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A Council of Betrayal

Page 2

by Kim Schubert

“Is it supposed to be that large?”

  I laughed again, “Yes, the doctor says she is perfectly healthy.” I waited a moment before asking, “Do you want to go to her next appointment?”

  He sighed, the joy of finding out the child was his now overshadowed by Lorraine and her betrayal, or maybe just her general unpleasant behavior. I found her fucking insufferable.

  “I don’t know. As much as I’d like to see our unborn child, I don’t want to upset Lorraine.”

  “I’ve been at every appointment. Trust me, the bitch is worked up plenty on her own.

  “I’ll think about it. Have you heard from Blake?”

  It was my turn to groan. “I got a thank you note.”

  Logan scoffed, “You’re joking?”

  “I wish I was.”

  “What did it say?”

  “I love you. I’m sorry. Please help me.”

  “You’re joking!” he repeated, shocked.

  I shook my head, looking over at him. “Nope.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Let the fucker lie in the bed he made. His problems are not mine, and I have plenty of my own.”

  He grunted his approval.

  “OLIE!” Tommy called out, banging on the door.

  “It’s open, you banshee!” I called out.

  “I have arrived!” he announced, parading in his Halloween costume. He was going as an executioner.

  “How do I look?” he asked eagerly, twirling around in his ensemble.

  “Do I usually wear that much leather?” I asked, tilting my head.

  “Yes.” They both answered, emphatically, in unison.

  “Fine, but you clearly need more weapons.” I waved a dismissive hand.

  “That’s what I told Grams, but she said my costume was offensive as it was.”

  “I’ll talk to her,” I promised. “Where’s Mindy?”

  He rolled his eyes, coming to sit next to Logan but leaning forward so I could see him.

  “Learning how to hack into the police department.”

  “She’s like eleven!” I scolded.

  “And your point is?” Tommy asked, an eyebrow raised.

  “Shouldn’t she be playing with dolls or something?” I questioned.

  “Not after the shit she went through. She needs a destructive hobby and since she is too young to kill people I thought this would be an acceptable replacement.”

  “How very scientific of you,” Logan commented.

  “I know, right?” Tommy agreed.

  “I should be going. I have to stop at Darren’s before we fly out,” Logan said, standing. Did I imagine his brush over my hand? Probably.

  “He isn’t still trying to come?” I asked, trying to prolong his visit.

  “He is,” Logan answered, slipping his jacket back on.

  “No way. I need Kass and him here to watch Tommy and the army of hackers he is training.” I gave Tommy a playful shove.

  “I’ll be sure to inform him. You flying out with us?” Logan asked, adjusting the collar of his jacket.

  “Yeah, Grams has vetoed my driving to Vegas.”

  “She’s probably worried you wouldn’t show up again.” He lingered at the doorway, his eyes lingering on my own.

  “I was there for a full day. It’s not my fault I had to deal with traffic ... for a week. Besides, what do all those self-important asses do other than make big plans and fail to follow though? I don’t even understand why we have to go.”

  “Careful, Olie. I think Logan is considered one of those self-important asses,” Tommy muttered to me, leaning closer.

  I laughed and Logan did as well. “I’ll see you on the plane,” he said. “Oh, and Tommy, I want a rematch.”

  “Anytime, Logan. Anytime!”

  I slung an arm around Tommy’s shoulders. I meant what I had said: The Conferences were just a glorified dick-measuring contest. The only value was that my defenses and fighting skills were tested.


  I had a full day between Logan’s visit and our flight to Vegas. I decided to take a look at our security cameras, not that I didn’t trust Becky to handle everything. Okay, let’s be real. I have deep-seated trust issues, and something was nagging at my awareness.

  I pulled up Grams’s cameras.

  Yeah, I’m a distrustful bitch. The cameras were everywhere in the house save the bathrooms, but they were set up for our protection. This was not their intended purpose.

  I had been absent for maybe a week and a half. I wanted to see what she was up to.

