curve of her hips. It was sexy and simple, elegant in a classic way.

  She stopped in front of me, her head cocked. “What’s wrong, Dominic?”

  I reached up and traced my thumb across her lower lip.

  “I don’t know.” Shaking my head, I studied her mouth, the way her skin gave when I pressed lightly. A jolt of arousal went through me. I'd never wanted someone the way I wanted her. It had been that way from the first moment I'd seen her.

  I dragged my hand down to her throat and her head fell back, exposing her neck. It was a delicate curve and when I pressed down, I felt her pulse pounding under the fragile shield of her skin.

  “Would you like me to do anything for you…Sir?”

  The throaty purr of her voice immediately brought flame to the fire that always seemed to be waiting for her. My dick started to harden and I looked past her to the door. “Go shut the door, Aleena.”

  She did and I leaned back against the window, staring at her ass as it swayed under the material of her dress. She had the most amazing body.

  “Stop there,” I said when she'd come just a few steps back towards me. My voice was rough and I could feel myself starting to crack. “Undress. I don’t want you getting mussed up.”

  Her tongue slid out to wet her lips. “Am I allowed to speak, Sir?”

  “Yes.” Sometimes I enjoyed controlling how much noise she was allowed to make, but other times, I loved hearing her sounds of pleasure. Right now, I needed that. Needed the distraction of her voice.

  “What else am I allowed to do, Sir?” She unzipped the dress and I watched as it fell down to her hips. She caught it and dragged it off, draping it over the nearby chair so it wouldn’t wrinkle. She was wearing a set of matching scarlet undergarments, bits of silk and lace that made her look even more gorgeous.

  “What would you like to do?”

  The question caught us both by surprise. It wasn't one I generally asked, even if we were having regular sex. I trusted her to tell me what she wanted then.

  She didn’t answer right away, stripping away her bra and panties, but leaving on her equally red heels. After all, I hadn’
t told her to take them off. They made her already amazing legs look even more perfect.

  Her eyes met mine—one of the ways I wasn't like other Dominants. I liked seeing her face, the look in her eyes when I pleasured her.

  “I think I’d like to take care of you, Sir.”

  My stomach clenched. “I’m your Dominant, Aleena,” I said, my voice tight. “It’s my job to take care of you.”

  “I’m the woman who loves you. Something has you unhappy. Sometimes I need to be the one who takes care of you,” she reminded me.

  She'd told me that before, that she trusted me to be her Dominant, but that I also needed to trust her to take care of me as well. We were more than just a sexual Dominant and Submissive relationship. She would submit in the bedroom, but there were times I'd need to trust her.

  Running my tongue across my teeth, I studied her. “What did you have in mind?”

  She came toward me, slowly, and I knew she was giving me a chance to take control the way I usually did. She understood just how hard it was for me to give it up, even like this.

  Her eyes stayed on mine as she reached for the buttons of my shirt. It wasn’t a formal dinner, so I wasn’t wearing a suit or tuxedo. Part of me wished I was wearing more than just that linen shirt and a pair of trousers, though, because it was an intoxicating kind of pleasure, to have her slowly undress me.

  After she’d slipped the shirt away, she moved her hands to my belt. Her eyes met mine and I could see the desire glowing there. Without looking away from my face, she undid my belt and sank to her knees in front of me, taking my pants and underwear with her. I was already half-hard, but with her so close, that was rapidly changing.

  “I love your body.” Aleena’s voice was soft, shaky now, and her cheeks were flushed.

  “What parts?” I loved hearing her talk like this and she knew it.

  “Your…” She licked her lips. “Your cock. Your mouth. Your hands. Everything about you.”


  “I love your body too. I really love your mouth.” I looked at the body part in question.

  She smiled slowly. “Do you want me to use my mouth on your cock, Sir?”

  Fuck yes. I couldn't even find the words, but I knew she was waiting for me to give her the go-ahead. I nodded.

  It was an erotic little game, me letting her pretend to drive the show. And yet, more and more, I realized it wasn’t pretend. She owned me. All of me.

  She lightly ran her fingers alongside my shaft and it twitched as her touch sent electricity buzzing through my body, but it was nothing compared to the need that gripped me. A need for her, for all of her.

  She wrapped her lips around the head of my cock and I moaned. Her mouth was so fucking hot. She rested her hands on my hips as she took more of me, her tongue working around the head.

  I fisted one hand in her hair, but didn’t attempt to take over. This was something I'd never had with anyone else before. The ability to let myself go. To let someone else take care of me.

  I closed my eyes as she found the rhythm that I liked, hissing out a breath when she scraped her teeth over the vein that ran along the underside of my dick. When she took me deeper, my eyes opened in surprise. The head of my cock bumped against the back of her throat and she looked up at me. It wasn't easy for her to take all of me so I rarely asked her to do it. Her fingers tensed against my hips and then her throat relaxed to let me in. I swore as she swallowed, my hand tightening in her hair. She moaned inside her throat and the vibrations went straight down to my balls.

  Growling, I tugged her away by the hair and stared down at her. Her lips were swollen, her nipples tight. A flush spread up from her breasts and I knew she was breathing heavily as much from arousal as from what she'd been doing.

  “No more,” I said.

  With a slow, unyielding pressure, I brought her to her feet. She held my gaze even as I took her mouth in a brutal kiss. I bit down on her bottom lip and felt her jerk against me.

