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Dragon Blood 2: Wyvern

Page 15

by Avril Sabine

  “What! That’s cruel. Jasper, don’t tell me you go along with it.”

  “They don’t just stand there and wait for us to hit them.” He grinned. “It’s training. They love it. Especially when we miss them. But, a couple of times when Crystal and I have hit them at the same time, they turn into dragons. They can’t hold their human form.”

  “Because they are hit with ice and fire or because they are hit so much?”

  Jasper shrugged. “That’s what we’re wondering.” He glanced towards Rian.

  Amber realised what he was leading up to. “No. Absolutely not.”

  Rian stepped forward. “It makes sense.”

  “I’m not attacking you.”

  Rian smiled momentarily. “You have before.”

  “That was different. You were trying to avoid being hit.”

  “You can heal me afterwards.”

  Amber glared at Rian. “Are you crazy?”

  “No. Which is why we will do this.”


  “What if other mages are made? We need to know what to expect.”

  Amber’s good mood evaporated. Why couldn’t they have let her coast through the morning without dumping problems on her? She turned to glare at her brother. “This is your fault.”

  Jasper grinned. “Do I take it that’s a yes?”

  “Just don’t hurt him.”

  Rian laughed. “You will both be throwing balls of fire at me. I can withstand a fair amount of fire being a dragon, but it still hits harder than a punch.”

  Amber sent him a daggered look. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Rian nodded then walked a distance from them. He stood there, hands at his side, his sandy blond hair tied at the nape of his neck, the cold breeze playing with the ends. He wore dragon-leather pants and vest, the cold not seeming to bother him. He nodded once to let them know he was ready.

  Amber was far from ready. A week of seeing Rian’s body floating in a bloody sea, along with everyone else she cared for, made it even harder. Amber was jolted away from her thoughts when Jasper dropped a hand on her shoulder. She looked over at him.

  “Waiting is even worse. Count of three?”

  She lifted her hands, fire pooling in them as she did. Rian remained still, expressionless. She forced herself not to think of what it would feel like to have balls of fire impact with your body. “One, two, three.” They launched the fireballs together. Amber winced as Rian staggered but stayed human.

  Rian straightened. “Close. Try several each.” He paused. “Better make that half a dozen.” He grinned fleetingly. “But you can stop if I turn dragon.”

  Ronan emerged from the Void near Amber. She jumped back, glaring at him. “A little warning would be nice.”

  “That’s what I was thinking.” Ronan gestured towards Rian. “I would have stuck around longer if I’d known how entertaining the day was going to be.”

  “Ronan, he’s your son.”

  Ronan grinned. “I know. That’s why I expect more of him than other warriors. Now, this time aim for the heart. That should make it harder for him to hold his form.”

  Amber turned to Jasper who nodded, fireballs in his hands. She looked across the paddock to Rian who waited. He gave a single nod. “Heart?” Amber began to think Rian wouldn’t reply, but he widened his stance and inclined his head again.

  “Heart on three.” Amber stared at Rian, her arms at her side. “One, two, three.” She raised her hands, fireballs forming as she said three. The moment she flung them at Rian, she rapidly sent more at him. He stood steady through three impacts, the fourth causing him to become a dragon. She lowered her hands, ignoring the slight tremble in them. It was one thing to attack wyverns, another to face a friend. She started towards Rian who roared in pain, clawing at the ground. Ronan grabbed her upper arm.

  Amber tried to pull free. “He’s hurt.”

  Kade, Brann and Maira came flying in. They landed near Amber, becoming human.

  Ronan tightened his grip. “Wait.”

  Amber stared into his eyes, wishing she was stronger. She was tempted to throw a fireball at his heart.

  Ronan grinned. “Maybe one day.”

  Amber was confused. Surely he didn’t know what she had wanted to do. Although, maybe he did. But why would he let her throw fireballs at him? She shook her head, too confused. “Let me help him.” She ignored the discussion behind her between Kade and Jasper. “Let me go. You’re hurting me.”

