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Thai bargirl from village girl to prostitute, stripper and sex slave

Page 12

by Joy Rider

  He told the policeman that it was nothing. Just an accident. "That's some accident!" the policeman exclaimed. The man persisted and eventually Peter said he would talk to DS Russel.

  When the DS arrived, Peter told him that he had seen Suchin but didn't say anything about being raped.

  After a long silence the DS said to him quietly

  "We know what happened to you Peter."

  Peter let out and involuntary moan and replied

  "What do you mean?"

  The DS sighed and said "It's tattooed on your bum mate. Sorry."

  Peter's heart raced and tears formed in his eyes as he replied in a small weak voice "What? What's tattooed?"

  The cop was clearly embarrassed and Peter could barely hear him.

  "It says 'This hole fucked by 37 members of the MMMCC and the date'."

  Peter turned his head away from the policeman, sobbed once and felt tears running down his face to wet the pillow. DS Russel said he would come back in an hour.

  When the DS came back, Peter told him everything that had happened. He didn't give any detail, especially not that he himself had ejaculated. The policeman was clearly angry and told Peter that they would get those thugs this time.

  It took a week to organise the raid and Russel asked Peter to go along as an observer.

  Peter could walk now, but with difficulty, as his bottom was still painful.

  A low loader delivered a bulldozer to the assembly point, several streets from the clubhouse. There was a heavily armed TRG squad dressed in black armour and carrying guns, together with police cars and a police van. It was 6am, as the police thought that this would be the time when most of the bikers would be asleep.

  DS Russel walked up to the big black gate in the empty street and rang the bell. A voice asked what he wanted, and Russel replied that he had a search warrant. Eventually the gate opened and a white haired elderly man invited them in. The place was empty, no bikers, no firearms, no drugs and worst of all.... no Suchin.

  Land of smiles

  Weeks after the rape Peter's wounds had healed, except that sometimes he had problems controlling his bowel movements. Surprisingly, he had not contracted any STDs, and he wondered if the sheer volume of cum had flushed his system out. Every night he woke up in a sweat, but he couldn't remember what he had been dreaming about.

  He became a hermit, seeing almost nobody. He could do his work at home over the Internet and even conduct interviews with clients using Skype.

  He didn't want to see anybody.

  He brooded over Suchin and worried about what had happened to her. He pestered DS Russel about her. Eventually, the DS told Peter that Immigration said she had left Australia a day before the raid on a flight to Singapore. They assumed that she had gone back to Thailand, via Singapore.

  Once he was physically OK, Peter decided to go to Thailand and look for her.

  He found Nin in Phuket, but she said she didn't know where Suchin was, and thought that she was in Australia with Peter.

  He went to the bar but nobody knew where Suchin was.

  He ended up getting drunk with the proprietor, Klaus, who didn't seem to be such a bad guy after all. Peter could see that Klaus had a soft spot for Suchin, despite everything that had happened. He said he regretted putting her in the gogo club as she was too sweet for that, but it was business. She owed him money, and he had to set an example to the other girls.

  Peter told him that Suchin had been forced to work as a prostitute in Australia, by the man named Bull.

  Klaus knew Bull, and said he was a very bad man. Bull had told Klaus that he would pay Suchin's debts if he let her go with him, but he had never delivered. Peter asked how much the debt was, and agreed to pay it. While it might be a big debt to a Thai person, he could easily afford it.

  As Peter left to return to his hotel, Klaus said he had friends in the police and he would see if they could find out where Suchin was.

  Peter went to Suchin's village, which was a long journey by bus, train, bus and finally along potholed roads on the back of a motorbike.

  When he got there, nobody spoke English, and he couldn't make himself understood. Eventually, somebody fetched one of the schoolteachers who spoke some English. With the man's help, he found Suchin's parent's house.

  They seemed overawed by this Farang who had appeared from nowhere. The children all ran to hide from him, as they saw few foreigners. Her parents were very worried about Suchin, as they had not heard from her since she left Thailand to marry a Farang. Peter didn't try to explain what had really happened to her.

