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Blind Date with the President

Page 3

by Swale, Lizzie

  “Things couldn't have gone any better,” Samantha said.

  “So, second date?”

  “I hope so. I just hope that I didn’t fuck it up by giving it up so quickly.”

  “Even if that’s the case, it sounded like it might have been worth it.”

  “It so was. He was so good. And that cock…”

  Elizabeth smiled and sat down on the bed next to Samantha.

  “The only reason I pressured you into hanging out with him was because I knew that you two would really hit it off, you know what I mean?”

  Samantha nodded. Elizabeth was proving to be a pretty decent match maker. Samantha owed her one.


  Over the course of the next few months Jackson and Samantha grew closer and closer. Around the holidays, when snow piled up on the planes of Iowa, they would spend even more time together in her bed. The Lucky Ladies were supportive of Samantha, even though she could tell that some of them were more than just a little jealous of her new boyfriend.

  Samantha learned all kinds of things about Jackson when he started to open up after a few weeks. She was fascinated with how he'd been one of Ames’ homeless youths back in the day, and how the former leader of the Rough Riders had taken him in off the streets.

  She couldn’t help but wonder if their orphaned beginnings were what had drawn them so closely together so quickly. It was like they understood where each other had come from.

  Jackson didn't speak especially fondly of the man he'd replaced as the head of the Rough Riders. She decided to wait to really dig into what had gone on in the past. He was a genuine guy, one that actually said what he meant and didn't go slinking around town cheating on her.


  Jackson was happy with how everything was turning out. Not only had the Rough Riders accepted Tony as their second in command, but they had also accepted that their number one wasn't going to be around all the time. For some of them, it had been a big step, while others thought it had been a long overdue action.

  Most of the Rough Riders liked Samantha, and the influence she was having on their leader. It seemed like the Rough Riders were growing to see the merit of the new ways Jackson wanted to instill in them, and this made Jackson's heart swell with pride.

  Were he and Samantha getting serious enough that she might stick around after college? Jackson wasn't sure, but he wanted to lay the groundwork just in case. He was heading out for a two-week tour of potential towns for a club expansion, after stopping in to fuck his lady.

  “Hey boss,” Tony said. “Storm is coming in. The news is saying a foot of snow. If I were you I'd get headed to the campus!”

  Jackson smiled. Tony was always looking out for him. Usually a number two in a biker gang wouldn't care if their boss made it over to his college girlfriend’s place. Jackson was glad things weren't business as usual anymore, because in the past such an attitude had been at the expense of a rank and file. Now everyone looked out for each other because power was a little more decentralized.

  “Thanks for the heads up, Tony,” Jackson said. “I really appreciate how much you've been there for me over the past few months.”

  “Don't mention it,” Tony said. “I know how hard you worked for the Old Man when he was running things. The old way needs to go away though, as you like to say.”

  They both laughed.

  “Those sorority girls got you reading poetry, do they?”

  Jackson looked at Tony and smiled.

  “They sure do,” he said. “And I fucking love it.”


  Before he left the sorority house for his road trip, Samantha asked him to leave his red plaid shirt, so she could sleep in it. As she watched him drive away in the truck, she felt a piece of paper in the breast pocket. Pulling it out, she unfolded it and held it to her chest. Tears welled up in her eyes. It simply read:

  I love you.

  She wrapped his shirt around her naked body, feeling the warmth of the fabric and inhaling his scent. She smiled; she was his.


  The Cabin:RESCUE


  When I say my boyfriend is rich, don’t start thinking Wall Street mogul or tech billionaire, I just mean that in our city his family ranked with the elites. His great grandfather started a factory and now it employed a lot of people and made a lot of stuff and his whole family was pretty well off compared to the rest of us. It’s not like I was hurting for cash though, my father was a programmer for a big company and my mom was a dental hygienist, I didn’t want for anything growing up and I could pass for pretty high end which was how I landed Joel. We were quite the pair. He looked like one of those guys off from an Abercrombie ad, tousled hair, buff, polo shirts and khaki shorts, no tattoos, and I was an average, slender faced, black girl with an average body and thick black hair.

  After graduating from high school my parents insisted that my free ride was over, I could live at home rent free but I had to work or go to school. If I didn’t go to school I had to pay for my own cell phone, my own clothes, my own trips to get my nails done, all of it. Sure they still fed me and paid the electric bills but it still meant thirty hour weeks in black slacks, a white top, and low heels serving drinks at one of the upscale restaurants in town.

  My boyfriend Joel went off to school and thankfully the business courses he needed were offered locally so we weren’t stuck in one of those long distance relationships, but sometimes he forgot that the working girl doesn’t get four months off every year. Which is why we were arguing, something that had started happening more and more over the school year.

  “It’s one weekend, Emily.”

  “No, a weekend is Saturday and Sunday, you want to leave Thursday morning and come back Monday night. That’s five days I’d have to take off of work.”

  “But it’s summer vacation, and it’s just one weekend, and Buddy and Julia are coming and it’ll be fun, and we’ll have a campfire and go kayaking …”

  “I can’t, Joel. I can’t take that many days off of work! My boss would fire me!”