  There was a dangerous edge to my voice when I pulled away. “Are you trying to tease me, Aleena?”

  “Do you want me to?” She licked her lip where I’d bitten her.

  I groaned and used my hold on her hair to turn her, forcing her up against the window. “You might want to brace yourself.”

  A full-body shiver ran through her as she pressed her hands against the glass.

  I drove inside her, hard and fast. She cried out and I did it again, thrusting up into her mercilessly. She was wet and tight, so slick and sweet. I wanted to fill her endlessly, stay locked inside her forever. The muscles of her cunt grabbed at me and I shuddered, catching her hip and holding her still when she pushed back.

  She tried to do it again and I jerked on her hair.

  “Be still,” I ordered.

  She stilled immediately. “Yes, Sir.”

  My hand flexed on her hip, digging into her flesh until I knew she'd have bruises. I slammed into her, listening as a series of wails fell from her lips. She came hard and fast, and still I kept driving into her, pushing her into a second, then a third orgasm before I found my own.

  I groaned her name as I buried myself deep, emptying into her. I closed my eyes as our bodies shuddered against each other. I'd never really understood what people meant when they'd talked about “being one.” Until Aleena. She wasn't just mine, she was a part of me. The best part.

  A weak moan escaped her as I pulled out. I wrapped my arm around her waist and managed to maneuver us both over to the overstuffed armchair that sat next to the fireplace.

  “Damn.” I let out a breath as I pulled her tight against my chest.

  She laughed and then rolled her head around until she could meet my eyes. “Are you feeling better, Sir?” Even though her tone was teasing, I could sense the serious note behind the question.

  I didn't have a chance to answer though, as we both heard the familiar sound of a car coming toward the house.

  A low noise of annoyance escaped her as she pulled away. She was smiling as she bent and kissed me, her lips soft and sweet. The bottom one was still swollen and I knew I’d get hard every time I looked at it tonight.

  As she straightened up and moved toward the bathroom, I stayed where I was.

  Was I feeling better? Well, I could think clearly. For now. That was something, I supposed.



  “Now, Dominic, there’s only so much I’ve been able to learn.”

  Jefferson Sinclair pinned me with dark eyes, his face sober. He held a glass of red wine in one hand and looked from me to my mother before glancing at Aleena. His gaze lingered on her for a moment before he shifted his attention back to me. I couldn't really blame him, but I didn't have to like it. His lips twitched and I realized some of that must've shown on my face.

  “And I can only give you vague details. Those details aren’t to be shared, even as vague as they are.” He paused and then added, “You have to understand, this is one big-ass case. The Attorney General, the FBI…they're keeping it close to their chest and they can’t have anything messing it up. You got me?”

  “Trust me.” Over the rim of my glass of scotch, I met his eyes. “The last thing I wanted to do is mess this up. I want these bastards caught.”

  “Jefferson,” Cecily said softly. She reached out and touched his hand, smiling a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. I didn't look a lot like her, but I knew that kind of smile. “That’s all any of us want. We’re not going to give an exclusive to the New Yorker or anything. We just want to know if there’s been any headway.”

  He looked at her for a long moment and then he nodded. “There's been some. They aren’t giving me names, but I did learn that they’ve gotten a couple of middle men. Apparently, they were going through and making sure everything was nice and clean. They weren’t clean enough.” He tipped his glass of wine in my direction and added, “Then again, having the heir of the St. James fortune find out that he was stolen from his rightful mother before she ev
er had a chance to hold him…well, the media ate it up, as you all know. People panicked.”

  The smile on his face made me scowl. “Is this amusing you, Sin?”

  The old nickname came easily and he leaned back, shaking his head. “No, it’s not, man. But let me tell you this: panic is good for men in my position sometimes. Not my panic, you see. But when suspects panic? When people of interest panic? They get stupid. Stupid causes mistakes. Mistakes lead to arrests and arrests lead to trials. That’s what we want in the long run.”

  Silence fell and after a moment, Cecily cleared her throat and reached for her glass of wine.

  I watched her as she took a sip, wondered if she was doing the same thing I was, trying to get a grip on her temper, struggling to stay in control as Sinclair made everything sound so simple. Like all of the shit we'd been through could be boiled down so succinctly.

  She flicked a look at me and I realized what the answer was.


  She felt the same way I did. Although she was doing a better job of hiding it. Perhaps some of my temper came from her. I’d always wondered. I knew I didn't get my asshole gene from her. I figured that was half nature from my bastard of a biological father and half nurture from my adoptive father.

  Her lashes fell, shielding her gaze. Swinging her attention back to Jefferson, she asked, “Do you think they’ll find the people behind it all? The brains of the operation, so to speak?”

  “After this much time?” Jefferson shook his head. “I’d be afraid to give a yes or no to that. I know two of the agents on the team the FBI has assigned and the lawyer with the Attorney General’s office. She’s a bulldog, let me tell you. She will not let this go. She'll chase every lead, push every witness, ask every question. If anybody can close this case, it’ll be those three. And if they can't, no one can.”

  Aleena, sensing that my mood hadn't really improved much, guided the dinner conversation toward lighter subjects, keeping Cecily and Jefferson talking while I brooded into my wine. It wasn't until Cecily mentioned an event she had coming up with one of her charities that I raised my head.


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