  He went back to Phuket disappointed.

  When he returned to the bar, Klaus seemed quite excited. He explained that Bull was in Phuket and the Thai police were already keeping an eye on him as they suspected him of smuggling drugs. They said that Bull was cunning in that he always used naive young people as mules to carry the drugs back to Australia. As they didn't know who the mules were, it was difficult for them to connect Bull with them.

  Peter thought about this and wondered if Bull used the Internet to communicate with his mules. At least he must have a laptop or smart phone to keep their contact details.

  He had an idea. "Do the police know which hotel he is in?" he asked.

  "Yah, he stays at 'La flora'. Nothing but the best for him!"

  "I bet they have WiFi." Peter replied. "Can you get me a room there? I will pay for it; I just don't want it in my name."

  "Sure I can" said Klaus," I know the manager. What have you got in mind?"

  "If he is using WiFi there is a good chance I can crack it. I'll just stay there for a few days and get into every computer I can. See what I can find out."

  La Flora was a very nice hotel. Unfortunately, Peter couldn't risk using its pools or other facilities for fear of running into Bull. He stayed in his room using room service for food and amusing himself hacking their network. This wasn't too difficult and he had help from several friends in the international hacking community. After a lot of trial and error, he got into a computer that was definitely Bull's. There were many interesting emails between Bull and other members of the Men of Mayhem.

  Reading them, Peter was upset and started working his way through the bar fridge.

  There were emails discussing what they had done to him and Suchin. The bastards said they were posting photos of the "Faggot getting fucked" on the Internet.

  Peter searched for them and when he found the photos, it brought the whole thing back to him. He just couldn't bear it. It was horrible. It was bad enough seeing the photos, which were hideous and sickening. Then he read the nasty comments, made by the perverts viewing him, and he had to rush to the bathroom.

  He went to bed drunk, distressed and empty of all feeling.

  There were many nude photos of Suchin on the web site as well. Of course, her photos had a lot more hits and comments than Peter. Somehow, her humiliation didn't seem as bad as his. There were so many photos of Asian girls having sex, that it almost seemed normal.

  Even so, Peter felt guilty about just worrying about photos of himself and not those of Suchin. It was just that photos of a white male being gang raped were unusual and that white male was him!

  Peter tried to contact the web site and ask them to take the photos down. He knew that generally photo sites were very cooperative when it came to photos not authorised by their owner. In this case, the bikers owned the photos, and it was just the subject of the photos that objected. They should have a model release form he thought bitterly, now he was a gay porno star.

  In any case, the site had a Russian domain, and they were cowboys who wouldn't even bother to reply.

  The next day, he pulled himself together. He downloaded all of Bull's files and was working his way through the emails. He tried not to read any that appeared to refer to him. Then he came up with an exchange of emails just before the raid on the clubhouse. It was between Bull and a man with an Arabic sounding name. The emails told him what had happened to Suchin.
She had been sold!

  Peter was furious. That motherfucker, Bull, was totally lacking in any humanity. He just used people and traded them!

  He checked out of the hotel and went to see Klaus.

  The Thai police were very interested in the computer files Peter had for them and arrested Bull. Then with the help of Bull's laptop they were able to arrest the mules and Bull's drug suppliers.

  Klaus told Peter that Bull would either get the death penalty or spend the rest of his life in a Thai prison. He added that he wasn't sure which was worse

  Nobody seemed to have any idea where Suchin was. The emails indicated the she would be exchanged for cash in Changi airport in Singapore, but after that, the trail went cold.


  It took a week for Suchin to recovery from the ordeal of the night when she and Peter had been gang raped. Physically she was bruised and sore but not seriously hurt as her body was accustomed to such abuse. Mentally, it was not her suffering that hurt, but the terrible things they had done to Peter. No man should suffer such sexual humiliation she thought.

  Her great hope was that Peter would somehow come to rescue her. This dream was lost when Bull brought her suitcase of clothes and told her to get dressed, as they were going on a plane.

