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Hunter's Find

Page 23

by June Kramin

  “We need to talk, Dan. Get me out of here. We can figure this out.”

  He fell flat to the floor. Luke walked in and stepped on Dan on his way over to her. “Nice try, sweetheart. Who is going to save you now?”

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  As Luke approached Mandy, a car door slammed. “Goddammit! Great timing, Abbey.”

  “Abbey? Craig is involved in this? I don’t believe you.”

  “Believe it, sweetheart.” He placed his hands on her breasts and smiled wide. “Ohhh…that’s right. I’ll have to come back and sample some of that later.” He brushed her nipples with the back of his hands then left the room.

  After listening to thuds and muffled voices, Craig’s voice was loud and clear. “You what?” Within seconds, he stormed into her room. His face fell to the body on the floor. “Goddammit!” His attention returned to Mandy. “I’m really sorry, Amanda. There could have been an easier way to do this.”

  “Where’s Hunt? What have you done with him and Hannah?”

  “Your daughter is safe with Hunt’s parents.”

  “And Hunt?” she said with a hard swallow.

  “You’re not serious about him, are you? Come on, Amanda. First Gerard, now him? You’re an FBI agent for cryin’ out loud. You had the makings of something good, and you blew it by ending up playing woman.”

  “I could have had both. If the whole damn department wasn’t on the take, this would have worked and you know it. I can’t believe you were behind this.”

  “Really? Because you took your job so seriously? After this case was over then what? Who would you fall for then? The next underdog you’re supposed to watch?”

  “Gerard wasn’t an underdog, and neither is Hunt.”

  “You going to talk sweet about the man you murdered in cold blood?”

  “I went after him because of Darci, but I didn’t expect to kill him. He was going to kill us if I hadn’t.”

  “And you really think you love this sheriff? You’re pathetic. I had great expectations for you, and you really let me down.”

  “Let you down? What were your expectations? To turn crooked like you?”

  “Crooked is such a nasty word. I prefer well paid.”

  “I didn’t think men like you could be bought. I thought you had morals.”

  “And I thought you had nice tits. Now they’re wasted on a baby.” He sat down next to her. “You should have pulled out when I asked you to. You should have left Gerard and walked away from the case like I told you to.”

  “You put me there to get them locked up. Did you think I wouldn’t find anything out?”

  “I thought throwing you in as green as you were would buy me more time. Once you were married, I didn’t think you’d be able to separate your love life from your work. I figured you’d solve things and have to play dumb to me. Act like you didn’t see what you were seeing to protect your husband and Angelo, who you were getting too close to as well. When you wouldn’t, I asked you to walk away. And when you still wouldn’t, well…you had to be removed. Unfortunately, hubby screwed that up, too.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Darci’s death wasn’t because of Lonny. You were the target, Mandy. Gerard was supposed to kill you.”

  Her eyes raced between his, searching for the truth. “You’re lying. He was taking out Lonny.”

  “’Fraid not, doll face. You were the mark. I hated that he took Lonny out in the process. Great lawyer, but lousy shot. I miss Lonny.”

  “So that’s why Lonny always treated me like shit. He knew all along? You’re a pig.”

  “But a rich pig.”

  “Where’s Hunt?”

  “Closer than you think. Now rest up, sweetness. I have a hell of a mess to clean up now that the kid blew Dan away.”

  “I see you’re heartbroken over it.”

  “Horribly. I wanted to do it myself.”

  “This is unbelievable. Let Hunt go. I’ll take you to Lonny’s stash. What’s left of it, anyway.”

  “What do you mean ‘what’s left of it’?”

  “I gave some of it to Sue.”

  “Define ‘some of it.’”

  “About half.”

  “Half?” he screamed.

  “You killed her husband and daughter. What did you want me to do? Let her sit around and wait to be killed to keep quiet?”

  “You should have put her in protective custody.”

  “Right. So you could have killed her yourself?”

  “You didn’t doubt me when you were placed in custody, Mandy. Why didn’t you turn her in?”

  “She deserved to make that decision for herself.”

  “Where is she?”

  “I don’t know. I asked her to never let me know. I wouldn’t let her life be at risk.”

  “Now you’re lying.”

  “Why don’t you kill me and find out? You’ll never find her or the rest of the stash.”

  “That pleasure is for Menusco himself.”

  “He’s coming here?”

  “And your little buddy, Angelo.”


  “I don’t think the poor little schmuck ever got over you being a fed. He really liked you. You bone him, too?”

  “Our relationship wasn’t like that. He’s a good kid.”

  Abbey laughed. “For a mobster.”

  “He may be in the family business, but he’s not the ruthless killer his father is. Or you, for that matter.”

  “You can paint a bat, Mandy, but it’s still a blood sucking creature.”

  “They also pick off the pests we’re better off without.”

  “You trying to tell me Angelo only has people killed that need killing?”

  “I’m just saying…oh, forget it. I’m not getting in a morals argument with you. I wouldn’t turn my back if I were you. Especially on Luke.”

  “I’m not stupid.”

  “I beg to differ. You were involved with Vince. You’re as good as dead anyway. He’d just as soon kill me for being a snitch. You think he gives a shit about a couple million bucks? Get real, Abbey.”

