Bound to the Tribe (Bound to the Pack, #2)
Page 4
“When we get wherever it is that we’re going, we’re all going to need to get new jobs.” I looked at both of my companions as I spoke, getting their attention. “That means you too, Liam. I’m not going to be able to afford everything we’ll both need.”
Kristen nodded, Liam however got even angrier. “I have no skills that would allow me to acquire a human job. Nor does the thought appeal to me in any case.”
“Nobody actually wants to work, but we all have to.” I looked to Kris as I spoke, wanting some backup.
“Actually, Liam, she’s got a poin.,” Kristen leaned forward. “You can’t hunt for rent, electricity, gas for the car. You’re going to be using them all.” She paused, thinking for a moment. “And it’s the perfect way for you to learn more about humans and the new life you’re about to start.”
“And it will help your speech so that you don’t stand out every time you talk.” I grinned at him, thinking my comment might help relax the mood. Instead, it caused him to flare up even more.
“My speech is not improper!” He was looking between Kristen and I, and I had a sudden realization about what was making him angry.
He was an alpha suddenly in a position where he couldn’t provide for his pack.
It was tearing him up inside, he had always been the one to take care of others. Providing food, finding shelter, protecting them all. Now, in human society, all the skills he had honed throughout his life were essentially useless.
And, to add insult to injury, the man he disliked the most was easily able to provide all that he himself could not.
“Liam, it’ll be fine.” I stood and stepped over to him, placing a hand to his chest. Looking into his eyes I could see the anxiety, I even imagined I could feel it under my fingers. A balloon of frustration building inside of him, pressing against his skin, threatening to shatter him from within.
Wishing I could do something for him I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my head to his chest. A moment later I was wrapped in his arms, a long slow hug, his chin resting on the top of my head. I felt his tension begin to melt away and he seemed to relax somewhat.
“You’re right.” He pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes. ”Thank you.”
Smiling up at him I hugged him tightly again before stepping back and looking to Kristen. “So, how do we get in touch with your friends?” I asked, one arm still around Liam’s waist.
“They own a club just outside the city.” Kris grinned at me.
“Of course they do,” I sighed. “I should have expected as much from a friend of yours.”
“Hey!” Kristen laughed. “You’re a friend of mine and you don’t own a club.”
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that.”
“What is a club, and why do they seem to bother you so much?” Liam asked, looking between Kris’s smiling face and my grimace.
“Loud annoying music, too many people too close to you, and dark. At least all the drinks are ridiculously overpriced.” I shook my head. Kris really loved going out, I was definitely more the wallflower type.
“None of that sounds appealing,” Liam said dubiously, looking to Kristen.
“Oh it’s not that bad, Jen, don’t ruin it for him before he’s even gone!” Kris laughed at the flat look I gave her.
“Well, I don’t have anything to wear. Liam either, most likely. We’ll just stay here.” It was the perfect reason not to go, too bad Kris could apparently predict the future.
“Nope, I packed for you both, remember?” Kristen’s eyes twinkled as she smiled even more broadly.
I groaned, Kristen laughed, and Liam just looked at us, confused.
“Fine Kris, you win,” I sighed, resigned. At least this time I’d be going in with someone so Kris wouldn’t be trying to play matchmaker for me. “When do you want to go?”
“I’m thinking we’ll grab a bite to eat after Troy gets back. After that we can change and head out.”
I nodded, it sounded fine to me.
“I will take some time to scout around our area and learn the lay of the land,” Liam spoke up. “If we’re preparing the car for an unexpected emergency it would also be wise to know our general area.”
“Good point,” Kristen looked thoughtful. “Meet back here in two hours then? Troy should be back before that and we’ll pick a place to go eat.”
“Two hours.” Liam nodded, grabbed his coat, and was out the door quickly. Protecting us was still something he could do and he was leaping at the opportunity to contribute in some way.
“Want to just relax till the boys are back?” I asked Kris, not really feeling like doing much myself.
“Yeah, no idea when we’ll have the chance again.” Kris moved to the living room area. “Mindless TV while we wait?”
“Sure, why not.” I grabbed the remote and plopped down on the small couch, Kristen taking the other side.
We passed the time talking about nothing and channel hopping between generic reality shows about stupid or annoying people doing stupid or annoying things.
In less time than I would have expected, a knock at the door announced Troy’s return.
“I left everything in the trunk and filled the tank up, we’ll be good to go if we need to leave quickly.” His tone was smug, probably from having easily and quickly completed his ‘assignment.’ Looking around and not finding Liam brought what may have been the first honest smile from him that I’d seen so far.
“Want to all hang here while we wait for Liam?” Kris asked.
Troy snorted. “No, I think I’ll pass.” He turned back towards the door to leave.
“Ok, well, it was fun hanging out Jen.” She got up and began to walk my way, but Troy spoke up again, not even turning back to us.
“No, you can stay and have fun with your friend.” He opened the door and finally turned to regard us coolly. “Call me when he gets back.” The door closed firmly behind him.
Kristen sighed and walked back to the couch, plopping herself down beside me again. “Damn it.”
