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Her Desert Prince (Desert Destiny Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Marie Tuhart


  Catherine paced around her room. Her maid had left after helping her dress. Now, there was nothing to do but wait for Malik.

  The gown Anna insisted she wear, if you could call the garment that, fell in soft whispers around her ankles. It wasn’t one of those low-cut, daring outfits, but Catherine was still apprehensive.

  She wore nothing underneath the silky fabric but a pair of minuscule panties. The maid insisted no slip or other undergarments were necessary. The gown itself was beautiful, with sparkling red and gold embellishments sewn into the fabric.

  Forcing herself to keep her hands at her sides so as not to mess up her hair, she continued to pace and went over everything Anna had told her about who would be at the dinner.

  A knock sounded and she jumped. Putting her hands on her stomach, she took a deep breath, then moved across the room and opened the door.

  Malik’s jaw dropped open.

  “I told Anna this was wrong.” Catherine stepped back, ready to close the door.

  “No,” he croaked out, putting his hand on the door and moving into the room. He cleared his throat. “For me to tell you that you look beautiful is an understatement. You take my breath away.” He captured her hands in his. “Your hands are freezing.”

  “I’m nervous.” Her voice was shaky. Damn, why had she agreed to this? All she really wanted to do was curl up in bed and hide.

  “How can I help you?”

  She almost said by letting her not go to the party, but she couldn’t. “I’ll be okay.”

  “Will you?” He cupped her cheek with his palm. Hot tendrils of sensation flowed through her veins. “It’s okay to be nervous. I’ll be by your side all night.”

  “But this gown.” She gestured with her hand, and he took a step back. “I feel so exposed.”

  “You pay me, and our people, a great honor by wearing the royal colors. No one will doubt you are my chosen bride.”

  Heat flared in her cheeks. His chosen bride, she really wished she could believe that. This was all because her parents were narcissistic idiots and the tabloids loved a good, juicy story.

  “Shall we go down?”

  “If I say no, can we stay here?” There was a hopeful tone in her voice.

  “As much as I’d like nothing better than to spend the evening with you in my bed and us exploring more of your limits, I’m afraid not.”

  She sighed as her cheeks grew warmer. “I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “You’ll do fine.” He pulled her hand through his arm. His support meant so much to her. “They’re going to love you.”

  She hoped so, because even if their engagement was fake, he needed the support of his people.

  “You were the hit of the dinner,” Malik said, holding Catherine to his side as the last guest left.

  “Maybe.” She leaned against him. The state dinner hadn’t been the ordeal she’d thought it was going to be.

  All the guests accepted her place at Malik’s side, and she found all of them very open to a woman who was intelligent. Not one man condescended to her. Well, there was one. Malik’s minister of information watched her like a hawk all evening, as if he were afraid she’d run off with the royal silver or something. But all in all, she’d had a wonderful time, especially when Jamal danced with her on the dance floor. While he admitted to being tired, he told her she was a bright spot in his life.

  Catherine was falling more and more in love with Malik and his family. They so readily accepted her for who she was, something that didn’t happen very often. Joy and happiness flowed through her.

  “Tired?” Malik asked as he tightened his arms around her waist.

  “A little.” Tonight, she’d learned more about him and his work with the tribal leaders, his attempts to bring them together, and his work with the villages on the edges of town, to make sure they were involved. Plus, he was passionate about making sure all children were healthy and educated. She was falling hard for this caring, compassionate, sexy, and dominant man.

  No matter how many times she reminded herself it wasn’t a good idea to fall for him, her heart and body didn’t care. After saying their good nights to the family, they walked up the stairs to their rooms. Where they would normally turn right to her room, Malik maneuvered her left. Outside the door to his room, he lifted his hands and his palms framed her face. “Stay the night with me.”

  Catherine’s heart stuttered. They’d played together before this, but other than when she was attacked and their night in the desert, she’d never spent the entire night in his room, always leaving before morning. She nodded and Malik grinned. Releasing her, he took her hand, opened the door, and tugged her inside.

  The door slid shut, and he pulled her into his arms. “Alone at last.” He lowered his head, and his lips covered hers.

  Catherine melted into his embrace. She so wanted to be with him, she shoved away her doubts about being found in his room in the morning, about her role, about everything. Only Malik mattered.

  Their tongues tangled. His kisses were like a drug she couldn’t get enough of. And it seemed he couldn’t, either. When they parted, both were breathing heavily.

  “I want you so much,” he whispered.

  “I want you too.”

  He captured her mouth once again, and his hands slid down her body, gathering up the material of her gown. He broke this kiss only to whisk the caftan over her head.

  A wave of shyness came over her, and she raised her hands to cover herself.

  “No.” He captured her hands in his. “I want to look at you.”

  “Malik.” She squirmed beneath his gaze. He’d seen her naked before, but for some reason this time was different. Hotter, more erotic than anything she’d experienced with him.

  “You are truly breathtaking.” He kissed his way to the curve of her neck.

  The passion blazing in his eyes melted Catherine’s nervousness. She trusted him to give into the pleasure he created in her. He trailed his lips down her body, awaking nerves she didn’t know existed. She slid her fingers through his dark hair, enjoying its silky texture. “One of us is overdressed.”