  He held her face. “Sweetheart, call me Craig. How many times are we going to go over this?”

  Luke walked in. “Come on. Help me with this body,” he said, kicking Dan’s corpse. “The other one is going to wake up soon, too. I’d rather move him while he’s out.”

  “Who?” Mandy asked. “Hunt? Did you bring him here? Dammit, Abbey! You leave him out of this!”

  “Too late, doll.” They picked up Dan and walked out, leaving Mandy screaming to let Hunt go.

  After the house was quiet, she was left with plenty of time for kicking herself about coming out of protective custody. She never dreamed the missing money of Lonny’s would be traced back to her. She often questioned why Craig was kept from her through her wait for the trial. Was there someone even higher up involved in this? If so, why even bother with putting an agent in the mix in the first place? Was there someone even higher than that that could possibly still be in the dark about the double agent crap going on right under their noses?

  Mandy wanted to cry at the thought of what would happen to Hunt now because of her, but anger still won the battle. There was no doubt she would be killed once Vince showed up, and she hated herself for letting this happen. She was an idiot. She never should have let herself get involved with Gerard. As much as she hated to admit it, what Craig said was right. It was only a dream and she’d behaved like a silly child. There was no way she could have led a normal life out of the mob with anyone involved. She played a terrible hand and was going to pay for it with her life. Not even Angelo could help her now. Not that he would, anyway.

  Her thoughts drifted to Hannah and her tears finally found their way out. Her daughter would be an orphan. She could only hope Hunt’s parents would be good to her. Mandy wished she had prayed before. What the hell. There was no better time to start.

  Chapter Sixty

  After feeling foolish and t
alking to a God she wasn’t sure was listening, her mind once more returned to where she could have gone wrong. Again she beat herself up for what she’d missed.

  The weeks turned into months. A snitch was never brought up again. Mandy finally knew she had enough evidence logged of major drug deals, money laundering, and a place or two where a body was buried that she could send Vince Menusco to jail for good. Not even Gerard could get him out of it.

  She spent many nights wondering if she could convince Gerard to leave the family. Pipe dream as it was, she wanted to tell him who she was and that she could protect him. Of course, he would have to give up evidence and the two of them would be under witness protection or be running for the rest of their lives, but to keep him, she was willing to do that.

  In the back of her mind was the fact that once she told him, it would all be over. He could hate her for what she’d done and want nothing else to do with her. She wouldn’t blame him if it came to that, but she couldn’t bear it either.

  Mandy was surprised when she didn’t have to fake a headache to get out of going with Gerard that night. He said he wanted her to stay home.

  “I don’t like the talk going on out there right now. The streets are kind of getting crazy with the talk of this shipment. Everyone is on edge. I’d really rather you stay home, baby.”

  “Can’t I at least go see Darci?” Talking to Abbey tonight was a must. She had to get out of the house, not being able to trust that they weren’t bugged. She’d been told about this shipment today and needed to get him the information right now. This was what she had been waiting for. Mandy turned on her best begging. “I haven’t seen Darci in a week. She called today wanting me to come over. Broke my heart, hon.”

  He sighed. “You can go. Be careful though. Take the limo. I don’t want you driving yourself. I want you on full guard tonight.”

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “No. It’s a gut feeling. Just for me, baby. Please?”

  She gave him a reassuring kiss. “You know I can take care of myself. But I’ll be careful.”

  As soon as Gerard left, Mandy returned to the mall to make her call. She did it from a different phone this time. You could never be too careful.

  “I don’t like when you have to call me unscheduled like this,” Abbey said. “It worries me.”

  “It couldn’t wait. It’s going down Friday. Call everyone in.”

  “What’s going down Friday?”

  “The mother lode of all mother lode drug shipments, that’s what. Vince will be there. Now is your chance. I have a few more leads and a few bodies that will get him put away for sure.”

  “Will Angelo be there?”

  “No. Vince has him somewhere else.”

  “Maybe we should wait.”

  “What? No way! I don’t have enough on Angelo. It’s not going to matter that he’s not there. Vince is your man. I’m telling you, Abbey. This is it.”

  “I just don’t feel it, Amanda. I know what you have and I’m telling you, we can’t move on this.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “I mean it. Look…just trust me, all right. Now is not the time.”

  “It is the perfect time. What the hell is your problem? This is what you had me here for.”

  Abbey paused for a long time. “I don’t know how to tell you this.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “They’re…uh…pulling the plug on you.”

  “They’re what?” Mandy screamed so loud that a few women passing looked her way. She put on a shy smile. “Darn car repair men trying to rip me off. Sorry.” She returned her attention to the phone. “What do you mean ‘pulling the plug’?”

  “It’s been almost a year, Mandy. The brass doesn’t feel like we’re getting what we need. They have been on my ass about your marriage and don’t feel like when push comes to shove, you’ll pull through.”

  “You know that’s crap! I’ve given you everything you’ve ever asked for. I haven’t kept Gerard clean for personal reasons, he’s just that good. He’s a lawyer for cryin’ out loud!”

  “And Angelo?”