  I went back two full weeks and started watching. I saw myself come in and out of her office. I watched the kids bound gleefully in, the younger ones going behind her desk to seek her comforting touch.

  The older ones sat across the desk from her. I watched Grams’s body language as she listened to the kids, leaning forward, laughing together with them. She spent time with all of them, never rushing them out.

  Fast forwarding three days later on the videos, I watched Hash walk into Grams’s office. I aggressively hit the play button, wanting to see this visit in real time.

  I sat forward on the edge of my chair, slowing down the feed. Hitting—okay, maybe smashing—a few buttons, I had sound.

  Grams sat behind her desk and indicated to Hash to take a seat.

  “What can I do for you?” she asked sweetly.

  I watched Hash settle into the chair, crossing his legs.

  “I’ve come to speak with you regarding a new position,” Hash stated.

  Grams had the decency to look confused. “Do you need another liaison for the police files?”

  Hash leaned forward. “I want to offer you a position with the human government.”

  Grams laughed, “Why would I want a new position?”

  “Because you are human, you aren’t like these freaks here.”

  Grams’s jaw tightened. “They are not freaks. They are children, children I am charged with protecting.”

  Hash shrugged. “Let’s be honest, if you could have your own wage, your own house, wouldn’t you prefer that?”

  Grams paused, her perfectly polished nails tapping her desk. Hash read her body language perfectly, leaning forward.

  “I can offer you all of that. I can give you a life that is your own. No one’s orders to listen to. No one to dictate how much you spend or on what. You, Mercer and Mindy can build a normal life away from the controversy facing Olivia.”

  Grams was still watching him. “What makes you think I want that?”

  Hash shrugged, and while I couldn’t see his face, I knew he was smiling.

  “Who doesn’t want to control their own destiny? You are tied to Olivia right now, protected only as long as she lives.”

  Grams swallowed. How the fuck did Hash know that? Why the fuck didn’t I know she was worried about that?

  I sunk back in my chair, feeling I had failed her. If she was confident in my skills, as I had always thought she was, Hash couldn’t have touched her.

  Grams’s gaze flicked to the camera I was watching. She wrote something down and slid it over to Hash. He read it, nodding, and tucked it into his pocket before leaving.

  Why wouldn’t she tell me she wanted out? Should I approach her about it? I chewed on my thumbnail. No, I’d let this play out. I couldn’t force her to stay and I wouldn’t.

  I was, however, going shopping. It had been too long since I had seen my favorite troll and her impressive array of weapons.


  I was loading my car up at Myrtle’s, a smile on my lips easing the tightness in my chest at the thought of Grams leaving, when my phone rang.

  “Bloody hell, woman, get your gun toting assets down to The Roasted Onion on 5th! That imbecile just made an escape attempt,” Blue yelled at me.

  The phone went dead at my ear. I was running, sliding to the driver’s door, using the handle to stabilize myself as I wrenched it open. Fucking hell. I was going to kill Lorraine, you know, after she had safely de
livered Logan’s baby.

  I pulled my phone back out hazardously from the pocket I had shoved it in. It took me two tries to get the keys in the ignition and crank the engine. I paused only long enough to dial Logan. Once my SUV picked up the call over its speakers, I tossed the phone and slammed the gas.

  “What’s up, Olie?” Logan answered.

  “The Roasted Onion on 5th, Lorraine, escape attempt,” I barked out.

  “WHAT?” he roared.

  Horns blared as I skidded across an intersection at a speed recommended only for movies.

  “Shit, I’m ten minutes away—“ I yelled at him.

  “I’m shifting.” That ended our call. Ever seen a lion with a phone? Me, either.

  It took me seven minutes, three red lights, and one damaged fender from taking the sidewalk and running into a stop sign.

  I flung myself out of the car, parked in a clearly marked no parking zone. Whatever. They could tow my car, I’d just steal it back later.

  Blue was screaming and I ran to his voice around the corner and down the dirty, smelly ally. I couldn’t believe the bitch, she was not worth it at all.

  A giant lion sideswiped me. “Ouch!” I went down with a grunt, slamming my shoulder on the dirty brick wall.

