Leaf, Erin M. - Appassionato (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
Page 21
“Don’t worry, honey, we’ll get there. I just want to savor the journey,” Jake murmured in her ear, his voice so low Emma felt him in her spine more than heard him. Then he rubbed his thumb against her clit without letting go of Duncan’s cock. He softly circled her nub, over and over, and she shuddered. Duncan froze, then tried to thrust again, but he was blocked by Jake’s hand. He moaned and Emma thrashed as much as she could, sandwiched between the two men.
“Oh my God, Jake, I need—” she gasped and he suddenly pressed his thumb against her, unmoving.
“No, please. Move, Jake, please,” Emma begged. Duncan panted in her ear as his hips jerked against her, trying to shove his cock inside. Jake chuckled and Duncan pulled out, then trembled as Jake pumped his hand around the other man’s erection, once, twice. Emma could tell he was circling his fingers around the crown of Duncan’s cock, teasing at the slit, then squeezing tightly so that Duncan couldn’t come.
“Jake, Jesus Christ, let me come,” Duncan ground out.
Jake chuckled, then moved his hand as Duncan tried to fuck into Emma again. Duncan slid all the way home with a shudder, making all three of them groan. Jake slipped his thumb back over Emma’s clit, jamming his hips against her back. Then suddenly, he pushed them away from the wall.
“Where are we going?” Emma gasped as Duncan took over holding her up. She wrapped her legs tighter around his hips as he followed Jake to the beat-up sofa in the corner. Why do these places always have old sofas? she wondered vaguely.
“I want to fuck Duncan,” Jake said, rummaging in his bag. Duncan jerked, catching his breath and Emma sensed him think, it’s about damn time. Then he dropped Emma on the sofa and she whined, protesting as he slipped out of her.
“Hang on, sweetheart,” Duncan panted. He dragged her ass to the edge of the cushions and knelt on the floor, pushing back inside in a single hard thrust that had her gasping.
“God, finally,” Jake muttered. He stood up and walked over, holding a bottle of lube and a condom loosely between his fingers.
“Do you know what you’re doing with that?” Duncan teased, holding still. Emma squirmed, trying to get him to move. “Shh, relax, Emma,” he soothed.
“Oh, please, have a little faith in me,” Jake scoffed in response to Duncan. He dropped down and coated two of his fingers with the slick substance. “Sorry, it’s a little cold.”
“Come on,” Duncan said impatiently.
“Okay, okay,” Jake murmured. Emma felt Duncan jerk as Jake slipped one finger, then two into Duncan’s hole. “Jesus you’re tight.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve never done this before,” Duncan panted.
What? Never? Jake thought. Emma sensed his astonishment.
“Never,” Duncan said out loud. Jake trembled and eased his fingers inside Duncan. Emma felt him work at the muscle. Duncan shuddered, trying to hold completely still and failing. Then he arched back with a groan as Jake brushed against his prostate. “God, there! Right there, don’t stop, Jake,” Duncan muttered, bucking.
Jake chuckled, then slipped his fingers out. “Hang on.” Emma sensed him roll on a condom, then grab hold of his cock and very carefully push inside. She moaned as she felt Duncan stretch around Jake, experiencing everything through the bond.
“Oh, man,” Jake breathed as he eased the crown inside. “Okay, deep breaths,” he commanded, and Duncan inhaled then relaxed as Jake slid the rest of the way home. Both men groaned, then Jake thrust gently, pushing Duncan into Emma. She gasped and clutched at Duncan’s arms, desperate for them to move.
“Please, please, please,” she heard someone chanting, then realized it was her. Duncan grunted and Jake began to fuck into Duncan in earnest, the pleasure of their ménage a trois rocketing through their minds as well as their bodies.
I’m not gonna last, Emma thought.
Me neither, Jake responded, shoving his hips forward. He reached his hands up to play with Duncan’s nipple rings and at that Duncan went crazy, bucking into Emma, then arching back onto Jake, his body completely buzzed with pleasure. Emma sensed their auras crackling around them as sparks from Duncan manifested along their skin like crazy firecrackers. Then suddenly, Duncan froze, his hips jerking into her hard and Emma climaxed, her body thrashing so violently that she almost pushed Duncan and Jake over. She sensed them orgasm, too, the pleasure so intense Jake’s vision sparkled. He almost passed out as he slumped against Duncan’s back. Duncan fought to keep from crushing her, holding both his and Jake’s weight up with his elbows on the sofa. He buried his face in her neck as he gasped for air.