  He lifted his head, a wicked grin forming. “I wonder who that could be.” He slipped his finger beneath her panties and stripped them off.

  Her knees went weak as he knelt at her feet gazing up at her nude body. “Not fair,” she whispered.

  “All’s fair in my world.” He rose and removed his caftan, then his briefs, and tossed them both aside.

  Oh, dear Lord. She swallowed. He was magnificent. His skin glowed with desire, and his penis was erect. Very erect. Catherine took a deep breath as Malik lifted her into his arms and then sat her on the bed.

  He knelt beside her on the mattress. “Such pretty pink nipples.” His lips closed over her left nipple. Licking, sucking, nipping, before doing the same to the right.

  Electric shocks shot from her nipples to her core with each tug of his mouth. His fingers closed around her wrists and lifted her arms above her head. “Will you leave them there, or do I have to restrain you?” he asked.

  Oh, Lord, what was he going to do? “I’ll keep them above my head.”

  With a nod, he released her wrists and trailed his lips from her breasts to her stomach. His hot breath caressed her skin. He placed his palms on the inside of her thighs. “Open.”

  She shifted on the bed and opened her legs. He knelt between them, leaning down to blow on her pussy. Her muscles tightened as he slid his fingers to her nether lips and held them open.

  Unable to help herself, she squirmed on the mattress. “Be still.” His tone was firm.

  “You’re killing me.”

  “Not yet I’m not.”

  Before she could react, he dipped his head and licked her pussy. Her muscles tightened, and her stomach contracted as she fought not to move while he licked and nipped at her clit.

  His fingers danced along the outside of her thighs before moving inward. Somehow she kept st
ill as he slid two fingers into her.

  “So wet,” he said, raising his head to stare at her.

  “Only for you.” And it was true. It hit her right then, she was in love with Malik. She trusted him more than she trusted any other man, with her body, her soul, her heart.

  “Mine.” He drew his fingers back and then plunged them back into her.

  Her back arched as his fingers curved inside her, finding that special spot. Tremors shook her body. “I’m going to come if you keep doing that.”

  He grinned. “Can’t have that.” He removed his fingers from her core and reached over to the nightstand. The drawer rattled, then he sat back on his heels with a condom between his fingers. Malik ripped the foil and rolled the condom down his cock.

  “All mine,” he whispered. He rose over her and guided himself into her pussy.

  Hard and needy was all she could think as he pushed past her entrance.

  “You’re tight,” he whispered, his lips next to her ear.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve had sex.”

  He gazed at her, and she swore his cock grew bigger at her words. “I’ll go slow.”

  “No.” She flexed her hips and he stilled. Oh, heck, she wasn’t supposed to make demands in the bedroom. “Ummm, sorry.”

  “You’re forgiven.” He shifted his hips, pushing into her. Her inner muscles stretched around him. Her skin tingled.

  “You feel so good, so hard, so hot.” She fisted her hands so as not to touch him as he pushed all the way into her. She let out a moan. So full. On instinct, she tightened her core muscles.

  Malik groaned. “So fucking snug.” He backed out and then thrust forward.

  “Oh, yes.” Her arms shook with the need to touch him, but she’d promised to keep her hands over her head.

  In and out. Her neck arched as he picked up the pace. “Please, harder, faster.” Her breathing increased as the pleasure soared through her veins. Nerves tingled with delight.

  “I want to make this good for you.”

  “You are. I’m ready to shatter into a thousand pieces.” Her inner muscles clasped him with every stroke. God, he seemed to swell even bigger inside her. She raised her hips to meet his with each thrust.

  His mouth covered hers as a fluttering sensation started in her belly, then spread quickly. She wasn’t going to last. She tore her mouth from his and cried out as her orgasm overwhelmed her.

  Their gazes locked. Malik’s eyes filled with desire and need. He continued to thrust into her willing body. Each stroke took her higher and higher. Her body shook with the force of her second climax. Then he stiffened and pulsed inside her as his own release took over.

  Malik collapsed against her, laying his head on her shoulder. Catherine smiled, enjoying his weight on her body. She lowered her arms and stroked his sweaty back. Her body hummed with satisfaction.

  He licked her neck and flexed his hips.

  “Again,” she whispered.

  “Anything you say, my princess.”

  An hour later, Catherine snuggled against Malik’s warm body, her body not only sated, but deliciously sore. She was one lucky woman. Half-asleep, she wiggled again, finding that sweet spot, when Malik kissed the top of her head and whispered, “I can’t wait to make you my wife.”

  Her heart tightened. Too bad it was pillow talk.


  Catherine woke the next morning alone. Wait a second. Her eyes focused on the chair next to the bed. She was back in her room. Sitting up, she turned and saw a single rose lying on the pillow next to her. A smile curved her lips as she picked up the flower and brought it to her nose.

  The deep rich fragrance filled her. Stretching, she climbed out of bed. Muscles protested. Malik must have carried her back to her room early this morning so no one would talk about their spending the night together. Private, special words nudged at her memory, but escaped her when she tried to focus on them.