  “Then quit.”

  “Ha, ha. You know my mom’s deal. I have to work or she’ll kick me out.”

  “Fine then, move out.”

  “Right, quit my job so I have no money and then move out and have nothing to pay the rent with. Because that makes sense.”

  He glared at me. He didn’t like the dry, sarcastic wit I had inherited from my father. “I’m serious Emily. Move in with me. We spend most of our time at my place anyways. Move in with me and you can help me keep the place clean, you can cook, and I’ll pay for your time.”

  “I don’t know, Joel, I’ll think about it, okay?”

  “Will you ask for the time off at least?”

  I rolled me eyes. “I’ll ask, but don’t get your hopes up.”

  I was genuinely surprised that my boss was willing to give me that many shifts off but apparently there was someone asking for extra hours for a few weeks so it all worked out, this time.

  “Don’t you go making a habit out of asking for a whole week off,” my boss said, shaking a finger at me. “I don’t keep lazy, layabouts on staff. You work or you get fired.”

  “I know, I promise it won’t be a regular thing, not even during the summer.” I had the time off and that meant my number one excuse for getting out of the camping trip was out the window.

  Wednesday before my shift I packed my bag. Spending the weekend with Buddy and Julia wasn’t exactly appealing. I swear Buddy and Joel could have been brothers, or at least cousins, and Julia looked like a French model, pale and long limbed, with perfectly straight hair that never had any fly-away bits, and these crisp blue eyes. They were nice people, but like my boyfriend they were kids from actual rich families, not just a family that was well enough off that their daughter could play at being upper crust. Not only that, but when Buddy and Joel got together they got really competitive and started doing crazy, reckless things. Boys will be boys a
nd all that but rich boys with big, fast, dangerous toys was scary.

  We left very early Thursday morning, all four of us in Buddy’s SUV. There were two kayaks strapped to the roof and a trailer on the hitch. The back was loaded with bags and coolers and Julia and I sat in the back seat while Joel and Buddy took turns driving.

  I slept through the early part of the drive, having worked a long, late, busy shift the night before, and when I opened my eyes again the city was far behind us. We passed through a few small towns, stopping for the occasional fuel top-up, bathroom break, or snack run, so the drive took most of the day, even with Buddy speeding on the open highway.

  We headed for a spot Buddy knew by the North Platte River. Dense trees alternated with grasslands as we wound down the highway. There weren’t many animals but it was mid-afternoon and most of them were probably in the cool of the trees or down by the river. Once we were away from the highway and out on the back roads there wasn’t much for people either.

  A whole weekend without power, without internet, and without anyone but Julia, Buddy, and Joel to talk to. I thought. Why did I agree to this? Why didn’t I just stay home and work?


  The spot where Buddy stopped was a low spot right by the river. There was a natural clearing but the grass had been worn away and there was a ring of stones around a fire pit so we weren’t the first ones to come here. It was probably a popular backwoods camping spot and we were just lucky we had it to ourselves.

  Joel and Buddy unhitched the trailer while Julia and I started unloading bags and food. We were struggling with a chest cooler that turned out to be loaded with beer and ice while the boys stood on the river bank surveying the river.

  “This is perfect,” Joel said. “Kayaking is going to be awesome here.”

  “Are you two going to stand there yakking all afternoon or are you going to help us?” Julia said. They turned and watched us stagger away from the SUV with the cooler between us. We set it down not four feet from the vehicle with a solid thud to much laughter from the boys.

  Julia flipped her middle finger at them and we went back to unloading.

  By the time we were finished the boys had stopped being useless and had gotten a decent sized fire going. Julia and I sat back with our beers while the boys grilled steak over an open fire. The potatoes were easy, they were wrapped in foil and tucked in the rocks around the fire, all you had to do was flip them every fifteen minutes or so, but the steak was harder until they figured out a way to get the grill to stay up without dumping the meat into the flames.

  Somehow it all turned out delicious and only slightly burned around the edges, but it tasted like camping and we were all starving so no one complained.

  We cleaned up, put out the fire, and went for a hike. It was a beautiful area and I was starting to relax into the adventure. We climbed a hill that crested at the river bank giving us an amazing view. The river stretched away in either direction, picking up speed downstream of us. Across the river was dense forest in all the vibrant greens of summer.

  “It’s beautiful here. Wyoming has a lot of beautiful wilderness, doesn’t it?”

  Joel put his arm around my waist and all my doubts and regrets about coming out here melted away. This was right. This felt good.

  “What’s that?” Buddy said, pointing off in the distance.

  From between the trees far off down river a thin tendril of smoke was drifting skywards.

  “A campfire?” Julia said. “We can’t be the only ones who come up here to get away from the city.”

  “Maybe,” I said. “I just hope it’s not the start of a forest fire.”

  “Don’t worry,” Joel said. “We’re being careful with our fire, and I’m sure whoever that is out there is doing the same with their fire.”

  We ignored the mystery smoke and watched the birds circle and swoop until the sun began to dip low in the sky and our shadows grew long.

  “Come on,” Buddy said. “We don’t need anyone twisting their ankle on the way down in the dark. Who wants marshmallows?”