As they gradually calmed down, Emma knew with complete certainty that there wasn’t anywhere else she’d rather be right at this moment. She clung to Duncan, her legs still wrapped around his waist, her heels gripping Jake’s hips. Neither man wanted to let go, but finally the discomfort of their position made Duncan groan as his knees protested. Emma giggled as his softened cock slipped out of her body. He leaned back, dislodging Jake with a grunt as he got to his feet and dropped onto the sofa next to her.
“Damn,” Jake muttered, staggering to his feet.
“What?” Emma tried to stand up but then gave up as her legs continued to tremble with aftershocks.
“I got jizz on my pants. What the hell am I going to wear to the meet and greet?” Jake said, exasperated.
Duncan laughed weakly into her shoulder. “Hey, at least they’re not ripped into shreds.”
“Yeah, like that helps. I’ve got a mysterious stain on my jeans. You don’t think everyone will be looking at it?”
“How the hell did that happen? Didn’t you take them off?” Emma asked.
“Yeah, but I put them on the floor to cushion my knees.”
“Oh. Um, I thought you wore a condom? How did you get spunk on your jeans?” Emma asked, still confused.
“It slipped when I was taking it off and dripped everywhere,” Jake explained, disgusted. Duncan snickered.
“It’s not funny,” Jake muttered. “What am I going to wear now?” He flung himself down on the sofa next to Emma.
“Can’t you just pick out another pair?” Emma asked, waving her hand at the rack in the corner. She didn’t understand the problem. Jake’s costumes weren’t as customized as Duncan’s so they usually had extras. He generally wore tight jeans and leather. Duncan had a tendency to add sparkling details to his clothes, the better for the audience to focus on him during a show.
“I do, but they’re blue. These jeans are black. If I go out there in a different pair, everyone will know what we were doing in here.”
Emma smiled as Duncan smirked. “It’s not like they didn’t already know what we were doing in here.”
Emma snuggled into Duncan, eyes closed against Jake’s mock-grumpiness. “I can tell you’re rolling your eyes, you know,” she stated.
Duncan grinned and pressed closer, leaning over Emma’s lap to kiss Jake. “Seriously, man, she’s right.”
Jake huffed against Duncan’s face and Emma could feel his amusement. “Yeah, whatever.” Emma pouted as Jake got back up and sauntered naked over to the rack of clothes in the far corner of the dressing room. He pawed through until he found a pair of blue jeans. She and Duncan had an unobstructed view of his firm backside as he bent over to pull them on.
Gorgeous, she thought, licking her lips. Jake paused with one leg in and one leg out of the fresh jeans, tossing a disgusted look over his shoulder at her before he finished dressing. She grinned, unrepentant as Duncan laughed then heaved himself off the sofa with a sigh. He went over to the dressing room table, rummaging in the drawers until he found a soft cloth. He wetted it with some bottled water and handed it Emma so she could clean up before putting herself back together.
“Hey, I can’t help it. If you’re going to flash me, I’m going to enjoy the view,” Emma said, wiping her thighs. She peered up at Jake from under her eyelashes in time to see him smile at her. She pulled her panties back on then Duncan helped her with her blouse.
r /> “It’s not fair that you don’t have to clean up,” she said as Duncan buttoned the silk over her breasts.
“Yeah, well, I was lucky he didn’t use too much lube,” he retorted.
Emma smiled and stretched up to kiss him. Then Jake was next to them, running a hand over her hair to smooth it back down. He smiled, leaning in to kiss Emma too. Duncan slid a palm over Jake’s neck and all three of them kissed each other. Emma felt the love they shared swell up inside until she was full of it, the colors of their auras mingling and dancing over their skin. Even with her eyes closed she could see it, the bonding between them strong and beautiful. When the kiss finally ended, she pulled back to look into their eyes.
“We’re always lucky, as long as we have each other,” she said, voice unsteady. Duncan’s face went soft and tender and she felt his agreement deep in her bones. Jake blinked back tears as Emma smiled at her men.
“Yeah, we are,” Jake said, his certainty sinking into her soul as Emma closed her eyes and basked in a moment that felt like forever.
Erin M. Leaf's romance novel, The First Time is the Sweetest, was published by Siren-BookStrand in 2010. Erin’s first story, written in third grade, involved a burning house, a desperate jump, and the last-minute save of her older sister. Since then, Erin has been a technical writer, an editor, a proofreader, and a poet. Erin is the kind of writer that loves a happy ever after ending every time.
Also by Erin M. Leaf
The First Time is the Sweetest
Available at
Siren Publishing, Inc.