  “Then stop struggling.” Ronan’s grip tightened when Rian roared, took flight and landed near them. “And shut up. You’re stirring him up.”

  “Then let me go.”

  “Amber, talk to Rian before you try and heal him,” Kade said from behind her.

  She reached out with her mind and hit a wall of anger and pain. She couldn’t reach Rian. It was almost like trying to contact a wyvern. She stopped struggling. “Jay?”

  He shook his head. “Flinn’s warriors weren’t like that, but they didn’t last as long as Rian either.”

  “Of course not.” Derision filled Ronan’s voice. “There’s not a single bit of Gold in their ancestors.”

  “Will he be alright?” Amber asked Ronan.

  Ronan let her go. “Give him time.”

  Amber took a couple of steps towards Rian who no longer tried to tear at the ground. He stood menacingly in front of them as if ready to attack. She took another couple of steps. “Rian. Lie down.” She kept her voice firm. The fear she felt was pushed aside. Minutes passed before he pressed himself against the ground. She stepped closer, stopping when he growled. “Stay still. Be quiet.” She kept her orders simple. Another couple of steps and she pressed her hands against his scales. She drew the pain from him, healing his wounds. He became human beneath her hands and she knelt on the ground to continue healing him.

  Rian tried to push her away. “Enough. Do not wear yourself out on me.”

  Amber threw her arms around him, drawing energy from one of her gold bracelets as she did. “You worried me.” She finished healing him.

  “I did not last long. I think I need more practice. It was all I could do to stop myself from attacking you.” Rian grinned at Amber’s shocked expression.

  She pushed him hard enough he landed in the dirt on his back. “You’re an idiot.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Rian laughed as Amber rose to her feet and stalked away from him. His laughter faded as Ronan stood over him. Amber spun and stopped, ready to come to Rian’s defence if he needed it. Ronan held out his hand. Rian stared at his father a moment before he took the hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. Amber continued to watch them warily.

  Ronan stared at Rian. “We can use this.” He stepped back, raising his voice. “All of you. Out of the Void.” Six Gold Warriors answered his call and came forward to stand behind Rian. Ronan eyed them all as they continued to stand at attention.

  “What are you planning, Ronan?” Amber started to walk back to him.

  “We need to see how long Golds last.”

  “You are not exhausting her,” Rian stated.

  Ronan looked over to Amber. “Are you exhausted?”

  She shook her head. He knew perfectly well she had extra stores to draw on these days. But that didn’t mean she was going to use them all. She needed some for reserves.

  Kade came to stand beside her, Brann at his heels, Maira off to the side. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want, Amber. You’re entitled to a day of rest.”

  “She had rest. An entire night of it.” Ronan met Amber’s eyes.

  She waited for him to point out it was because of him she’d slept, but he didn’t. Amber suddenly smiled. “I don’t mind using up some extra energy if I know I can look forward to another restful night.”

  With a nod, Ronan grinned. “We might make a dragon of you yet.” He turned to his warriors. “You,” he pointed to the one that looked the oldest. “And you.” The second warrior’s eyes were almost pure
gold in colour, even in his human form. “The rest of you become dragons. Keep them from doing anything stupid when they turn.”

  The golden-eyed warrior asked, “What makes you think they can force a Gold to change?”

  “What makes you think they can’t, Alsandair?”

  “Rian barely has any Gold. Flinn’s warriors have none at all.”

  “How much extra Gold would there be in your veins compared to my son? Sixteen times more? Thirty two?”

  Alsandair shrugged. “Possibly more.”

  Ronan smiled. He looked like a predator about to pounce on a meal. “How about I be real nice. Rian lasted four hits. Why don’t we double that? You last eight hits and you get a bonus.”

  “How much?”

  Ronan turned to Amber. “What was your hawk weight in gold again?”

  “About half a kilo.” She smiled as she recalled the last time she’d made that comment.

  “What do you think, Amber? Will he be a dragon in eight hits? Is he stronger than your warrior?”

