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Mine to Take

Page 22

by Jackie Ashenden

  “You brought her into it?” The look in Alex’s eyes blazed.

  “Yes,” Gabriel said flatly. “She’s got a lot of fucking money invested in a company he’s running into the ground. Deliberately. If he goes down, so does she.”

  A muscle ticked in Alex’s jaw. “That should have been my job, not yours.”

  “Really? When you’ve been doing such a great job of it so far?”

  His friend’s eyes widened, as if he’d taken a blow. “What the ever-loving fuck? You know why I haven’t—”

  “Yeah, I know why. But you can’t come over all big brother now when you’ve been avoiding her for nineteen fucking years.” Protective anger rose. All he could see was the pain in Honor’s eyes as she’d told him about how her life had been after Alex had gone. After the brother who was supposed to keep her safe had disappeared, leaving her alone.

  His friend was staring at him, blue eyes studying him with a terrifyingly sharp intelligence. And something flared in Alex’s gaze. Knowledge.

  “You prick,” Alex said hoarsely.

  Gabriel knew the blow was coming and he didn’t avoid it. Standing there motionless as Alex raised his fist and smashed it into the side of his face. Pain exploded like a star with his cheekbone at the center, radiating outward. But he’d experienced worse pain before and didn’t make a sound or flinch. Hell, he probably deserved it after all.

  “What the hell, Alex?” Eva was saying.

  Alex had drawn his hand back again, only to have Zac’s fingers wrap around his wrist, preventing him from landing another blow.

  “Gentlemen, please.” Zac’s cultured English voice cut through the tension, polite yet deadly. “This isn’t going to make the meeting go any faster and it’s already become pretty fucking interminable.” The steel in the guy’s tone was enough to remind everyone that he could kill them all without even breaking a sweat.

  Alex jerked his wrist from Zac’s restraining hold, then turned away sharply. He bent down to the table again, poured himself another tumbler full of scotch, then flung himself down into an armchair.

  Gabriel’s cheekbone throbbed but he didn’t touch it.

  “Jesus,” Eva said with some disgust. “You’re screwing her, aren’t you, Gabriel?”

  “That’s none of your fucking business,” he replied curtly. “And apart from any of that, it’s not relevant.”

  “The hell it isn’t,” Eva snapped. “You were supposed to be helping her out not—”

  “Shut up, Eva,” Alex interrupted harshly. “Gabriel’s right, it’s got nothing to do with you.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who punched him in the face. I don’t think you’re happy with—”

  “Angel and Alex,” Zac cut in, his voice quiet. “We can deal with this later. Right now, the important thing is what’s happening with this casino. Which seems to be at the center of all the problems.”

  Eva made a disgusted noise, but she didn’t say anything more. Alex only took another sip of his drink.

  Gabriel didn’t look at either of them. He knew already they thought he was scum and fuck, they were right. She was far too good for him.

  “Do go on, Gabriel.” Alex’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “What other little gems have you got for us today?”

  “You saw. Those financial statements. Tremain paid off your father’s debts and then he married your mother. That is not a coincidence.”

  A thick, heavy silence filled the room.

  Eventually Alex said, “Does Honor know about … our dad? And Tremain?”

  “Yes. I told her.”

  “Is she okay? What did she say?”

  “She was…” Shocked, Hurt. Shattered. “She doesn’t know anything more.”

  “You have suspicions though,” Zac commented.

  The fire was warm against his back, but for some reason he felt cold. Alex wasn’t going to forgive him in a hurry, he knew that for a fact. And he didn’t like it. The other man had been his friend for years—possibly the only true friend he had—and now …

  You fucked up. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  More collateral damage he’d have to bear. Because nothing was more important than justice. Nothing.

  “Yeah, I have suspicions,” he said. “I think whoever runs the casino paid Tremain to cover up St. James’s debts and his involvement. I also think they paid him to marry the guy’s wife.”

  “Why would they want to do that?” Eva picked up her cup, taking a sip of her tea. “Seems a little strange.”

