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Toxic Creek (The Allstars Series Book 1)

Page 27

by KC Kean

  Within seconds, he's putting his own phone to his ear, his arm locking around my waist as he does.

  "Yeah. No. No. Just… Just shut the fuck up for a second, X," he growls out, his temper catching me by surprise in comparison to the soft strokes against my stomach at the same time. "She just got another message. A threatening one again. No. We lock this shit down right now, Xavier… I don't give a fuck. Give the vote, Xavier… I said give the fucking vote, Xavier."

  I have no idea what's going on between them, but the tension radiating off of Hunter is on another level. Especially when I thought he was the quiet and collected one of the group. Clearly, I was wrong.

  "What's going—"

  My question is cut off as Hunter shushes me, and my mouth falls open. Who does this man think he is? Some whore just spat in my fucking face, and he has the audacity to shush me when I just got a threatening text message too.

  No. No way.

  "Fine, I'm in," I hear Xavier growl down the line, and I frown in confusion.

  "Good because we need a plan, and we need it now." Without another word, Hunter ends the call, pocketing his phone along with mine as he remains at my back, turning us to face the mirror.

  My heart rate picks up, this time from his intoxicating gaze as I watch him watch me through the mirror. His green eyes brighten as he gives off a protective vibe.

  "I feel like something important just happened, and I have no idea what," I whisper, holding his gaze through the glass.

  "We'll help you."

  "You'll what?" His words catch me by surprise, making me frown at him as he slowly brings his other hand to my chin, tilting my head a little higher.

  "All votes have to be unanimous. They weren't before, they are now," he states simply, brushing his lips against my cheek so sweetly that I almost forget the shit show happening around me right now.

  I have no idea what that means, but if it keeps him this close to me, I don't really care, even though I know I should.



  The waves crash against the rocks, soothing my mind as I stare out of the huge window at Pete’s. I’m back in the booth with the Allstars, while Archie and Charlie are sitting a couple of tables away. I don’t want these three in my space at Archie’s right now, and they refused to let Archie and Charlie come with me to their home, so here we are.

  Tobias is sitting to my left, while Xavier and Hunter sit to my right. Thankfully, it’s not too busy in here, but there are a few tables filled with couples and families since school has just finished.

  Xavier grumbled about not agreeing to discuss things freely with them present, but they didn’t want to leave me alone and this was our compromise.

  I’m still reeling from the fact that bitch spat in my face, never mind the threatening text message. I’m over this town and all its toxicity, maybe I should just cut my losses and run. They might chase, they might not, but at least things would be on my terms.

  “What’s up, honey?” Linda asks as she brings our tray of drinks over, pulling my gaze from the window as I offer her a soft smile.

  “I’m fine, Linda,” I murmur, taking the iced tea from her as she gives me a pointed look.

  “And how many times have you said that today, hmm?” Too many times to remember, I think. Both to myself and out loud, I have repeated those two words over and over since getting here in general. “This is always a safe place for you, Eden. Understand?”

  Linda keeps her eyes on mine, swiping her hands down her apron as she does, and I nod in agreement.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. If you guys need anything else, you let me know, okay?”

  I watch as she walks away, smiling and talking to all the customers as she does. I’m glad we agreed to come here. It literally is safe territory.

  “We need a plan,” Hunter finally says when no one is around us. “I’ve run checks on the number again, and the message was definitely from a different number, but they didn’t seem to have set up the same defense system because I was at least able to trace it to the school.”

  “It’s a student, it has to be,” Tobias mutters, leaning forward, folding his arms on the table, and I nod in agreement.

  “Tobias, it could be anyone. The janitor, a teacher, hell, it could be Mr. Bernard. If this somehow links back to Ilana, then she could be having someone do her dirty work,” Xavier admits, and my eyes widen in surprise.

  I still didn’t believe Hunter when he said they would help, but Xavier seems to be much more open about discussing his mother in comparison to usual. He sees the expression on my face and rolls his eyes, fully aware I’m seeing the change in him.