“What the hell was that all about?” I couldn’t believe that she wasn’t furious.
She sighed again and shook her head. “He’s been angry at me since the other night. Things didn’t exactly go the way he had wanted, I pissed him off.”
“He’ll get over it,” I said, looking over at her and trying to read her emotions.
“I hate it when he pouts, and this is worse than usual,” Kris chuckled. “Which makes me angrier, which makes him poutier. It’s a vicious cycle.”
“Hey...” I didn’t really want to ask this, not right now, but I had to know. “This might be a bit too personal, but if your invitation to get truthful answers from earlier still stands?” She looked at me warily, but nodded, so I continued. “What was it about Troy that drew you to him? He’s not exactly the type I remember you liking.”
She shook her head. “I figured that’s what you were going to ask.” Kris took a moment to collect her thoughts. When she started to speak her voice was wistful, remembering better times.
“I was tired of the same cookie cutter men. When I met Troy I saw immediately that he was different. Exotic.” She paused and her frustration returned. “He also looked sad, broken, and I wanted to help him somehow. I had forgotten all about that.”
“I guess I get that, kind of. Still, you always used to chase after the more rugged types.” Grinning at some memories, I had to add, “Well, they used to chase after you would probably be more accurate.”
Kristen snorted and chuckled, but the mirth was short lived. “True, but every single one of them were exactly the same. Sure, they were great to look at and fun for... other things. But, down to the last one of them, they were just Liam with a different face. Exactly.”
“That’s actually kind of creepy, Kris.” To me it sounded like going out with an endless series of brothers.
“I know, right? Literally every, single, one.” She shook her head wryly. “And then Troy showed up and it was like a breath
of fresh air, someone truly different.”
“That I can understand.” Pausing, I looked to her. “I hate to say it but from the minute I met him he’s made me feel uncomfortable. I don’t know why specifically, but he just kind of creeps me out.” Seeing her look I had to add, “Sorry.”
“It’s ok,” she chuckled, “Your scent made that very obvious from the start.” Seeing my blush she grinned before continuing. “Honestly, he’s been a lot different the past few weeks and it’s been worrying me.” Shaking her head again she looked out one of the windows. “It’s why I didn’t bond him the other night.”
“Wait, what?!” I couldn’t have heard that right.
“Yeah, it’s why he’s been so pissed. I just told him I needed more time, that I wasn’t going to bond him until I was truly ready.” Kris stood and walked towards the kitchen, my eyes following her. “He took it as me saying ‘no’ forever. Things have become... difficult. He’s distant now and getting further away.”
Kris’s voice was a mixture of frustration and sadness, I was torn between following her right then or giving her a minute to collect herself. Whatever had happened, Kris still had strong feelings for Troy.
“When he saw you and Liam on the mountain he went crazy. ‘They’ve known each other a week, we’ve been together almost a year!’ I had never seen him that furious before.” She paused, one hand on the wall next to the kitchen and staring off at nothing. “He shifted and charged down at you both. I don’t know what he really hoped to accomplish, but he was well past thinking at that point.”
She continued walking and then spoke from the kitchen, “Anyway, I’m hoping a night out might relax him enough to talk later.” I heard the sound of the sink running and she called out, “Want some water?”
“Please,” I answered automatically. No wonder Troy was angry. Not only was he not bonded to Kris after a year, Liam and I were after a week. Not to mention he had to leave his comfortable life behind on some mad adventure to follow us all. Because it’s what Kristen wanted to do. He really did love her.
Or had.
Being turned down like that may have broken him, it would be like being proposed to and saying no. Sure it happens, but how common was it? And what did it do to the rejected person?
It still wasn’t enough for me to actually like him though.
Getting up I walked to the kitchen as Kris was filling a second glass of water and gave her a hug. “Sorry for bringing this all up.”
Kris put the glass down by the first and hugged me back. “It’s fine, I haven’t really had anyone I could talk to for ages. It’s actually a relief in a way to get some of this off of my chest. I’m glad you’re back, Jen.”
We shared a smile and walked back to the living room for more mindless TV. Killing time in comfortable silence or laughing at the shows we watched.
Kris really did seem better now that she had talked to me.
Chapter Seven
“Is everything alright?” Liam’s voice called through the bathroom door for the umpteenth time as I finished up and stepped back to get a better look at myself in the mirror. He clearly had no idea what it took for a woman to get ready to go out. We can’t just throw on jeans and a button-down and be ready to go in less than a minute.
I didn’t often put on much makeup, but I had to admit I looked damn good when I did. If only it wasn’t so time consuming.
Looking myself over I suppressed a wince at the dress Kris had packed for me. Form fitting wasn’t exactly my favorite style and even though I loved the look of this one, I had never really thought I’d wear it. It had just been gorgeous and on sale.
It looked better than I thought it would, though a bit shorter than I remembered. Or was actually comfortable with.
It wasn’t indecent, I just didn't normally show this much skin.
A knock came from the entry door and I heard Liam reluctantly walk off to let Kris and Troy in. Looks like I had finished just in time.
Murmuring voices grew closer and there were two sharp raps on the door before Kris’s voice carried though. “We’re leaving now, Jen! Don’t make me drag you out of there!”
