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The Story of Ireland

Page 40

by Neil Hegarty

8. Quoted in Louise Ryan, Gender, Identity and the Irish Press, 1922–1937: Embodying the Nation (New York: Edwin Mellen, 2002), 258.

  9. Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, Chapter Seven: ‘St Joseph’s Industrial School, Artane’, 7.82, 115;

  10. Quoted in Clair Wills, That Neutral Island: A Cultural History of Ireland during the Second World War (London: Faber, 2007) 389.

  11. Elizabeth Bowen, Notes on Éire (Aubane: Aubane Historical Society, 1999), 8.

  12. Quoted in Wills, That Neutral Island, 391.

  13. See Bew, Ireland, esp. 480.

  14. Seán O’Faoláin, ‘The Price of Peace’, in The Bell, Vol. 10, No. 4 (July 1945), 288, quoted in Brown, Ireland, 211.

  15. Samuel Beckett, All That Fall, in Samuel Beckett: The Complete Dramatic Works (London: Faber, 1986), 194.

  16. Patrick Kavanagh, ‘The Great Hunger’, in Selected Poems, ed. Antoinette Quinn (London: Penguin, 2005), 89.

  17. Quoted in Lee, Ireland, 314.

  18. UCD Papers of Michael Hayes, 18 June 1951, quoted in Ferriter, The Transformation of Ireland, 503.

  19. See Gerard Whelan with Carolyn Swift, Spiked: Church–State Intrigue and ‘The Rose Tattoo’ (Dublin: New Island, 2002).

  20. Quoted in, 2 December 1995.

  21. Quoted in Bew, Ireland: The Politics of Enmity, 476.

  Chapter 13 – Between Here and There

  1. Sinéad Morrissey, ‘Tourism’, in Between Here and There (Manchester: Carcanet, 2002), 14.

  2. Louis MacNeice, ‘Snow’, in Selected Poems (London: Faber, 1964), 27.

  3. Seamus Heaney, The Cure at Troy (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1991), 77.

  Further Reading

  Bartlett, Thomas. The Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone (Dublin: Lilliput, 1998).

  Bartlett, Thomas. Ireland: A History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).

  Bew, Paul. Ireland: The Politics of Enmity, 1789-2006 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).

  Brown, Stewart J. and David W. Miller (eds). Piety and Power in Ireland, 1760–1960 (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2000).

  Brown, Terence. Ireland, A Social and Cultural History, 1922–1985 (London: Fontana, 1985).

  Boyce, D. George. Nineteenth-Century Ireland: The Search for Stability (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2005).

  Callanan, Frank. The Parnell Split, 1890–91 (Cork: Cork University Press, 1992).

  Charles-Edwards, T. M. Early Christian Ireland (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000).

  Collins, James S. Captain Rock: The Irish Agrarian Rebellion of 1821–24 (Cork: Collins Press, 2010).

  Connolly, S. J. Contested Island: Ireland 1460-1630 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).

  Cosgrove, Art (ed.). A New History of Ireland II: Medieval Ireland, 1169–1534 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987).

  Duffy, Seán (ed.). Medieval Dublin (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001).

  Edwards, David, Pádraig Lenihan and Clodagh Tait (eds). Age of Atrocity: Violence and Political Conflict in Early Modern Ireland (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007).

  Elliott, Marianne. Wolfe Tone: Prophet of Irish Independence (London and New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989).

  Elliott, Marianne. The Catholics of Ulster: A History (London: Allen Lane, 2000).

  Ferriter, Diarmaid. The Transformation of Ireland, 1900–2000 (London: Profile, 2004).

  Ferriter, Diarmaid. Judging Dev: A Reassessment of the Life and Legacy of Éamon de Valera (Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 2007).

  Foster, Roy (ed.). Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989).

  Frame, Robin. Colonial Ireland, 1169–1369 (Dublin: Helicon, 1981).

  Geoghegan, Patrick. King Dan: The Rise of Daniel O’Connell 1775–1829 (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2008).

  Gillespie, Raymond. Seventeenth-Century Ireland: Making Ireland Modern (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2006).

  Hegarty, Shane and Fintan O’Toole. The Irish Times Book of the 1916 Rising (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2006).

  Jeffrey, Keith (ed.). An Irish Empire? Aspects of Ireland and the British Empire (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1996).

  Kee, Robert. Ireland: A History (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980).

  Kelly, Ronan. Bard of Erin: The Life of Thomas Moore (Dublin: Penguin Ireland, 2008).

  Keogh, Dermot. Twentieth-Century Ireland: Revolution and State Building (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2005).

  Lee, J. J. Ireland 1912–1985: Politics and Society (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).

  Lennon, Colm. Sixteenth-Century Ireland: the Incomplete Conquest (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1994).

  Lyons, F. S. L. Charles Stewart Parnell (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1977).