  “I can stop offering to help if you’re going to stare at me like that,” he grumbles, taking a drink of his soda as he hunches forward.

  “Suit yourself, Xavier. I’ve had enough whiplash from your hot and cold behavior, I really do have enough on my plate already. So just leave if you wish.” I stare him down, my fingers tapping on the table as I do, and he sneers.

  “You think because I fucked you and your mouth that counts as hot and cold behavior? Nafas, honestly, we’re good at hating each other. There’s nothing more to it. You’re just getting all prissy because I’m not stumbling over my own feet to get to you like these two.”

  “Fuck you!” I growl back, my hands clenching on the table, my nails biting into my skin.

  “Nah, fuck me,” Tobias jumps in, catching me by surprise and cooling the moment as a bubble of laughter escapes my lips at his outburst.

  Tilting my face to the ceiling, I take a deep breath before looking at Hunter, who seems to be the only sane one at the table right now.

  “So we need a plan to figure out if it is a student or not.”

  Hunter hums his agreement, his gaze focused on his phone as he taps away. "Agreed," he mutters, placing his phone down on the table as he leans back in his seat, glancing at me.

  "If it was a student, it would never just be a solo act. No one in this town has enough backbone for that. It would likely be a few people, especially if they’re going against what we said," Xavier chimes in, looking anywhere but at me as he voices his opinion.

  "Which means they'd obviously talk about it," Hunter responds, and I sit back watching with slight awe at the way they naturally bounce off each other.

  "Every time Eden has received a text, it's been when she's been alone in a public place. At the game, and in the bathroom," Tobias adds, pointing the times out on his fingers as he goes. "Maybe we should recreate some sort of scenario like that again, but this time, we would maybe have more control over the whole situation."

  "You mean at a game again?" I ask, resting my chin on my hand as I think.

  "Maybe, I don't know. But Hunter could slip in early, set up some of his listening devices and cameras, or whatever. We would just have to have someone not on the team who we trust to have your back in case something does happen." Tobias looks to Hunter and Xavier, confirming what he's saying, and I have to admit, I'm impressed.

  Them stepping up and offering to help has instantly changed where I stand. If we can get past this, then it may lead to more answers regarding my family as a whole. I don’t want to push for clarification on what they’re willing to help me with in fear they’ll go back to running for the hills.

  "I could ask Bethany to get a sitter and maybe bring Ryan with her," Hunter offers, and I stare at him in confusion. "Ryan is Bethany's husband. He runs a security business two towns over."

  "He's literally a beast," Tobias adds, and I nod as I take another deep breath.

  "What would I need to do?" I ask, willing to do just about anything at this stage to pull myself out of this stagnant water I'm in.

  "Just be your annoying self, Eden. That seems to work already," Xavier grumbles, and I bite my cheek to hold my words, not wanting to ruin the progress I feel like we're making.

  "Oh my god, you look like you want to punch him in the dick," Tobias says with
a chuckle beside me, always trying to diffuse the situation, and I grin.

  "I want to R.K.O him Randy Orton style so bad," I mumble, widening my eyes, and Hunter laughs just as loud as Tobias, causing a few tables around us to glance our way.

  "You three are all ridiculous," Xavier grouses, but the harshness in his tone has lowered.

  My phone suddenly starts to vibrate on the table, Mom flashing across the screen, and I quickly answer.

  "Hey, Mom," I murmur, holding my breath as I wait for her voice to filter through the line.

  "Hey, I wasn't sure if I'd catch you or not since it's still school hours," she says, sounding tired as she sighs.

  "Yeah, some stuff happened, and I'm just at Pete's now."

  "Wait, Pete's as in Pete's diner on the water's edge?" she asks, her voice brightening, and I smile.

  "Yeah, you've been here?"

  "Eden, we practically lived there as kids. Linda took no shit, while Pete hid in the back, cooking the whole time. I think I may have seen him once, maybe twice in all the years I went in." I can sense her taking a trip down memory lane, and I hate being so close to her past, and being unable to learn more.

