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Hunter's Find

Page 20

by June Kramin

  She really loved Gerard and spent more than her share of time worrying if it came down to her or him, would she really be able to put him behind bars or worse…pull the trigger. Mandy spent many days hoping it would never come to that.

  When their workday ended, they truly were like any other married couple. Mandy quickly became close to Gerard’s sister Sue and her daughter, Darci. When Gerard didn’t have a fancy night out planned, they often went over so Mandy could play with the two-year-old fireball.

  She grew more attached to the child than she ever planned and again second-guessed this whole situation. After things went down, she would be exposed as an agent and never again let into Darci’s life. Mandy couldn’t bear the thought of that. These people were becoming family and any way she sliced it, it was a mess. As the days passed, Mandy grew increasingly confused as to exactly who she was. Amanda Smith, FBI agent extraordinaire or Mandy Teluso, mob lawyer wife and hired thug for the son of the infamous Vince Menusco. She became so good at it, sometimes she even forgot which part was the act.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Not too unlike her occasional nights with the toddler, Mandy spent her days playing glorified babysitter for Angelo. Babysitting was her closest comparison to the job she held. He was in his early twenties but still behaved like a teenager.

  Mandy reported to Vince’s office the day after she had her talk with Abbey. The day she claimed to need to go shopping. She walked in and Vince gave her a good once over. She wore a tight black skirt and heels. Her white blouse gave little away to the imagination as far as what her bra held. She had a black blazer on as well. Vince’s smile showed he approved.

  “I like how you clean up,” Vince said.

  “Make no mistake. I can still kick in this skirt well enough to break someone’s nose.”

  “You do have me intrigued, Amanda. You a black belt or something?”

  “Maybe. Street fighting is more my forte though.”

  “Street fighting? You don’t look the school bully type.”

  “Maybe I grew up in a rough neighborhood.” Her tone was flat. She made sure she gave nothing away.

  He opened up his desk drawer and pulled out a small handgun. Holding it up, he waved it motioning for her to come over.

  Mandy walked over and took it from him. She was afraid to appear too knowledgeable, but wanted to let him know she did know how to use a gun. She released the magazine and examined it, then placed it back and set the safety.

  “I’m more of a revolver kind of gal.”

  “I can arrange that. So…you do know your way around guns.”

  “I can shoot the balls off an oaf at two blocks.”

  Vince snickered. “So you weren’t as afraid as you appeared the other night.”

  “Shocked, not afraid. I was only an innocent store clerk, remember?”

  “Not so innocent as you appear.”

  “Most people’s lives aren’t as simple as they appear.”

  “Jail time?”


  Vince grinned. “I’m really not sure why it is my son wants you.” He eyed her up and down again. “Then again, maybe I am.”

  Mandy caught what his look insinuated. “I’m not here to be his toy.”

  “Nor do I want you to be. The boy needs guidance.”

  “I’m not a fucking school teacher or babysitter, Vince.” She turned and walked toward his office door.

  “Wait,” he shouted. She stopped and turned around. “Come back and sit down.” She did as she as asked.

  After Mandy was settled, she spoke up. “Look…I have to admit. This is creeping me out. I was just a clerk and you know I’m capable of more, but maybe that’s all I want to be right now. Sure, I put on a tough act, but I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “My son doesn’t believe he needs a bodyguard, but I say otherwise.”

  “Bodyguard? You want me to be his bodyguard?”

  “You’re not the only one but yes, a bodyguard in every sense of the word. I can’t send him alone on his…meetings. And as you witnessed two nights ago, there are men out there that he…shall we say, doesn’t play nicely with.”

  “Excuse my ignorance, but you don’t know me from Adam. What makes you think I’ll take a bullet for your son?”

  “I have two grand a week that says you will.”

  “Two grand a week? Who the hell do I need to kill for that?”

  “Hopefully no one. Unless provoked.”

  “And when I am?”

  “That’s when your husband comes in handy.”

  Feeling the conversation now called for some pacing, Mandy stood and walked to the window. When she reached it, Angelo walked in. She spun around as his jaw dropped at the sight of her.

  “Pick up your chin, kid,” she said as she crossed her arms. “Your father and I are negotiating.”

  “Negotiating?” Angelo said as he turned to his father. “I want her.”

  “Just because she knows a little judo bullshit and takes out a couple of young punks doesn’t mean she’s good enough to take care of you, Angelo.”

  “I don’t need taking care of, dammit. I’ve been trying to tell you this for years. If you’re going to insist I have a fucking babysitter, at least give me the one with a personality.”

  “She’s a woman, for crying out loud. You think when push comes to shove she can take it?”

  Mandy walked over and interrupted. “A woman? Bring in your best goon, Vince, and let’s see who gets the job done.”

  As if on cue, one walked through the door. He was almost too stereotypical of the word ‘goon’. He was tall, over-muscled, and appeared to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic. It was obvious his nose had been broken more than once. Amanda had seen him around. His name was Bennett.