  McBride, Ian. Eighteenth-Century Ireland: The Isle of Slaves (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2009).

  McCracken, Thomas P. Forgotten Protest: Ireland and the Anglo-Boer War (Belfast: Ulster Historical Foundation, 2003).

  Marley, Laurence. Michael Davitt: Freelance Radical and Frondeur (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007).

  Moody, T. W., F. X. Martin and F. J. Byrne (eds). A New History of Ireland III: Early Modern Ireland, 1534–1691 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976).

  Moody, T. W. and W. E. Vaughan (eds). New History of Ireland IV: Eighteenth-Century Ireland (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986).

  Morgan, Austen. James Connolly: A Political Biography (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988).

  Ó’Cróinín, Dáibhí. Early Medieval Ireland, 400–1200 (London and New York: Longman, 1995).

  Ó’Cróinín, Dáibhí (ed.). A New History of Ireland I: Prehistoric and Early Ireland (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).

  Ó’Siochrú, Micheál. God’s Executioner: Oliver Cromwell and the Conquest of Ireland (London: Faber, 2008).

  O’Toole, Fintan. Ship of Fools: How Stupidity and Corruption Sank the Celtic Tiger (London: Faber, 2009).

  Richter, Michael. Medieval Ireland: the Enduring Tradition (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1988).

  Tóibín, Colm. Lady Gregory’s Toothbrush (Dublin: Lilliput, 2002).

  Vaughan, W. E. (ed.). A New History of Ireland V: Ireland under the Union I, 1801–1870 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989).

  Vaughan, W. E. (ed.). A New History of Ireland VI: Ireland under the Union II, 1870–1921 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996).

  Wills, Clair. That Neutral Island: A Cultural History of Ireland during the Second World War (London: Faber, 2007).


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abbey Theatre, Dublin



  Act of Settlement 1652

  Act of Union



  Adams, Gerry

  administrator caste

  Adrian IV, Pope

  Adventurers’ Act 1642

  Áed Finnliath

  Aedán MacGabráin of Dál Ríata

  Agilulf of the Lombards


  agriculture see also farmers; peasant tenant farmers

  Aidan, St

  Aiken, Frank


  Alexander III, Pope

  Alice of Abergavenny

  Allen, Archbishop

  Alliance Party



  American Civil War

  American Declaration of Independence

  American Revolution

  American War of Independence

  ‘An Beal Bocht’ (O’Brien)

  An Garda Síochána (Irish civil guard)

  An Phoblacht (republican organ)

  Angevin (Plantagenet) Empire



  Anglo Normans


  Anglo–Irish Agreement 1985

  Anglo–Irish Bank

  Anglo–Irish Treaty 1921

  Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

  Annals of Four Masters

  Annals of Innisfallen

  Annals of Loch Cé

  Annals of Ulster

  Anne, Queen

  Annegray monastery


  anti-Irish sentiment (North American)

  Anti-Jacobin Review


  anti-Parnell faction

  anti-slavery movement

  Antiphonary of Bangor


  Ardagh Chalice

  Ardnacrusha hydroelectric scheme



  monks of

  Armagh, Book of

  Armagh cathedral

  arms trade

  Artane school, Dublin



  Asgard (yacht)

  Asquith, Herbert

  Aston, Sir Henry

  Áth Cliath


  Attlee, Clement

  Aughrim, battle of


  Ausgleich (Compromise) 1867

  Austen, Jane




  Austrian Bohemia

  ‘Autumn Journal’ (McNeice)



  ‘B Special’ reserve police

  Bagenal, Henry



  Balzac, Honoré de


  Bank of Ireland

  banking crisis

  Bann river

  Bannow Island


  Bastille, storming of the

  Beach, Sir Michael

  Beaumont, Gustave de

  Becket, Thomas

  Beckett, Samuel

  Bede, Venerable

  Beggar’s Bush Barracks


  and the Anglo–Irish Agreement

  Catholic interests in

  contraceptive sales

  devolution of law and order to

  dock strikes

  and famine

  German air raids on

  and the Great Depression

  and Home Rule

  and Parnell


  and social class

  and social deprivation

  and the Troubles

  and Union

  and the United Irishmen

  Williamite occupation of

  Bell, The (periodical)

  Beltane fire

  ‘big houses’

  Birmingham pub bombings 1974

  Birr monastery

  Birrell, Augustine

  bishops, rise of the Irish

  Black Death

  Black and Tans

  ‘Black Week’

  Blackwater valley

  Blaney, Neil

  ‘blood sacrifice’

