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Her Desert Prince (Desert Destiny Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Marie Tuhart

  Samir waited inside the doors. “She’s this way.” Samir gestured to the emergency room, and Malik nodded and followed him. “You should be aware she was attacked, Your Highness.”

  “What?” Malik’s heart stopped beating as he swept into the room, his dark gaze focused in on her as she argued with his brother. His heart started beating again, and he fought against pulling her into his arms.

  “I’m all right, Hassan,” Catherine said, trying to sit up.

  “I’ll be the judge of that. Does your head hurt?”

  “Of course it does.” She rolled her eyes. “I head-butted the guy.”

  “Did you black out?”

  “No, just stunned myself.”

  Hassan flashed a light into one of her eyes, then the other. “I’m worried about your head. I’d like to do a CAT scan.”

  “I don’t think it’s necessary,” she protested.

  “You’ll do as my brother says,” Malik said, using his best Dom voice and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Great, just what I need, two of them,” Catherine said.

  The nurse in the room let out a laugh, then stifled it as Malik turned and looked at her. “Excuse me,” she said, and fled.

  “You’ve frightened my only ally out of the room.” Catherine glared at him.

  Malik turned to her. His gaze took in the small bump on her forehead, scratches on her arms, and the mutinous expression on her face.

  “It’s a precaution, Catherine,” Hassan intervened.

  “An unnecessary test.”

  “You’ve been attacked and injured.” Malik looked at his brother. “Was the person caught?”

  “No. He jumped into the car after Catherine head-butted him.”

  “I see. I will go have a talk with Samir about his duty.”

  “You will not.” Catherine sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  “Lie back down,” Malik ordered.

  “No.” Catherine lifted her chin and looked him in the eye. “Samir is not at fault. He went to get the car as usual. I wasn’t paying attention, and when a similar vehicle pulled up, I just assumed it was the right one. Blame me.” Then she turned to his brother. “I’m fine. I don’t need a CAT scan. You have other patients who need you. Go attend them.” She stood and faced Malik. “I’m going back to the palace now.” She marched past them and out of the room.

  “Stubborn woman,” Malik said, staring after Catherine. His heart was finally calming down.

  “Yes,” his brother agreed.

  “How hurt is she?” He’d go after her in a minute. Besides, Samir was right outside the door, and he wouldn’t let her get very far or leave the hospital without him.

  “Maybe a mild concussion but no loss of consciousness. I’d wake her every few hours tonight to be on the safe side. She’ll probably be a little sore tomorrow and bruised where the guy grabbed her. From what I was told, she fought the guy when she realized what was happening.”

  Malik swore. “You didn’t witness it?”

  “No. A couple of other employees on break saw the altercation and went to aid her.”

  “She’s supposed to be looked after and not left alone. Why didn’t you stay with her?” Anger filled him—at his brother, the staff, Samir, himself. This was his fault. He should have come after her this morning instead of letting her spend the day with the children.

  Hassan held up his hands. “First off, I was paged, and second, I left her in the reception area to wait for Samir. I didn’t realize she’d go outside alone.”

  “Sorry.” Malik tried to rein in his temper. “Not your fault. There should have been another guard with her. Where was he?”

  Hassan shrugged. “Don’t know. I escorted her from the children’s ward to reception.” He glanced at the empty doorway. “If I were you, I’d go find Catherine before she leaves the hospital on her own.”

  “She won’t. Samir is watching her.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Malik swore and took off after Catherine. The woman was apt at losing her security detail. Where had she learned to do that?

  Catherine sank down onto the overstuffed sofa in an empty waiting room, forcing her body to relax. Her anger with Hassan and Malik had lasted all of two minutes after she had stormed out of the room. Being angry made her head hurt, and it hurt enough already. Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes. In a few minutes she’d ask Samir to take her to the palace, but for the moment she wanted some peace and quiet.