  Amber laughed. She knew Ronan was deliberately encouraging her competitive streak. As well as insulting her through his insinuations that Rian was weak. “I guess we’ll soon see. If he thinks he’s up to it. No reluctant volunteers.” She strode forward to stand at Ronan’s side. “Well, Alsandair?”

  “Exactly the same treatment you gave your own warrior,” Alsandair said.

  Amber nodded. “Straight at the heart.”

  Alsandair held out his hand and Amber shook it. He turned and walked across the paddock to stop the same distance from her that Rian had stood. Amber glanced towards Kade when he momentarily rested his hand on her shoulder. Jasper came to stand on the other side of her as everyone moved from between her and Alsandair.

  “Are you up to this?” Amber held out her wrist in front of Jasper, palm up, offering him some of the power stored in her gold bracelets.

  “No problems.” He pushed her arm away. “Count of three?”

  Amber grinned as she brought her hands up, flames ready. She stared at Alsandair’s heart. “One, two, three.” They rapidly threw balls of fire at Alsandair who staggered at the third one and burst into dragon form at the fifth attack.

  With a roar he flew at them. All the other dragons launched into the air, Kade and Ronan included. Jasper threw his hands up as if to protect himself and Amber started to throw more fireballs. Instead of flames coming from Jasper, it seemed like a rush of air and sound travelled through the air and all airborne dragons crashed into the ground becoming human except for Alsandair. Jasper collapsed on the ground and Amber threw herself at him. She grabbed his hand to wrap it around one of her gold bracelets.

  “All of it.” She spoke the words only to Jasper, breathing a sigh of relief as he pulled her power into himself.

  “What the hell was that?” Jasper ran a shaky hand through his hair.

  Kade picked himself up off the ground, waving Brann and Maira back. He dusted himself off. “Whatever it was, it packed a hell of a punch.”

  Ronan was already on his feet glaring at his warriors as they stumbled to their feet. “Shake it off, girls. A stiff breeze would knock you off your feet right now.” He gestured towards Alsandair who was still a dragon, struggling to make his limbs work as he snarled and growled. “And someone deal with him.”

  The five warriors turned dragon again and restrained Alsandair. Amber ran across the ground and healed the wounded dragon enough to allow him to become human. He waved her off before he was completely healed.

  “I have the energy to complete the healing,” Amber told him. She drew power from one of the jewels in her plaited dragon-leather bracelet while she waited for his answer. He looked over towards Ronan. She guessed he was given permission when he nodded.

  Alsandair took her hand when she was finished. “It was unnecessary. Thank you, mage. And I concede the win to you,” he glanced towards Rian, “And your warrior.”

  “But you outlasted him.”

  “I have five years more experience and a lot more strength from being Gold. I barely made it to the fifth hit. You nearly had me at the third. It was a dismal effort.” He pulled a business card from his black, dragon-leather jacket. “My current service has three more months. Call me if you ever need a Gold Dragon.”

  Amber took the card, staring at it in surprise.

  “Stop trying to steal all my warriors,” Ronan growled from beside her. “You’ve got one more Gold to turn dragon.” He looked at his warriors who argued amongst themselves. “Once they figure out who gets the honour.”

  “Honour!” Amber stared at Ronan, certain he must be joking.

  Kade laughed as he joined them. “And you thought you were competitive.”

  “Oh, of all the idiotic-” she broke off, unable to think of something strong enough to say. She growled instead.

  “Survival of-” Kade started to say.

  Amber elbowed him in the ribs. “Oh shut up.”

  “I will see to lunch while you finish off your game,” Rian said.

  “That’s not why I’m annoyed,” Amber said.

  “Okay.” Rian’s tone showed he clearly didn’t believe. He exchanged a look with Kade who nodded and then strode back to the house.

  “I can look after myself,” Amber muttered, guessing at what they’d probably said to each other.

  Kade smiled. “I know. But it never hurts to have someone at your back. An ally you can trust.”

  Before Amber could answer, one of the Golds strode over to them and she guessed a decision had been reached. She was tempted to ask how he’d earned the ‘honour’ but decided she didn’t really want to know. He walked out the correct distance then turned and faced them, waiting.