  “You wanted to see me, boss?” he said with a cheek full of chewing tobacco. He had a mouthful every time Mandy ran into him, but she wasn’t sure whether to blame his slurred speech on that or his lack of education. She imagined it peaked somewhere around eighth grade.

  “Right on time, Bennett. We were just discussing you.” He turned to Angelo. “If your mother were here, she’d have my hide for hiring her.”

  “Well Mom’s not here. Is she?”

  Vince let out a long sign. “I could never tell either one of you no.”

  “Give her a chance. No offense, Bennett, but you’re fired.”

  “Fired?” he looked at Vince confused.

  “Reassigned,” Vince said to him. He turned back to his son. “Get out of here. You have business to conduct. Take your new toy with you.”

  Mandy gave him a glare, but figured she shouldn’t push it too much. Vince liked a little bit of a fight, but she was sure having someone “off her” if she pushed it too far wasn’t beyond him either.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  True to his young-adult manhood, Angelo made an advance on Mandy in the limo on that very first day.

  “Your father hired me to keep an eye on you, Angelo. Don’t complicate things.”

  “What’s to complicate? You’re to do as I say.”

  “I go where you want to go and get you out alive. I’m not paid to be your whore.”

  “You’re paid better than a whore. I should get the full service treatment here.” He ran his hand up her thigh and she promptly grasped it and had it twisted behind his back before he could blink.

  “That will be the last time you touch me. Capiche?”

  He mumbled out a yes. She let go and he rubbed his shoulder. “I got you this job.”

  “I got me this job kicking the shit out of men you couldn’t. Now stop acting like a spoiled brat and let’s stick to business.”

  “You going to tell Gerard?”

  “Why? So he can kill you? That would put me out of a job and a husband after your dad has him killed for killing you. Let’s keep this between us. But if you try anything like that again, it’s not my husband you’ll be worrying about.”

  Mandy wr
ote it off as more of a test than anything else. She knew enough to know to watch her back and her mouth. You didn’t do or say anything that you didn’t want to get back to the boss.

  The limo came to a stop in twenty minutes. Angelo went to get out and Mandy stopped him. “I’ll get out first.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Look. Get rid of the attitude, will you? You made a pass, it’s out of your system, now let’s move on.”

  “Just hang back and let me work.”

  She held him by the arm again. “What is your problem? I thought you wanted me with you?”

  “I didn’t want that dick Bennett on my ass anymore.”

  “So you pulled me out of the thin air begging daddy for a broad instead, hoping to bang her in between jobs?”

  Angelo slumped back in the seat. “No. I’m sorry. That wasn’t my intention.”

  “Then get over yourself.” Mandy was worried she had been a little harsh. She placed her hand on his. “Look. I don’t imagine there are too many women in this line of work.”

  “You have that right.”

  “But there will be a benefit to that.”

  “If this were high school, I’d be picked on for having a nanny.”

  “But this isn’t high school, and I refuse to play the part of your whore. I’m not going to wait in the car while you do what you need to do. I intend to do my job.”

  “I don’t know what you are going to expect for any kind of respect. I’m not taking you for mall outings. These guys mean business.”

  “And I fully expect to get my hands dirty.”

  “Do you have an idea what you’re getting into?”

  “I have an idea.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Angelo opened up the door and they climbed out.

  Mandy held herself tall and proud as she walked beside him. She refused to let him get a pace ahead of her. She had to establish herself and she had to do it immediately.

  They walked through the empty warehouse and into a back office. It was smoke filled and smelled of both cigars and cigarettes. Everyone was silent as she and Angelo walked through the door. One man reached for his gun. She knew him from photos. He was William Dougherty. “Willy the Face” was his street name. He had either acquired the name because he was strikingly handsome or because of the scar on the length of his left cheek.

  “Knock it off, Face. She’s cool.”

  Willy eyed her up and down. “Cool? I’d say she’s downright hot. Daddy buy you a new toy?”

  “Strictly professional.”

  “New nanny?”

  “Screw you. You and her in a ring? You don’t want to guess who my money would be on.”

  “Bullshit.” A cough followed the outburst from a man that stood closest to Mandy. He took a step toward her and reached up with his hand like he was going to brush her breast with the back of it. Before he even blinked, Mandy had his hand behind his back then had him flat on the floor with her knee pressed in it.

  All the other men laughed. Mandy held her hand out to shut them up. “This will be the last time I need to tell you boys how serious I am.” She shoved off of the man and stood back up, taking her place by Angelo’s side.

  Willy stood up and approached Mandy. “You handle a gun like you do an arm?”

  She removed the revolver from the back of her skirt band and shot an old dusty bowling trophy that was sitting on an even older file cabinet in the corner.

  Two of the men pulled their guns and held them at her. It was Willy’s turn to hold up his hands in protest. “Cool it. She’s all right.” He reached out and took her hand, then greeted her with a kiss to each cheek. “Welcome to the family. You have a name?”


  He addressed the men. “Beat it. All of you.” The four men left, not without giving Mandy a good once over. This was a little more than the low-cut blouse glance she received when she walked in. This was with a respectful nod. Except for the last man. The one she had pinned on the floor. His face was slightly crimson and he wouldn’t look her way.