Sighing, I finished putting my things away and walked to the door awkwardly as I got used to my heels. Unlocking the door and opening it I found Kris on the verge of knocking again.
She looked absolutely stunning, unsurprisingly.
“Wow, Jen, way to raise the bar for the rest of us! You look amazing!” Kris was positively beaming at me.
“Amazing? Pfff.” I smiled in spite of myself. I did feel pretty good.
“Don’t ‘pfff’ me. If you don’t believe me just look at my brother’s dropped jaw, blank stare, and heavy breathing. I’m pretty sure he’s a fan.”
Grinning past her as she turned away I saw Liam standing there, dumbfounded. It was a great feeling. Awkwardly, Troy was getting an eyeful as well and seemed to be just as floored as Liam.
Ignoring the urge to cover myself up some I walked, swayed really thanks to the heels, over to Liam and wrapped my hands around his waist. I could feel Troy’s eyes on me but didn’t care.
Looking up into Liam’s stunned face I purred, “Like what you see?”
His arms wrapped around me, his eyes grew even more predatory, and a completely inhuman growl grew within his chest.
“Damn it Jen!” Kris actually stepped next to us and put her hand on Liam’s face, pushing him back. “You’re evil, Jen, you know that, right?” She shared a smile with me as she shoved Liam.
“Sister, I love you, but you are becoming highly inconvenient.” Liam was torn between duty to us all by going out for information and his own desire to take me right then and there.
Sadly, duty won out.
Walking out of the lobby the look of desire on his face said that once he finally got his hands on me he wouldn’t be letting go for a long, long time. Teasing him was quickly becoming my favorite hobby.
I smiled widely as we got into a cab, thinking about what my night would be like once we got back from the club.
Once Liam finally got what he desired.
I had to admit that maybe Kris had been right, a little anyway. I was actually having a good time at some place called Eclipse, obviously a shifter club, just watching the people around me.
It was still early and that suited me just fine. By the time the uncomfortable crowds would be there I’d be perfectly buzzed.
The club was in Montreal in name only, it had been quite the ride getting here. Unsurprisingly, most shifters avoided human cities. More surprisingly, to me at least, the club was clean, the music was alright and not played painfully loud, and it wasn’t pitch black.
Looking around at the patrons and staff it suddenly struck me that I seemed to have gained some way to identify shifters. Probably the bond. All but me and one waitress were shifters, and the waitress was marked as somebodies mate.
I was even getting a feel for what type of shifter each was. There were two bouncers who had frisked us for weapons when we entered. One of them was a bear, the other a big cat of some kind, tiger? The club being in Canada I wasn’t surprised to see a trio of what were clearly moose shifters at one of the tables.
It was all so amazing.
Liam had apparently never had anything more than a cup of wine before and Kris was introducing him to the new world of alcohol and getting good and drunk like any older sibling should.
He had protested at first, saying it smelled like poison, but since the rest of us were all drinking it he finally decided to give it a try. Troy poking fun at him probably had something to do with it as well.
After a few beers, a few mixed drinks, and two rounds of shots he announced that he ‘finally understood now’ with a broad smile.
Kristen had always loved to dance, but surprisingly so did Troy. Reluctant at first, but finally giving in, they had been dancing most of the night so far. They only stopped occasionally to get another drink or to try and g
et me out there too.
I’d rather have two broken legs than go up there and dance. And, sadly, I had to admit to myself that the broken legs might actually help me dance better.
Fortunately Liam didn’t want to dance either, at least not this kind of dancing. He apparently knew how to waltz and he stared once at the dancers and shook his head, frowning. We ended up having a wonderful time just sitting at our table and talking.
Well, I talked. He just kept staring at me and telling me how beautiful I was. I could have listened to that all night without getting tired of hearing him say it.
I had never really cared to dress up before, but it seemed like it was worth the effort if it caused him to act like this. He obviously wanted to take me right then and there, but couldn’t with the growing crowd, and it was driving him even more crazy.
Teasing him all day had brought me a pleasure all my own.
One surprising side effect of not dancing with Liam was that any time he left to get another round of drinks or to use the bathroom, someone would inevitably appear next to me as if by magic. Sometimes more than one would approach me together.
They were all obviously shifters and they all asked me to dance, though I always declined. They would nod, smile, and walk away.
Many came back again and again.
I was surprised at how polite they all seemed and, as crazy as it was, I found myself actually enjoying the attention. It seemed like a game and I found myself laughing when I said no to one of them for the fifth time.
They would always melt back into the crowd like fog in the sunlight when Liam was on his way back. It made for an interesting night.
Kris had come over at one point to tell me that I was the talk of the club. One of the few humans there and looking positively gorgeous. I couldn’t help but laugh at that, but Kris told me it was the truth so I just shrugged and kept laughing. I was apparently doing something right.
Kris and Troy eventually came back to sit with Liam and I, having danced off their stress and worry, apparently. Troy and Liam even seemed to have forgotten their mutual dislike of each other, they were sharing stories and laughing instead of trying to one up each other.