  Joel perked up. “Oh, I do. I’ll race you back!” They took off back down the narrow trail, shoving and crashing.

  “At least they’re scaring away anything that might jump out and scare us,” Julia said.

  “I was really hoping to see a deer this trip,” I said. We followed them down at a more cautious pace. By the time we made it back it was almost full dark and Buddy and Joel had the fire going and marshmallows roasting.

  As we came up behind the trailer we could hear Joel saying, “Come on man, you owe me this. I did the same for you, remember?”

  “That was different,” Buddy said. “It’ll be a lot harder out here!”

  “You can’t chicken out on me, come on man.”

  “What’s going on?” Julia said.

  “Oh – uh …” Buddy looked at us and then Joel.

  “Just an old bet,” Joel said. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Julia and I exchanged a look and I shrugged. If they’re not going to talk about it, why push?

  Joel was settled on a blanket by the fire so I sat down with him and cuddled up next to him. Sparks danced up into the night sky like lightning bugs.

  We ate marshmallows and s'mores and talked and laughed. The fire had burned way down again and the orange light was dancing in the coals. I was staring at that wavering light and almost missed the way Buddy leaned over, reaching for the pile of wood, and then stopped, nodded, and sat back up. He stretched big and yawned bigger. “I’m wiped. I’m going to turn in. Are you coming too Julia?”

  “I guess so. We’re going to be pretty active tomorrow. Are you two coming?”

  I opened my mouth to say yes but Joel said, “We’ll be along in a little bit.”

  My first thought was oh god, he’s going to propose! A wedding proposal by dwindling fire light beside a grand river under the stars was probably romantic, but it wasn’t my idea of the ideal proposal. And I wasn’t even sure that I wanted to marry Joel. I liked him, I cared about him, we were good together, but I just wasn’t sure I was ready for that yet. I mentally began preparing polite ways to say, “No”.

  Instead of proposing he said, “Let’s move away from the fire.”

  “Away from the fire? But it’s warm here, and light. I don’t want to be out in the bush with all the wild animals in the dark. Julia is right, we’re going to be out in the boats all day tomorrow, we should get some sleep.”

  “We will,” he said, standing. He pulled me to my feet as well and then scooped up the blanket. “But I don’t want Buddy stepping out to piss and seeing us.”

  “Why can’t Buddy … oh. No, not out here! Joel!”

  His smile was strange. “Yes, come on, it’ll be exciting and wild and romantic.” He took my wrist and tugged me in the direction of the car, bringing the blanket with us. “No one will see us, come on.”

  He wasn’t going to drop it so I went along with him. He spread the blanket out over a patch of grass and then took his shirt off. My eyes adjusted to the almost complete darkness as best they could but still all I could really see of him was an outline.

  He grabbed my arms and kissed me. Usually I melted at that first kiss but today it felt different. Maybe I was nervous about being out in the open, maybe I just wasn’t interested, I wasn’t sure, but his kiss did nothing for me for the first time in our relationship.

  It can’t always be fireworks and roses, I thought and kissed him back. A relationship means working at it.

  His lips were soft and warm but his kisses were rough and demanding. I tried to slow him down, to set a more romantic pace, but he was insistent. He only stopped kissing me to help me out of my shirt and bra. “Careful,” I said. “I don’t want to lose those.”

  He didn’t reply. He undid the button on my jeans and then started pulling his own jeans down.

  “What’s the rush?”

  “Oh, well, I don’t want to get too bitten up by mosquitoes and you’
re right, we don’t want to be out here when the wild life comes to investigate. Come on, just a quickie in the dark, it’s an adventure.”

  I shrugged and shoved my jeans down. I almost fell over trying to step out of them and Joel caught me. Once I was free of my clothes we settled on the blanket. His hands were all over me as he started kissing me again. It was sort of exciting to be out in the wild at night, naked, being kissed and touched.

  I pulled back sharply. “What was that?”

  “Rocks,” Joel muttered. “Something walking by. I don’t know.” He kissed me again.

  “What if it was Buddy?” I whispered.

  “They he’ll go pee and go back into the trailer.”

  “Won’t he come looking for us? We’re not by the fire anymore.”

  “No, he won’t.” He pushed me back and silenced me with a rough kiss.

  I struggled free. “I really heard something,” I said. “It sounded like the trailer door. If it was Buddy or Julia going pee shouldn’t they be going back into the trailer.”

  “Emily, relax, okay? No one is going to see us.” He sat back and groped my breasts with both hands. “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  I laughed. “You can barely see me.”

  “I don’t have to see you, I know you’re beautiful.” I expected his next kiss to be gentle and romantic but it was just as rough as the others. He took my hand and guided it to his cock. “I want you to kiss me,” he said, “Kiss me here and finish getting me hard.”

  My heart was thundering in my chest. I really wanted to get dressed and crawl into the safety of the trailer, but he was so excited for this, and what could it hurt? It took a little shuffling around but soon I was on my knees beside him bent almost double so I could take his cock into my mouth. I licked the tip the way he liked but he put a hand on the back of my head and pushed down.

  I opened my mouth and took him in. It was different at this angle but I let him push deeper into my mouth


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