Special Forces_Operation Alpha_The SEAL’s Surprise Baby
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The SEAL’s Surprise Baby
Kindle Worlds
Rachel McNeely
About the Book
Jackson Langley, better known as Bear, felt like his team was family, and he rarely thought of marriage. At least, not until he rescued Kayla Townsend in the parking lot outside Ace’s Bar and Grill. Kayla secretly longed to meet Jackson, but her distrust of men kept her away from him. After he rescues her, she relaxes her guard, and they spend one night of passion together which leads to more. Kayla’s old fears of distrust return when he stops calling. She fears it’s over, and then an unexpected pregnancy changes everything. When Jackson returns and danger stalks Kayla, Jackson will do anything to keep her and their unborn child safe.
Table of Contents
About the Book
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
About the Author
Chapter One
Aces Bar and Grill was full as usual on a Friday night with Navy SEALs and ladies wanting to meet a SEAL. Jackson Langley leaned back and sipped his cold beer as the music and voices battered his eardrums. He’d rather be home listening to his tunes, but as head of his team he needed to socialize with his men. His team had nicknamed him Bear because of how grouchy he’d get if they disturbed him on his first night back from a mission.
Jackson sat next to one of his best friends, Matthew Steel, or Wolf, as his team called him. Wolf grinned at the younger men as they danced with the ladies, played pool, and generally became rowdier.
“Were we ever as cocky as those guys?” Bear asked.
Wolf glanced at him. “Yes. Remember, I started a fight one of our first nights here at Aces over some slight remark? Our teammates joined us, and we got thrown out of here for a month.”
Bear shrugged. “Our colorful past is certainly filled with plenty of brawls. Where’s Caroline tonight?”
Wolf tipped his beer, took a sip, looking strangely ill at ease and said, “Someone from work invited Caroline to her baby shower.”
“And you don’t know what do without her. You’re so whipped.” Bear grinned and shook his head.
Wolf kicked his chair, barely missing Bear’s kneecap. “Shut it. I miss my wife, get over it. With all the days we’re away, I value every minute. Caroline feels the same. Her friend knew how close Caroline and I are so she even sent me an invitation.” Wolf gave a mock shudder. “Can you imagine being the only man at a baby shower?”
Bear gave a return shudder. “No, I can’t. Besides, I’m just giving you crap. It’s what I do best.” Bear glanced around the room. The side door opened, and Bear noticed a tall, dark-haired woman step in with a shorter blonde by her side. She bent and said something to the blonde, and the blonde shook her head vigorously no. The brunette frowned but continued to follow the blonde into the crowded room. Two other women stood and waved for them to join their table.
“See something you like?” Wolf asked. “Or rather someone?”
Bear looked his way. “Maybe. Occasionally, I’ve considered settling down. I’d want to find a lady like your Caroline. But then I remember how much I like my private time.”
“Marriage in this career doesn’t always work. Jake’s team has suffered two divorces recently.”
“You and your team seem to have been lucky.”
“True, but be cautious. Most women can’t handle our lifestyle.”
“Good advice, old man,” Bear teased.
“Who are you calling old? You’re thirty.”
Bear glanced back at the table where the women he’d noticed had sat. Everyone was dancing but the tall brunette. “I think I’ll ask someone to dance.” He stood, stretched, and briskly walked across the room.
Kayla Townsend shivered when she saw the man of her dreams headed in her direction. Her friends had been teasing her about her crush on the handsome SEAL called Bear. Every time she came here with her close friend, Cheryl, Kayla glanced around to see if he was there. She hadn’t seen him for many weeks. His team had obviously returned to base. Cheryl had told her he wasn’t with them last night, but one of his buddies had said Bear kept to himself the first night back after a mission. Cheryl insisted that Kayla go with her tonight. When she glanced at the dance floor, her friends were all grinning.
The man of her dreams had moved close and knelt beside her. Her mouth went dry. She breathed in his delectable scent, and her heartbeat raced. Kayla couldn’t think of a thing to say. Up close, he took her breath away. All those muscles, and his beautiful blueish-grey eyes. Oh, my.
“Are you, all right?”
Kayla knew her face had to be red as a ripe tomato. She shook her head yes. “Of course. You startled me.”
“Sorry, I wanted to ask you to dance. The music’s changed, and the band is playing a nice slow number.”
“No, thanks.”
“I’m not a bad dancer. I promise I won’t step on your toes or anything.” When he grinned, her heart flipped over hard in her chest.
“I don’t want to dance.”
Bear shrugged his broad shoulders and stood.
Why wouldn’t he go away? She might find him attractive, amazingly so, but in her mind, dating a SEAL equaled a broken heart. A one-night stand was likely the best she could hope for, and that wasn’t for her. She’d been let down enough in her former relationships.
“Okay, sorry I bothered you.”
