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Her Desert Prince (Desert Destiny Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Marie Tuhart

  Catherine glanced up at the TV blaring in the corner of the room. The news confirmed the preparations for Malik’s coronation were almost complete. She’d forgotten with everything else going on the coronation was just four days away. How would Malik cope?

  Her heart stuttered. Malik hid his emotions in public, but in private with her, he’d finally let his guard down. She’d encouraged him when they spent time alone at night to talk to her about anything and everything. Bottling up emotions could cause major problems, she was well aware of that. Jamie had been a classic case.

  She sighed. Hopefully, by the time of the coronation, the story of her and Jamie would be old news, and the press would leave Malik and his family alone. Out of the corner of her eye, Catherine noticed an elderly woman staring at her. She should be used to it. After everything, she was no longer a nonentity, but instead the prince’s disgraced woman.

  Turning her head, she smiled at the woman. “Good morning,” she said, trying to be cheerful.

  The woman smiled back. “Forgive me for staring, but I couldn’t help it.”

  “It’s all right.” Catherine sipped her coffee, then a shadow fell over her, diverting her attention from the stranger.

  “I had hoped I was wrong,” a female voice said.

  “Anna.” Catherine jumped to her feet, spilling coffee over her hand. “Is Malik with you?”

  “No.” Her voice was stern and her jaw clenched as she stood stiffly staring at Catherine.

  “I see.” Catherine’s heart squeezed, making it difficult to breathe. Anna was upset with her, and she’d never see Malik again once she boarded her plane. This time her heart wouldn’t heal as it had after Jamie’s death. There would always be a piece of it in Bashir with Malik.

  “I don’t think you do. Come with me, Catherine, and let’s have a private talk.” Anna’s tone was commanding.

  Catherine tried to find a way to decline, but one look at Anna’s face had her changing her mind. Maybe she could explain why she’d left a note rather than saying goodbye in person. Guilt ate at her stomach. After picking up her bag, she followed Anna into a private room where Samir waited.

  “Catherine,” Anna started the moment they were seated.

  “I’m sorry I left like I did. I didn’t have a choice.” The words rushed out of Catherine’s mouth.

  “You do have a choice. Either you love my son, or you don’t.” Anna’s expression didn’t soften. Mama bear was not happy that her son was being rejected.

  Catherine sighed, because she wasn’t rejecting Malik, the man; she was rejecting Malik, the king. Her heart squeezed tight. “I’m not the right woman for him.”

  Anna reached over and clasped Catherine’s hands. “My son is a good man, an honorable man, but only a man. Whatever argument you may have had with him, please do not leave in anger. He will make a good king, and he needs a strong woman by his side. You are that woman.”

  “I’m not.” The words pierced her heart like a dagger. “I’m obviously not strong enough since I’m being judged on past events. And the engagement was a ruse.”

  “Posh.” The queen waved a hand in the air. “What do these crazy paparazzi know? You are a good woman—a woman who respects her adoptive country. What ruse?”

  “The engagement? When it was first proposed it was all pretend, everyone understood that. But I’m no longer an asset, and going through with a wedding is too far to carry a pretense.”

  “I don’t know what games you and my son played with yourselves, but the engagement was real. That’s why when you first said no, I agreed with you. No woman should be pushed into anything she doesn’t want to do.” Anna paused and patted Catherine’s hand. “But when you stepped out on the balcony with the royal colors on, I knew you were a willing participant. What I see between you and my son is love.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  “I do.” She touched Catherine’s cheek with a soft finger. “Look deep in your heart, my dear, and you’ll know it too. You’ve been in the spotlight since you arrived in our country, and that would wear on anyone’s nerves. You’ve handled yourself with grace, dignity, and the people respect you for it. You should be our crown princess.”

  “But … ” Memories filtered through her brain. The zoo, the marketplace, the hospital, formal dinners. The people of Bashir smiling at her, calling out greetings, telling her how much they enjoyed seeing her with their crown prince. How they shooed the paparazzi away when they could or simply created a barrier so she could shop in private.