  “Not if they wanted to hide their existence,” Alex said coldly. The mask of careless amusement he so often wore had vanished, leaving in its place a man as sharp as a steel blade. “Not if they wanted to direct attention away from what they’re doing. Paying his debts may make people look askance, but if he married my mother? That’s more understandable. After all, the things we do for love.” He gave a bitter laugh. “I knew there was something about that prick. I knew it.”

  “I thought you didn’t know him?” Zac asked idly.

  “He used to visit a lot. Part of the ‘Seven Devils’ as Dad used to call it.”

  Something echoed in Gabriel’s memory. “Seven Devils?”

  “That was Dad’s stupid name for his group of old college buddies. A few of them are dead now but Tremain is obviously still around.” His friend’s gaze came to rest on him. “What?”

  Gabriel met it. “The casino’s name. Lucky Seven.”

  Alex’s blue gaze darkened. He looked away, his jaw tight. “I never saw Tremain there,” he said flatly. “I never saw any of Dad’s other college buddies there either.”

  “That doesn’t mean there isn’t a connection.” He hadn’t bothered with the scotch before but Christ, he could do with one now. And yet the thought of alcohol wasn’t quite it. He wanted something else, something warmer, softer …

  Honor. You want Honor.

  No. Not want. Need.

  Fuck. The thought was disturbing on so many levels he shoved it ruthlessly from his head, stalking over to the table and splashing some scotch into a tumbler for himself.

  “Don’t smash that one,” Zac said mildly. “I need something to drink out of.”

  “Hmm. Doesn’t mean there is a connection either.” Eva was nibbling on one finger as she held her cup of tea in the other hand. “What do you think, Alex? Is it likely this casino is run by your father’s buddies?”

  Alex’s jaw hardened, darkness moving behind his eyes. “Like I said, I never saw any of them there. And apart from that, the only other evidence is a similarity of names. The others … Shit, they’re just a bunch of rich assholes who talk about their golf handicaps all day. Can’t see any of them running underground casinos on the side.”

  “But it’s not just an underground casino, is it?” Zac leaned forward and helped himself to an olive from the bowl on the table. “There’s far more than a bit of illegal gambling going on there. Several of my sources are saying that at least half of the drugs currently supplying New York’s richest come from this place, plus there’s a high-class call-girl operation going on as well.” He paused. “We need more information. There’s too much we don’t know.”

  Alex flicked a glance at him. “What the hell has it got to do with you?”

  Gabriel took a sip of the scotch, the alcohol burning a hot line down his throat. But it didn’t seem to burn away the strange ache inside him. An ache that had nothing to with his cheek. “Shouldn’t it have something to do with him?” he said curtly. “Aren’t we supposed to watch each other’s backs? Wasn’t that the whole point of this fucking club in the first place?”

  His friend didn’t say anything for a long moment. Then he drained his glass and pushed himself to his feet. “You want to take this on? Then take it. But count me out. Count me out for the whole fucking thing.” He stalked to the door, pulled it open, and without another word, went out, slamming it behind him.

  Another silence fell, no less tense.

  Gabriel didn�
�t look at either Zac or Eva. “You want to say I told you so? Then go ahead.” He stared into his glass. “I should have told him earlier.”

  “Shagging his sister might also not have helped matters,” Zac said.

  “Don’t you talk about Honor,” Gabriel growled. “She’s mine to deal with.”

  “Oh, sure, lucky her.” Eva’s tone was acid. “And how exactly are you going to ‘deal’ with her?”

  “I told you I wouldn’t hurt her and I won’t.” His fingers tightened around his glass. A lie. Because he would hurt her, he was starting to see that now. When this was over, he would be just another man who’d lied to her.

  “Yeah, but does she know that?”

  “Let’s keep this on the casino,” Zac murmured. “I’ll see what I can dig up about the shell company fronting it. Probably won’t be much since I haven’t been able to find anything so far. But it might be an idea to get the names and details of St. James’s Seven Devils from someone.”