“No problem.” She nodded but didn’t look at him again. Her heart cracked a little dismissing him, but she was better off. Wasn’t she?
“No luck?” Wolf asked when Bear returned.
“Strange, I thought she might be interested. She had that look, but said no, very clearly.”
“Perhaps she’s heard of the SEAL’s reputation of loving and leaving. We’ve all done it one time or another.”
“Well, whatever.”
Wolf stood. “Here comes my lady. I’ll tell her to keep an eye out for someone you might like.”
“Don’t bother. I can find my own woman.”
Wolf stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Caroline and kissed her thoroughly. Then he pulled a chair out for her to join them, but before she sat, Bear stood and gave her a hug.
“It’s good to see you, Caroline.”
“Matthew had told me you all came home safe. I’m so glad.”
“Me too. Thanks for being concerned about us.”
“You know I like your team, and you are one of Matthew’s closest friends.”
“Bear is thinking he might find a lady of his own. He actually asked the brunette sitting at the table, next to where Abe and Cookie are standing, to dance with him.”
Caroline looked in the direction he’d mentioned. “I’ve seen her before. I don’t think she dances much. I heard through gossip, of course.”
“Of course,” Wolf said. Caroline made a face at him.
> “Anyway, she comes with a close friend. She’s heard about the one-night stands. I guess she doesn’t like the idea. I can’t blame her. According to my sources, she also has a crush on one of the SEALs, but no one knows who. Her friend refused to tell the waitress his name.”
“Obviously, it isn’t me.” Bear grinned and pushed back his chair. “I’m going back to the peace and quiet of my home. See you two, soon.”
“You’d better,” Wolf said. “And who’s the old man now?” He grinned and waved as Bear strode out the door.
Kayla decided to leave after refusing to dance with her dream SEAL. I’m an idiot. He’ll never ask again. She had her head down as she walked toward her car. Stupid, my one chance and I froze. I’m not sixteen. I’d like to kick myself.
Suddenly, out of the darkness, a man grabbed her from behind. One arm wrapped around her neck and the other tight around her waist. Damn, that’s what I get for being distracted. She tried to kick his legs from behind. Her high heel hit his leg.
“Damn, keep that up, and I’ll knock you out.”
She turned her head to the side and pushed his arm up with her hands. For a second his arm moved from around her waist, and she barely managed to slip out of his grasp. Apparently, he hadn’t expected her to fight back.
“Damn, you.” He grabbed her shirt collar before she got very far away.
“Now I’ll show you who’s boss.” He yanked her around and pulled back his fist to hit her.
“No, you don’t.” Bear pulled the man backward and punched him twice hard. He went down in a heap. By this time several more men were running toward them.
“Call the police,” Bear said, to one of the men, and then he turned to Kayla. “Are you hurt? When I came out the door, I saw him holding you. You slipped out of his grasp. Smart lady.”
“It’s all I remembered of a self-defense class I took years ago. I’m fine thanks to you.”
Bear looked closer. “In the dark, I didn’t recognize you, but you’re the lady who doesn’t dance.” He grinned at her and looked around as they heard sirens.
The guy on the ground moaned and tried to get up. Bear put his foot on his back. “I’d stay there if I were you.”
“What happened?” the first police officer asked.
Kayla explained, and Bear added his part. Most of the spectators had left. The officers put the attacker in their car and wrote down the information from both Kayla and Bear. “You’ll need to come in and fill out a statement.”
After they drove off, Bear turned to Kayla, “I’ll walk you to your car and follow you to make sure you get home all right.”
“My car’s in the lane next to this one. But I don’t think I want to drive. I’ll call a cab. I don’t want to disrupt my friend’s evening,” she said and looked up at him at the same time the moon came out from behind the clouds, and her eyes met his. Neither one spoke, just stared at each other. Was this what her married friends had tried to describe to her when they met the right one? Maybe she was wrong to have laughed at them. I’ve never been so blown away by anyone before, but then I haven’t had a crush on anyone since I was in high school.
Bear cupped her face in his hands. Slowly, he leaned down, kissed her, and pulled her tight into his arms. She’d closed her eyes, and he kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, and nibbled at her earlobe.
Her heart raced. She moved, so their bodies were as close as possible. Her arms wrapped around Bear’s neck, and her breasts were crushed against his muscled chest.
“Why don’t I take you home? You can come back tomorrow in the daylight and get your car.”
“All right,” she said and heard the breathlessness in her voice.
They walked a few rows over to his car. He kept his arm around her waist, and then helped her into the passenger seat and walked around to the driver’s side.
Warning signs went off in Kayla’s head, but she ignored them. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, and for once in her life, she had reached out for what she really wanted. He took hold of her seatbelt and buckled her in. Then before leaning back in his seat, his dark eyes looked deep into hers.
