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Touching Deuce [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 12

by Lynnette Bernard

  She slammed the trunk closed and walked around to the driver’s side, unlocking it quickly and throwing her purse and laptop case onto the passenger seat as she climbed in. The balls jostled as she seated herself behind the steering wheel.

  “Deuce, you’d better be ready for some serious loving, buddy,” she muttered as she inserted the key to start her car.

  * * * *

  Deuce looked over the parts of the canopy beds in Spence’s old room. He placed the bag of bedding on top of one of the wide bureaus, making a mental note to let Claire know where they were so she could launder them. Stepping forward, he reached out to set the pieces of one of the beds in place, slipping the rails in the slots to connect the framing to the headboard. Once they were in place, he carried over the footboard with the tall posts and balanced it in place while he connected the framing. It didn’t take long to make sure that the framing connections were solid. He repeated the process for the second bed then worked on securing the arch of the canopy to each of the beds. He stepped back to survey his work, satisfied with the result.

  Placing the two end tables between the beds, he pulled at the frames to settle them an equal distance from the tables and from each other. He ripped the plastic coverings off the box springs and mattresses, throwing the trash off to the side. He dragged a box spring and a mattress onto each frame. Stepping back, he looked at the fully constructed beds and smiled at the thought of his and Gracie’s little girls sleeping in the beds that Gracie had compared to those fit for a princess. He looked forward to the births of their adorable princesses.

  Turning toward the bureaus, he pulled them away from the wall and carefully leaned the beautifully etched mirrors behind them. He would have to wait for Jake’s help to secure them to the bureaus.

  He turned to look at the beds and smiled as he thought about how happy he hoped Gracie would be when she saw his surprise for her. He had made a decision, though. He wasn’t going to show her this room until she had committed herself to him and they both wore the mating marks. Only then would he show her the room he had prepared for their daughters. The room that held the two single beds and bureaus that would be occupied by their nephew Robbie would soon be their sons’ room. And the nursery would be the place where their babies would sleep in the special crib with the teddy bear carving. Babies that he hoped she would want to have with him soon.

  His cell phone rang, and he reached for his belt to remove it. Looking at the name displayed and seeing that it was Gracie, he connected the call immediately.

  “Hello, Gracie,” he answered gruffly. “Where are you, honey?”

  “Deuce,” her pained voice panted across the connection. “Help me, please.”

  “Where are you, Gracie?” His heart pounded and fear gripped him as he turned immediately and left the bedroom, slamming the door behind him as he made his way down the hallway.

  “Outside on the front porch,” she whispered. “Deuce, please. I can’t move another step.”

  Deuce descended the steps two at a time, racing to the front door and pulling it open, crossing the porch to Gracie as she leaned against the stair railing. Her bags were slung across her chest and her suitcase sat atop the porch floor. She was bent forward and holding her stomach tightly as she wrapped her arms around herself.

  “Gracie,” he called to her as he stepped forward and took her hands in his. “Are you hurting?”

  “No, it doesn’t hurt,” she told him softly. “It’s just too much. Please help me.”

  Deuce nodded and carefully led her inside, pulling her suitcase along as they entered the house. Closing the door behind them, he pulled the straps of her purse and computer satchel over her head and dropped them carefully onto the floor beside the door. He placed her suitcase next to them then reached out to take her into his arms and hold her shaking body as he walked them over to the alarm panel by the door to key in the security code and reset it.

  He turned her around so that her back rested against his chest, and he wrapped one arm just below her breasts to hold her tightly against him while his other hand unsnapped and unzipped her jeans. Reaching inside, his hand slid down inside her jeans and sexy panties to cover her mound, pressing against it firmly. His moan joined hers as he felt the heat and wetness that greeted him. His fingers followed the seam of her lips, reaching for the loop that still hung outside her body. Taking it between his fingers, he tugged at it gently, feeling it slide just slightly from her body before pushing it back into her sweet pussy with two fingers to seat the balls deeply once again.

  He could feel the way her shaking intensified. He knew she was at her limit. He was proud of her control. Sliding his fingers through her cream, he eased his hand back and circled her clit once, pressing against it firmly as he bit down on her shoulder and nuzzled into her neck.

  “Come for me now, Gracie,” he demanded, feeling her explode beneath his hand immediately.

  She screamed, and her knees buckled beneath her. She was thankful that Deuce’s arm held her securely against him. Her body shook as tremors of pleasure shot through her. Deuce’s finger on her clit, stroking firmly again, caused another orgasm to tear through her.

  “Deuce,” she finally was able to moan. “Please.”

  “What, baby?” he whispered. “What do you need?”

  She leaned her head back to rest against his chest, looking up at him with eyes that were glazed with passion. “I need you,” she told him simply, her voice soft.

  Deuce smiled down at her, his heart melting at the sight of his mate needing and wanting him. Without another word, he pulled his hand away from her still quivering pussy to hook it beneath her knees and swing her up into his arms. Turning, he carried her slowly through the living room and up the main stairs, kissing her forehead lightly as he crooned softly against her face.