  “I’ll do it.” Eva put her cup back down on the table beside her. “If I can’t get it out of Alex, I’ll see if I can find it somewhere else.”

  “I could ask Honor,” Gabriel offered.

  “No, thank you.” She gave him a disgusted look. “I’m sure you’ve already used her enough as it is.”

  “Angel, please. That isn’t helping.”

  Eva extended a finger in Zac’s direction but either he didn’t see it or he chose to ignore it, because instead he looked at Gabriel. “This casino is obviously still in operation, yes?”

  “I haven’t checked it, but it seems so. At least money is still coming through Tremain’s accounts.”

  “You know where it is?”

  “Yeah.” The other man was clearly thinking what Gabriel was. “Seems like it might be somewhere I need to visit.” That was the most logical step.

  “You won’t be able to just waltz in there,” Zac said. “You’ll have to get an invite. Do you still have connections to the club you can use?”

  “I left that life a long time ago, but yeah, I might. It’ll take some time though. It’s been a few years.”

  Zac put a hand in his jacket and withdrew his phone, typed something into it. “You can leave it with me if you like. I’ve got some contacts who may be able to arrange something quickly.”

  “You’re not worried it might seem a little … suspicious being seen there?” Eva sat back in her chair, crossing her arms. “It’s not like you haven’t got a public profile.”

  Gabriel finished his scotch and put the empty glass back down on the table. “I’ve never been on the right side of the law, Eva. I don’t think the casino will find my appearance too surprising. Especially not if I’m bringing a shitload of money to gamble with me.”

  She frowned. “I’m still not quite sure what you’re hoping to find.”

  “Think of it as a reconnaissance mission. We still don’t really know what we’re dealing with here until one of us goes and checks it out, right?”

  “Yeah. I guess. What about Tremain and his company? I take it you won’t be investing now?”

  “I got a formal email from him yesterday. He’s refused my investment offer.”

  Her gaze was perceptive, knowing. “What are you going to do now?”

  Good question. He was going to have to consider what his next step would be. If ruining the man’s business wouldn’t hurt him then he’d have to find something that would. But that was his to deal with. And maybe a visit to the casino would give him some clues.

  He smiled. “I’ll figure it out.”

  But first, he wanted to get home. Because for the first time in years, he had something to look forward to.


  * * *

  Honor came out of her office building to find a car waiting at the curb, Gabriel’s driver standing next to it.

  God, he’d sent her a car. Not unexpected considering the sometimes oddly considerate gestures he indulged in, but right now, after the decision she’d made, it was unwelcome.

  She halted as the driver approached her. “Miss St. James? Mr. Woolf has instructed me to drive you to his home for your meeting.”

  His home. Ah. That hadn’t been where she’d initially suggested they meet. She’d named a bar near Central Park but obviously Gabriel had other ideas.

  He thought she was coming back to pick up where they’d left off two days ago.

  Unfortunately for him, she wasn’t.

  With bankruptcy staring her in the face should Guy’s company go down, and the added burden of all the damn secrets she’d just found out, her life was starting to spin out of control and she hated the feeling. Which meant that the very last thing she needed was the kind of temptation Gabriel Woolf offered.

  She wanted him. Craved the heat of his touch and the mental challenge of his personality. He was intense, fascinating, complex, and all she wanted was to take what he had to give. Use it to escape her life for a little while. But now, more than ever, she had to be strong and resist. Because he was one habit she could not afford to acquire.

  “I’m sorry,” Honor said. “I wasn’t aware the meeting venue had changed.”

  “Mr. Woolf isn’t able to go out this evening. So rather than reschedule, he thought it would be better if you came to him.”

  Honor took a silent breath. She could, of course, refuse the invite, call Gabriel up and tell him over the phone. Perhaps that would be safer. Yet it also seemed cowardly, and she definitely wasn’t that.

  She gave the man a tight smile. “I suppose you’d better take me to see him then.”