  Even when the paparazzi caught her unaware, she didn’t blow up at them or make any statements. She had done her best to keep her head held high and keep moving. Was Anna right?

  “There are two sides to every story, and maybe it’s time you told your side of it. Let the world see the compassionate woman I know is inside.” The queen stood. “It is your choice, but know this, you have the support of the entire royal family.” Then she walked out of the room, with Samir following.

  Catherine sat there, stunned. Could what Anna said be true? For the first time, she saw her life in a different light. Maybe it was time she told her side of the story of her life and assumed her rightful place beside the man she loved, instead of running away. If Malik truly wanted her to be his wife, that is. If not, then she’d face reality and not be left wondering for the rest of her life. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders and stood.

  Time to take charge of her life.

  Striding into the airport lounge, she glanced around the room. It was almost full, and while people looked at her, there were none of the sly glances or whispering she’d endured after Jamie’s death. There were two sides to every story. But could she do this? She tightened her fingers around her purse and walked out the door.

  Samir stepped to her side, reaching for her luggage.

  “Samir.” She allowed him to take her bags from her.

  “Where do we go, Miss Taylor?”

  She let out a breath, grateful for Samir’s presence. Anna must have ordered him to stay behind. “I need time to think. Can you find me a hotel where no one will look for me? And I need you to keep quiet about my whereabouts, no one must know I’m still here.”

  “Of course, Miss Taylor. The queen indicated I should do whatever you asked.”

  She followed Samir through a maze of doors until he led her to a waiting vehicle. Catherine sent off a quick text to Sara, letting her know she wouldn’t be on the airplane and she’d explain later. She had three days before Malik’s pre-coronation party. Three days to figure her life out. Three days to sink or swim.


  Malik stared out his bedroom window. How he longed to take his horse out and lose himself in the desert, but he couldn’t. Tonight was his coronation party. Tomorrow he would be king.

  For three days, his security forces had combed the airports, railways, and city. No sign of Catherine. He wanted to search for her himself, but politics stopped him from doing so.

  Once he was king, nothing would stop him from finding her, even if he had to go all the way to England.

  A knock sounded, and the door opened. His father walked in. “Are you ready?”

  Malik took a deep breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Son.” His father touched his shoulder with a gentle hand. “I know these past few days have not been easy for you. Catherine is afraid of shaming you and our family. When she realizes there is no shame, she will be back.”

  “It’s all right. I’ll be fine.” But would he? What if he couldn’t find her? What if she refused to return with him? Doubts plagued his mind.

  “No, you are not.” His father grasped him by the shoulders. “Never underestimate what the right woman can do for you. Being crown prince isn’t easy, and neither is being the king. Responsibility was heaped upon you from the day you were born. Your mother tried to keep you grounded, and she succeeded.” Compassion filled his father’s eyes. “I fear now your emotions are too controlled.”<
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  “A good king isn’t controlled by his emotions, but by his intellect.” That had been drummed into him enough over the years.

  Jamal shook his head. “No, my son. Intellect is good, but emotions are what make us human, and what make the king a compassionate man. Over the years, your mother has been the one I can show my emotions to, as I know Catherine is for you. You will win her love.”

  “Yes, I will.” Malik grasped his father’s forearms. “But for today, I must be the crown prince. Tomorrow I will be king. Tomorrow I will find Catherine.”

  His father nodded with a smile on his face. Together they walked out of the suite and to the ballroom where the coronation party would take place.

  Catherine smoothed her hands over the dress the dressmaker had sent over a couple of hours ago, as Samir waited. The beautiful white, gold, and red brought out the highlights in her hair and gave her confidence in herself as a beautiful woman. Three days was a long time to spend thinking, and away from Malik. How she thought she’d be able to live without him in her life, she’d never know.

  She bit her lower lip and wondered for the thousandth time if showing up at the coronation party was such a good idea.

  Yes, it was. Her spine stiffened. She’d finished giving an interview to the local paper hours ago, with assurances it would run in the morning edition.

  “Everything is in place, Miss Taylor,” Samir said.

  Catherine glanced up. Samir looked very handsome in his dress uniform, which almost matched her clothing. The only difference was he had more red in his than gold.