  Amber turned to Jasper. “Are you up to it again?”

  He nodded. “As long as I don’t go doing anything like last time.” He grinned. “At this rate I’m going to have to start wearing my jocks on the outside.”

  Amber laughed. “You’re not as good looking as a superhero so I don’t think you could carry it off.”

  “That won’t be a problem. I’ll just wear a mask.” Jasper raised his hands. “Count of three?”

  Amber nodded and faced the warrior who waited for them. “One, two, three.” He lasted four attacks and then he was mobbed by all the other dragons who struggled to restrain him. It took nearly twenty minutes until he was subdued enough for Amber to heal him. Then Ronan had her attack two of his warriors, to see if repeated attacks from one mage did the same as attacks from two. After she’d attacked them two dozen times each, nothing had happened. Other than she’d needed to heal them.

  Ronan stared thoughtfully at his warriors. “A couple of Gold Warriors that were forced into turning dragon amongst our enemies might be useful.”

  “All I could think of was to kill,” Alsandair said. “I didn’t care who I killed, friend or foe.” The other man who’d earned the honour of being forced into dragon form nodded in agreement.

  “Rian said he was able to stop himself from attacking me. Barely,” Amber said.

  “It seems like the more Gold in their line, the more they were affected,” Kade said.

  “I wonder if the ice and fire combination causes a different result. Or the ice and fire combination of different mages.” Ronan looked between Amber and Jasper.

  “Forget it.” Kade draped an arm around Amber. “Time for a break. And lunch.”

  Ronan looked like he was about to argue. Then he turned to his warriors. “Back to the Void.” They instantly disappeared. He faced Amber. “What time do you go to bed?”

  “You mean you haven’t been given that intel yet?”

  “Don’t be annoying, Amber.”

  She couldn’t resist smiling at him. “Probably nine tonight.”

  He nodded before he vanished into the Void.

  Amber walked at Kade’s side, a little tired. Jasper and Brann walked ahead of them, quietly talking. She did a quick search with her mind and found Maira in the house
with Rian and Shannon’s warriors still guarded Jasper from a distance. She hoped it wasn’t too big a distance if trouble came, but with Jasper’s new ability it looked like he could take care of himself better than any dragon. But he did need to learn how to store power to draw on if he was going to use that ability.

  “Jay.” Amber waited until he turned to look at her, pausing at the back door. “How do you feel about wearing an earring?” She grinned at his look of confusion and touched her blood red teardrop that hung from her right ear.

  “Not that one.” Jasper stepped out of the doorway so she and Kade could enter the house.

  “This one is mine. What about a plain gold sleeper?” Amber sat at the kitchen table, taking a drink from the glass of juice that sat near her plate of medium cooked steak.

  “That’d be bearable.”

  Amber turned to Rian who stood behind her chair. “Can you bring me back the two sleepers that are on my duchess?”

  “Hey, I never agreed to have two. And who’s going to pierce them?” Jasper demanded.

  Maira moved close to Jasper, tugging on his ear. “I’ve pierced things before.” She grinned.

  “Did they live through the experience?”

  Maira laughed at Jasper’s question. “Is that an issue?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After lunch, Jasper reluctantly let Maira pierce his ear with a needle and Amber took the pain from it during the procedure. Since he’d only allow them to do one piercing, Amber snapped the other sleeper closed over the first so they were linked together like a chain. She then turned to Kade.

  “Have you got any drinking glasses you don’t want?”

  Kade gestured towards the cupboard. “I’m not attached to any of them.”

  “Just don’t leave us without coffee cups,” Maira said.

  Amber gathered a handful of glasses and retreated to the bathroom with Jasper. She showed him how she’d learned to fill them with her power and grinned as he ended up smashing every one of them. She turned on the shower so they could speak privately.

  “I have a handful of jewels Ronan gave me that I didn’t break. You can have them. But it might be best to try on different things. I found gold to be really good to work with. But that doesn’t mean you will. And I’ll get Ronan to have some jewellery made for you. Something you like better than these.” Amber rattled her gold bracelets.


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