  “Asshole!” I yelled, flailing in a pile of garbage. Disgusting. Seriously, not worth it.

  I lost track of the lion when he turned a corner. I was hard pressed to match his speed. Barreling around the corner, I slammed into Blue. “She’s got help,” he panted at me.

  “Who?” I growled. Yes, someone I can kill!

  Blue shook his head. “Witch.”

  Fucking witches, I really should have known.

  Logan roared a sound that struck terror into everyone close by. Except for us, as we kept running straight into the lion’s den. Haha, I’m a riot.

  Blue shoved his shoulder against a worn blue door and we both tumbled into the boarded-up shop.

  A terrible wailing had us sprinting around the corner. The witch lay dead, thick slices cutting her body into multiple pieces. Good fucking riddance.

  My gaze shifted to Lorraine and away from Logan, who was shifting back into a naked man.

  “You’re too late,” she wheezed, smiling at me triumphantly, a hand clutched over her stomach. Fear drained the blood from my face.

  “Salt,” I whispered, my eyes darting frantically around the warehouse. “Bring her back to the diner!” I yelled, slamming into the same worn door and breaking it off the hinges. I shielded my pretty face, my feet not slowing. I turned the corner quickly, clobbering my shoulder against the brick wall.

  That was going to leave a mark.

  My feet couldn’t carry me fast enough to save that little, unborn baby girl. I barreled through the glass doors of The Roasted Onion. Diving over patrons, I gathered three glass salt shakers to my chest.

  “Call an ambulance! The pregnant woman just OD’d on drugs!” I bellowed, letting my guards fall and pushing urgent compliance into the room.

  Forks and knives clattered onto tables as multiple people spoke rapidly on the phone. I snagged a glass of water from a table, not giving a damn about the possible germs. I kicked the doors open, my hands full, turned the corner and ran into Logan, still naked, carrying Lorraine.

  I twisted open the salt shakers and dumped all three into the glass, using my fingers to mix the solution.

  “Hold her mouth open!” I yelled, my fear growing with each passing second.

  Logan pulled her jaws open and Lorraine struggled, her teeth leaving bloody imprints in the tender flesh of his fingers. I forced the salt water solution into her mouth and down her throat.

  She tried not to swallow it, but it was either that or drown. Her body made the right decision, and I kept the steady steam down her throat until the entire glass was emptied, chunks of ice falling over both of us.

  I heard the sirens in the distance.

  “Logan, clothing,” I commanded. He looked from me to Lorraine, clearly torn.

  “We got this, mate.” Blue wrapped a hand around Logan’s corded bicep, and I knew he was pushing confidence in our abilities.

  With a nod Logan handed Lorraine over to us, turning to disappear into the alley.

  “I won’t carry her. I won’t be a mother, you can’t make me!” Lorraine rasped between ragged breaths.

  I leaned forward and whispered into her ear, “This child will live Lorraine, your life depends on it. What did you really think would happen if you killed Logan’s child?”

  I pulled back and she vomited all over me.

  I’d have been disgusted if I wasn’t so fucking relieved. My shoulders slumped as I turned her onto her side, her body convulsing with dry heaves.

  The ambulance was music to my ears.

  “How we playing this, luv?” Blue asked softly.

  “Drug overdose. We are her support group,” I whispered.

  “What’s going on?” I heard the voices and pounding feet behind me. I stepped back, letting them next to Lorraine.

  “She took some pills. I don’t know what, but we made her drink salt water and, as you can see, we got her to throw up.” I summarized.

  “How far along?” one of the paramedics asked.

  “Twenty-six and a half weeks,” Blue answered. Dammit, we were both attached to this kid.

  “Alright, let’s get her vitals and move her to the hospital. Is one of you coming with us?”

  “Yes, I will.” Blue moved forward. “Olie, get cleaned up and get Logan.”

  I nodded, watching them wheel her away, hoping I had gotten to her in time. Please, let me have gotten there in time.