  Catherine smiled. Samir had been more than helpful over the last three days. He’d kept her secret, and in doing so, risked Malik’s wrath. He, and he alone, knew of her plan. It was better this way, just in case it failed.

  It wouldn’t fail. She wouldn’t allow it to. The herd of elephants in her stomach increased as Samir escorted her to the car. The ride to the palace was short. The next thing she knew they were outside the ballroom.

  Music floated in the air; anticipation fought with excitement as well. The two guards at the door nodded as she passed. Catherine stopped just inside the room, taking in the crowd dressed to the nines for tonight’s party.

  Samir grasped her elbow.

  “Thank you for the escort, Samir, but this is something I have to do alone.”

  “Of course.” He bowed and stepped away.

  Catherine took a deep breath as she took the first step. She heard a gasp, and then cameras clicked and flashes went off. She scanned the crowd and found Malik. It was now or never.

  The room grew still, and then silence. Overwhelming silence pressed into him as the band stopped playing. Malik glanced up to see what was going on. Everyone was looking at the ballroom doors, and he turned his head in that direction.

  His heart leapt in his chest.

  Catherine! Was he dreaming?

  She was bathed in artificial light from all the camera flashes constantly going off. He stared at her. Did she realize the significance of the outfit she wore? It was the traditional caftan the future crown princess would wear to meet her prince.

  He couldn’t tear his gaze from her, even as he started to walk toward her. He was conscious of her moving to him and the flashing of the cameras, but they didn’t seem to bother her at all.

  They met halfway. She stopped and then curtseyed.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but she shook her head. Reaching over, she took his hand in hers. Her fingers trembled slightly as she placed his hand over her heart.

  His own heart pounded as blood raced through his veins. Her hand covered his, against her chest. Malik held his breath. Did she realize what she was doing? The significance of this? In the silence all he could hear was his own labored breathing.

  Fine tremors shook her body, and he wanted to pull her into his arms, but he couldn’t. He needed to, no, had to, see this through to the end, because once it was finished, he was going to kiss her until she had no breath left.

  “Crown Prince Malik al-Hakim.” Her voice was clear and strong in the quiet room. “I, Catherine Taylor, accept your proposal of marriage.”

  A murmur went through the crowd as cameras continued to flash. Malik opened his mouth to speak, but she silenced him with a light kiss.

  “I can’t live without you, Malik. As long as I’m with you, nothing else matters. Not the press, not my past. Nothing. You are all that matters to me.”

  Malik found his voice. “By your public declaration. I acknowledge that you are my choice as wife and queen.”

  He took her free hand, placed it over his heart, and covered it with his own. He struggled to finish the words he needed to say to make it official. All he wanted to do was gather her up into his arms, kiss her, and then demand she never leave him again. “I, Malik al-Hakim,” he said, the words flowing from his lips, “accept you as my bride and the love of my life.”

  A cheer went up from the crowd, and Malik gathered her into his arms. “You didn’t have to do this,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Yes, I did.” She leaned back and gazed at him. “I love you, Malik.”

  “You got that right.” He spun her around in his arms. “I love you so much, and there is no backing out now. Within minutes the entire world will know you’re my choice and my queen.” Joy flowed through his veins, along with excitement and anticipation.

  “I wouldn’t want it any other way.” She smiled with tears in her eyes.

  Malik shook his head. He would never understand her, but then that should make life interesting. He lowered his lips to hers.

  Cheers from those inside the ballroom and outside became louder. Malik tightened his arms around Catherine as the kiss went on. This was their time.


  As always to my critique group, Chandra, Isabel and Nia. You ladies are the best.

  About the Author

  Marie Tuhart lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her muse, Penny, a four-pound toy poodle. Marie loves to read and write. When she’s not writing, she spends time with family, traveling and enjoying life.

  Marie is a multi-published author with The Wild Rose Press, Trifecta Publishing House, and she does some self-publishing. To be alerted on new releases, you can join Marie’s newsletter where she gives her group advance information on her books, runs contests, and does giveaways just for her newsletter readers. Marie can also be found on Goodreads, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.




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