  Soft footsteps paused outside the door, and she kept her eyes closed. “Go away,” she said. The unique smell of sandalwood tickled her nose as Malik walked into the room. She had to fight against throwing herself into his arms. She wasn’t a damsel in distress. She’d fought off her attacker, and from the whispers of the nurses, the man had been bleeding pretty badly. One day as the future crown princess and already someone had tried to kidnap her.

  “Maybe you should listen to my brother and spend the night here.”

  “It’s just a headache.” With another six-foot pain in the butt standing too close. “Give me two aspirin, and let me get some sleep. I’ll be fine.”

  “So fine you’re sitting here with your eyes closed.”

  A sigh slipped from her lips. She didn’t want to fight with him, but she wasn’t going to stay in the hospital. Too many memories. A shiver crept up her spine. While she was working or spending time with the kids it didn’t bother her, but she was not going to spend the night.

  “Malik, I don’t want to argue with you. I just want to go back to the palace and fall into my bed.” Silence followed her words. “Please,” she added.

  The air stirred around her, then she was lifted into his arms. “Malik?” She pried her eyes open and entwined her arms around his neck.

  “Shh, lay your head on my shoulder and be quiet, before I decide having you admitted to the hospital is better than this lunacy.” His voice was soft and tender.

  Catherine kept her mouth shut and relaxed into his hold. Her head rested against his shoulder as he carried her out of the hospital to the waiting car. She didn’t want to think of how they looked or what other people saw, especially any press hanging around. Instead, she concentrated on the complex man holding her.

  His scent, sandalwood and pure masculinity, teased her senses. His arms were strong and sure, and he made her feel safe. Safer than she’d felt in a long time. Not since she was a small child had she had this contented, secure feeling. His deep voice was subdued when he spoke to Samir, but she didn’t open her eyes.

  She waited for Malik to lower her to her feet, but he didn’t. He somehow managed to get them both settled into the car, with her on his lap. Catherine let out another sigh, one of satisfaction, and she snuggled into his embrace.

  This is nice, she thought. Then she drifted off.


  Malik took a deep breath as Catherine relaxed against him and her breathing became even and regular. She was asleep. He glanced at his watch, noting the time when he’d have to wake her.

  He was torn between reading her the riot act, taking her to his bed and never letting her out, or spanking her butt until it was bright red. Who was he kidding? This woman stripped all his defenses, and he couldn’t even stay angry with her. Concerned, but not angry.

  Glancing down, he noted how pale her face was. Who in the world would want to hurt her? To kidnap her? He’d only made the official announcement of their engagement yesterday. Was this a crime of opportunity? It seemed like it. There was no way it could have been planned. Or could it? Catherine was always at the hospital working on the mural, or with the kids, and she usually left at the same time each day.

  He’d make sure his private security officers got to the bottom of this. Samir was already on the phone to Khalid; as head of security, he’d find out what was going on. Malik tightened his arms around Catherine. “I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

  His mother was
waiting when they pulled up to the palace. She frowned when Malik emerged from the car, carrying a sleeping Catherine. “Shouldn’t she be in the hospital?” she asked in hushed tones.

  “Yes, but she refused to stay.” He swept into the palace, up the stairs, and into his bedroom.

  “Is this wise?” his mother asked as she followed him.

  “I’m not letting her out of my sight.” He lay Catherine gently on the bed before facing his mother. “According to Hassan, she might have a mild concussion and some bruises.”

  “I’ll send a maid to undress her.” His mother touched his arm. “Your father is doing much better. I’ll go back and visit him later tonight.”

  “Good.” One less family member to worry about.

  “It’s very good.” His mother smiled.

  When his mother left the room, he turned to Catherine. She looked good in his bed. All he needed to do now was convince her to stay there.

  Malik undressed and put on a robe. He maneuvered one of the overstuffed chairs closer to the bed, grabbed the reports he needed to read, and sat down. Instead of reading, he stared at Catherine.