“How about stopping by my place on the way. I have some relaxing music, good wine, and I promise we won’t do anything you don’t want.”
Kayla was surprised to hear herself saying yes. She watched as he started the car and backed out. Have I gone crazy? I’m the cautious one of any group. She looked at him again. I don’t care. I’ve never experienced what happened back there, and I’m going to see if it means the same for me as it has for others.
They didn’t go far before he turned into a quiet, well-kept neighborhood of lovely homes. More like you’d see a married couple reside in. He made one more turn and pulled into the driveway of a corner lot.
“It’s a big house. Were you married before?”
“No, I wanted to be away from the base in a normal neighborhood, where men cut the grass on Saturdays, and kids run around playing.”
“Sort of the opposite from most of the single men I’ve met. They want a condominium in the middle of where everything is happening.”
“I have a very different job from most of them. Living here helps me remember there is a normal world out there where people go to work and most of the time their lives are happy, productive, and safe.”
“I think I understand a little. But most of us will never fully know what you and your teams must go through. I’ve noticed how close you and your buddies are even though you all love to tease each other.”
“You’re an observant woman.” Bear got out and came to her side to open the door. “I’ll leave my car out to take you home whenever you’re ready.” He put his arm around her and escorted her to the door. When they walked in soft music played, and the lights gradually came on as they moved further into the large living room.
“This is lovely and peaceful.”
“Have a seat. I’ll get our drinks. I have white and red wine.”
“White, please. Red wine gives me a headache.”
He moved closer and smoothed his hand over her brow. “White it will be. No need to cause you any more pain than you’ve already had tonight.”
Kayla watched him stroll out of the room. Glancing around, she chose the sofa in front of the fireplace. It looked as though it had been set ready to be lit.
She leaned her head back against the cushions and closed her eyes as the music cast a spell over her.
Better be careful. This is the perfect setting to be seduced. Kayla’s cautious brain warned her. I don’t mind. It’s been so long since I’ve been with anyone, and he’s the man I’d most like to seduce me. Kayla smiled to herself. Her friends wouldn’t know her right now.
“Ah, a smile. You must be feeling less stressed.”
“I am. I love your taste in music. Did you choose the decor for this room?”
He laughed. “Please, I’m a guy. I wouldn’t know where to start. But I explained to the decorator what I wanted, and he nailed it.”
“Did he do the whole house?”
“Most of it.”
Bear handed her, her wine glass and placed his on the table. “I have some snacks. Be right back.”
“You didn’t need go to all that trouble.”
“I didn’t. These were frozen. All I had to do was put them in the oven.”
She watched as he strode across the room. “Damn, he’s good-looking,” she said in a low voice.
“I heard that,” he said as he left the room.
When he came back, he put the snacks on the table in front of the couch and lit the fire. Then he sat beside Kayla and picked up his glass to raise it in a toast.
“Too beautiful nights when I can rescue the sexiest lady at Aces.”
“Hardly, the sexiest, or you didn’t look around much.”
“I did, and that’s why I asked you to dance.” He leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. Then he leaned back and took a sip of wine.
“Why did
you leave early?”
“I was embarrassed about not dancing with you. Mad at myself really.”
“Then why did you say no?”
“I’ve avoided getting involved with any of the SEALs. You’re gone a lot, and its common knowledge you all prefer one-night stands, but I don’t.” He moved closer to her and sat his glass back on the table.
“I won’t say I haven’t indulged, but only when the lady knew what she was getting into and wanted it that way. A lot of women prefer not to get serious themselves. Still, why do you come so often, if that’s how you feel? I admit the older guys, including me, have stopped wanting to have one-night stands, most of the time.” He ran his fingers through her long auburn hair.
She glanced up at him. Her heart pounded in her chest, but not from fear. “I guess I kept hoping one of you older guys might want more.”
“And what does more, mean?”
“A chance to get to know each other.”
He turned and emptied his glass before looking across at her. He pulled her up with him when he stood, and then placed her glass to the side. “More to me usually means while I’m home. I never promise longer.” Bear cupped her face and kissed her chin, the tip of her nose, her cheeks, and finally her mouth. She gasped, and his tongue slid inside to tangle with hers.
When he pulled back, he stared into her eyes. “I want you, but I don’t want to take advantage of the circumstances tonight. I’ll take you home, and we’ll go to dinner tomorrow night and see how you feel.”
“I know how I feel. I’ve been watching you for a long time. I don’t want to wait any longer.” As soon as she said the words, her face went red hot with embarrassment.
“Are you certain?”
Taking a deep breath, Kayla closed her eyes for a second and then moved closer to him. She went up on her tiptoes and bit the edge of his chin. “I’m very sure.”
Bear swooped her up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom. It was in the back of the house, and the same music played in his room. He sat her gently on the bed.
“Anytime you want me to stop, say so.”