  The airport at Singapore was huge and very frightening to Suchin. Bewildered, she was handed over to a swarthy man who took her on another plane.

  Now she was in a walled compound in a desert. Suchin had no idea where she was, or even what country she was in. This place appeared to be a zoo as there was a row of animal cages. As she got closer, she realised that the animals in the cages were human beings. They were all girls, and they were dressed tattered remnants of clothing. The girls clung to the bars and shouted at Suchin. She couldn't understand them, as they were not speaking Thai. There were black girls with curly hair and large breasts, blonde girls with shapely white bodies, but she couldn't see any small breasted Asians like herself.

  Suchin was locked in a cage with a toilet hole in the floor and a hosepipe to clean herself, plus an old mattress but nothing else. The guards had taken away all her clothes except for bra and panties. They were big black men with shiny skins and mean eyes. They enjoyed undressing Suchin and made sure their hands 'accidentally' touched her breasts and pubic area while they were doing it, but at least they didn't rape her.

  A few days, later a fat old Arab man with a beard came into the compound from the house. The man who had brought Suchin from Singapore was with him, together with two black guards. They let the girls out of their cages one by one, so that the old man could closely inspect them.

  When it was Suchin's turn, with her arms handcuffed behind her back, she was taken out to stand in the bright sunshine in front of the man. He pulled her bra up to see her breasts and frowned when he saw the tattoos shaking his head. He briefly felt her breasts and stepped back to look at her.

  The man grunted something and the guard pulled Suchin's panties down to her ankles. The fat man bent over to see the writing and tattoo of a penis over her vagina. He laughed loudly and straightened up to look Suchin in the eye with a leer on his face. Suddenly, he spat at her so that globules of spit landed on her breasts and started running down towards her nipples. Abruptly, he turned his back on her.

  As she they her dragged away, she could hear him complaining in Arabic. The guards hadn't bothered to pull her panties back up, and they were torn and dirty with red dust, before they came off her feet and lay as a tattered rag in front of her cage.

  Two of the girls left with the fat Arab, and Suchin realised that they had been sold.

  The next day her period came, and without any panties or pads blood kept running down the inside or her legs, so that Suchin had to continually herself clean with the water hose. She looked longingly out at her torn panties lying in the dirt of the compound, as now she only had her bra to cover herself.

  Other men came to inspect and buy girls, but they all rejected Suchin, when they saw the tattoos on her breasts and crotch.

  One morning they took her from the cage and cuffed her wrists, but this time they put a black gown over her. It covered her from head to foot including her face and hair. They put her in the back seat of a Mercedes, beside one of the black guards. After hours of driving through the desert, they reached the suburbs of a large city.

  They drove into a side street, shaded by palm trees, and stopped at a huge wooden door with brass fittings set in a high wall. The door opened and they drove into a lovely courtyard, with fountains and palm trees.

  Two guards took Suchin through a large well-furnished house with many doors and passages. Arriving in a small bare room, the men took off her robe and handcuffs. The guards left securely locking the door.

  After an hour, somebody opened a second door to the room, and an old lady came in. Seeing Suchin naked, sitting cross-legged on the floor, she made her stand up. The woman looked over Suchin's body carefully, tut tutting over the tattoos.

  Then she took her another large room with carpets, lounge chairs and a TV. Several pretty girls were chatting or watching the TV. Most of them were nude or wearing skimpy transparent clothes. Seeing Suchin some of them greeted her enthusiastically in languages that she didn't understand.

  Over the next two weeks, Suchin was well looked after with so much good food that she started putting on some weight. Her breasts and buttocks were getting quite plump. She and all the other girls had daily baths, and they rubbed scented oils and creams into each other's skins. A hairdresser came to make their hair fluffy and wavy.

  None of the girls was Asian. Two of them were black with large breasts and silky skin. Four had golden skins and looked Arabic and two had the pale translucent skins of Farangs.