  He’d almost lost her today. A tremor shook his body. Tossing the report in his hand aside, he leaned forward, elbows on knees. They hadn’t known each other long, but he couldn’t see a life without her in it. Her past didn’t matter; he’d read the dossier Khalid had provided on her. While it had the highlights, it hadn’t gone into a lot of detail, and Malik didn’t care. His Catherine was sweet, caring, and his.

  He smiled. She had fought her attacker, and he’d have to ask her about that. He admitted he didn’t think she could hurt a fly, yet she’d protected herself. All this coming on the heels of his father’s heart attack had Malik wondering if a political coup was in the making.

  Were the tribal leaders working to gain ground? He didn’t think so, but he’d have to make it a point to meet with them. To calm their fears. Catherine shifted, shaking Malik out of his thoughts. He’d promised to protect her, yet today she’d been hurt. He had already talked with Samir. There had been nothing out of the ordinary today. Hassan had been with Catherine, and Samir had gone to get the car.

  Who was watching them? He ran his hand over his face, trying to erase the exhaustion. He was doubling her guards. She wasn’t going to like it, but he would make sure she was safe.

  Malik glanced at the clock. In another hour he’d wake her up to check on her, but in the meantime he could get some work done. But after twenty minutes of reading the same four lines, he shook his head.

  He set the report aside again, removed his robe, and slipped into bed beside Catherine. Malik turned on his side and slipped his arm over her waist. Catherine wiggled and then snuggled closer to him.

  Malik closed his eyes. This is where he wanted to be.

  Catherine woke slowly, squinting at the light streaming into her room. She’d overslept. Without thinking, she started to stretch. “Ouch,” she said out loud as muscles protested.

  “What is it?”

  Her eyes widened at Malik’s voice. He was on his elbow, gazing down at her. His eyes were filled with concern and worry, making his forehead wrinkle.

  “Sore muscles, that’s all. What are you doing in my room?”

  “It’s my room. Let me help you.” He slipped his hand behind her back as she tried to sit up. Then he piled pillows behind her.

  “Your room?” Lord, she was sore. Maybe it was time to exercise a bit more if the small exertion she’d had yesterday had caused this. The events of the previous afternoon came flooding back, including Malik waking her several times during the night, and she let out a groan.

  “You’re in pain. Coming home was a bad idea. You should have stayed in the hospital.” Worry tinged his voice.

  “Malik.” She cupped his cheek. Stubble teased her skin before she let her arm fall back to her side. “I’ll be fine. A little sore from the tussle with my attacker, but otherwise, I’m just peachy. Why am I in your room and your bed?”

  “Because this is where you belong.” The words were said with a quiet forcefulness.

  Catherine thought she’d imagined it, but one look at the fierce protectiveness in Malik’s eyes told her she hadn’t. Her heart began to pound. Her proud warrior was upset he hadn’t been there to protect her. Now he was going all dominant on her, in more ways than one.

  “But,” she started, only to be interrupted by a knock on his bedroom door.

  “Enter,” Malik said.

  Hassan strode into the room. “Good, you’re awake. How’s the head?”

  It was then Catherine realized she no longer had a headache. “Fine, no pain at all.”

  “Good. What about pain elsewhere?”

  “She said her muscles hurt,” Malik said.

  “I can speak for myself.” She glared at Malik, who just grinned at her. “Muscles that haven’t been used in a while are a little sore. Nothing that getting up and moving won’t cure.”

  “Absolutely not,” Malik said.

  “I’m not an invalid.” His stern tone and look should upset her, but instead it caused her blood to heat.

  “You will stay in bed.”

  “Is that a royal decree?” Damn, his dominant side was making her insides melt.

  “I’ll make it one.”

  “Excuse me,” Hassan said, trying to smother his laughter. “As her doctor, I'd say that it’s a good idea if she does get up and move around.”

  “See, the doctor agrees with me.” Catherine folded her arms over her chest.