  Drawing a ragged breath, I turned, seeing Logan in front of me, wearing the same terrified and helpless expression. Clamping down on my emotions, I pointed him over to my SUV. He nodded, his gaze shifting to where Lorraine was strapped down and being loaded into the ambulance.

  We waited a breath until they pulled away before Logan ventured out, wearing a cardboard box. If it wasn’t such a serious situation, I totally would have teased him about it.

  Getting into the SUV, Logan left the dirty box on the ground.

  “Where do we get you clothing at?” I asked, throwing the vehicle into drive.

  “Go to my place, we both need to clean up.”

  I nodded.


  After the fastest showers ever, Logan was driving us to the hospital.

  “Blue texted, they’re asking questions,” I relayed to Logan as I cringed at wearing Lorraine’s too-tight top and yoga pants.

  “How are we going to explain why we didn’t allow her to get an abortion?” he asked softly.

  “Drugs. She was so distraught that she asked us to help her bring the baby to term cleanly.”

  “What about her medical records?”

  “Our doctor is already on site. She can corroborate that Lorraine has had exceptional medical treatment.”

  “Will she corroborate our drug story?”

  “Only if she wants to live.” I smiled.

  Logan grunted, pulling into a parking place in front of the ER.

  We weaved our way through the busy bodies, not needing to stop for directions, Logan’s nose able to seek out his ex-fiancée and unborn child.

  We crossed the threshold to see Lorraine in restraints on the hospital bed, “That’s her! She is the one who has kept me kidnapped. Please, you have to believe me! I don’t want this baby, but they are forcing it on me.”

  Blue was on the sidelines, arms crossed over his middle.

  The doctor and police officer both turned to us. “I’m Olivia,” I began. “Part of what she is saying is true. This is Logan, the father.”

  The officer turned to Logan, “Can you explain why the mother of your child is making such insane accusations?”

  Logan took a long inhale. “Unfortunately, she is not well. In order to keep both her person and our unborn child safe, we had to place her in a very well monitored environment.”

  That was impressive; he actually didn’t lie.

  “Did you keep her from an abortion?”

  “Only because she asked us to. She knew the lure of the drugs would be so great that she would do anything to get back to them,” I answered. I had zero problems lying.

  “They’re lying!” Lorraine screamed, sobbing. “I don’t want this horrible creature!”

  “I do.” Logan’s rough voice cut right to the heart of the matter.

  I walked forward, kindness in my gaze, and sat next to Lorraine. She pulled and flailed, yelling incoherently.

  I took her restrained hand gently, folding both of mine over hers.

  “It’s okay, Lorraine, we are here now,” I cooed to her as she flung her head violently from side to side. I dumped contentment, peace and gratefulness into her. The bitch could use the latter in huge, heaping amounts.

  Slowly, her wailing calmed. “Easy,” I continued my ministrations. She relented into soft sobbing.

  I looked over at the doctor and the officer before I turned to Blue. “Has her doctor been here yet?”

  “Yes, she is running a second set of tests personally,” Blue responded.

  I nodded.

  The doctor cleared his throat, holding his metal clipboard under his arm. “All our preliminary tests show the baby is doing fine, but we want to keep her for overnight monitoring.”

  “Can we get the restraints off?” I asked.

  Blue pushed off the wall and even Logan fidgeted, looking at me with worry. I’d been tied down before, and it’s not a good feeling. The doctor looked at the officer, who shrugged. “That’s your call, Doc. This seems to have taken care of itself.”

  The doctor turned his gaze back to us. “I suppose we can give it a try.”

  I nodded. “Thank you. We will be leaving Blue and another one of my associates here to help watch over her.”

  “What exactly do you do?” The officer turned to me. Fucking hell, associate was not the right word.

  “I specialize in protection for unique situations, like this, for example.” The officer still watched me closely.

  “I can have my files sent over, for vetting those who will be here,” I added.

  He nodded, fucker was way too attentive for my liking. “I’d appreciate it. Here’s my card.”

  I took it. I was stomping down very hard on my urge to sneer.


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