  Walking them into their bedroom, he kicked the door shut behind them and made his way to the side of their bed. Very slowly, he lowered her to her feet, holding onto her carefully as he pulled her shirt from her body. Her bra soon followed. He leaned forward to kiss her shoulder lightly as he reached out and tugged the comforter and sheets down the length of their bed.

  She rested against him as he gathered her in his arms once again and lifted her to gently place her against the softness of the mattress. He made sure that her head was resting comfortably on her pillow before pulling away and standing beside their bed.

  When she looked over at him, her face softened as she held out her arms to him. “Deuce, come here so I can love on you.” Her voice was soft as she spoke, her eyes sparkling with need.

  Deuce smiled as he grabbed for the bottom of his T-shirt and pulled it up and over his head, tossing it beside him without care. He reached up and unbuckled his belt, toeing off his boots as he unzipped his jeans and pushed them and his boxer briefs down his legs. He stepped out of them quickly and stood beside the bed, looking down at Gracie with equal parts love and desire.

  His cock was steel, pointing straight up toward his abs. He wanted her beyond reason. Seeing how she opened her arms to him made him want to bury himself deep inside of her and love her until she realized that she was his.

  Climbing up on the bed, he reached out and pulled off her sneakers, tugging at her jeans, and pulling them slowly from her body. When she was lying before him in just her black lace lingerie panties, he had to take a calming breath. Her beauty and softness called to him. He belonged in her arms, inside her body, and inside her heart. She was his mate. He would show her that they were fated to be together. And then he would never let her out of his life again.

  Reaching up, he ran his hands firmly up her thighs, smiling at the moan of desire that left her lips at his touch. When he reached her waist and took hold of the waistband of her panties, she covered his hands with her own and caressed them gently.

  “I love your touch, Deuce,” she whispered.

  “I love to touch you, Gracie.” His voice was deep and filled with need.

  He pulled
her panties from her slowly, loving how she caressed his hands one last time before his hands were out of range of her touch. He took the panties and brought them to his nose, inhaling deeply and humming with appreciation at the scent of her arousal. He threw the panties aside and ran his hands up her inner thighs, pushing them open gently as he crawled forward to kneel between her legs.

  Reaching down, he took hold of the light purple loop that hung from her sweet pussy and pulled on it lightly, drawing a moan of need from his mate. Pushing his middle finger inside of her, he reset the balls in their original position, making Gracie whimper.

  “Please,” she begged him. “I need you so much.”

  He leaned forward and covered her body with his as he tugged at the loop in one continuous pull to remove the pleasure balls from her body. Her moan of relief made him smile.

  “I’ve been waiting all afternoon for you to make love to me,” she told him as she grabbed for his shoulders and pulled him tightly against her body.

  “Oh, darlin’, you don’t have to wait anymore,” he told her, sinking his cock into her in one smooth stroke. Her wetness and warmth made him growl with need. He pushed his hips as tightly against her body as he could, seating himself deep inside of her.

  Pulling out slowly, he pushed back in with more force, holding himself tightly against her chest as his hips snapped repeatedly against her. The feel of her channel clenching around him made his balls pull up tight. The thought of spilling his seed deep inside of her made him pump more fiercely. He needed to claim her and prove to her that she was his.

  Reaching down between them, he slicked his thumb with her cream and dragged it up to circle her clit, rubbing furiously to match his thrusts. They were going to come together. He was determined to make that happen.

  Leaning forward, his breath was labored against her neck as he kissed her shoulder lightly before opening his mouth and biting down on the sensitive skin there. She tasted salty and sweet, and he loved her flavor. She tasted like his.

  Gracie moaned, curling her body around his and kissing his neck before turning her head and biting down on his shoulder as her orgasm was ripped from her. The scream that escaped her was muffled against his body.

  Her vaginal muscles clenched around his cock, pulling his release from him. His hand reached for her hip to hold her tightly against him as his seed escaped him in long surges of intense pleasure.

  She accepted his touch, his passion, and his need with equal desire. His touch made her soar, and she wanted to stay connected with him forever. She could feel the warmth of his seed filling her, and she closed her eyes at the feel of rightness that it gave her.

  “So good, James,” she whispered, kissing the spot on his shoulder that bore the mark of her teeth. “I’m sorry I bit you.” She rubbed her hands down his arms before sliding her arms around him and caressing the muscles of his back.

  Deuce chuckled and kissed her shoulder lightly, licking at his own bite mark on her body. “I did the same to you, honey,” he admitted. “Did I hurt you?”

  Gracie shook her head slowly, smiling at the way he laved and kissed her shoulder. “I liked it,” she admitted. “I like wearing your mark.”

  His eyes flared with passion at her admission. “I like that, too.”

  When she looked up at him and smiled, he felt a peacefulness settle over him. “You’re so beautiful, Gracie,” he whispered, tracing the delicate arch of her eyebrow with his index finger.

  Gracie reached up and took her hand in his. “I think you’re the one who’s beautiful,” she told him softly. “You touch my heart.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her lips lightly. “You do the same for me, honey,” he told her honestly. “I don’t ever want to be without you.”

  Gracie remained silent, afraid that saying anything would break the spell of Deuce’s words. She wanted him to truly believe those words.