  “What about him?”

  “Come on, Mandy. You’re attached to the kid. You’re not going to turn him in and watch him go to jail.”

  “I would if there were enough on him. I’ve given you more on him than you even had on Vince to start off with, and you didn’t have enough to do an arrest a year ago. This is horseshit and you know it.”

  “Cut your losses and come in. You can decide what to do about your marriage, but I’m telling you. Walk now. If things are getting as heavy as you say, I don’t think you’re safe. Leave. Don’t even pack a bag, don’t even say goodbye. Just leave and leave now. Work out the details with him later.”

  “I’m not giving any of this up, goddammit!”

  “Get here and get safe. We’ll bring Gerard in and you can explain it to him. He can leave the Menuscos and stay with you and we can give him some kind of protection. If he chooses to stay…I can’t make any promises.”

  “You can’t do this to me now, Abbey! I’m telling you—this will put Vince away for good this time. You have to intercept this shipment, if nothing else. You have no idea what this is going to do to the streets. I know at least twenty—”

  Abbey cut her off. “No. You listen to me. Get the hell away from there. You’re done. If you are not at my office in twenty-four hours, you’ll be considered rogue and placed under arrest on sight. This case is over, Mandy. Come in, dammit.”

  “Fuck you, Abbey.” She hung up.

  Mandy was too upset to see Darci, but she had already told Gerard she would be there. She picked up a pretty dress for her at her favorite toddler shop at the mall and had the driver take her to Sue and Lonny’s house. Mandy was less than thrilled to see Lonny home. She’d hoped he was at the meeting with Gerard.

  “Why are you here?” he barked at her.

  “I thought you’d be with Gerard tonight at the meeting. I came to see Darci. She called me the other day.”

  He motioned to the bag she carried. “You have to bring something every time you show up?”

  “I like to.”

  “You’re turning her into a spoiled brat.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Come here,” he said as he pulled her into his office. He looked out to the hall one last time before he closed the door.

  Chapter Sixty-One

  “What gives, Lonny?” Amanda said with a huff. She didn’t appreciate the manhandling.

  “I didn’t know you were showing up.”

  “I don’t usually need an invitation.” She tried to walk away but he stopped her, taking hold of her arm.

  “If I tell you something, you have to promise not to run to your husband about it.”

  “You know I can’t do that. What the hell is going on?”

  He ran his hand down his face in frustration. “Just keep it on the down low. Please? Give me a day. That’s all I’m asking.” She looked at him skeptically. “Sue and Darci’s safety depends on it.”

  “Now you have me worried. What the hell is going on?”

  “I have them packing a bag, Mandy. We’re slipping out of here tonight.”

  “You’re leaving? Are you crazy? You’re going to try to run away with the shipment money?”

  “I’m not stupid. I’m not stealing anything. Things have gotten out of hand...” He nervously glanced around again. “There’s talk again of an informant.”

  “Again? I thought we killed that rumor off long ago.”

  “Well…it’s still there. I’m not sitting around waiting to go to jail. I have a family to think about.”

  Mandy was getting more nervous by the minute. She had to play cool. “How very un-mobster of you, Lonny.”

  “This is no joke. You know Sue doesn’t know anything. I can’t let something happen to them.”

  “I’ll keep quiet. I’ve got your back. I’m all for keeping
them safe; I just hope I can successfully lie to my husband. I haven’t done it before, and I don’t want to start now. But for Sue and Darci, I’ll do it.”

  “Thanks.” Mandy was surprised when he gave her a kiss on the cheek and a big hug. “You know where my safe is. Give me twenty-four hours and tell them I called you and told you where it was. We should be deep enough in Mexico or Canada by then. From there…I don’t know where we’ll go.”

  “It’ll be best if I don’t know anyway. I’m going to miss the hell out of Darci though.”

  “Yeah well, you’d miss her more if she were dead.” Lonny opened the office door and they walked out into the living room. Mandy managed a smile at Darci standing on the couch with her arms spread wide, eager to greet her.

  “Auntie Mandy! You came!” Before Mandy could take a step toward her, the window shattered and Darci fell forward.

  “No!” Mandy screamed and ran to her side. As she ducked down to get Darci, the window shattered again. This time, the bullets found Lonny and he fell backward.

  Sue screamed from the top of the stairs. Mandy hollered for her to get back as she rushed to the window and began returning fire. She had no idea where to shoot; she knew she had to give Sue some cover.

  Mandy screamed. “Get back! Sue, get back!” When the firing ceased, Mandy scooped up Darci and ran up the stairs to join her. A few shots flew in again, but Mandy escaped being hit.

  After Mandy reached the second floor, hysterical tears came from Sue as she clutched her unbreathing daughter. Mandy called Gerard, more than slightly hysterical herself.

  “What do you mean Darci’s been hit? Calm down, baby. Tell me what’s going on!”

  “Darci and Lonny were shot. Someone was outside. I’m afraid to leave Sue and go check.”

  “I told you that something was going down and you should have stayed home! Dammit! Don’t you dare go outside!”

  “Then hurry up!”

  “Give me fifteen minutes. Shoot anyone that walks in there between now and then.”


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