  One day a doctor came and gave Suchin a through medical examination including blood tests and swabs.

  Then a photographer came and took photos of all the girls. He obviously enjoyed his task, and the girls giggled about the bulge in his pants. He didn't touch them at all. He was the first male Suchin had seen since she had arrived and her heart raced when she saw him. It was weeks since a man had used her.

  After he had gone, she kept thinking about the man's cock. In a way, she missed cocks. She was so used to them. All men called her a slut and a whore, and she knew they were right. It seemed a long time ago that she was a naive virgin. She was good at giving men pleasure and that would always be her life.

  Suchin understood that they were preparing her for sale and knew that she would always be a sex slave. She had almost forgotten about Peter. He could never find her now and so many men had fucked him that he would be like a girl. She had heard that straight men fucked by other men had difficulty returning to having normal sex with a woman. They could never forget the shame of having cocks in them and some became Katoi dressing in woman's clothes.

  She remembered that Peter had an erection while the men were putting their cocks in his ass, and that he actually climaxed, he liked it so much. Like her, he would always want cocks in him. Like her, he would always be a slut for use by men.

  The next day, the girls made each other up to look beautiful, supervised by the old lady. It didn't occur to them that it was strange to be preparing each other for sale. Like Suchin, they just hoped for good masters.

  All the other girls had their pubic hairs completely shaved, but they left Suchin's hairs long in an effort to conceal the genital tattoo. They also powdered her breasts in an attempt to cover up the writing on them.

  They made her face up with much mascara so that her eyelashes were thick and long. She had subtle eyeliner and bright red lipstick coated with gloss to make her lips shine. A combination of rouge and shadow on her cheeks accentuated her high cheekbones and made her look slightly flushed.

  Her breasts had similar treatment to make her look sexually aroused. She had a slight amount of rouge on them and a liquid was painted on to her nipples with a soft camel hair brush. This made them pointy and enhanced their colour. Su
chin was jealous of the Farang girls as their nipples went very pink while Suchin's just became slightly redder.

  They painted the same liquid on her labia, which made them swell and flush with colour. She even had to bend over while her anus had the same treatment.

  Lastly, she had perfume sprayed on her, especially her breasts, vagina, and anus.

  In the afternoon, the guards took them to small padded cubicles, for pre-sale viewing. The buyers were all male, and they carefully inspected Suchin. They felt her breasts, squeezing them and pulling on her nipples. With a torch, they looked inside her vagina and anus, using a device to hold them open. They even looked inside her mouth, ears and nose. They wore surgical gloves, which they disposed, in a bin on the way out.

  Her tattoos and especially the drawing of a penis next to her vagina caused great amusement. They would laugh and she could see they despised her. After seeing the tattoos, they would be rougher with her pushing their fingers harder into her vagina so that it hurt or twisting her nipples. Suchin knew that, in a world of prostitutes and sex slaves, she was now the dirtiest most loathsome slut.

  The guards took them back to their common room for an hour, to prepare for the sale.

  Then, handcuffed naked with their arms in front of them, the guards took them to a room that Suchin had not seen before. There was a stage with numbered posts and a big curtain hiding them from the audience.

  A guard led Suchin to a post and chained her, with her arms stretched above her head. The handcuffs attached to a ring the top of the post. Her legs were stretched wide apart with cuffs around her ankles attached to rings in the floor. A padded projection on the post pushed into the middle of her back just below her shoulder blades.

  This exposed her completely, with her breasts pushed forward and lifted up.

  Suchin could hear the sounds of many men beyond the curtain and smell their cigars, beers, and body odours.

  All the lights went out and the curtain opened. She could see many men wearing Arabic clothes or business suits. A spotlight went on to illuminate the first girl in the row and a man came onto the stage with a microphone. The auction proceeded and Suchin watched as her buyer paid for her. The guard took the girl down from her post and the buyer, a swarthy Arab, led her away still handcuffed. He delightedly showed his friends the key and smacked the girl's bottom.


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