  "I haven't met Pete yet, but Linda seems like the exact same person. She has no filter," I say with a smile, and I hear my mom chuckle in agreement.

  "So what happened? Why aren't you at school?"

  "Oh, uh, it was nothing," I ramble, my eyes flickering to the guys, and Tobias mouths for me to tell her. Squeezing my eyes shut, I take a leap of faith, and do as he says. "Someone has sent me two strange messages, and I'm just with some friends trying to see if we can get to the bottom of it."

  "What messages?" she shouts down the phone, and I cringe, keeping my eyes closed as I sink back into my seat.

  "Mom, it's nothing to—"

  "Tell me. Now."

  Swiping a hand down my face, I jolt in surprise as a hand wraps around mine, and I turn to find Tobias lacing his fingers through mine, squeezing them in support. I don't dwell on his comforting actions as I take a deep breath and repeat the text messages to my mom.

  "Oh, Eden. I feel like history is literally repeating itself."

  My blood stills at her words, my eyes flashing open to stare at the others around the table, who instantly pick up on my change in demeanour.

  "What do you mean by that?"

  It feels like an eternity before she responds, leaving me hanging with bated breath as I try to figure out what she means.

  "There isn't very much I can say, Eden. But when I was your age, I found myself trapped in a coffin and buried in the sand as some joke gone wrong. Fuck. Eden, it was Ilana. I never knew for sure, but no one else could have been behind it."

  "Wait, what? What do you mean someone actually did that to you?" Tobias squeezes my hand as my fingers tremble, the threats feeling much heavier than they did moments ago.

  "Has Ilana shown her face yet? I know she was pregnant around the same time as us leaving, so her child won't be much different in age to you. Have you met them?"

  My eyes fall to Xavier's, watching as he grinds his jaw, somehow hearing my mother's words through the phone, and I panic.

  "No, no I haven't met them," I lie, surprise morphing Xavier's face as much as my own as I sigh.

  "Good. Don't ever trust a Knight. They're liars, full of half-truths and filled with snake venom. They'll bite you, gut you, and toss you aside without a backwards glance, all for their own personal gain."

  "I have to go, Mom," I whisper, my heart pounding in my ear as I keep my eyes fixed on Xavier, anger darkening his eyes as he turns away, looking out of the window.

  "Remember what I said, Eden. I love you."

  Nobody says a word as I place my phone on the table, my goodbye stuck on the end of my tongue since she ended the call before I could respond.

  Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I release Tobias' hand as I sit taller.

  "So, this plan," I say, my voice filled with determination as I act like my mother didn't just warn me against Xavier, and sigh.

  "We'll set up the game on Friday, Nafas," he murmurs before climbing over Hunter and storming from the diner without a backwards glance, his change in mood surprising me.

  Well at least my mom had that part right. He never looks back. Ever. But maybe he isn't as diabolical as his mother.



  The smell of sweat, and year-old socks fills the air as I try not to breathe in the stench that is the football players’ locker room.

  It's hot as hell outside, so I'm wearing my very own Asheville Allstars jersey, no name on the back, with a pair of denim shorts and sandals. But I can almost feel the germs sticking to my legs, just like my sandals feel glued to the floor.

  They're all totally gross. Hot or not, I don't want to touch a single thing they have.

  "Tell me the plan again, Eden," Hunter says, pulling his own jersey on as my eyes fixate on his bare abs. "Eyes, Eden."

  Quickly pulling my gaze to his, he grins at me, expecting me to blush, but that's not my style.

  "The plan is to watch the game from Archie's family spot again. Stay close to Bethany or Ryan at all times. Ryan is going to have the feed access for the cameras and audio pieces. Hopefully, someone tries to make a move, and we'll be able to catch them with the few members of Ryan's security team that are stationed around the stadium."

  "Good. Now get out of the locker room," Tobias murmurs with a wink, and I roll my eyes.