  Bloody Sunday

  Bloody Sunday Inquiry 2010

  Blount, Charles, Lord Mountjoy


  Bobbio monastery

  Boer Wars





  Boleyn, Anne

  Bolívar, Simón

  Boniface, Pope



  Bowen, Elizabeth


  Boycott, Mr

  Boyne, battle of the

  Boyne river


  Brian Bóruma (Boru)



  and France

  Irish internees in

  and the Troubles

  British army

  27th Inniskilling Regiment

  Irish occupation

  Irish servicemen

  Royal Artillery

  Royal Dublin Fusiliers

  Royal Irish Rifles

  troops on the streets of Northern Ireland

  Ulster Division

  British Commonwealth

  British Empire

  British intelligence

  British parliament

  rebellion against James II

  see also House of Commons; House of Lords; Westminster


  Broighter Hoard

  Brontë, Charlotte

  bronze age jewellery

  Brown, Ford Madox

  Browne, Archbishop George

  Browne, Noel

  Burke, Edmund

  Burke, Thomas Henry

  Butt, Isaac

  Cabinet (British)

  Caesar, Julius x


  Cameron, David

  Campo Bello


  see also United-States–Canadian frontier

  Cape Colony

  capitalism, Irish

  Caribbean plantations

  Carlingford Lough


  Carnot, Lazare


  Carson, Sir Edward


  Casement, Sir Roger

  cash crops

  Cashel synod 1172

  castle-building programmes


  Castlereagh, Lord


  Catherine of Aragon

  Catholic Association

  Catholic Church

  see also Irish

  Catholic Church Catholic relief bill 1792–3

  Catholic Truth Society


  and Cromwell

  fusion with Irishness

  and the Tudors

  see also anti-Catholicism; French Catholicism; Irish Catholicism


  see also Irish Catholics

  cattle barons x

  Cavendish, Frederick

  ‘Ceasefire’ (Longley) xxi

  Céide Fields

  Celestine, Pope

  Celtic Tiger

  censorship culture

  Censorship of Films Act 1923

  Censorship of Publications Act 1929

  census, 1911

  Chalmont, Charles, Marquis de St Ruth

  Chamberlain, Joseph


  Charles I

  Charles II

  Chester arms depot raid

  Chichester, Sir Arthur


  Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

  Christianity x

  arrival in Ireland

  fusion with the political system

  see also Catholicism; Irish Catholics; monasteries





  Protestant Church of Ireland

  –State alliance

  see also Irish Catholic Church; Irish Church

  Church of England

  church-building programmes

  Churchill, Randolph

  Churchill, Winston


  Civil Rights Association (NICRA)

  Clann na Poblachta

  Clarke, Austin

  Clarke, Tom

  Claudy bombings 1972

  Cleirigh, Bean ui

  Clement VIII, Pope

  Clerkenwell bombings

  Clinton, Bill


  Clonfert, monks of

  Clonfert, Treaty of

  Clonfert monastery

  Clonmacnoise, Crozier of

  Clonmacnoise monastery


  battle of

  Clyn, Friar


  ‘coffin ships’

  Cogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibh (‘War of the Irish and the Foreigners’)


  Coleraine, Plantation of

  Collectio canonum hiberniensis (700–750)

  College Green, Dublin

  Collins, Michael

  Columba (Colum Cille)

  Columbanus, St

  Comgall, St

  ‘Committee on Evil Literature’

  common law

  concentration camps

  Confederate army

  Cong, Cross of



  Connolly, James

  Conolly, William

  Conservative Government (British)


  Constantine x

  constructive unionism


  Cook, James

  Cooney, Gabriel

  Cooper Union, New York


  and the Black Death

  British relinquish control of


  monks of

  Monster Meetings

  Viking settlements

  see also North Cork militia

  cornmeal (Peel’s brimstone)

  Cornwallis, Lord

  Cosgrave, W. T.


  Council of Ireland


  County Antrim

  County Armagh

  County Carlow

  County Cavan

  County Clare

  by-election 1828

  County Cork

  County Derry

  County Donegal

  County Down

  County Fermanagh

  County Kerry

  County Kilkenny

  County Londonderry

  County Mayo

  County Meath

  County Monaghan

  County Sligo

  county system

  County Tyrone

  Courtenay, Ellen


  Craig, James


  Crimean War

  Criminal Law Amendment Act 1935

  Croagh Patrick

  Cromwell, Oliver

  Cromwell, Thomas

  Crown, Irish allegiance to


  Cúl Dreimhne, battle of

  Cullen, Cardinal Paul

  Cumann na mBan

  Cumann na nGaedheal (confederation of the Gaels)


  Curragh barracks, proto-mutiny

  Custom House, Dublin



  Dál Ríata


  see also Brian Bóruma (Boru)




  Darwin, Charles

  Davis, Thomas

  Davitt, Michael

  de Lacy, Hugh

  de Valera, Éamon

  death penalty, abolition

  Declan of Ardmore, St x


  Democratic Party

  Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)

  Dempsey, Anthony


  Derg, Lough

  Dermot McCarthy of Desmond


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