  Pulling from her body as gently as possible, he smiled at the way her body grasped at his to try to keep him inside of her. He lay on his side, his chest still covering hers, never letting go of her.

  “Gracie, I need to tell you something,” he told her, his tone serious.

  “Okay,” she whispered, reaching up to touch his face lightly.

  He took her hand in his and brought it to his mouth to kiss her knuckles lightly. “Gracie, when you’re with me and when you touch me, I feel like everything is the way it should be. Something in me settles when you’re by my side.”

  Gracie looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise at his beautiful words. “I feel the same way when I’m with you, James.”

  Deuce smiled down at her, leaning his forehead against hers briefly before pulling back and taking a deep breath for courage. He felt Gracie’s hand tenderly caressing his arm and knew she innately knew he needed her to help him say what he had to say.

  “I love you, Gracie,” he told her finally, his voice strong yet holding a softness that betrayed the tenderness he held for her. “I want us to have a life together. I don’t ever want you to leave my arms. You belong with me. I want you with me. As my mate.”

  Gracie couldn’t have been more surprised by his admission than if he had told her he had the power to fly. “James,” she whispered softly.

  “Don’t say anything yet, honey,” he stopped her. “I honestly believe that we’ll have a wonderful future together. I know that if you’ll accept me, the Great Spirit will bless us with the mating mark. Will you accept me as your mate, Gracie?”

  Gracie looked up at him with tears of happiness in her eyes. “James McKade, I love you. I have for a very long time. I’m afraid to tell you you’re right about us being mates, but it’s something I want with all my heart.”

  “Then accept it, honey,” he told her firmly. “And accept me. I promise I’ll do my best to make you happy.”

  Gracie took a soft breath, reaching up to touch his jaw lightly. “You always make me happy, James,” she told him tenderly.

  “Gracie, I want to have a family with you,” he told her after kissing her temple lightly, knowing his words stunned her. “What do you think about that, honey?”

  Gracie was stunned into speechlessness. “I don’t know what to say,” she finally whispered.

  “I need you to say the truth,” he told her, leaning away from her, feeling suddenly worried that she wouldn’t want that with him.

  Gracie sat up and leaned against the headboard, looking down at Deuce with worry evident in her eyes. She reached out and touched his head, carding her fingers through his midnight black curls.

  He leaned into her touch, feeling hopeful that she was still willing to connect with him. “Talk to me, honey,” he told her softly as he leaned into her touch. “Do you think you might want to have babies with me?”

  “What if our babies have the same problem I have with touching people?” she asked him, pain filling her heart as she thought about her lifetime of feeling like she was a freak who caused other people pain.

  Deuce took her hand in his and kissed her fingers lightly. “I know things have been difficult for you because of that, honey, but I really think you have to look at the positive side of your gift.”

  “You mean my curse,” Gracie interrupted him.

  “No, Gracie. Your gift,” he insisted. “Think back on how many times you helped with the children of the neighboring ranches. Think about all the times you helped me with the birthing of animals on our ranch. I needed you there to help calm the mamas so their babies could be born safely. Your touch has always been soothing and calming. None of us feel anything but goodness when you touch us.”

  “But what about all the men who felt pain when they touched me?”

  Deuce growled and grabbed her by her hips to slide her down on the bed. His body covered hers, trapping her beneath him solidly. “You should never touch another man, Gracie. And no man should ever touch you.” He saw how her light blue eyes flashed with surprise as he pinned her to the bed but couldn’t stop the jealo
usy that filled him. “The Great Spirit has chosen you for me. You’re meant to be my mate.”

  Gracie touched his face gently, thinking very seriously about his words. “I don’t want our babies to go through what I did,” she whispered.

  Deuce smiled, realizing that she wasn’t denying their babies. She was just concerned for their future.

  “When we hold our babies we’ll be at peace just like when we hold each other.” He held her face between his large hands and kissed her lips lightly. “They’ll be beautiful, just like their mom, and their dad will love them with all his heart.”

  Gracie hesitated, searching his face, wishing she could be as sure as he was. “I’m afraid.”

  “I know.” He leaned his forehead against hers, breathing in her scent and calming considerably. “You just need to trust in the fact that we’re meant to be together, honey. You need to trust in me.”

  “I do.”

  “Then don’t worry so much. Let everything happen as it’s meant to happen.”

  He reached up and passed the pad of his thumb across the worry lines on her forehead, smiling as she relaxed under his touch. “I love you, honey.”

  Gracie smiled at his words. “I love you, too,” she finally whispered.

  “Good,” he told her firmly, pulling her against his side and wrapping his arms around her. “Rest, honey. We still have some time before dinner, and I want you fully recovered before tonight.”

  “Why? What’s going on tonight?”

  “I have another toy I want to introduce you to.”

  Gracie laughed and pushed at his chest. “No more toys unless you’re close enough to help me.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Deuce, you’re so bad.”

  “But you love it.”

  “Yeah. I do.”

  Deuce smiled as she snuggled against him, holding him tightly as she caressed his chest. He was content to hold her, closing his eyes and relaxing as the calm of her washed over him, and he finally gave in to the tiredness that had surrounded him.


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