  “I want no grief on her, Gunner. You understand me?”

  He nodded as he pulled the door shut behind him.

  Once the door closed, Willy leaned back on the desk. “I got no problem with the broad. You here to deal or what?”

  Mandy was worried at first that her position with Angelo wouldn’t allow her to see as much as she needed to build an effective case against Vince Menusco. She was proven wrong almost immediately. The money laundering and drug dealing that went on daily at Angelo’s regular stops would be enough to incriminate him. The “family business” ran like a finely oiled machine. Angelo had business lunches daily and was well respected for his age.

  Word spread about Mandy like wildfire. Somewhere along the line, rumors of her breaking a finger or two milled in with the truths. She didn’t put it past herself to do it if she had to. Despite having to keep a “tough bitch” persona, things really ran smoothly from her standpoint.

  She was sure Angelo’s tomcat reputation rang true on his nights out, but that was when he was someone else’s problem. Going home and getting to play housewife to Gerard was her time. Technically she was still on FBI time, but Gerard never talked about work. That worked out great for her. She couldn’t have a case on him if he didn’t talk. He would ask about her day, but she usually shrugged it off. “I didn’t have to kill anyone. It was a good day.”

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  As the weeks passed, Amanda found herself getting close to Angelo. She was having second thoughts about this particular assignment, as if she didn’t already worry about things enough. With the time she and Angelo shared together, it was hard to not start to feel “motherly” toward him, despite their ages not being that far apart. She knew that was only going to create problems within the FBI worse than her being married to Gerard. In him, she saw a misguided boy, not a future mob boss.

  It wasn’t hard for her to see past what he did and still find the “good kid” that was in there somewhere. Being who he was commanded respect. That left very little ‘dirty work’ directly placed in his hands. Again Mandy found herself convincing herself of what she wanted to believe. This was not good.

  She was told the story of Angelo’s mother early on from Gerard. She had died of cancer when he was nine and he had never gotten over it. He tried to hold up a tough exterior, but Mandy saw right through it. His father didn’t try to make up for the missing parent. The extent of his consoling was saying, “Suck it up. You’re a man. People we love tend to die in this business. You’re lucky she went under a doctor’s care and in very little pain.”

  “All my dad’s money couldn’t do shit for her.” Angelo all but cried in his drink. He had gone missing one night. After a search of every possible bar, he was found where he wasn’t expected; her apartment.

  “I know today is the anniversary of her death, Angelo. I’m sorry, but you can’t stay here.”

  “It was payback. I know it was. For the evil my dad has done. God took it out on my mom to punish him.”

  “I really think if there is a God, he wouldn’t run things that way.”

  “What do you mean, ‘If there is a God’?”

  “I’m just saying that I can’t believe there is some almighty force out there whose job it is to punish us or those we love for wrongs we did. I took a lot of classes that covered the crusades and biblical wars. I’m sickened to think of the deaths that are caused by the hands of man because another man doesn’t believe in the same god as he does. I don’t tend to do the whole organized religion thing.”

  Angelo pulled out his cross pendant that was tucked into his shirt and held it up. “I have to believe there is something better after this. I want to know my mom will be at the pearly gates waiting for me when dad crosses the wrong bastard and I take one to the head.”

  “You need to believe what will work for you. Whatever it is that helps you sleep at night.”

  “And what helps y
ou sleep at night, Amanda?” Angelo took a few steps closer to her. She didn’t feel threatened. He was humbled by his sadness, not angry with her or even particularly God at the moment.

  “For starters, the love of a good man. That and the fact that I’m doing my part in my little corner of the world.”

  He laughed out loud. “Doing your part? You work for the mob. What good are you doing to better this godforsaken planet?”

  “I keep you alive for one. There’s good in you, Angelo. Even if you don’t see it, I do. Maybe your generation will find a better way than the path your fathers have led you down.” He could only scoff as he reached for his drink. “I don’t expect you to understand my thoughts on it.” She walked over and took his arm. “We need to get you home. Your father is worried sick.”

  Violently he pulled his arm free, accidently hitting her in the process. It was then that Gerard walked in. He rushed Angelo and the two of them fell through the coffee table, breaking it and knocking Angelo out.

  “What did you do that for?” Mandy screamed.

  “He hit you!”

  “He didn’t mean to. He’s drunk and upset.”

  “Didn’t mean to? Holy shit, Mandy. You are the ultimate enabler.”

  “It was an accident, Gerard. I swear. It’s as much my fault as his. Today is—”

  “The anniversary of his mother’s death. I know. We go through this every year. Just why he came here instead of his usual whores and watering holes is beyond me.”

  “For some odd reason he likes me. That’s why, you asshole.” She went to Angelo’s side and tried to get him up. Gerard gave in and helped her. The two of them laid him on his back on the couch. Mandy covered him with a blanket after making sure he had no damage done. He was probably more passed out than knocked out.


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