  "It'll be my pleasure, I'd quite happily never come in here ever again."

  Heading straight for the door, the other players ignore me, except Billy, who smiles at me, biting his lip as he watches me walk away. I try to keep my facial expression neutral, not wanting to lead him on anymore than I have to.

  But the backup plan is to hopefully catch someone out at the after-party. Unless Billy knows some of his daddy's secrets, then I might get answers that way. I'm beyond caring how I get the information anymore, I just want it.

  Stepping out into the tunnel, I'm surprised to find no one here. The cheer squad is on the field, entertaining the crowd, so it makes sense.

  Fixing my sunglasses in place, I pause when a hand wraps around my arm, and I almost squeal when they spin me. My back hits the concrete wall as I come face-to-face with Xavier.

  "Xavier, don't do that," I mutter, my hand on my chest as he stares me down, my heart beating in my chest.

  We've said very little over the few days since everything kind of exploded and he agreed to help. My mother's words seemed to cut him a little deeper than I expected, but ultimately, my guess was he didn't like being categorized with his mother.

  I don't want to press anything with him. Realistically, my mom's words will continue to hover at the back of my mind, but I have zero expectations of the guy standing in front of me. Offering him even an inch would end in heartache. He's already shown how little he cares.

  Chest to chest, I have to tilt my head back to meet his gaze. Raising his hands, he plants them firmly on either side of me, caging me in, and my heart stutters for a completely different reason.

  "Why is there no name on your jersey?" he asks, searching my eyes for his answer, and I frown.

  "Because wearing Archie's isn't the right thing to do now that he's all official with Charlie," I state. As girl code, Archie may be my friend, and Charlie hasn't mentioned a word, but it's the right thing to do. Period.

  Dropping his arms to his side, he doesn't move out of my personal space as he slowly grabs the back of his jersey and pulls it over his head.

  My mouth goes dry as he stands before me in his pants and pads, his gaze burning mine as he holds his jersey between us. Seemingly unable to find his words, he nods down at the jersey in his hands, indicating for me to take it from him, and my hand wraps around the material before I can even process what I'm doing.

  "Put it on now," he whispers, his voice thick and husky, making my thighs rub together.

  He's much too close
, in my face with no apologies as he attempts to keep his emotions under control, when really, he's staking his claim without uttering a single word.

  Releasing the jersey into my hands, his fingers go to the hem of the jersey I'm already wearing, and my hands lift over my head as he strips it from my skin. Not caring if anyone is around, in just my black lace bra, I keep my eyes on him.

  The coil of the muscles in his arms, the clenching of his jaw, and the burning in his hazel eyes as he looks me over. He isn't as unaffected as he acts, and admittedly, neither am I.

  There is just something about these Allstars that continuously has me coming back for more.

  Discarding the other jersey, he makes quick work of taking the jersey from my hands and slipping it over my head, his fingers grazing my sides as he pulls it down, leaving me utterly speechless.

  Leaning in, his nose brushing mine, he places a kiss to the corner of my lips, stealing my breath, before he's gone again.

  "What was that for?" I manage to ask, my fingers touching where he just pressed his lips, but he shrugs his shoulders.

  "I don’t know, Nafas. For not letting your mom's words tarnish me with the same brush, I guess." With a deep sigh, he steps farther back. "Remember the rules, Eden," he mutters before heading back inside the locker room.

  Who the fuck was that? And what did they do with the douchebag asshole that is usually Xavier Knight? And why can't I seem to keep any distance between us?

  Shaking my head, I take a deep breath before grabbing the perfectly fine jersey off the ground and turning to head towards the stands, only to find Ryan waiting casually at the end of the hallway.

  He doesn't say a word, so I choose to keep my mouth shut too, quickly following after him to find Bethany waiting in the same seat as last time. My fingers mindlessly stroke over the jersey, trying to understand why he gave me his, but I never want to guess with Xavier because nothing ever actually makes sense with him.


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