  Hugging her arms around her stomach, she practically danced into the bathroom. She wasn’t sorry she’d made love to Malik again. No, it had been a liberating and exciting night. She missed his arms around her already.

  Whoa, girl, don’t get in too deep, she thought. Oh, who was she kidding, she was already too deep. She was totally and completely in love with Malik. A few weeks ago, the thought would have had her running for the hills, now … she stared at herself in the mirror. She didn’t look different, but she felt different. Her world was brighter and happier.

  With a goofy grin, she pushed aside her fanciful thoughts, took a quick shower, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. She was surprised to see the only person in the room was Malik.

  “Good morning,” he said, rising when she walked in.

  “Good morning.” Before she could take another step, he was in front of her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. In the back of her mind, she realized that anyone could walk in on them, but the texture of his lips against hers, her tongue dueling with his, made her forget everything else.

  Malik lifted his head and stared down at her. “That’s how I want to start every morning.”

  Her face grew warm. “It is good, isn’t it?” She danced out of his embrace, sat down, and dished up breakfast.

  “We’ve got about fifteen minutes before we need to be in my father’s office.” He took a seat beside her.

  Her appetite fled at his announcement. “Is there something wrong?”

  “No, my dove.” He ran his fingers over her cheek. “He would like a meeting with us to discuss the next step in our country.”

  “But shouldn’t that be decided by family?”

  “You are family. You are my fiancée, and therefore you will be involved.”

  But she really wasn’t. This was a fake engagement, after all. “Okay.” Catherine shrugged her shoulders, but she had a feeling that not only agreeing to allow the family to announce her and Malik’s engagement, but her presence was helping keep the pretense up. She’d have to leave once her job was completed, and then what? She glanced at Malik. Yes, she loved him, but marrying him was a fantasy; she wasn’t royal material.

  “I’m stepping down, and Malik will become the new king of Bashir,” Jamal announced.

  Catherine’s stomach knotted. The end had come sooner than she expected. Malik would become the ruler, and as soon as she finished the mural, she would be leaving.

  “According to tradition, once I make the formal announcement to our people, Malik will take the throne in two weeks.”

  Her gaze drifted over to Malik. He sat there straight-faced, no emotions showing. He was a man born to lead, whereas she was a woman born to heartbreak. Unable to sit any longer, she rose to her feet. “I need to get to the hospital.” The mural needed her attention if she was going to be done in the next two weeks. Then she could go home. Her heart skipped a beat. Home. She wasn’t sure where that was anymore.

  “I’ll go with you.” Malik stood.

  “I’m sure you have other things you need to talk with your father about.” There she was, running away again. When would she break the habit?

  “Nothing that can’t wait.” He cupped her elbow. “Until later, Father.” Malik escorted her from the room. Once they were in the hallway, he swung her to face him. “You don’t look happy at the announcement.”

  “My happiness doesn’t matter.” It didn’t. She disliked that she could be hurting him, but she didn’t have a choice. She couldn’t stay.

  “Yes, it does.” He took her hand and led her down the hall and into his office, then leaned against the door after he shut it. “What is wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Catherine wrapped her arms around her waist and stared at the gold carpet.

  “Catherine.” His soft, gentle fingers touched her chin. “Look at me.”

  “This is going to change your life, Malik.” She kept her gaze on the floor.

  “Not just my life,” he whispered as he slid his arms around her, trapping her arms between his body and hers.

>   She tried to shake her head, but his lips kissed their way down from her ear to her neck.

  “Everything will be okay. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  A shiver worked its way up from her toes as his lips continued kissing their way down her neck and then back up to her chin, to her cheek, and then her temple. “Malik.” She lifted her head. If only she could get over her need of him.

  “Better.” He framed her face with his hands. “I promised you I’d never leave you alone to face this, and I’m going to keep that promise.” He kissed her softly.

  Unable to help herself, she kissed him back, wanting to be with him more than she wanted anything in her life. So instead of fighting him, she’d savor every second she had with him now, because soon she’d be alone again.

  Malik led Catherine to the waiting car. His father’s announcement hadn’t been a shock. They’d discussed it already. It was time. His father had explained he wanted to step down and spend more time with his wife, Malik's mother. Malik approved. He glanced over at Catherine as the vehicle started moving. Worry clouded her blue eyes. He wasn’t sure what she was worried about. “So, tell me. How much longer will it be before the mural is done?” Maybe if he talked to her about her work, she’d relax.

  “Less than two weeks.”

  “The kids are very excited.”

  “So am I. I can’t wait to see their faces when they see the mural completed. They’ve inspired so much of it.” She smiled, and Malik was pleased to see the worry flee from her eyes as they talked about her work.

  But he kept an eye on Catherine when they arrived at the hospital. The attack last week still bothered him, and the culprit hadn’t been caught. He was going to accompany her to speak to a little girl and her family across the parking lot, but Catherine told him to stay put. Now, she laughed at something the little girl had said. She ruffled the child’s hair, and said something to the parents, then turned back to him.

  His gut tightened as she sauntered across the pavement. This woman took his breath away like no other. And he wasn’t going to let her go.


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