  “Very well.” Malik nodded in a very regal way, like it was his idea all along. “I’ll get you a robe and call a maid to help you dress.”

  “I can dress myself.”

  “A maid or me. Your choice.”

  “Darn, overprotective male,” Catherine muttered, and Hassan burst out laughing.

  “I’ll leave you two to work this out.” He quickly left the room.

  “So, what is your choice?” He stared at her, his arms over his chest, looking like he was sitting on a throne rather than on a bed.

  Catherine let out a sigh. “Fine, summon a maid.” Part of her enjoyed his protectiveness, but another reminded her she was an independent woman. She was used to taking care of herself.

  “Thank you.” Malik brushed a kiss over her cheek before he climbed out of bed.

  Her mouth watered. He was only wearing a pair of white briefs, and they clung to his magnificent ass. Muscles played over his back as he picked up the robe sitting on the chair. He strode around the bed and held it up for her to slip into.

  She slid out of bed, stood, and placed her arms into the robe. Malik’s hands descended on her shoulders. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.” His warm breath teased her cheek.

  “I didn’t mean to.” She belted the robe before turning in his hold. “I just reacted to the situation.”

  Malik lowered his forehead to rest on hers. “Something we need to discuss as well.” He pulled her into his embrace.

  His heart beat strong and sure under her ear. She relaxed into his embrace and allowed his warmth to soak into her skin.

  “And later we’ll discuss your punishment.”

  “What does that mean?” Catherine pulled back, her jaw dropping open. But Malik tapped her on the nose and stepped away before sauntering into the bathroom.


  An hour later, Catherine made her way into the family breakfast room. She hadn’t realized the time it was until she asked the maid. It was after nine in the morning. She’d slept close to fourteen hours, not surprising with all she’d been through in the last few days.

  Glancing around the room, she was surprised to see Malik and his brothers around the table. She’d hoped Malik would be in his office, as she was still digesting his last comment about her punishment, but he wasn’t. “Good morning.”

  Malik rose to his feet with another frown on his face. “Where is—”

  “I dismissed the maid outside the door, so don
’t get all huffy on me.” She took her seat next to him and poured herself some tea.

  “How are you feeling?” Rafi asked.

  “I’m fine.” She smiled at him.

  “He gets a polite, ‘I’m fine,’ but when I ask you yell at me,” Malik said, taking her hand in his.

  “Yes.” She wasn’t going to lie to him. Malik’s concern warmed her heart, but when he started getting dominant toward her outside the bedroom, it made her hackles rise. “So, what is on the agenda for today?”

  “We’ve been discussing that,” Khalid said.

  “And I’ve said no,” Malik said.

  “You’re being stubborn,” Rafi commented.

  Catherine looked at Hassan, who shrugged his shoulders. “Malik is concerned what Khalid has suggested would be too much for you.”

  “What is with you three spilling information so easily?”

  She turned to Malik. “And what has been suggested?”

  “No. I’m not discussing it.” Malik frowned at her. “You are not well enough.”

  “Stubborn male,” she muttered, then turned her attention to Khalid. “Tell me.”

  “Sorry, brother,” Khalid said with a laugh. “Some of the tribal leaders have come forward and want a meeting with Malik.”

  “But that’s wonderful.” She knew Malik had been worried about how the tribal leaders took the news of their fake engagement.

  “It is,” Rafi said. “But Malik won’t meet with them.”

  “Why ever not?” She turned in her chair toward Malik. “You must meet with them. This will give them a chance to talk with you.”

  “I will not risk your well-being,” Malik said, his jaw tight.

  Catherine waited, but Malik said no more, so she turned her attention to Rafi. “What is he talking about?”

  “The tribal leaders have asked Malik to bring you to the meeting,” Rafi said.

  “So?” What was she missing? There had to be something. Warm fingers cupped her chin. Malik’s dark eyes were filled with concern.

  “The tribal leaders want the meeting in the desert. It would mean spending a night out there,” Malik said.


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