  The car was empty when she got in, allowing her a bit of time to relax against the soft leather of the seats and let the warmth of the heating seep through the cold that had taken up residence inside her.

  Getting out her phone, she texted Violet to tell her where she was and that she’d be home late. Then, fifteen minutes later, as the car drew up outside Gabriel’s place, she smoothed her hair, touched up her lipstick, and took a deep breath, her armor firmly in place.

  She would say what she needed to say and then she’d leave.

  Crap. All he needs to do is touch you and you’re lost.

  Then she’d better not let him touch her, had she?

  The front door opened silently before she had to knock and there he was, in the doorway. In his usual uniform of jeans and T-shirt, a white one this time. He was barefoot and there was a darkening bruise on his cheekbone.

  Strange how her heart contracted at the sight of the injury. As if seeing him hurt made her hurt, too. “Oh, no. What happened to your face?” she asked as he held the door open. “Are you okay?”

  His dark eyes ran over her with the familiar intensity that always made the breath stop in her throat. “Come in, it’s cold.”

  She stepped into the hallway and he closed the door behind her. “Gabriel, what—”

  The rest of her question was cut off as his hands gripped her hips and she was pressed up against the front door, his mouth finding hers, effectively ending any further conversation.

  It happened so fast that all she could do was stand there, shocked into immobility by the heat and strength surrounding her. By the hungry mouth on hers, demanding, taking. His familiar scent of leather and spice surrounded her, and she could taste the smoky edge of scotch in his kiss.

  Her briefcase and purse dropped to the ground, her fingers suddenly nerveless.

  God, what was happening? She was supposed to be telling him this was over. That she wasn’t doing this again with him. That she needed some distance, some space. And yet …

  Helpless desire clenched tightly inside her. It had only been two days and already she felt like she was starving and he was the only food she could eat that would satisfy her.

  You should get out now. While you can.

  Gabriel’s hands slid down her hips to the hem of her skirt, pulling it up with a hard jerk. She gave an involuntary gasp against his mouth, bracing her palms on the hot wall of his chest
. He shifted, breaking off the kiss and tilting his head, his breath harsh in her ear as he closed his teeth on the side of her neck, biting her hard.

  An electric bolt of pleasure shot up her spine, the tiniest edge of pain making it that much more intense.

  Get out. Now.

  His hand slid up her thigh, over her butt, squeezing her. Then his fingers slipped between her legs, sliding under the plain cotton panties she wore, finding her clit with unerring accuracy, stroking with ruthless intent.

  Pleasure began to climb, desperate hunger becoming fierce so quickly she could hardly breathe. It was almost frightening how fast she was there, on the edge of orgasm within a minute of stepping into his hallway. Almost terrifying when she’d been so certain she’d never do this again.

  She began to tremble because he knew exactly how to touch her. How hard and where. And when his mouth covered hers again, demanding, ruthless, she knew she couldn’t do anything else but give in to it.

  There was no more space to leave. No moment to take a step back and get herself out of there.

  You could say no if you truly wanted to. But you don’t want to.

  Honor shut her eyes, shaking against the door as Gabriel’s fingers stroked her, winding everything so tight she knew she was going to come the second he entered her.

  No, she didn’t want to leave. Didn’t want to push him away. She was so tired of fighting, of resisting his pull. And maybe it was too late anyway. Perhaps she was already hooked on the wildness and the heat, the uncertainty and the chaos of him. The passion. The freedom.

  Which meant the only thing to do now was to embrace the addiction.

  He shifted his grip on her, pulling something out of the back pocket of his jeans. A condom. Which meant he’d clearly planned on this happening between them.

  “Gabriel…” she said hoarsely, not quite sure what she was going to say but feeling she had to say something.

  He didn’t respond, pulling open his jeans and shoving them down on his hips, freeing his cock. Then he sheathed himself and as he did so, she realized his hand was shaking.

  Shaking? She looked up into his face. Something burned in his eyes, something she didn’t recognize. Something desperate.


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